Library HOC05WFProcesses

Require Import HOC01Defs.
Require Import HOC02BaseLemmas.
Require Import HOC03CanonicalLemmas.
Require Import HOC04DefLTS.

Definition RelWfP: Type := binary wfprocess.

Fixpoint list_proc (l : list wfprocess) : list process :=
    match l with
      | nilnil
      | cons x xscons (proc x) (list_proc xs)

Lemma wfp_list_proc_len : lp, length (list_proc lp) = length lp.
  induction lp; auto; simpl; rew_length; nat_math.

Fixpoint wfp_pipe (a:chan) (XS: list var) (p : wfprocess) : wfprocess :=
  match XS with
    | nilp
    | X :: XS ⇒ (wfp_Abs a X (wfp_pipe a XS p))

Fixpoint wfp_multisubst (l: list (var×wfprocess)) (p:wfprocess) : wfprocess :=
    match l with
      | nilp
      | cons x xswfp_subst (snd x) (fst x) (wfp_multisubst xs p)

Notation "[ l ] p" := (wfp_multisubst l p) (at level 60).

Definition wfp_swap X Y (p : wfprocess) :=
  mkWfP ({{[X,Y]}}p) (wf_swapping p X Y (wf_cond p)).

Definition wfp_swap_chan m n (p : wfprocess) := mkWfP (|m,n|p) (wf_chan_swap p m n (wf_cond p)).

Definition wfp_prod_repeat (p : wfprocess) n := mkWfP (prod (repeat (proc p) n)) (wf_prod_repeat n p (wf_cond p)).

Fixpoint closed_proc_list_wfp (lr: list wfprocess) : Prop :=
  match lr with
    | nilTrue
    | cons x xsclosed_process (proc x) closed_proc_list_wfp xs

Lemma wfp_cpl_forall: ps, closed_proc_list_wfp ps Forall (fun p : wfprocessclosed_process p) ps.
   intro ps0; induction ps0; simpls.
     split; intro; try (applys¬ Forall_nil || auto).
     split; intro.
       applys× Forall_cons.
       inverts× H.

Lemma wfp_cpl_cpl : ps, closed_proc_list_wfp ps closed_proc_list (list_proc ps).
  induction ps; simpls×.

Lemma wfp_permut_cp_list: rs ps, permut rs ps
  closed_proc_list_wfp rsclosed_proc_list_wfp ps.
  introv Hp Hcp.
  lets H: wfp_cpl_forall.
  apply H. applys Forall_permut.
    applys¬ (H rs).

Lemma wfp_cpl_app_inv: (l1 l2: list wfprocess),
  closed_proc_list_wfp (l1 ++ l2) → closed_proc_list_wfp l1 closed_proc_list_wfp l2.
  introv H. apply wfp_cpl_forall in H. apply Forall_app_inv in H.
  split; applys× wfp_cpl_forall.

Lemma wfp_find_fresh_chan: (ps: list wfprocess), m, Forall (fun p : wfprocessm###p) ps.
  generalize (find_fresh_chan (list_proc ps)).
  intros (m & Hm).
  set (f := (fun p : processm ### p)); fold f in Hm.
  set (g := (fun p : wfprocessf (proc p))).
  assert (g = (fun p : wfprocessm ### p)) by fequals.
  rewrite <- H; unfold g. clear H g.
  induction ps.
    apply Forall_nil.
  inverts Hm; constructor¬.

Lemma wfp_pipe_eq_nil : a p,
  wfp_pipe a nil p = p.
introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_pipe_to_Abs : a y ys p,
 wfp_pipe a (y :: ys) p = wfp_Abs a y (wfp_pipe a ys p).
 introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_multisubst_to_subst : x lx p lp q,
 wfp_multisubst (combine (x :: lx) (p :: lp)) q = wfp_subst p x (wfp_multisubst (combine lx lp) q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_multisubst_to_subst_tail : x lx p lp q, length lx = length lp
 wfp_multisubst (combine (lx & x) (lp & p)) q = (wfp_multisubst (combine lx lp) (wfp_subst p x q)).
  inductions lx; introv Hl; lets Hl´ : Hl; symmetry in Hl; rew_length in Hl; [apply length0 in Hl | apply lengthn in Hl].
    subst; simpls¬.
    destruct Hl as (b & ys´ & Heq); subst; rename ys´ into ys.
    repeat rewrite app_cons; simpl; rewrites¬ IHlx.

Fixpoint wfp_out_proc_list (l : list chan): list wfprocess :=
  match l with
    | nilnil
    | x::xs(wfp_Send x wfp_Nil)::(wfp_out_proc_list xs)

Notation "¬¬ l" := (wfp_out_proc_list l) (at level 60).
Lemma wfp_length_opl: l, length (¬¬ l) = length l.
  induction l; simpls¬. rewrite_all length_cons. nat_math.

Lemma wfp_cpl_opl: l, closed_proc_list_wfp (¬¬ l).
  induction l; simpls¬. split¬. unfolds¬.

Lemma wfp_opl_app: l t, ¬¬ (l ++ t ) = ¬¬ l ++ ¬¬ t.
  induction l; introv.
    rew_app. simpls. rew_app. rewrite¬ IHl.

Lemma wfp_opl_inv: l, ¬¬l = nill = nil.
  induction l; introv H; simpls¬. inverts H.

Lemma wfp_mem_opl_inv: (p : wfprocess) l, Mem p (¬¬l) → a, p = wfp_Send a wfp_Nil.
  induction l; introv Hm; simpls¬.
    rewrite Mem_nil_eq in Hm. false.
    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm. destruct¬ Hm.
      ¬ a.

Lemma wfp_mem_opl: x l, Mem x l Mem (wfp_Send x wfp_Nil) (¬¬l).
  split; induction l; introv H.
    rewrite Mem_nil_eq in H. false.
    simpl. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×. destruct¬ H. left. subst¬.
    simpls. rewrite Mem_nil_eq in H. false.
    simpls. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×. destruct¬ H. left. inverts¬ H.

Lemma wfp_nodup_opl: l, noDup l noDup (¬¬l).
  split; induction l; introv H; simpls~;
      introv H1; apply H; applys× wfp_mem_opl.

Lemma wfp_rem1_opl: a l, removeOne (wfp_Send a wfp_Nil) (¬¬l) = ¬¬ (removeOne a l).
  induction l; simpls¬.
    cases_if; cases_if¬. inverts H; intuition.
    rewrite¬ IHl.

Lemma wfp_permut_opl: (ps : list wfprocess) ms, permut (¬¬ms) ps
   ns, ps = (¬¬ns) permut ms ns.
    induction ps; introv Hp. (nil:list chan). simpl. split¬.
    apply permut_of_nil in Hp. apply wfp_opl_inv in Hp. subst¬.
    lets Hm: mem_of_permuts Hp. lets Hm´: Hm. apply wfp_mem_opl_inv in Hm. destruct Hm as (m & H). subst.
    apply permut_sym in Hp.
    apply permut_rem1_r in Hp. apply permut_sym in Hp.
    rewrite wfp_rem1_opl in Hp. edestruct IHps as (ns & He & Hp2). eassumption.
      subst. simpl. split¬.
      apply permut_sym. apply permut_rem1_l.
        applys¬ wfp_mem_opl.
        applys¬ permut_sym.

Lemma wfp_opl_base: l p, ¬¬l = p::nil m, p = wfp_Send m wfp_Nil l = m::nil.
  induction l; introv H; simpls.
    inverts H.
    inverts H. apply wfp_opl_inv in H2. subst. a. split¬.

Lemma wfp_opl_app_ex: l t s, ¬¬l = t ++ s
   m n, ¬¬m = t ¬¬n = s l = m ++ n.
  induction l; introv H.
     (nil:list chan) (nil:list chan).
      simpls. apply nil_eq_app_inv in H. destruct H. subst. simpls¬.
    simpls. lets: (classic (Mem (wfp_Send a wfp_Nil) t)). destruct H0.
      assert ( , t = wfp_Send a wfp_Nil::).
        clear IHl. induction t.
          rewrite Mem_nil_eq in H0. false.
          rew_app in H. inverts H. ¬ t.
        destruct H1 as ( & Ht). subst. rew_app in H. inverts H.
        destruct (IHl s H2) as (m & n & Hmt & Hns & Hlmn).
         (a::m) n. subst. simpls. splits¬.
      assert (t = nil).
        clear IHl. induction¬ t.
          rew_app in H. inverts H. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H0. rew_logic× in H0.
      assert ( , s = wfp_Send a wfp_Nil::).
        clear IHl. induction s.
          rewrite Mem_nil_eq in H0. false.
          rew_app in H. inverts H. ¬ (¬¬l).
        destruct H1 as ( & Hs). subst. rew_app in H. inversion H.
        destruct (IHl nil H2) as (m & n & Hmt & Hns & Hlmn).
         (nil:list chan) (a::n). apply wfp_opl_inv in Hmt. subst. simpls. splits¬.

Lemma wfp_Forall_cfresh_neq: a ms,
  Forall (fun p : wfprocessa ### p) (¬¬ms) → Forall (a) (ms).
  induction ms; introv H.
    apply Forall_nil.
    inverts H. simpl in H2; rewrite cfresh_send in H2. destruct H2 as (_&H2). applys¬ Forall_cons.

Lemma wfp_opl_mem : x ms, ms nilMem x (¬¬ms) → m, x = wfp_Send m wfp_Nil.
  inductions ms; introv Hneq Hm.
    false Hneq; auto.
    simpls; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts Hm.
      ¬ a.
      destruct ms; simpls.
        rewrite× Mem_nil_eq in H.
        applys¬ IHms.
          introv Heq; inverts Heq.

Lemma wfp_opl_mem_combine_iff : v w (xs : list var) ms, length xs = length ms
  (Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) (combine xs (¬¬ms)) Mem (v, w) (combine xs (ms))).
  inductions xs; introv Hl.
    simpl; repeat rewrites× Mem_nil_eq.
    lets Hl´ : Hl; symmetry in Hl´; rew_length in Hl´; apply lengthn in Hl´; destruct Hl´ as (b & ms´ & Heq); subst; rename ms´ into ms.
    simpl; split; intro Hm.
      rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts Hm.
        inverts H; constructor.
        rewrite IHxs in H; try constructor~; rew_length in *; nat_math.
      rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts Hm.
        inverts H; constructor.
        rewrite <- IHxs in H; try constructor~; rew_length in *; nat_math.

Lemma wfp_permut_opl_iff : ms ns, permut ms ns permut (¬¬ms) (¬¬ns).
  induction ms using (measure_induction length); destruct ms; introv; split; introv Hp.
    apply permut_sym in Hp; apply permut_of_nil in Hp; subst; simpls¬.
    simpls; apply permut_sym in Hp; apply permut_of_nil in Hp;
    apply wfp_opl_inv in Hp; subst; simpls¬.

    lets Hl : Hp; apply permut_len in Hl;
    symmetry in Hl; rew_length in Hl; apply lengthn in Hl.
    destruct Hl as (b & ns´ & Heq); subst; rename ns´ into ns.
    elim (classic (c = b)); intro Hneq; subst.
      simpls; rewrite <- permut_cons_iff in *; applys¬ H; rew_length; nat_math.
      assert (Hmb : Mem b ms).
        cut (Mem b (c :: ms)).
          introv Hm; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts× Hm.
          apply permut_mem with (l := (b :: ns)); try apply¬ permut_sym; constructor.
      assert (Hmc : Mem c ns).
        cut (Mem c (b :: ns)).
          introv Hm; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts× Hm.
          apply permut_mem with (l := (c :: ms)); auto; constructor.
      apply permut_mem_exists in Hmb; apply permut_mem_exists in Hmc.
      destruct Hmb as (ms´ & Hms´); destruct Hmc as (ns´ & Hns´).
      assert (Hp´ : permut ms´ ns´).
        rewrite (permut_cons_iff ms (b :: ms´)) with (x := c) in Hms´.
        rewrite (permut_cons_iff ns (c :: ns´)) with (x := b) in Hns´.
        rewrite (permut_cons_iff ms´ ns´) with (x := b).
        rewrite (permut_cons_iff (b :: ms´) (b :: ns´)) with (x := c).
        apply permut_trans with (l2 := (c :: ms)); try solve [applys¬ permut_sym].
        apply permut_flip_first_two.
        apply permut_trans with (l2 := (b :: ns)); auto.
      rewrite H in Hp´; try (apply permut_len in Hp; apply permut_len in Hms´; rew_length in *; nat_math).
      rewrite H in Hms´; try (rew_length; nat_math).
      rewrite H in Hns´; try (apply permut_len in Hp; rew_length in *; nat_math).
      apply permut_trans with (l2 := (wfp_Send c wfp_Nil :: (wfp_Send b wfp_Nil :: ¬¬ms´))).
        rewrites¬ permut_cons_iff.
      apply permut_trans with (l2 := (wfp_Send b wfp_Nil :: (wfp_Send c wfp_Nil :: ¬¬ns´))).
        apply permut_flip_first_two; repeat rewrites¬ <- permut_cons_iff.
        rewrite <- permut_cons_iff; applys¬ permut_sym.

    lets Hl : Hp; simpl in Hl; apply permut_len in Hl;
    symmetry in Hl; rew_length in Hl; apply lengthn in Hl.
    destruct Hl as (b & ns´ & Heq); rewrite Heq in ×.
    lets Hp´ : Hp; apply wfp_permut_opl in Hp´.
    destruct Hp´ as (ns´´ & Heq´´ & Hpp).
    rewrite <- Heq in Heq´´.
    cut (ns = ns´´).
      introv Heqns; subst¬.
      clear H ns´ Hp Heq Hpp b; inductions ns.
      simpls; symmetry; apply¬ wfp_opl_inv.
      destruct ns´´; simpls; inverts Heq´´.
      apply IHns in H1; rewrite¬ H1.
Grab Existential Variables.
  exact wfp_Nil.

Lemma wfp_swap_sym : p X Y, wfp_swap X Y p = wfp_swap Y X p.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  apply swap_sym.

Lemma wfp_swap_involutive : X Y p, wfp_swap X Y (wfp_swap X Y p) = p.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  apply swap_involutive.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_send : X Y a q,
  wfp_swap X Y (wfp_Send a q) = wfp_Send a (wfp_swap X Y q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_abs : p a X Y Z,
  wfp_swap X Y (wfp_Abs a Z p) = wfp_Abs a ({{X, Y}}Z) (wfp_swap X Y p).
  rewrite_wfp_equal; unfold Abs; simpls.
  repeat rewrite <- XHE_GoodF; fold f. fequals.
  rewrite subst_on_swap; fequals.
  simpl; rewrite¬ swap_gvar_involutive.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_gvar : X Y Z,
  wfp_swap X Y (wfp_Gvar Z) = ifb (X = Z) then (wfp_Gvar Y) else ifb (Y = Z) then (wfp_Gvar X) else (wfp_Gvar Z).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal; cases_if; try cases_if*; subst; simpls;
  fequals; unfold swap_gvar; repeat cases_if×.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_par : X Y p q,
  wfp_swap X Y (wfp_Par p q) = wfp_Par (wfp_swap X Y p) (wfp_swap X Y q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_nil : X Y,
  wfp_swap X Y wfp_Nil = wfp_Nil.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_swap_chan_involutive : m n p, wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_swap_chan m n p) = p.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal; apply swap_chan_involutive.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_send : r X a q,
  wfp_subst r X (wfp_Send a q) = wfp_Send a (wfp_subst r X q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_gvar : r X Y,
  wfp_subst r X (wfp_Gvar Y) = ifb (X = Y) then r else (wfp_Gvar Y).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal; cases_if; cases_if×.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_par : r X p q,
  wfp_subst r X (wfp_Par p q) = wfp_Par (wfp_subst r X p) (wfp_subst r X q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_nil : r X,
  wfp_subst r X wfp_Nil = wfp_Nil.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_chan_send: a (p : wfprocess) m n,
wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_Send a p) = wfp_Send ({{|m, n|}}a) (wfp_swap_chan m n p).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_chan_abs: (p : wfprocess) a X m n,
wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_Abs a X p) = wfp_Abs ({{|m, n|}}a) X (wfp_swap_chan m n p).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  unfold Abs; simpls; repeat rewrite¬ <- Good_chan_swap; fequals.
  rewrite swap_chan_on_subst; simpls¬.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_chan_gvar: X m n,
wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_Gvar X) = wfp_Gvar X.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_chan_par: (p q : wfprocess) m n,
wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_Par p q) = wfp_Par (wfp_swap_chan m n p) (wfp_swap_chan m n q).
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_eq_swap_chan_nil: m n,
wfp_swap_chan m n (wfp_Nil) = wfp_Nil.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_fresh_Msubst1 : xs (rs : list wfprocess) X (p : wfprocess),
  X#plength xs = length rsclosed_proc_list_wfp rsX#(wfp_multisubst (combine xs rs) p).
Proof with fresh_solve.
  induction xs; introv Hf Hls Hcp.
    rewrite length_cons in Hls. symmetry in Hls. lets (y & ys & H): (lengthn rs Hls).
    subst. simpls... applys× IHxs.
      rew_length in *; nat_math.
    unfolds. destruct Hcp. unfolds in H. rewrite H. apply notin_empty.

Lemma wfp_gfresh_subst_rewrite : (X:var) (p q:wfprocess),
  X#pwfp_subst q X p = p.
  introv Hf; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  applys¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite.

Lemma wfp_subst_gvar_idem : X p,
  wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar X) X p = p.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal. apply subst_gvar_idem.

Lemma wfp_gfresh_subst_is_swap : (X Y:var) (p : wfprocess),
  Y # pwfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Y) X p = wfp_swap X Y p.
  introv Hf; rewrite_wfp_equal. apply¬ gfresh_subst_is_swap.

Lemma wfp_substs_commute_gg : (X Y:var) (p q r: wfprocess),
  XYX#rY#qwfp_subst r Y (wfp_subst q X p) = wfp_subst q X (wfp_subst r Y p).
  introv Hneq Hf1 Hf2.
  applys× substs_commute_gg.

Lemma wfp_subst_on_subst : (X Y:var) (p q r : wfprocess),
  XYX#rwfp_subst r Y (wfp_subst q X p) =
                 wfp_subst (wfp_subst r Y q) X (wfp_subst r Y p).
  introv Hneq Hf; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  applys¬ subst_on_subst.

Lemma wfp_subst_decomposition_g : (X Y:var) (p q : wfprocess),
  Y#pwfp_subst q X p = wfp_subst q Y (wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Y) X p).
Proof with freshen_up.
  introv H.
  rewrite_wfp_equal. applys× subst_decomposition_g.

Lemma wfp_prod_repeat_0 : p, wfp_prod_repeat p 0 = wfp_Nil.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal.

Lemma wfp_prod_repeat_S : n p, wfp_prod_repeat p (S n) = wfp_Par p (wfp_prod_repeat p n).
  inductions n; introv; try rewrite_wfp_equal.

Ltac rewrite_wfp_subst :=
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_subst_send in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_subst_gvar in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_subst_par in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_subst_nil in ×.

Ltac rewrite_wfp_swap :=
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_send in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_abs in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_gvar in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_par in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_nil in ×.

Ltac rewrite_wfp_swap_chan :=
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_chan_send in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_chan_abs in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_chan_gvar in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_chan_par in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_eq_swap_chan_nil in ×.

Ltac rewrite_wfp_prod :=
  repeat rewrite wfp_prod_repeat_0 in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_prod_repeat_S in ×.

Ltac rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi :=
  repeat rewrite wfp_pipe_eq_nil in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_pipe_to_Abs in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_multisubst_to_subst in *;
  repeat rewrite wfp_multisubst_to_subst_tail in ×.

Fixpoint leave (E:fset var) (l: list (var×wfprocess)) : list (var×wfprocess) :=
  match l with
  | nilnil
  | a::l1If ((fst a) \in E) then a :: leave E l1 else leave E l1

Lemma leave_inv: E l x, Mem x (leave E l) → Mem x l.
  induction l; introv Hm; simpls¬.
    cases_if; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×. destruct¬ Hm.

Lemma leave_inv_r: E l x, Mem x (snd(split(leave E l))) → Mem x (snd (split l)).
  induction l; introv Hm.
    simpl in Hm. cases_if; rewrite snd_split_cons in *; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×.
      destruct¬ Hm.

Lemma leave_nodup_r: E l, noDup (snd (split l)) → noDup (snd (split (leave E l))).
  induction l; introv Hnd.
    simpl leave. cases_if.
      rewrite snd_split_cons in ×. simpls. destruct Hnd.
          introv . apply H0. applys× leave_inv_r.
          applys¬ IHl.
        rewrite snd_split_cons in Hnd. destruct Hnd. applys¬ IHl.

Lemma leave_red_set: E l t x, length l = length t
  ¬Mem x lleave E (combine l t) = leave (E \- \{x}) (combine l t).
  induction l; introv Hls Hm.
    lets Hls´: Hls. rewrite length_cons in Hls´. symmetry in Hls´. apply lengthn in Hls´.
     destruct Hls´ as (b & & Ht). subst. rewrite_all length_cons in Hls.
     simpl. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm. rew_logic in Hm. destruct Hm as (Heq & Hm).
     repeat cases_if¬.
       rewrite¬ <- IHl.
       rewrite in_remove in H0. rew_logic in H0. rewrite notin_singleton in H0. destruct× H0.
       rewrite in_remove in H0. destruct H0. false.

Lemma leave_not_fresh: (E:fset var) xs ps (p : wfprocess),
  length xs = length psclosed_proc_list_wfp psGV p \c Ewfp_multisubst (combine xs ps) p = wfp_multisubst (leave E (combine xs ps)) p.
  induction xs; introv Hls Hcp Hgv.
    lets Hls´: Hls. rewrite length_cons in Hls´. symmetry in Hls´. apply lengthn in Hls´.
    destruct Hls´ as ( & ps´ & Hps). subst.
    simpl. cases_if; simpls.
      rewrite× (IHxs ps´ p).
      rewrite wfp_gfresh_subst_rewrite. applys× IHxs.
        applys× wfp_fresh_Msubst1.
          unfolds subset. specializes Hgv a. introv . apply H. applys¬ Hgv.

Lemma leave_ex: E l t, length l = length t
   r, (snd (split (leave E (combine l (¬¬t))))) = ¬¬r ( m, Mem m rMem m t).
  induction l; introv Hls.
    simpls. (nil:list chan). split¬. introv Hm. rewrite Mem_nil_eq in Hm. false.
    lets Hls´: Hls. rewrite length_cons in Hls´. symmetry in Hls´. apply lengthn in Hls´.
     destruct Hls´ as (b & & Ht). subst. rewrite_all length_cons in Hls.
     simpl. cases_if.
       edestruct (IHl ) as (r & Hsnd & Hfa). nat_math. (b::r). split.
         rewrite snd_split_cons. simpl. rewrite¬ <- Hsnd.
         introv H1. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×. destruct¬ H1.
       edestruct (IHl ) as (r & Hsnd & Hfa). nat_math. r. split¬.
         introv H1. rewrite Mem_cons_eq in ×. right¬.

Ltac make_wf_from_par p :=
match goal with
 | [ H : Par p ?q = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par1 p q); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond
 | [ H : Par ?q p = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par2 q p); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond
 | [ H : Par ?r (Par p ?q) = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par1 p q); apply (wf_par2 r); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond
 | [ H : Par ?r (Par ?q p) = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par2 q p); apply (wf_par2 r); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond
 | [ H : Par (Par p ?q) ?r = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par1 p q); apply (wf_par1 (Par p q) r); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond
 | [ H : Par (Par ?q p) ?r = ? |- _ ] ⇒ apply (wf_par2 q p); apply (wf_par1 (Par q p) r); rewrite H; eapply wf_cond

Ltac lift_from_par p wfp :=
let H := fresh "H" in
  assert (H : wf p) by (make_wf_from_par p); set (wfp := mkWfP p H).

Ltac lift_par p q :=
let H := fresh "H" in
  assert (H : p = q) by (rewrite_wfp_equal); rewrite¬ H.

Ltac subst_wfp :=
  repeat match goal with
   | [H : proc ?p = [Send ?a Nil // ?X](proc ?p1) |- _] ⇒
      replace ([Send a Nil // X]p1) with
        (proc (wfp_subst (wfp_Send a wfp_Nil) X p1)) in H by auto
  repeat match goal with
   | [H : proc ?p = [proc ?q // ?X](proc ?r) |- _] ⇒
      replace ([proc q // X](proc r)) with
        (proc (wfp_subst q X r)) in H by auto
  repeat match goal with
   | [H : proc ?p = Par (proc ?q) (proc ?r) |- _] ⇒
       replace (Par q r) with (proc (wfp_Par q r)) in H by auto
  repeat match goal with
   | [H : proc ?p = Abs ?f ?a ?X (proc ?q) |- _] ⇒
       replace (Abs f a X q) with (proc (wfp_Abs a X q)) in H by auto
  repeat replace Nil with (proc wfp_Nil) in × by auto;
  repeat match goal with
   | [H : proc _ = proc _ |- _ ] ⇒
       rewrite <- wfprocess_eq in H; substs×

Lemma wfp_par1_extract : p0 a p q,
 {{wfp_Par p q -- LabIn a ->> AA (AbsPar1 p0 q)}}
 {{ p -- LabIn a ->> AA p0 }}.
Proof with subst_wfp.
  introv H. fold (par_ag1 (AA p0) q) in H. inverts H.
  destruct ap; inverts¬ H4...
  destruct aq; inverts¬ H4.

Lemma wfp_par2_extract : q0 a p q,
 {{wfp_Par p q -- LabIn a ->> AA (AbsPar2 p q0)}}
 {{ q -- LabIn a ->> AA q0 }}.
Proof with subst_wfp.
  introv H; fold (par_ag2 p (AA q0)) in H; inverts H.
  destruct ap; inverts¬ H4.
  destruct aq; inverts¬ H4...

Ltac wfp_par_extract :=
  match goal with
   | [ |- context[AA ?a0]] ⇒
     match goal with
      | [H : context[AbsPar1 a0 _] |- _ ] ⇒ applys× wfp_par1_extract
      | [H : context[AbsPar2 _ a0] |- _ ] ⇒ applys× wfp_par2_extract

Lemma wfp_subst_lvar : (p q : wfprocess) X l,
  l \notin (E X p)l \notin (E X q)[Lvar l // X]p = [Lvar l // X]qp = q.
Proof with (freshen_up; try solve [solve_wfp_size]).
  induction p using (measure_induction wfp_size).
  introv Hlp Hlq Heqs.
  destruct_wf p; destruct_wf q; try solve [simpls~; try cases_if; inverts Heqs].
    simpls; inverts Heqs. fequals×. eapply H; try eassumption...

    rename X0 into ; rename p0 into .
    rename a0 into b; rename X1 into ; rename p into .
      lets (Z & Hfz) : find_fresh (proc :: proc :: nil);
      rewrite Forall_to_conj_2 in Hfz; destruct Hfz as (Hfzp & Hfzq).
      lets Heqp : Abs_eq a Z Hfzp.
      lets Heqq : Abs_eq b Z Hfzq.
      assert (Hwfsp : wf ([Gvar Z // ] )).
        apply¬ wf_subst.
      assert (Hwfsq : wf ([Gvar Z // ] )).
        apply¬ wf_subst.
      remember (mkWfP ([Gvar Z // ]) Hwfsp) as wfsp.
      remember (mkWfP ([Gvar Z // ]) Hwfsq) as wfsq.

      replace (wfp_Abs a ) with (wfp_Abs a Z wfsp) in × by
        (rewrite Heqwfsp; rewrite_wfp_equal).
      replace (wfp_Abs b ) with (wfp_Abs b Z wfsq) in × by
        (rewrite Heqwfsq; rewrite_wfp_equal).

      clear Heqwfsp Heqwfsq Hwfsp Hwfsq Hfzp Hfzq Heqp Heqq .
      rename wfsp into ; rename wfsq into .

      inverts Heqs.
      elim (classic (X = Z)); intro Hneq; subst.
      assert (Hfzp : Z # ([Lvar (f Z ) // Z])) by fresh_solve.
      assert (Hfzq : Z # ([Lvar (f Z ) // Z])) by fresh_solve.
      rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite in H3.
      rewrite (gfresh_subst_rewrite _ ([Lvar (f Z ) // Z] )) in H3; auto.
      fequals. eapply H; try eassumption; try apply f_is_good...
        rewrite H2; apply f_is_good.

      elim (classic (Z # )); intro Hfzp.
      assert (Hfzq : Z # ).
        rewrite GoodFresh_iff in ×. fold f in *; rewrite¬ <- H2.
      rewrite¬ (gfresh_subst_rewrite Z ) in H3.
      rewrite¬ (gfresh_subst_rewrite Z ) in H3.
        fequals. eapply H; try eassumption...
        simpls; repeat cases_if×.
        assert (E X = \{})...
          apply gfresh_E_empty; fresh_solve.
        rewrite¬ H0.
        assert (E X = \{}).
          apply gfresh_E_empty; fresh_solve.
        rewrite¬ H0.
        rename f into Hf.

        rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hlp. Focus 2. auto.
        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×. rew_logic in Hlp; jauto.
        rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hlp. Focus 2. auto.
        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×. rew_logic in Hlp; jauto.

        simpls; repeat cases_if×.
        assert (E X = \{}).
          apply gfresh_E_empty; fresh_solve.
        rewrite¬ H0.
        rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hlq; [ | auto].
        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×. rew_logic in Hlq; jauto.
        assert (E X = \{}).
          apply gfresh_E_empty.
          symmetry in H3; fresh_solve.
        rewrite¬ H0.
        rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hlq; [ | auto].
        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×. rew_logic in Hlp; jauto.

        assert (Hfzp1 : f Z ## ) by eauto.
        assert (Hfzq1 : f Z ## ) by eauto.

        elim (classic (X # )); elim (classic (X # )); intros Hfxq Hfxp.

        apply (gfresh_in_subst_p_q X Z (Lvar (f Z ))) in Hfxq...
        apply (gfresh_in_subst_p_q X Z (Lvar (f Z ))) in Hfxp...
        rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite in H3.
        rewrite¬ (gfresh_subst_rewrite X) in H3.
        fequals. eapply H; try apply f_is_good; try eassumption...
        rewrite H2; apply f_is_good.

        simpls; repeat cases_if*;
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f; jauto; false~];
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f0; jauto; false~].

        rename f into Hfp; rename n into Hfq.
        assert (Hneql: l f Z ).
          rewrite H2. unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
          rew_logic in *; inverts Hlq. rewrite¬ in_singleton in H0.

        assert (Hfzq : ¬ Z # ).
        rewrite GoodFresh_iff in ×. fold f in *; rewrite¬ <- H2.
        assert ([Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z])) =
                [Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z]))).
          rewrite¬ H3.

        rewrite substs_commute_gg in H0; auto...
        rewrite (substs_commute_lg (f Z ) X _ (Lvar l)) in H0; auto...

        rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_l in H0; auto...
        rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_l in H0; auto...
        repeat rewrite subst_gvar_idem in H0.
        fequals. eapply H; try eassumption; auto...
        assert (E X = \{}).
          apply gfresh_E_empty.
          symmetry in H3; fresh_solve.
        rewrite¬ H1.

        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
        rew_logic in *; inverts Hlq.
        introv Hyp; apply H4.
        rewrite E_subst_inv in Hyp; eassumption.
        rewrite H2. apply f_is_good.
        rewrite¬ <- E_subst_inv; apply f_is_good.

        false n; fresh_solve.

        simpls; repeat cases_if*;
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f; jauto; false~];
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f0; jauto; false~].

        rename f into Hfq; rename n into Hfp.
        assert (Hneql: l f Z ).
          unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
          rew_logic in *; inverts Hlp. rewrite¬ in_singleton in H0.

        assert (Hfzq : ¬ Z # ).
        rewrite GoodFresh_iff in ×. fold f in *; rewrite¬ <- H2.
        assert ([Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z])) =
                [Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z]))).
          rewrite¬ H3.

        rewrite substs_commute_lg in H0...
        rewrite (substs_commute_lg (f Z ) X _ (Lvar l)) in H0...

        do 2 rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_l in H0; try apply f_is_good.
        repeat rewrite subst_gvar_idem in H0.
        fequals. eapply H... Focus 3. eassumption.

        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
        rew_logic in *; inverts Hlp.
        introv Hyp; apply H4.
        rewrite E_subst_inv in Hyp; eassumption.

         assert (E X = \{}).
          apply¬ gfresh_E_empty.
        rewrite¬ H1.

        rewrite H2. apply f_is_good.

        false¬ n0; fresh_solve.

        simpls; repeat cases_if*;
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f; jauto; false~];
          try solve [apply gfresh_from_subst in f0; jauto; false~].

        rename n0 into Hfq; rename n into Hfp.
        assert (Hneql: l f Z ).
          unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
          rew_logic in *; inverts Hlp. rewrite¬ in_singleton in H0.

        assert (Hfzq : ¬ Z # ).
        rewrite GoodFresh_iff in ×. fold f in *; rewrite¬ <- H2.
        assert ([Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z])) =
                [Gvar Z /// f Z ]([Lvar l // X]([Lvar (f Z ) // Z]))).
          rewrite¬ H3.

        rewrite substs_commute_lg in H0...
        rewrite (substs_commute_lg (f Z ) X _ (Lvar l)) in H0...

        do 2 rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_l in H0; try apply f_is_good.
        repeat rewrite subst_gvar_idem in H0.
        fequals. eapply H; try eassumption...

        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
        rew_logic in *; inverts Hlp.
        introv Hyp; apply H4.
        rewrite E_subst_inv in Hyp; eassumption.

        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in ×.
        rew_logic in *; inverts Hlq.
        introv Hyp; apply H4.
        rewrite E_subst_inv in Hyp; eassumption.

        rewrite H2; apply f_is_good.

      simpls; repeat cases_if; inverts× Heqs.
      rewrite <- e. rewrite¬ <- e0.

      simpls; inverts Heqs.
      unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in ×.
      fequals; eapply H; try eassumption; try apply f_is_good; jauto...

Lemma wfp_subst_lvar_XY : X Y, X Y (p q : wfprocess) l,
  l \notin (E X p)l \notin (E Y q)[Lvar l // X]p = [Lvar l // Y]q → (p = wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar X) Y q X # q).
Proof with (jauto; freshen_up; try solve_wfp_size).
  introv Hneq.
  induction p using (measure_induction wfp_size).
  introv Hlp Hlq Hsub.

    assert (Hsaux : (p : wfprocess) X l, ¬ l \in E X pproc p = [Gvar X /// l]([Lvar l // X]p)).
      clear; introv Hnl.
      rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_l.
      rewrite¬ subst_gvar_idem.

  elim (classic (X # p)); elim (classic (Y # q)); introv Hfy Hfx.
    repeat (rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hsub; auto).
    assert (p = q) by (rewrite_wfp_equal); substs.
    splits×. rewrite_wfp_equal. rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite.

    rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite in Hsub; auto.
    assert (Hfxq : X # q).
      rewrite Hsub in Hfx; clear dependent p.
      apply gfresh_from_subst in Hfx...

    assert (wf ([Lvar l // Y]q)).
      rewrite¬ <- Hsub.
    false; clear dependent X. clear dependent p.
    rename q into p; rename Y into X. gen X l.
    induction p using (measure_induction wfp_size).
      introv Hfx Hnl Hwf.
    lets Hcp : wf_characterize p.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & & Heq); subst.
      simpls. rewrite gfresh_send in Hfx.
      specializes¬ H Hfx...
      inverts× Hwf.

    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & Y & & Heq); subst.
      simpls. unfold Abs in *; simpls. rewrite gfresh_receive in Hfx.

    assert (Hneq : X Y).
      intro Heq; subst; apply Hfx. fresh_solve.

    cases_if×. clear n.
    unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in ×.
    destruct Hnl as (Hnl1 & Hnl2). rewrite in_singleton in Hnl1.
    rewrite substs_commute_gg in Hwf...
    lets Hwfr : wf_receive Hwf.
    assert (Hfy : Y # ([Lvar (f Y ) // Y]([Lvar l // X]))) by
    specializes Hwfr Hfy; inverts Hwfr; clear H1.
    assert ((f Y ) ## ([Lvar l // X])) by fresh_solve.
    rewrite substs_commute_gg in H0...
    rewrite substs_commute_lg in H0...
    replace ([Gvar Y /// f Y ]([Lvar (f Y ) // Y]))
      with (proc ) in H0.
    apply H in H0...
      introv Hf; apply Hfx; fresh_solve.
      rewrite <- E_subst_inv in Hnl2; auto.
      rewrite¬ <- Hsaux; apply f_is_good.

    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (Y & Heq); subst.
      simpls; cases_if×. inverts Hwf.
      rewrite gfresh_gvar in ×. tauto.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (p1 & p2 & Heq); subst.
      simpls; inverts Hwf.
      unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *;
      rewrite gfresh_par_iff in Hfx; rew_logic in ×.
      inverts Hfx; specializes¬ H H0...
    simpls. apply Hfx...

    rewrite gfresh_subst_rewrite with (X := Y) in Hsub; auto.
    rename p into r; rename q into p; rename r into q.
    rename X into Z; rename Y into X; rename Z into Y.
    rename Hfx into Hfz; rename Hfy into Hfx; rename Hfz into Hfy.
    rename Hlp into Hlr; rename Hlq into Hfp; rename Hlr into Hlq.
    symmetry in Hsub.

    assert (Hfxq : X # q).
      elim (classic (X = Y)); intro Hneqv; subst. false×.
      rewrite Hsub in Hfx; fresh_solve.

    assert (wf ([Lvar l // Y]q)).
      rewrite¬ <- Hsub.
    false; clear dependent X. clear dependent p.
    rename q into p; rename Y into X. gen X l.
    induction p using (measure_induction wfp_size).
      introv Hfx Hnl Hwf.
    lets Hcp : wf_characterize p.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & & Heq); subst.
      simpls. rewrite gfresh_send in Hfx.
      specializes¬ H Hfx...
      inverts× Hwf.

    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & Y & & Heq); subst.
      simpls. unfold Abs in *; simpls. rewrite gfresh_receive in Hfx.

    assert (Hneq : X Y).
      intro Heq; subst; apply Hfx; fresh_solve.

    cases_if×. clear n.
    unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in ×.
    destruct Hnl as (Hnl1 & Hnl2). rewrite in_singleton in Hnl1.
    rewrite substs_commute_gg in Hwf...
    lets Hwfr : wf_receive Hwf.
    assert (Hfy : Y # ([Lvar (f Y ) // Y]([Lvar l // X]))) by fresh_solve.
    specializes Hwfr Hfy; inverts Hwfr; clear H1.
    assert ((f Y ) ## ([Lvar l // X])) by fresh_solve.
    rewrite substs_commute_gg in H0...
    rewrite substs_commute_lg in H0...
    replace ([Gvar Y /// f Y ]([Lvar (f Y ) // Y]))
      with (proc ) in H0.
    apply H in H0; auto...
      introv Hf; apply Hfx; fresh_solve.
      rewrite <- E_subst_inv in Hnl2; auto.
      rewrite¬ <- Hsaux. apply f_is_good.

    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (Y & Heq); subst.
      simpls; cases_if×. inverts Hwf.
      rewrite gfresh_gvar in ×. tauto.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (p1 & p2 & Heq); subst.
      simpls; inverts Hwf.
      unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *;
      rewrite gfresh_par_iff in Hfx; rew_logic in ×.
      inverts Hfx; specializes¬ H H0...
    simpls. apply Hfx...

    lets Hcp : wf_characterize p; lets Hcq : wf_characterize q.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & & Heq); subst.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & Heq); subst; simpls...
        inverts Hsub; apply H in H2... split...
          rewrite wfprocess_eq in *; simpls; fequals×...
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & Z & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (Z & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (q1 & q2 & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      simpls; inverts Hsub.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (a & & & Heq); subst.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & & Heq); subst; simpls.

        unfold Abs in *; simpls; rewrite gfresh_receive in ×.
        inverts Hsub; rename b into a; repeat cases_if×.
        elim (classic (X = )); intro Hneqv1; subst.
          false; apply Hfx; fresh_solve.
        elim (classic (Y = )); intro Hneqv2; subst.
          false; apply Hfy; fresh_solve.

        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in *;
        rewrite in_singleton in *; inverts Hlp; inverts Hlq.

        split. rewrite_wfp_equal; unfold Abs; simpls; fequals×.
        rewrite subst_decomposition_l with (p := [_ // _]) (x := l); fresh_solve.
        rewrite <- H2. rewrite <- H3.
        rewrite¬ substs_commute_gg...
        rewrite substs_commute_lg...
        rewrite¬ <- Hsaux. rewrite <- E_subst_inv in H1; auto.

        assert (X # [Lvar l // Y]([Lvar (f ) // ])).
          rewrite <- H3; fresh_solve.
        remember ([Lvar (f ) // ]) as q´´; fresh_solve.

      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (Z & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (q1 & q2 & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      simpls; inverts Hsub.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as ( & Heq); subst.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & Z & & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (Z & Heq); subst; simpls; repeat cases_if; subst.
          rewrite_wfp_equal; cases_if×.
          rewrite¬ gfresh_gvar.
          rewrite gfresh_gvar in Hfx; false×.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (q1 & q2 & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
    inverts Hcp as Hcp.
      destruct Hcp as (p1 & p2 & Heq); subst.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & Z & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (Z & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (q1 & q2 & Heq); subst; simpls.
        inverts Hsub.
        unfold notin in *; rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in ×.
        inverts Hlp; inverts Hlq.
        apply H in H1; auto...
        apply H in H2; auto...
        inverts H1; inverts H2; splits...
      simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (b & Z & & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (Z & Heq); subst; simpls; cases_if; inverts Hsub.
      inverts Hcq as Hcq.
        destruct Hcq as (q1 & q2 & Heq); subst; simpls; inverts Hsub.

Lemma wfp_Abs_eq : (p : wfprocess) a X Y, Y#pwfp_Abs a X p = wfp_Abs a Y (wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Y) X p).
  introv Hf; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  apply¬ Abs_eq.

Lemma wfp_Abs_equal : p q a b X Y,
  (wfp_Abs a X p = wfp_Abs b Y q)
  a = b (ifb (X = Y) then (p = q) else (p = wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar X) Y q X # q)).
  introv; splits~; introv Hyp.

  Focus 2.
  cases_if*; inverts Hyp; subst¬.
  inverts¬ H0.
  symmetry; apply¬ wfp_Abs_eq.

  cases_if*; subst.
    inverts Hyp.
    splits¬. apply wfp_subst_lvar in H2; auto.
    apply f_is_good.
    rewrite H1; apply f_is_good.

  inverts Hyp; split¬.
  eapply wfp_subst_lvar_XY; try eassumption.
    apply f_is_good.
    rewrite H1; apply f_is_good.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_abs1 : r a X q,
  wfp_subst r X (wfp_Abs a X q) = wfp_Abs a X q.
  introv; rewrite_wfp_equal. unfold Abs; simpl; fequals.
  rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite; fresh_solve.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_abs2 : (r : wfprocess) a X Y q,
  X YY # rwfp_subst r X (wfp_Abs a Y q) = wfp_Abs a Y (wfp_subst r X q).
Proof with freshen_up.
  introv Hneq Hf; rewrite_wfp_equal.
  rewrite¬ substs_commute_gg...
    replace (f Y q) with (f Y ([r // X]q)) by (symmetry; apply¬ XHP_GoodF); auto.

Lemma wfp_eq_subst_abs3 : (r : wfprocess) a X Y (q : wfprocess),
  X Y → ( Z, Z XZ # rZ # qwfp_subst r X (wfp_Abs a Y q) = wfp_Abs a Z (wfp_subst r X (wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Z) Y q))).
  introv Hneq Hfzx Hfzr Hfzq.
  rewrite wfp_Abs_eq with (Y := Z); auto.
  rewrite¬ wfp_eq_subst_abs2.

Lemma wfp_trans_in_chan_eq : p a b X fp,
  {{wfp_Abs a X p -- LabIn b ->> AA fp}}a = b.
  introv Ht; inverts¬ Ht.

Lemma wfp_trans_in_abs_eq : p a X fp,
  {{wfp_Abs a X p -- LabIn a ->> AA fp}}
     fp = AbsPure X p Y, Y X Y # p fp = AbsPure Y (wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Y) X p).
  introv Ht. inverts Ht.
  tests : (X = X0).
    left; fequals.
    apply wfp_subst_lvar in H2; substs~; try apply f_is_good.
    rewrite H1; apply f_is_good.
    apply wfp_subst_lvar_XY in H2; auto; try apply f_is_good.
     X0; splits*; fequals×.
    rewrite H1; apply f_is_good.

Lemma subst_eq_rewrite : p q X Y,
(p = [Gvar X // Y] q X # q) →
(q = [Gvar Y // X] p Y # p).
  induction p using (measure_induction size).
  destruct p; destruct q; introv (Heq & Hfx); simpls;
  try solve [repeat cases_if; inverts× Heq].
    inverts Heq; rewrite gfresh_send in ×.
    tests Hyp : (X = Y).
      repeat rewrite× subst_gvar_idem.
      rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_g.
      rewrite subst_gvar_idem; splits~; fresh_solve.

    inverts Heq; rewrite gfresh_receive in ×.
    tests Hyp : (X = Y).
      repeat rewrite× subst_gvar_idem.
      rewrite¬ <- subst_decomposition_g.
      rewrite subst_gvar_idem; splits~; fresh_solve.

    splits*; fresh_solve.

    repeat cases_if*; inverts Heq; splits; subst~;
    rewrite gfresh_gvar in *; intuition.

    inverts Heq; rewrite gfresh_par_iff in ×.
    tests Hyp : (X = Y).
      repeat rewrite× subst_gvar_idem.
      repeat rewrite× <- subst_decomposition_g.
      repeat rewrite subst_gvar_idem; splits~; fresh_solve.

    splits~; fresh_solve.

Lemma wfp_subst_eq_rewrite : p q X Y,
  (p = wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar X) Y q X # q) →
  (q = wfp_subst (wfp_Gvar Y) X p Y # p).
  introv; repeat rewrite wfprocess_eq in *; simpls.
  apply subst_eq_rewrite.