(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, also
known as the X11 Licence. A copy of this license is in the README
file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.
Based on code written by:
Brian Aydemir
Arthur Charg\'eraud *)
Require Export Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Export Coq.FSets.FSets.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Metalib.AssocList.
Require Export Metalib.CoqListFacts.
Require Export Metalib.LibTactics.
Require Export Metalib.MetatheoryAtom.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
known as the X11 Licence. A copy of this license is in the README
file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.
Based on code written by:
Brian Aydemir
Arthur Charg\'eraud *)
Require Export Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Export Coq.FSets.FSets.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Metalib.AssocList.
Require Export Metalib.CoqListFacts.
Require Export Metalib.LibTactics.
Require Export Metalib.MetatheoryAtom.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
Notations for finite sets of atoms
Declare Scope set_scope.
Notation "E [=] F" :=
(AtomSetImpl.Equal E F)
(at level 70, no associativity)
: set_scope.
Notation "E [<=] F" :=
(AtomSetImpl.Subset E F)
(at level 70, no associativity)
: set_scope.
Notation "{}" :=
: set_scope.
Notation "{{ x }}" :=
(AtomSetImpl.singleton x)
: set_scope.
Declare Scope set_hs_scope.
Notation "x `in` E" :=
(AtomSetImpl.In x E)
(at level 70)
: set_hs_scope.
Notation "x `notin` E" :=
(¬ AtomSetImpl.In x E)
(at level 70)
: set_hs_scope.
Notation "E `union` F" :=
(AtomSetImpl.union E F)
(at level 65, right associativity, format "E `union` '/' F")
: set_hs_scope.
We define some abbreviations for the empty set, singleton
sets, and the union of two sets.
Notation add := AtomSetImpl.add.
Notation empty := AtomSetImpl.empty.
Notation remove := AtomSetImpl.remove.
Notation singleton := AtomSetImpl.singleton.
Notation union := AtomSetImpl.union.
Notation inter := AtomSetImpl.inter.
Notation diff := AtomSetImpl.diff.
Open the notation scopes declared above.
Open Scope set_scope.
Open Scope set_hs_scope.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
We provide alternative names for the tactics on association lists
to reflect our use of association lists for environments.
Ltac simpl_env :=
Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" hyp(H) :=
simpl_alist in H.
Tactic Notation "simpl_env" "in" "*" :=
simpl_alist in ×.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) :=
rewrite_alist E.
Tactic Notation "rewrite_env" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
rewrite_alist E in H.
Tactic Notation "env" "induction" ident(E) :=
alist induction E.
Tactic Notation "env" "induction" ident(E) "as" simple_intropattern(P) :=
alist induction E as P.
As an alternative to the x ¬ a notation, we also provide more
list-like notation for writing association lists consisting of a
single binding.
Implementation note: The following notation overlaps with the
standard recursive notation for lists, e.g., the one found in the
Program library of Coq's standard library.
Declare Scope env_scope.
Notation "[ x ]" := ( x) : env_scope.
Open Scope env_scope.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
Cofinite quantification
Tactic Notation
"pick" "fresh" ident(atom_name)
"excluding" constr(L)
"and" "apply" constr(H)
first [apply (@H L) | eapply (@H L)];
match goal with
| |- ∀ _, _ `notin` _ → _ ⇒
let Fr := fresh "Fr" in intros atom_name Fr
| |- ∀ _, _ `notin` _ → _ ⇒
fail 1 "because" atom_name "is already defined"
| _ ⇒
The following variant of the tactic excludes the set of atoms
returned by the gather_atoms tactic. Redefine gather_atoms if
you wish to modify the behavior of this tactic.
Tactic Notation
"pick" "fresh" ident(atom_name)
"and" "apply" constr(H)
let L := gather_atoms in
let L := beautify_fset L in
pick fresh atom_name excluding L and apply H.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
Lemma aliases
Notation uniq_one := uniq_one_1.
Notation uniq_cons := uniq_cons_3.
Notation uniq_app := uniq_app_4.
Notation uniq_map := uniq_map_2.
Notation binds_one := binds_one_3.
Notation binds_cons := binds_cons_3.
Notation binds_app_l := binds_app_2.
Notation binds_app_r := binds_app_3.
Notation binds_map := binds_map_2.
Notation notin_empty := notin_empty_1.
Notation notin_add := notin_add_3.
Notation notin_singleton := notin_singleton_2.
Notation notin_union := notin_union_3.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
- Apply a cofinite rule with no idea what "L" should be. This adds a hypothesis x `notin` ?1 to the context.
- Apply the IH.
- eassumption resolves the x `notin` L obligation of the IH against the previously introduced x `notin` ?1 hypothesis.
Ltac hint_extern_solve_notin :=
try eassumption;
autorewrite with rewr_dom in *;
repeat first [ apply notin_union_3
| apply notin_add_3
| apply notin_singleton_2
| apply notin_empty_1
try tauto.
Hint Extern 1 (_ ≠ _ :> _) ⇒ hint_extern_solve_notin : core.
Hint Extern 1 (_ `notin` _) ⇒ hint_extern_solve_notin : core.
The next block of hints are occasionally useful when reasoning
about finite sets. In some instances, they obviate the need to
use auto with set.
Hint Resolve
AtomSetImpl.add_1 AtomSetImpl.add_2 AtomSetImpl.remove_1
AtomSetImpl.remove_2 AtomSetImpl.singleton_2 AtomSetImpl.union_2
AtomSetImpl.union_3 AtomSetImpl.inter_3 AtomSetImpl.diff_3 : core.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* SCW: this export must be at the end of the file so that eq_dec refers to
the type class member, not KeySetFacts.eq_dec. *)
Require Export Metalib.CoqEqDec.
We prefer that "==" refer to decidable equality at eq, as
defined by the EqDec_eq class from the CoqEqDec library.
Notation " x == y " := (eq_dec x y) (at level 70) : coqeqdec_scope.
Open Scope coqeqdec_scope.
(* ********************************************************************** *)
Ott compatibility
Notation var := atom (only parsing).
Notation vars := atoms (only parsing).
Notation eq_var := eq_dec (only parsing).
Notation "x === y" :=
(x == y)
(at level 70, only parsing)
: coqeqdec_scope.
Declare Scope set_sl_scope.
Notation "x \in s" :=
(x `in` s)
(at level 70, only parsing)
: set_sl_scope.
Notation "x \notin s" :=
(x `notin` s)
(at level 70, only parsing)
: set_sl_scope.
Notation "s \u t" :=
(s `union` t)
(at level 65, right associativity, only parsing)
: set_sl_scope.
Open Scope set_sl_scope.
Ltac gather_vars_with F := gather_atoms_with.
Ltac pick_fresh_gen L Y := pick fresh Y for L.
Tactic Notation "auto" "*" := auto.
Ltac apply_fresh_base H gather_vars atom_name :=
let L := gather_vars in
let L := beautify_fset L in
pick fresh x excluding L and apply H.
(* SCW added this one for list support *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition union_map (A:Set) (f:A → vars) (l:list A) :=
(List.fold_right (fun t acc ⇒ f t \u acc) {}) l.