Library HOC09GVLemmas

Require Import HOC01Defs.
Require Import HOC02BaseLemmas.
Require Import HOC03CanonicalLemmas.
Require Import HOC04DefLTS.
Require Import HOC05WFProcesses.
Require Import HOC06FreshLemmas.
Require Import HOC08SubstLemmas.

Lemma GV_swap: X Y p, GV p = \{} GV ({{[X,Y]}}p) = \{}.
  split; introv Hcp; induction p; simpls*; try applys¬ IHp.
    apply singleton_absurd in Hcp. false.
    apply union_empty in Hcp. destruct Hcp.
     rewrite¬ IHp1. rewrite¬ IHp2. rewrite¬ union_empty_l.
    apply singleton_absurd in Hcp. false.
    apply union_empty in Hcp. destruct Hcp.
     rewrite¬ IHp1. rewrite¬ IHp2. rewrite¬ union_empty_l.

Lemma GV_swap_chan: (m n: chan) p, GV (|m,n|p) = GV p.
  induction p; introv; simpls¬.
    rewrite IHp1. rewrite¬ IHp2.

Lemma fresh_gvar_swap_chan : p m n X, X # p X # (|m, n|p).
  inductions p; introv; split; intros Hyp; unfolds fresh_gvar; simpls;
  unfold notin in *; try rewrite in_union in *; rew_logic in *; auto;
  repeat rewrite GV_swap_chan in *; auto.

Lemma GV_subst_cp: p q X, closed_process qGV ([q//X]p) = (GV p) \- \{X}.
  induction p; introv Hcp; simpls¬.
    rewrite¬ remove_from_empty.
      rewrite e. rewrite remove_same. apply Hcp.
      simpl. rewrite¬ remove_while_notin.
    rewrite¬ IHp1. rewrite¬ IHp2. rewrite¬ union_remove.
    rewrite¬ remove_from_empty.

Lemma wfp_GV_Msubst_cp: xs rs p, closed_proc_list_wfp rslength xs = length rs
  GV ([combine xs rs]p) = (GV p) \- from_list xs.
  induction xs; introv Hcp Hls.
    simpl. rewrite from_list_nil. rewrite¬ remove_empty.
    lets Hls´: Hls. rewrite length_cons in Hls´.
    symmetry in Hls´. apply lengthn in Hls´. destruct Hls´ as (Y & YS´ & HYS).
    subst. simpls. rewrite× GV_subst_cp.
    rewrite from_list_cons. rewrite union_comm. rewrite remove_union.
    rewrite× IHxs.

Lemma wfp_Msubst_subst_subset :
   (xs xs´ : list var) (ms ms´ : list chan) (p : wfprocess),
    length xs = length msnoDup xs
    length xs´ = length ms´noDup xs´
    ( v w, v \in GV p → (Mem (v, w) (combine xs (¬¬ms)) Mem (v, w) (combine xs´ (¬¬ms´)))) →
      wfp_multisubst (combine xs (¬¬ms)) p = wfp_multisubst (combine xs´ (¬¬ms´)) p.
  induction xs using (measure_induction length); destruct xs; introv Hlxs Hndxs Hlxs´ Hndxs´ Hsubset.
    simpls; clear H Hndxs Hlxs ms.
    generalize Hsubset; generalize Hndxs´; generalize Hlxs´; generalize ms´; clear.
    induction xs´.
      introv Hlxs´ Hndxs´ Hsubset.
      lets Hlxs´´ : Hlxs´; symmetry in Hlxs´´; apply lengthn in Hlxs´´; destruct Hlxs´´ as (w & ms´´ & Heq); subst; rename ms´´ into ms; simpls.
      elim (classic (a \in GV p)); intro Hyp.
      specialize (Hsubset a (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) Hyp).
      rewrite Mem_nil_eq in Hsubset; false; rewrite Hsubset; constructor.
      rewrite wfp_gfresh_subst_rewrite.
      applys× IHxs´.
      introv Hin; specialize (Hsubset v w0 Hin); rewrite Mem_nil_eq in *; rewrite Hsubset.
      split; intro Hm.
        rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
          inverts× H.
      unfold fresh_gvar.
      rewrite wfp_GV_Msubst_cp; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try apply wfp_cpl_opl.
      unfold notin; rewrite in_remove; rew_logic; left; auto.

      lets Hlxs´´ : Hlxs; symmetry in Hlxs´´; apply lengthn in Hlxs´´; destruct Hlxs´´ as (w & ms´´ & Heq); subst; rename ms´´ into ms; simpls.
      elim (classic (v \in GV p)); intro Hyp.
      assert (Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) (combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
        rewrite¬ <- Hsubset; constructor¬.
        destruct xs´.
          simpls~; rewrite× Mem_nil_eq in H0.
          lets Hlxs´´ : Hlxs´; symmetry in Hlxs´´; apply lengthn in Hlxs´´; destruct Hlxs´´ as (w0 & ms´´ & Heq); subst; rename ms´´ into ms´; simpls.
          rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H0; inverts H0.
            inverts H1.
            rewrite (H xs) with (xs´ := xs´) (ms´ := ms´); jauto.
              rew_length; nat_math.
              introv Hing; specialize (Hsubset v w Hing).
              elim (classic ((v, w) = (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil))); introv Hneq; [inverts Hneq; subst | ].
              split; introv Hin.
                apply mem_comb in Hin; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; false×.
                apply mem_comb in Hin; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; false×.
                repeat rewrite× Mem_cons_eq in Hsubset.
              elim (classic (v0 \in GV p)); introv Hin.
                elim (classic (v = v0)); intro Hneq; subst.
                  assert (Heq : w = w0).
                    specialize (Hsubset v0 (wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) Hyp).
                    destruct Hsubset as (_ & Hs1).
                    assert (H2 : Mem (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))) by constructor~; apply Hs1 in H2.
                    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H2; inverts H2.
                      inverts¬ H0.
                      apply mem_comb in H0; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; false×. subst; rewrite (H xs) with (xs´ := xs´) (ms´ := ms´); jauto.
                  rew_length; nat_math.
                  introv Hing; specialize (Hsubset v w Hing).
                  elim (classic ((v, w) = (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil))); introv Hneq; [inverts Hneq; subst | ].
                  split; introv Hin´.
                    apply mem_comb in Hin´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; false×.
                    apply mem_comb in Hin´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; false×.
                    repeat rewrite× Mem_cons_eq in Hsubset.
                    assert (Hm : Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) (combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
                      specialize (Hsubset v (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) Hyp).
                      destruct Hsubset as (Hs1 & _).
                      assert (Hm : Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine xs (¬¬ms))) by constructor; apply Hs1 in Hm.
                      rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
                    apply permut_mem_exists in Hm; destruct Hm as ( & Hpl´).
                    rewrite split_combine_fs in Hpl´; rewrite fst_split_cons in Hpl´; rewrite snd_split_cons in Hpl´.
                    rewrite× (wfp_Msubst_invariant_permut xs´ (fst (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: fst (split )) (¬¬ms´) (snd (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: snd (split ))); try (rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl); try apply wfp_cpl_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r).
                    assert (Hm´ : Mem (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) (combine xs (¬¬ms))).
                      specialize (Hsubset v0 (wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) Hin).
                      destruct Hsubset as (_ & Hs1).
                      assert (Hm´ : Mem (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))) by constructor; apply Hs1 in Hm´.
                      rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm´; inverts¬ Hm´; inverts× H0.
                    apply permut_mem_exists in Hm´; destruct Hm´ as (l & Hpl).
                    rewrite split_combine_fs in Hpl; rewrite fst_split_cons in Hpl; rewrite snd_split_cons in Hpl.
                    rewrite× (wfp_Msubst_invariant_permut xs (fst (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: fst (split l)) (¬¬ms) (snd (v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: snd (split l))); try (rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl); try apply wfp_cpl_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r).
                    simpl; rewrites¬ wfp_subst_comm_cp; try solve [unfold closed_process; simpls~].
                lets Hps : Hpl; apply permut_inv_r in Hps; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r).
                lets Heq´ : (wfp_permut_opl _ _ Hps); destruct Heq´ as (ns & Heq1 & Hpns).
                assert (Hex : ns, snd (split l) = ¬¬ns).
                  destruct ns; simpls; inverts Heq1; ¬ ns.
                destruct Hex as (ns´ & Heq); rewrite Heq in ×.
                lets Hps´ : Hpl´; apply permut_inv_r in Hps´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r).
                lets Heq´ : (wfp_permut_opl _ _ Hps´); destruct Heq´ as (os & Heq´1 & Hpns´).
                assert (Hex : os´, snd (split ) = ¬¬os´).
                  destruct os; simpls; inverts Heq´1; ¬ os.
                destruct Hex as (os´ & Heq´); rewrite Heq´ in *; simpls.

                rewrite (H (fst (split l))) with (xs´ := fst (split )) (ms´ := os´); auto.
                  rewrite split_length_l.
                  assert (Haux : length l = length ns´) by (rewrite <- wfp_length_opl; rewrite <- Heq; rewrites¬ split_length_r); rewrite Haux; clear Haux.
                  assert (Haux : length (wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil :: ¬¬ns´) = length (¬¬ns)) by rewrite¬ Heq1; rew_length in Haux; repeat rewrite wfp_length_opl in Haux.
                  apply permut_len in Hpns; rew_length in *; nat_math.

                  rewrite split_length_l.
                  rewrite <- wfp_length_opl; rewrite <- Heq; rewrites¬ split_length_r.

                  replace ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split l)) (¬¬ns´)) with (combine (v0 :: fst (split l)) (wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil :: (¬¬ns´))) in Hpl by auto.
                  apply permut_inv_l in Hpl; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl.
                  apply permut_nodup in Hpl; simpl in Hpl; jauto.
                  rew_length; rewrite <- Heq; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.

                  rewrite split_length_l.
                  rewrite <- wfp_length_opl; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrites¬ split_length_r.

                  replace ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´)) with (combine (v :: fst (split )) (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil :: (¬¬os´))) in Hpl´ by auto.
                  apply permut_inv_l in Hpl´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl.
                  apply permut_nodup in Hpl´; simpl in Hpl´; jauto.
                  rew_length; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.
                  introv Hinv1; specialize (Hsubset v1 w1 Hinv1); split; introv Hmem.
                  assert (Hnv1v : v1 v).
                    introv Hypeq; subst.
                    assert (Mem (v, w1) ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split l)) (¬¬ns´))) by constructor¬.
                    apply permut_sym in Hpl; apply (permut_mem Hpl) in H0.
                    apply mem_comb in H0; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; jauto.
                  assert (Hnv1v0 : v1 v0).
                    introv Hypeq; subst.
                    replace ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split l)) (¬¬ns´)) with (combine (v0 :: fst (split l)) (wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil :: (¬¬ns´))) in Hpl by auto.
                    apply permut_inv_l in Hpl; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite <- Heq; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r).
                    assert (noDup (v0 :: fst (split l))) by (apply permut_nodup with (l := xs); jauto).
                    simpl in H0; apply mem_comb in Hmem; jauto.
                      rewrite <- Heq; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.
                  assert (Hmv1 : Mem (v1, w1) ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
                    rewrite <- Hsubset; constructor.
                    apply permut_sym in Hpl; apply (permut_mem Hpl); constructor¬.
                  rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hmv1; inverts Hmv1.
                    inverts× H0.
                    apply (permut_mem Hpl´) in H0.
                    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H0; inverts¬ H0.
                      inverts× H2.
                  assert (Hnv1v0 : v1 v0).
                    introv Hypeq; subst.
                    assert (Mem (v0, w1) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´))) by constructor¬.
                    apply permut_sym in Hpl´; apply (permut_mem Hpl´) in H0.
                    apply mem_comb in H0; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; jauto.
                  assert (Hnv1v : v1 v).
                    intro Hypeq; subst.
                    replace ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´)) with (combine (v :: fst (split )) (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil :: (¬¬os´))) in Hpl´ by auto.
                    apply permut_inv_l in Hpl´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r).
                    assert (noDup (v :: fst (split ))) by (apply permut_nodup with (l := xs´); jauto).
                    simpl in H0; apply mem_comb in Hmem; jauto.
                      rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.
                  assert (Hmv1 : Mem (v1, w1) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine xs (¬¬ms))).
                    rewrite Hsubset; constructor.
                    apply permut_sym in Hpl´; apply (permut_mem Hpl´); constructor¬.
                  rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hmv1; inverts Hmv1.
                    inverts× H0.
                    apply (permut_mem Hpl) in H0.
                    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H0; inverts¬ H0.
                      inverts× H2.

                assert (Hneq : v v0) by (intro Heq; substs*).
                rewrites¬ (wfp_gfresh_subst_rewrite v0).
                assert (Hm : Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) (combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
                      specialize (Hsubset v (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) Hyp).
                      destruct Hsubset as (Hs1 & _).
                      assert (Hm : Mem (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine xs (¬¬ms))) by constructor; apply Hs1 in Hm.
                      rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
                    apply permut_mem_exists in Hm; destruct Hm as ( & Hpl´).
                    rewrite split_combine_fs in Hpl´; rewrite fst_split_cons in Hpl´; rewrite snd_split_cons in Hpl´.
                    rewrite× (wfp_Msubst_invariant_permut xs´ (fst (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: fst (split )) (¬¬ms´) (snd (v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: snd (split ))); try (rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl); try apply wfp_cpl_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r); simpl.
                    lets Hps´ : Hpl´; apply permut_inv_r in Hps´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite split_length_l; rewrites¬ split_length_r).
                lets Heq´ : (wfp_permut_opl _ _ Hps´); destruct Heq´ as (os & Heq´1 & Hpns´).
                assert (Hex : os´, snd (split ) = ¬¬os´).
                  destruct os; simpls; inverts Heq´1; ¬ os.
                destruct Hex as (os´ & Heq´); rewrite Heq´ in *; simpls.
                rewrite (H xs) with (xs´ := fst (split )) (ms´ := os´); jauto.
                  rew_length; nat_math.

                  rewrite split_length_l.
                  rewrite <- wfp_length_opl; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrites¬ split_length_r.

                  replace ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´)) with (combine (v :: fst (split )) (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil :: (¬¬os´))) in Hpl´ by auto.
                  apply permut_inv_l in Hpl´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl.
                  apply permut_nodup in Hpl´; simpl in Hpl´; jauto.
                  rew_length; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.
                  introv Hinv1; specialize (Hsubset v1 w1 Hinv1); split; introv Hmem.
                  assert (Hnv1v : v1 v).
                    intro Hypeq; subst.
                    replace ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´)) with (combine (v :: fst (split )) (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil :: (¬¬os´))) in Hpl´ by auto.
                    apply permut_inv_l in Hpl´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r).
                    assert (noDup (v :: fst (split ))) by (apply permut_nodup with (l := xs´); jauto).
                    simpl in H0; apply mem_comb in Hmem; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; jauto.
                  assert (Hmv1 : Mem (v1, w1) ((v0, wfp_Send w0 wfp_Nil) :: combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
                    rewrite <- Hsubset; constructor¬.
                  rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hmv1; inverts Hmv1.
                    inverts× H0.
                    apply (permut_mem Hpl´) in H0; auto.
                    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in H0; inverts¬ H0.
                      inverts× H2.

                  assert (Hnv1v0 : v1 v0).
                    introv Hypeq; subst.
                    assert (Hmv1 : Mem (v0, w1) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine xs´ (¬¬ms´))).
                      constructor; apply permut_sym in Hpl´; apply (permut_mem Hpl´); constructor¬.
                    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hmv1; inverts¬ Hmv1.
                  assert (Hnv1v : v1 v).
                    introv Hypeq; subst.
                    replace ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine (fst (split )) (¬¬os´)) with (combine (v :: fst (split )) (wfp_Send w wfp_Nil :: (¬¬os´))) in Hpl´ by auto.
                    apply permut_inv_l in Hpl´; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try (rew_length; rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r).
                    assert (noDup (v :: fst (split ))) by (apply permut_nodup with (l := xs´); jauto).
                    simpl in H0; apply mem_comb in Hmem; jauto.
                      rewrite <- Heq´; rewrite split_length_l; rewrite¬ split_length_r.
                  cut (Mem (v1, w1) ((v, wfp_Send w wfp_Nil) :: combine xs (¬¬ms))).
                    intro Hm; rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
                      inverts× H0.
                    rewrite Hsubset; constructor.
                    apply permut_sym in Hpl´; apply (permut_mem Hpl´); constructor¬. unfold fresh_gvar; rewrite wfp_GV_Msubst_cp; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try apply wfp_cpl_opl.
                unfold notin; rewrite in_remove; rew_logic; left; auto.
      rewrite wfp_gfresh_subst_rewrite.
      applys× H.
        rew_length; nat_math.
        introv Hin; specialize (Hsubset v0 w0 Hin); rewrite <- Hsubset.
      split; intro Hm.
        rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hm; inverts¬ Hm.
          inverts× H0.
      unfold fresh_gvar.
      rewrite wfp_GV_Msubst_cp; try rewrite¬ wfp_length_opl; try apply wfp_cpl_opl.
      unfold notin; rewrite in_remove; rew_logic; left; auto.

Lemma GV_trans_in_const:
   (a : chan) p (fp : abstraction),
    {{p -- LabIn a ->> (AA fp)}}const_abs fp
       (q : wfprocess), GV (wfp_inst_Abs fp q) = GV p.
  introv Ht Hc. inductions Ht; introv.
    simpl. inverts Hc. do 2 rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite.
    destruct ap; inverts x. inverts Hc. simpl. rewrite¬ IHHt.
    destruct aq; inverts x. inverts Hc. simpl. rewrite¬ IHHt.

Lemma GV_trans_in:
   (a : chan) p (fp : abstraction),
    {{p -- LabIn a ->> (AA fp)}}¬const_abs fp
       (q : wfprocess), GV (wfp_inst_Abs fp q) = GV p \u GV q.
  introv Ht Hc. inductions Ht; introv.
    simpl. rewrite (GV_subst_cp _ (Lvar (f X p))). apply GV_subst.
    introv Hf; apply Hc; constructor¬.
    unfold closed_process; simpls¬.

    destruct ap; inverts x. simpl. rewrite¬ IHHt.
      rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.
    destruct aq; inverts x. simpl. rewrite¬ IHHt.
      rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.

Lemma GV_trans_in_sub: a p fp,
  {{p--LabIn a->>(AA fp)}} q, GV p \c GV (wfp_inst_Abs fp q).
  introv Ht. destruct (const_abs_decidable fp) as (b&dec).
  destruct b; rewrite isTrue_def in dec; cases_if; clear dec; introv.
  lets Hgv: (GV_trans_in_const a p fp Ht H q). rewrite Hgv. apply subset_refl.
  lets Hgv: (GV_trans_in a p fp Ht H q). rewrite Hgv. apply subset_union_weak_l.

Lemma GV_trans_out: a p p´´,
  {{p--LabOut a p´´->>AP }}GV p = GV \u GV p´´.
  introv Ht; inductions Ht; simpls.
    rewrite¬ union_empty_l.
    destruct ap; inverts x. simpls. erewrite¬ IHHt.
    rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.
    destruct aq; inverts x. simpls. erewrite¬ IHHt.
    rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.

Lemma GV_trans_rem1: (X : var) p ,
  {{p--LabRem X->>AP }}X \in GV p.
  introv Ht; inductions Ht; simpls.
    rewrite¬ in_singleton.
    destruct ap; inverts x. simpl. rewrite in_union. left×.
    destruct aq; inverts x. simpl. rewrite in_union. right×.

Lemma GV_trans_rem2: X p , {{p--LabRem X->>AP }}GV p = GV \u \{X}.
  introv Ht; inductions Ht; simpls.
    rewrite¬ union_empty_l.
    destruct ap; inverts x. simpl. erewrite¬ IHHt.
      rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.
    destruct aq; inverts x. simpl. erewrite¬ IHHt.
      rewrite <- union_assoc. rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite¬ union_comm.

Lemma GV_trans_tau: p , {{p--Tau->>AP }}GV \c GV p.
  introv Ht; inductions Ht; simpls.
    destruct ap; inverts x. simpls. applys¬ subset_union_2. apply subset_refl.
    destruct aq; inverts x. simpls. applys¬ subset_union_2. apply subset_refl.

    apply GV_trans_out in Ht1.
    destruct (const_abs_decidable fq) as (b & dec). destruct b; rewrite isTrue_def in dec; cases_if; clear dec.
       rewrite¬ (GV_trans_in_const a q). rewrite Ht1.
        apply subset_union_2. apply subset_union_weak_l. apply subset_refl.
       rewrite¬ (GV_trans_in a q). rewrite Ht1.
        rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite union_comm. apply subset_refl.

    apply GV_trans_out in Ht2.
    destruct (const_abs_decidable fp) as (b & dec). destruct b; rewrite isTrue_def in dec; cases_if; clear dec.
       rewrite¬ (GV_trans_in_const a p). rewrite Ht2.
        apply subset_union_2. apply subset_refl. apply subset_union_weak_l.
       rewrite¬ (GV_trans_in a p). rewrite Ht2.
        rewrite union_comm_assoc. rewrite union_comm. apply subset_refl.

Lemma cp_par: p q, closed_process (Par p q) closed_process p closed_process q.
  split; introv Hcp; unfolds closed_process; simpls.
    apply union_empty in Hcp. assumption.
    destruct Hcp. rewrite H, H0. rewrite¬ union_empty_l.

Lemma cp_abs: f a X p, closed_process pclosed_process (Abs f a X p).
  introv Hcp; unfolds closed_process; simpls. rewrite GV_subst_cp.
    rewrite Hcp. rewrite¬ remove_from_empty.

Lemma cp_trans_in: a (p : wfprocess) fp, closed_process p
  {{p--LabIn a->>(AA fp)}} (q : wfprocess), closed_process qclosed_process (wfp_inst_Abs fp q).
  introv Hcpp Ht Hcpq. destruct (const_abs_decidable fp) as (b & dec). destruct b.
    rewrite isTrue_def in dec. cases_if. clear dec.
     unfolds closed_process. rewrite <- Hcpp. applys× GV_trans_in_const.
    rewrite isTrue_def in dec. cases_if. clear dec.
     unfolds closed_process. rewrite <- Hcpp. rewrite <- union_empty_r.
     rewrite <- Hcpq. applys× GV_trans_in.

Lemma cp_trans_out: a (p : wfprocess) p´´, closed_process p
  {{p--LabOut a p´´->>AP }}closed_process closed_process p´´.
  introv Hcp Ht. unfolds closed_process. apply union_empty.
  rewrite <- Hcp. symmetry. applys× GV_trans_out.

Lemma cp_trans_tau: (p : wfprocess) , closed_process p
  {{p--Tau->>AP }}closed_process .
  introv Hcp Ht. unfolds closed_process.
  apply GV_trans_tau in Ht. rewrite Hcp in Ht. apply subset_of_empty in Ht.

Lemma wfp_GV_Abs : a X p, GV (wfp_Abs a X p) = GV p \- \{X}.
  introv; simpls.
  tests : (X # p).
    rewrite¬ gfresh_subst_rewrite.
    unfold fresh_gvar in C.
    rewrite¬ remove_while_notin.
    rewrite¬ GV_subst; simpls; rewrite¬ union_empty_r.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_ch: a b xs p, GV (wfp_pipe a xs p) = GV (wfp_pipe b xs p).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. induction xs...
  repeat rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite¬ IHxs.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_send: a c xs p, GV (wfp_pipe a xs p) = GV (wfp_pipe a xs (wfp_Send c p)).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. induction xs...
  repeat rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite¬ IHxs.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_abs1: a b xs X p, ¬Mem X xsGV (wfp_pipe a xs p) \- \{X} = GV (wfp_pipe b xs (wfp_Abs a X p)).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. inductions xs; introv Hnm...
    rewrite¬ wfp_GV_Abs.
    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hnm; rew_logic in Hnm.
    repeat rewrite wfp_GV_Abs.
    rewrite× <- IHxs.
    repeat rewrite <- remove_union. rewrite¬ union_comm.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_abs2: a b xs X p, Mem X xsGV (wfp_pipe a xs p) = GV (wfp_pipe a xs (wfp_Abs b X p)).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. inductions xs; introv Hnm...
    rewrite× Mem_nil_eq in Hnm.
    repeat rewrite wfp_GV_Abs.
    tests : (Mem X xs).
      rewrite¬ <- IHxs.
      rewrite¬ <- wfp_GV_pipe_abs1.
      inverts× Hnm.
      assert (Hn : a0 \notin (GV (wfp_pipe b xs p) \- \{a0})).
        unfold notin; rewrite in_remove; rew_logic; right.
        rewrite× notin_singleton.
      rewrite¬ (remove_while_notin Hn).
      rewrite wfp_GV_pipe_ch with (b := b); auto.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_gvar1: a X xs, ¬Mem X xsGV (wfp_pipe a xs (wfp_Gvar X)) = \{X}.
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv Hnm; induction xs...
  rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hnm; rew_logic in Hnm.
  rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite× IHxs.
  apply remove_while_notin. rewrite× notin_singleton.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_gvar2: a X xs,
  Mem X xsGV (wfp_pipe a xs (wfp_Gvar X)) = \{}.
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv Hnm. induction xs; try rename a0 into Y...
    rewrite× Mem_nil_eq in Hnm.
    rewrite Mem_cons_eq in Hnm; inverts× Hnm.
    rewrite wfp_GV_Abs.
    tests : (Mem Y xs).
      rewrite¬ IHxs; rewrite¬ remove_while_notin.
      rewrite¬ wfp_GV_pipe_gvar1.
      rewrite¬ remove_same.
    rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite× IHxs.
    rewrite¬ remove_while_notin.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_par: a xs p1 p2,
  GV (wfp_pipe a xs (wfp_Par p1 p2)) = GV (wfp_pipe a xs p1) \u GV (wfp_pipe a xs p2).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. induction xs...
  repeat rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite¬ IHxs.
  rewrite¬ <- remove_union_distr.

Lemma wfp_GV_pipe_nil: a xs, GV (wfp_pipe a xs wfp_Nil) = \{}.
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  introv. inductions xs...
  rewrite wfp_GV_Abs. rewrite IHxs.
  apply remove_from_empty.

Lemma wfp_closed_pipe: (p : wfprocess) a xs,
  (GV p) \c from_list xsclosed_process (wfp_pipe a xs p).
Proof with (rewrite_wfp_pipe_multi; jauto).
  induction p using wfp_ind; introv H; unfold closed_process in ×...
    rewrite <- wfp_GV_pipe_send. apply¬ IHp.
    tests : (Mem X xs).
      rewrite¬ <- wfp_GV_pipe_abs2.
      applys× IHp.
        unfolds subset. introv Hyp; specializes H x; rewrite from_list_spec in ×.
        tests¬ : (x = X).
        apply H. rewrite wfp_GV_Abs; rewrite in_remove; splits¬.
      rewrite¬ <- wfp_GV_pipe_abs1.
      tests : (X # p); unfold fresh_gvar in *; rewrite wfp_GV_Abs in H.
        rewrite¬ remove_while_notin in H.
        rewrite¬ IHp. apply¬ remove_while_notin.
        unfold notin in *; apply not_not_elim in C0.
        specializes IHp a (X :: xs)...
        rewrite wfp_GV_Abs in IHp. apply IHp.
        unfolds subset; introv Hyp; specializes H x; rewrite from_list_spec in ×.
        tests : (X = x); constructor.
          apply H; rewrite¬ in_remove.
    apply¬ wfp_GV_pipe_gvar2. unfolds subset. rewrite <- from_list_spec. apply H. simpl; rewrite¬ in_singleton.
    rewrite wfp_GV_pipe_par. rewrite IHp1, IHp2.
      rewrite¬ union_empty_l.
      simpls; rewrite union_comm in H. applys× union_subset.
      simpls; applys× union_subset.
    apply wfp_GV_pipe_nil.