
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, also
   known as the X11 Licence.  A copy of this license is in the README
   file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.

   Based on code written by:
     Brian Aydemir *)

Assorted facts about lists.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList.

Require Import Metalib.CoqUniquenessTac.

Open Scope list_scope.

(* ********************************************************************** *)

List structure

Lemma cons_eq_app : (A : Type) (z : A) (xs ys zs : list A),
  z :: zs = xs ++ ys
  ( qs, xs = z :: qs zs = qs ++ ys)
  (xs = nil ys = z :: zs).
  destruct xs; intros ? ? H; simpl in ×.
    injection H. intros. subst. eauto.

Lemma app_eq_cons : (A : Type) (z : A) (xs ys zs : list A),
  xs ++ ys = z :: zs
  ( qs, xs = z :: qs zs = qs ++ ys)
  (xs = nil ys = z :: zs).
Proof. auto using cons_eq_app. Qed.

Lemma nil_eq_app : (A : Type) (xs ys : list A),
  nil = xs ++ ys
  xs = nil ys = nil.
Proof. auto using List.app_eq_nil. Qed.

Lemma app_cons_not_nil : (A : Type) (y : A) (xs ys : list A),
  xs ++ y :: ys nil.
  intros ? ? ? ? H. symmetry in H. revert H. apply List.app_cons_not_nil.

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List membership

Lemma In_map : (A B : Type) (xs : list A) (x : A) (f : A B),
  In x xs
  In (f x) (map f xs).
  induction xs; intros ? ? H; simpl in ×.
    destruct H; subst; auto.

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List non-membership

Lemma not_In_cons : (A : Type) (ys : list A) (x y : A),
  x y
  ¬ In x ys
  ¬ In x (y :: ys).
Proof. unfold not. inversion 3; auto. Qed.

Lemma not_In_app : (A : Type) (xs ys : list A) (x : A),
  ¬ In x xs
  ¬ In x ys
  ¬ In x (xs ++ ys).
Proof. intros ? xs ys x ? ? H. apply in_app_or in H. intuition. Qed.

Lemma elim_not_In_cons : (A : Type) (y : A) (ys : list A) (x : A),
  ¬ In x (y :: ys)
  x y ¬ In x ys.
Proof. simpl. intuition. Qed.

Lemma elim_not_In_app : (A : Type) (xs ys : list A) (x : A),
  ¬ In x (xs ++ ys)
  ¬ In x xs ¬ In x ys.
Proof. split; auto using in_or_app. Qed.

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List inclusion

Lemma incl_nil : (A : Type) (xs : list A),
  incl nil xs.
Proof. unfold incl. inversion 1. Qed.

Lemma In_incl : (A : Type) (x : A) (ys zs : list A),
  In x ys
  incl ys zs
  In x zs.
Proof. unfold incl. auto. Qed.

Lemma elim_incl_cons : (A : Type) (x : A) (xs zs : list A),
  incl (x :: xs) zs
  In x zs incl xs zs.
Proof. unfold incl. auto with datatypes. Qed.

Lemma elim_incl_app : (A : Type) (xs ys zs : list A),
  incl (xs ++ ys) zs
  incl xs zs incl ys zs.
Proof. unfold incl. auto with datatypes. Qed.

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Setoid facts

InA and In are related when the relation is eq. The lemma In_InA, the converse of InA_In, is in Coq's standard library.

Lemma InA_In : (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A),
  InA (@eq _) x xs In x xs.
  induction xs; intros H.
    inversion H.
    inversion H; subst; simpl in *; auto.

Lemma InA_iff_In : (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A),
  InA (@eq _) x xs In x xs.
  split; auto using InA_In.
  apply SetoidList.In_InA. apply eq_equivalence.

Whether a list is sorted is a decidable proposition.

Section DecidableSorting.

  Variable A : Type.
  Variable leA : relation A.
  Hypothesis leA_dec : x y, {leA x y} + {¬ leA x y}.

  Theorem lelistA_dec : a xs,
    {lelistA leA a xs} + {¬ lelistA leA a xs}.
  Proof with auto.
    destruct xs as [ | x xs ]...
    destruct (leA_dec a x)...
    right. intros J. inversion J...

  Theorem sort_dec : xs,
    {sort leA xs} + {¬ sort leA xs}.
  Proof with auto.
    induction xs as [ | x xs [Yes | No] ]...
    destruct (lelistA_dec x xs)...
      right. intros K. inversion K...
    right. intros K. inversion K...

End DecidableSorting.

Two sorted lists with the same elements are equal to each other.

Section SortedListEquality.

  Variable A : Type.
  Variable ltA : relation A.
  Hypothesis ltA_trans : x y z, ltA x y ltA y z ltA x z.
  Hypothesis ltA_not_eqA : x y, ltA x y x y.
  Hypothesis ltA_eqA : x y z, ltA x y y = z ltA x z.
  Hypothesis eqA_ltA : x y z, x = y ltA y z ltA x z.

  Hint Resolve ltA_trans : core.
  Hint Immediate ltA_eqA eqA_ltA : core.

  Notation Inf := (lelistA ltA).
  Notation Sort := (sort ltA).

  Lemma eqlist_eq : (xs ys : list A),
    eqlistA (@eq _) xs ys
    xs = ys.
  Proof. induction xs; destruct ys; inversion 1; f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Lemma Sort_InA_eq : xs ys,
    Sort xs
    Sort ys
    ( a, InA (@eq _) a xs InA (@eq _) a ys)
    xs = ys.
    intros xs ys ? ? ?.
    cut (eqlistA (@eq _) xs ys).
    auto using eqlist_eq.
    apply SetoidList.SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (ltA := ltA); eauto.
      apply eq_equivalence. firstorder.
      reduce. subst. split; auto.

  Lemma Sort_In_eq : xs ys,
    Sort xs
    Sort ys
    ( a, In a xs In a ys)
    xs = ys.
  Proof with auto using In_InA, InA_In.
    intros ? ? ? ? H.
    apply Sort_InA_eq...
    intros a; specialize (H a).
      split; intros; apply In_InA; intuition...

End SortedListEquality.

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Uniqueness of proofs

Uniqueness of proofs for predicates on lists often comes up when discussing extensional equality on finite sets, as implemented by the FSets library.

Section Uniqueness_Of_SetoidList_Proofs.

  Variable A : Type.
  Variable R : A A Prop.

  Hypothesis R_unique : (x y : A) (p q : R x y), p = q.
  Hypothesis list_eq_dec : (xs ys : list A), {xs = ys} + {xs ys}.

  Scheme lelistA_ind' := Induction for lelistA Sort Prop.
  Scheme sort_ind' := Induction for sort Sort Prop.
  Scheme eqlistA_ind' := Induction for eqlistA Sort Prop.

  Theorem lelistA_unique :
     (x : A) (xs : list A) (p q : lelistA R x xs), p = q.
  Proof. induction p using lelistA_ind'; uniqueness 1. Qed.

  Theorem sort_unique :
     (xs : list A) (p q : sort R xs), p = q.
  Proof. induction p using sort_ind'; uniqueness 1. apply lelistA_unique. Qed.

  Theorem eqlistA_unique :
     (xs ys : list A) (p q : eqlistA R xs ys), p = q.
  Proof. induction p using eqlistA_ind'; uniqueness 2. Qed.

End Uniqueness_Of_SetoidList_Proofs.