Małgorzata Biernacka, Dariusz Biernacki, Sergueï Lenglet, Piotr Polesiuk, Damien Pous, and Alan Schmitt. Fully Abstract Encodings of λ-Calculus in HOcore through Abstract Machines. Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 20, Issue 3, July 2024. [ bib | http ]

Guillaume Ambal, Sergueï Lenglet, and Alan Schmitt. HOπ in Coq. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2020. [ bib | hal | .pdf ]

Pierre Genevès, Nils Gesbert, Nabil Layaïda, and Alan Schmitt. Efficiently Deciding μ-calculus with Converse over Finite Trees. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 16(2), 2015. [ bib | hal ]

Sergueï Lenglet, Alan Schmitt, and Jean-Bernard Stefani. Characterizing Contextual Equivalence in Calculi with Passivation. Information and Computation, 209(11):1390--1433, November 2011. Extended abstract in FOSSACS, 2009, and CONCUR, 2009. [ bib | full version ]

Ivan Lanese, Jorge A Pérez, Davide Sangiorgi, and Alan Schmitt. On the Expressiveness and Decidability of Higher-Order Process Calculi. Information and Computation, 209(2):198--226, February 2011. Extended abstract in Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2008. Coq formalization available at [ bib | full version ]

J. Nathan Foster, Michael B. Greenwald, Christian Kirkegaard, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Alan Schmitt. Exploiting Schemas in Data Synchronization. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 73(4):669--689, June 2007. Extended abstract in Database Programming Languages (DBPL) 2005. [ bib | tech report | short version | full version | slides ]

J. Nathan Foster, Michael B. Greenwald, Jonathan T. Moore, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Alan Schmitt. Combinators for bidirectional tree transformations: A linguistic approach to the view-update problem. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 29(3):17, May 2007. Extended abstract in Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), 2005. [ bib | electronic appendix | short version | full version | slides ]