INRIA Research Director Executive officer of the research Alliance ALLISTENE INRIASOFT Project leader
for INRIA Foundation Honorary President of Rennes-Atalante Science Park Email: Claude.Labit (at)
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Claude Labit was graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, in 1979, and received the Ph-D degree in Computer Science from the University of Rennes1, France, in 1982. Since 1982, he has been INRIA researcher, at Irisa/INRIA-Rennes and is currently INRIA Research Director at INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre.
In 1984 and until 1997, he created and animated the research project-team TEMIS, mostly involved in digital image processing, image synthesis, vision for robotics and image communication. He received the degree "Doctorat d'Etat" in 1988 for his research activities in image compression and video coding. He supervised about thirth PH-D thesis and published a hundred or so publications in international journals and conferences; in particular, in 1994, a tutorial book, with G. Tziritas (Forth-ICS) about motion analysis for image sequence coding.
In 1997, he created a new research project-team TEMICS ( lead afterwards by C. Guillemot) including activities about video object descriptions and coding, videocommunication on mobile links or IP networks, joint source-channel approaches.
From March 1999 to June 2007, he was director of the INRIA research center of Rennes and of IRISA(Institut de recherches en Informatique et Systèmes aléatoires), a joint research center between CNRS, ENS-Cachan, INSA-Rennes and University of Rennes-1.
Since 2012, he was member of the INRIA SIROCCO research project-team at INRIA-Rennes/IrisaIn 2008-2009, C. Labit is scientific adviser of INRIA's Research Department in charge of the relationships with ANR and the scientific coordination for two scientific ANR programs with SUPCOR unit ("Support Services for Collaborative Research Initiatives").
Between May 2008 and April 2016, he was elected to the scientific board at the University of Rennes1 and was vice-president of this university for Research and Innovation.
He was member of several scientific boards (Institut TELECOM, ENS Cachan, "La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie" ) and is presently member of different governance commissions and institutions ( Scientif board of Rennes2 University, UEB, IRT Bcom, ENSAI, Espace des Sciences de Rennes, ....)
Between Avril
2007 and March 2016, he was president of the Rennes-Atalante
Science Park and the regional SME incubator Emergys. He is currently honorary president of this institution.
His major research interests are concerned with image sequence analysis and coding: 2D motion analysis, motion compensation coding, hybrid spatio-temporal and frequential compression schemes. 2D/3D motion-based video object segmentation and description, augmented reality, MPEG standardization context.
He was supervisor of about 30 Ph-D thesis, author of more than 80 scientific publications in image communication journals or international conferences, reviewer for image processing journals, member of scientific program or steering committees of national and international conferences.
He participated to several european R&D projects (Race, Cost, Eureka, Esprit and IST european programs). He was co-leader of the TMR network Manadix involved in image communication. He was expert and contributor in the national RNRT (Réseau national de recherches en Télécommunications) and member of the Organizing Committee of the RIAM network (Réseau d'innovation en Audiovisuel et Multimédia). During several years, he was member and chairman af the evaluation committee of the program "Audiovisuel et Multimedia" and "CONTINT" (Contenus & Interactions) from the National Agency for Research (ANR).
More recently, in the context of SIROCCO research project-team at INRIA-Rennes/Irisa, his research activities have mostly focused on image compression and coding techniques applied to several renewed image modalities such as medical or satellite imagery, exploring near lossless coding techniques or sparse representations to improve the efficiency of scalable coders.