Library HOC01Defs

Require Export aux.
Require Import LibEpsilon.

Definition lvar := nat.

Definition chan := nat.

Inductive process : Set :=
 | Send : chanprocessprocess
 | Receive : chanlvarprocessprocess
 | Lvar : lvarprocess
 | Gvar : varprocess
 | Par : processprocessprocess
 | Nil : process.

Definition height_fun : Type :=

Fixpoint LV (p:process) :=
  match p with
    | Send _ p ⇒ (LV p)
    | Receive _ x p(LV p) \- \{x}
    | Lvar x\{x}
    | Gvar _\{}
    | Par p q(LV p) \u (LV q)
    | Nil\{}

Fixpoint GV (p:process) :=
  match p with
    | Send _ p ⇒ (GV p)
    | Receive _ _ p ⇒ (GV p)
    | Lvar _\{}
    | Gvar X\{X}
    | Par p q(GV p) \u (GV q)
    | Nil\{}

Definition closed_process (p:process) : Prop :=
  (GV p) = \{}.

Fixpoint closed_proc_list (lr: list process) : Prop :=
  match lr with
    | nilTrue
    | x :: xsclosed_process x closed_proc_list xs

Fixpoint gvar_list (l: list var) : list process :=
  match l with
    | nilnil
    | X :: l(Gvar X) :: (gvar_list l)

Notation "^ xs" := (gvar_list xs) (at level 60).

Fixpoint size (p:process) : nat :=
  match p with
    | Send _ pS (size p)
    | Receive _ _ pS (size p)
    | Lvar _ ⇒ 1
    | Gvar _ ⇒ 1
    | Par p qS ((size p) + (size q))
    | Nil ⇒ 0

Fixpoint sizeP (p:process) : nat :=
  match p with
    | Send _ psizeP p + 1
    | Receive _ _ psizeP p + 1
    | Lvar _ ⇒ 1
    | Gvar _ ⇒ 1
    | Par p q(sizeP p) + (sizeP q)
    | Nil ⇒ 0

Fixpoint sizeX (X:var) (p:process) : nat :=
  match p with
    | Send _ p ⇒ (sizeX X p)
    | Receive _ _ p ⇒ (sizeX X p)
    | Lvar _ ⇒ 0
    | Gvar Yifb (X=Y) then 1 else 0
    | Par p q(sizeX X p) + (sizeX X q)
    | Nil ⇒ 0

Fixpoint sizeCh (m:chan) (p:process) : nat :=
  match p with
    | Send a pifb (a=m) then 1 + sizeCh m p else sizeCh m p
    | Receive a _ pifb (a=m) then 1 + sizeCh m p else sizeCh m p
    | Lvar _ ⇒ 0
    | Gvar _ ⇒ 0
    | Par p q(sizeCh m p) + (sizeCh m q)
    | Nil ⇒ 0

Definition fresh_gvar (p:process) (X:var) : Prop :=
  X \notin (GV p).

Notation "X # p" := (fresh_gvar p X) (at level 60).

Fixpoint fresh_gvar_dec (p:process) (X:var) : bool :=
  match p with
    | Send _ pfresh_gvar_dec p X
    | Receive _ _ pfresh_gvar_dec p X
    | Lvar _true
    | Gvar Yifb (X=Y) then false else true
    | Par p q(fresh_gvar_dec p X) && (fresh_gvar_dec q X)
    | Niltrue

Instance fresh_gvar_decidable :
   (p:process) (X:var), Decidable (X # p).
  applys¬ decidable_make (fresh_gvar_dec p X).
  unfolds fresh_gvar.
  induction p; simpls¬.
    symmetry. applys¬ isTrue_true.
    cases_if; symmetry.
      substs. applys× isTrue_false. intro H. notin_false.
      applys× isTrue_true.
    rewrite IHp1,IHp2; repeat rewrites isTrue_def.
    repeat cases_if¬.
      false¬ H1.
  symmetry. applys¬ isTrue_true.

Definition fresh_lvar (p:process) (x:lvar) : Prop :=
  x \notin (LV p).

Notation "x ## p" := (fresh_lvar p x) (at level 60).

Fixpoint fresh_lvar_dec (p:process) (x:lvar) : bool :=
  match p with
    | Send _ pfresh_lvar_dec p x
    | Receive _ y pifb (x=y) then true else fresh_lvar_dec p x
    | Lvar yifb (x=y) then false else true
    | Gvar _true
    | Par p q(fresh_lvar_dec p x) && (fresh_lvar_dec q x)
    | Niltrue

Instance fresh_lvar_decidable :
   (p:process) (x:lvar), Decidable (x ## p).
  applys¬ decidable_make (fresh_lvar_dec p x).
  unfolds fresh_lvar.
  induction p; simpls~; unfolds notin; rew_logic in *; symmetry.
      applys¬ isTrue_true. rewrite in_remove. rew_logic.
      right. rewrite e. unfolds notin. rew_logic. rewrite¬ in_singleton.
      rewrite isTrue_def. cases_if; symmetry.
        rewrite IHp. applys¬ isTrue_true. introv . apply H. rewrite in_remove. split¬.
          rewrite¬ notin_singleton.
        rewrite IHp. applys¬ isTrue_false. unfolds notin. rew_logic in ×. rewrite× in_remove in H.
      apply isTrue_false. rew_logic. rewrite¬ in_singleton.
      apply isTrue_true. rewrite¬ in_singleton.
    applys isTrue_true. apply notin_empty.
  rewrite IHp1,IHp2. repeat rewrites isTrue_def.
    repeat cases_if; rewrite in_union in H; rew_logic in H; destruct H; auto; try false.
  apply isTrue_true. apply notin_empty.

Lemma ex_fresh_gvar :
   p, X, X#p.
   (proj1_sig (var_fresh (GV p))).
  apply (proj2_sig (var_fresh (GV p))).

Fixpoint GV_set (ps: list process) :=
  match ps with
    | nil\{}
    | (p :: ps) ⇒ (GV p) \u (GV_set ps)

Lemma fresh_set:
   X ps,
    X \notin (GV_set ps)Forall (fun pX#p) ps.
  inductions ps; simpls~; introv H.
    apply Forall_nil.
    apply Forall_cons.
      apply notin_union in H. apply H.
      apply notin_union in H. apply IHps. apply H.

Lemma find_fresh :
   (ps: list process), X, Forall (fun pX#p) ps.
   (var_gen (GV_set ps)).
  lets K: var_gen_spec (GV_set ps). applys¬ fresh_set.

Fixpoint CHS (p:process) :=
  match p with
    | Send a p\{a} \u (CHS p)
    | Receive a _ p\{a} \u (CHS p)
    | Lvar _\{}
    | Gvar _\{}
    | Par p q(CHS p) \u (CHS q)
    | Nil\{}

Definition fresh_chan (p:process) (a:chan) : Prop := a \notin (CHS p).

Notation "a ### p" := (fresh_chan p a) (at level 60).

Fixpoint fresh_chan_dec (p:process) (m:chan) : bool :=
  match p with
    | Send a pifb (a=m) then false else fresh_chan_dec p m
    | Receive a _ pifb (a=m) then false else fresh_chan_dec p m
    | Lvar _true
    | Gvar _true
    | Par p q(fresh_chan_dec p m) && (fresh_chan_dec q m)
    | Niltrue

Instance fresh_chan_decidable :
   (p:process) (m:chan), Decidable (m ### p).
  applys¬ decidable_make (fresh_chan_dec p m).
  unfolds fresh_chan.
  induction p; simpls~; unfolds notin; rew_logic in *; symmetry.
      applys¬ isTrue_false. rewrite in_union. rew_logic.
        left. rewrite¬ in_singleton.
      rewrite isTrue_def in ×. cases_if; cases_if~; symmetry.
        rewrite in_union in H. rew_logic in H. false¬ H.
        rewrite in_union in H. rewrite in_singleton in H. destruct H; false.
      rewrite isTrue_def in ×. cases_if; cases_if~; symmetry.
        rewrite in_union in H. rew_logic in H. rewrite in_singleton in H. destruct H. congruence.
        cases_if¬. rewrite in_union in H. rew_logic in H. false¬ H.
        cases_if¬. rewrite in_union in H. rewrite in_singleton in H. destruct H; false.
      rewrite isTrue_def. cases_if¬. rewrite in_empty in H. false.
      rewrite isTrue_def. cases_if¬. rewrite in_empty in H. false.
  rewrite IHp1,IHp2. repeat rewrites isTrue_def.
    repeat cases_if; rewrite in_union in H; rew_logic in H; destruct H; auto; try false.
  apply isTrue_true. apply notin_empty.

Definition chan_gen_list (l : list nat) :=
  1 + fold_right plus O l.

Lemma chan_gen_list_spec :
   n l,
    n \in from_list ln < chan_gen_list l.
  unfold chan_gen_list. induction l; introv I.
  rewrite from_list_nil in I. false (in_empty_elim I).
  rewrite from_list_cons in I. rew_list.
   rewrite in_union in I. destruct I as [H|H].
     rewrite in_singleton in H. subst. nat_math.
     specializes IHl H. nat_math.

Definition chan_gen (E : fset chan) : chan :=
  chan_gen_list (epsilon (fun lE = from_list l)).

Lemma chan_gen_spec :
   E, (chan_gen E) \notin E.
  intros. unfold chan_gen. spec_epsilon as l.
  applys fset_finite. rewrite Hl. introv H.
  forwards M: chan_gen_list_spec H. nat_math.

Fixpoint CHSs (ps : list process) : fset chan :=
  match ps with
    | nil\{}
    | cons p ps´(CHS p) \u (CHSs ps´)

Lemma fresh_CHSs:
   m ps,
    m \notin (CHSs ps)Forall (fun pm###p) ps.
  inductions ps; simpls~; introv H.
    apply Forall_nil.
    apply Forall_cons.
      apply notin_union in H. apply H.
      apply notin_union in H. apply IHps. apply H.

Lemma find_fresh_chan :
   (ps: list process),
     m, Forall (fun pm###p) ps.
   (chan_gen (CHSs ps)).
  forwards M : chan_gen_spec (CHSs ps). applys¬ fresh_CHSs.

Lemma find_fresh_chan_n :
   (n : nat) (ps : list process) (ms : list chan),
     (fms : list chan),
      length fms = n
      noDup fms
      ( m, Mem m fmsForall (fun pm###p) ps)
      ( m, Mem m fmsForall ( m) ms).
  inductions n; introv.
     (@nil chan); splits~; try constructor; introv Hm; rewrite× Mem_nil_eq in Hm.
    specialize (IHn ps ms).
    destruct IHn as (fms´ & Hl & Hnd & Hfp & Hfm).
    set ( := chan_gen (CHSs ps \u from_list ms \u from_list fms´)).
    forwards M : chan_gen_spec (CHSs ps \u from_list ms \u from_list fms´); fold in M.
    unfold notin in M; repeat rewrite in_union in M; rew_logic in M; destruct M as (H1 & H2 & H3).
     ( :: fms´); splits.
      rew_length; auto.
      simpl; splits~; rewrite¬ <- from_list_spec.
      introv Hm; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
      apply¬ fresh_CHSs.
      introv Hm; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
      rewrite <- Forall_Mem; introv Hm; rewrite <- from_list_spec in Hm.
      intro Heq; substs¬.

Fixpoint subst (p:process) (X:var) (q:process) : process :=
  match q with
    | Send a qSend a (subst p X q)
    | Receive a x qReceive a x (subst p X q)
    | Lvar _q
    | Gvar Yifb (X=Y) then p else q
    | Par q1 q2 ⇒ (Par (subst p X q1) (subst p X q2))
    | NilNil

Notation "[ p // X ] q" := (subst p X q) (at level 60).

Fixpoint lsubst (p:process) (x:lvar) (q:process) : process :=
  match q with
    | Send a qSend a (lsubst p x q)
    | Receive a y ifb (x=y) then q else Receive a y (lsubst p x )
    | Lvar yifb (x=y) then p else q
    | Gvar _q
    | Par q1 q2 ⇒ (Par (lsubst p x q1) (lsubst p x q2))
    | NilNil

Notation "[ p /// x ] q" := (lsubst p x q) (at level 60).

Definition swap_gvar (X Y : var) : var :=
  ifb (X=Y) then else ifb (=Y) then X else Y.

Fixpoint swap (X :var) (p:process) :=
  match p with
    | Send a pSend a (swap X p)
    | Receive a x pReceive a x (swap X p)
    | Lvar _p
    | Gvar YGvar (swap_gvar X Y)
    | Par p qPar (swap X p) (swap X q)
    | NilNil

Notation "{{ X , X´ }} Y " := (swap_gvar X Y) (at level 60).
Notation "{{[ X , X´ ]}} p " := (swap X p) (at level 60).

Definition swap_name (a b c:chan) : chan :=
  ifb (a=c) then b else ifb (b=c) then a else c.

Fixpoint swap_chan (m n:chan) (p:process) :=
  match p with
    | Send a pSend (swap_name m n a) (swap_chan m n p)
    | Receive a x pReceive (swap_name m n a) x (swap_chan m n p)
    | Lvar _p
    | Gvar _p
    | Par p qPar (swap_chan m n p) (swap_chan m n q)
    | NilNil

Notation "{{| m , n |}} a " := (swap_name m n a) (at level 60).
Notation " | m , n | p " := (swap_chan m n p) (at level 60).

Definition Abs (f:height_fun) (a:chan) (X:var) (p:process) :=
  Receive a (f X p) ([Lvar (f X p)//X]p).

Fixpoint prod (l : list process) :=
  match l with
    | nilNil
    | h :: tPar h (prod t)

Fixpoint repeat {X : Type} (x : X) (n : nat) :=
  match n with
    | 0 ⇒ nil
    | S nx :: (repeat x n)

Lemma repeat_length :
   {X : Type} (x : X) n, length (repeat x n) = n.
 induction n; simpls¬.
   rew_length; nat_math.

Lemma repeat_from_list_n :
   {X : Type} (x : X) n, from_list (repeat x (S n)) = \{x}.
  induction n; simpls~; rewrite from_list_cons.
    rewrite from_list_nil; rewrites¬ union_empty_r.
    rewrite IHn; rewrites¬ union_same.

Lemma repeat_Mem_in :
   {X : Type} (x y : X) n,
    Mem x (repeat y n) → x = y.
  inductions n; simpls; introv Hm.
    rewrites× Mem_nil_eq in Hm.
    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts× Hm.

Require Import Recdef.

Function process_eq_dec (p : process × process)
                        {measure (fun psize (fst p) + size (snd p)) p} : bool :=
  match fst p, snd p with
    | Send a , Send b ifb (a = b) then (process_eq_dec (, )) else false
    | Receive a x , Receive b y ifb (a = b) then ifb (x = y) then (process_eq_dec (, )) else false else false
    | Lvar x, Lvar yifb (x = y) then true else false
    | Gvar X, Gvar Yifb (X = Y) then true else false
    | Par p1 p2, Par q1 q2andb (process_eq_dec (p1, q1)) (process_eq_dec (p2, q2))
    | Nil, Niltrue
    | _, _false
introv Hfst Hsnd _; rewrite Hfst, Hsnd; simpls; nat_math.
introv Hfst Hsnd _; rewrite Hfst, Hsnd; simpls; nat_math.
introv Hfst Hsnd ; rewrite Hfst, Hsnd; simpls; nat_math.
introv Hfst Hsnd ; rewrite Hfst, Hsnd; simpls; nat_math.

Instance process_eq_decidable :
   (p q : process), Decidable (p = q).
  applys¬ decidable_make (process_eq_dec (p, q)).
  inductions p; destruct q; rewrite process_eq_dec_equation; simpl;
  try cases_if; try subst; try rewrite IHp; try solve [repeat rewrite isTrue_def; repeat cases_if~].
  rewrite IHp1; rewrite IHp2. repeat rewrite isTrue_def; repeat cases_if¬.