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Democratic kernels

This project page is devoted to the method described in our CVPR‘2014 paper:

  author       = "Herv\'e J\'egou and Andrew Zisserman",
  title        = "Triangulation embedding and democratic aggregation for image search",
  booktitle    = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision \& Pattern Recognition",
  month        = "jun",
  year         = "2014"

The paper and its appendices can be downloaded here,

The Matlab implementation of our methods is available here.

The corresponding data (SIFT descriptors) is available here.


This package was written by Herve Jegou, June 2014.
Copyright (C) INRIA 2014.
This version is provided for research purposes only, without any support/guarantee.

The package makes use of Mex-files.
It has been tested on Linux and MacOS.
We will not provide a Windows version.