COmpression Video (COV)
Image/Video compression - ESIR 3 - Université Rennes 1
This module provides a detailed overview of the video compression algorithms for efficient transmisison and storage.
- Lossless source coding
- Rate distortion theory and quantization
- Transform Coding/predictive coding
- Hybrid video coding scheme and video codecs
- Practical issues and video quality assessment
- AI-based video coding
Acquired skills
- Understanding the fundamentals of video coding
- Knowing the tools to compress videos
- Knowing the tools to evaluate a video compression algorithms
Aline Roumy (Inria) responsible,
Mohsen Abdoli (Ateme),
Thomas Guionnet (Ateme).
Course schedule (2024-2025)
- Aline Roumy: 5 courses (CM/TD)
- Mohsen Abdoli: 5 courses (CM/TP)
- Thomas Guionnet: 5 courses (CM/TP)
Course Notes
- DATE : 27/01/2025 à 13:15
- MODALITES : Présentation article (5 min présention / 5 min questions) Modalités évaluation
- ARTICLES : au choix 1 parmi (file of all papers)
- Topic: 360
Yu, M., Lakshman, H., and Girod, B. A framework to evaluate omnidirectional video coding schemes. In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2015.
- Topic: Learning based compression
J. Ballé, D. Minnen, S. Singh, S. J. Hwang, N. Johnston, “Variational Image
Compression With a Scale Hyperprior,” International Conference on Learning Representations, Vancouver, Canada, April 2018.
- Topic: Storage on DNA
Meinolf Blawat, Klaus Gaedke, Ingo Huetter, Xiao-Ming Chen, Brian Turczyk, Samuel Inverso,
Benjamin W Pruitt, and George M Church. Forward error correction for DNA data storage.
Procedia Computer Science, 80:1011–1022, 2016.
PAPER 2: Melpomeni Dimopoulou, Marc Antonini, Pascal Barbry, and Raja Appuswamy. A biologically
constrained encoding solution for long-term storage of images onto synthetic DNA. In 2019 27th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2019.