Distributed State Reconstruction for Discrete Event Systems

Eric Fabre, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard,
Laurie Ricker, Mark Smith

We consider a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) obtained by the parallel composition of several subsystems. Each subsystem can be seen as a standard stochastic DEDS. The composed system is provided with true concurrency semantics that emphasize concurrent behaviors of the subsystems. For these semantics, a trajectory appears as a partial order of events. For simplicity, we focus on the case of a global system composed of only two subsystems. We assume that firings in each subsystem are collected by a local sensor, which yields a sequence of transition labels (or events). The objective is to recover the most likely global trajectory of the system from the two (asynchronous) sequences of observations. This is an almost standard hidden state estimation problem, amenable to the clasical Viterbi algorithm. We propose a solution in which this global trajectory is built recursively by two asynchronously cooperating ``players,'' each one being in charge of one subsystem. These two players run local Viterbi algorithms based on local states of the subsystems, plus some coordination information. This supervising architecture is particularly suited to large modular systems and is currently being applied to the distributed monitoring (and fault diagnosis) of telecommunication networks.

This work is partially supported by RNRT (National Research Network in Telecommunication) through the  MAGDA  project (Modelling and Learning for a Distributed Management of Alarms).

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