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home page
Articles in Journal
- Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste and François Le Gland,
Multitarget likelihood for track-before-detect
applications with amplitude fluctuations of type Swerling 0, 1
and 3,
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
AES-52, 3, pp. 1089-1107, June 2016
- Paul Bui Quang, Christian Musso and François Le Gland,
Sequential Monte Carlo and the Laplace methods
for Bayesian filtering. Application to target tracking,
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
AES-52, 1, pp. 350-366, February 2016
- Jaroslav Krystul, François Le Gland and Pascal Lezaud,
Sampling per mode for rare event simulation
in switching diffusions,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
122, 7, pp. 2639-2667, July 2012
- François Le Gland,
Combined use of importance weights and resampling
weights in sequential Monte Carlo methods,
ESAIM: Proceedings, 19,
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods: Filtering and Other
Applications, pp. 85-100, 2007
- Frédéric Cérou, Pierre Del Moral,
François Le Gland and Pascal Lezaud,
Genetic genealogical model in rare event
ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics,
1, pp. 181-203, 2006.
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
Stability and uniform approximation
of nonlinear filters using the Hilbert metric, and application
to particle filters,
The Annals of Applied Probability,
14, 1, pp. 144-187, February 2004
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A robustification approach to stability
and to uniform particle approximation of nonlinear filters:
the example of pseudo-mixing signals,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
106, 2, pp. 279-316, August 2003
Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Small noise asymptotics of the Bayesian estimator
in nonidentifiable models,
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes,
5, 1, pp. 95-130, 2002
- Fabien Campillo, Yurii Kutoyants and François Le Gland,
Small noise asymptotics of the GLR test for
off-line change detection in misspecified diffusion processes,
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports,
70, 1-2, pp. 109-129, 2000
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Exponential forgetting and geometric ergodicity
in hidden Markov models,
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems,
13, 1, pp. 63-93, 2000
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Basic properties of the projective product,
with application to products of column-allowable nonnegative
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems,
13, 1, pp. 41-62, 2000
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
Approximate nonlinear filtering by projection
on exponential manifolds of densities,
5, 3, pp. 495-543, 1999.
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
A differential geometric approach
to nonlinear filtering: the projection filter,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
AC-43, 2, pp. 247-252, 1998
- Matthew James, Vikram Krishnamurthy and François Le Gland,
Time discretization of continuous-time filters
and smoothers for HMM parameter estimation,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
IT-42, 2, pp. 593-605, 1996
- Matthew James and François Le Gland,
Consistent parameter estimation
for partially observed diffusions with small noise,
Applied Mathematics & Optimization,
32, 1, pp. 47-72, 1995
- Patrick Florchinger and François Le Gland,
Time discretization of the Zakai equation
for diffusion processes observed in correlated noise,
Stochastics and Stochastics Reports,
35, 4, pp. 233-256, 1991
- Fabien Campillo and François Le Gland,
MLE for partially observed diffusions:
direct maximization vs. the EM algorithm,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
33, 2, pp. 245-274, 1989
Articles in Book, Edited Volume, etc.
- Yannick Kenné, François Le Gland, Christian Musso,
Sébastien Paris, Yannick Glemarec and Émile Vasta,
Simulation-based algorithms for the optimization
of sensor deployment,
in 3rd International Conference on
Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems
and Management Sciences,
Metz, May 11-13, 2015,
Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh and Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, editors,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 360,
pp. 261-272, Springer, Cham, 2015
- Mathieu Chouchane, Sébastien Paris, François Le Gland
and Mustapha Ouladsine,
Splitting method for spatio-temporal sensors
deployment in underwater systems,
in 12th European Conference on
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation,
Malaga, April 11-13, 2012,
Jin-Kao Hao and Martin Middendorf, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7245,
pp. 243-254, Springer, Berlin, 2012
- François Le Gland,
Monbet and Vu-Duc Tran,
Large sample asymptotics for the ensemble Kalman
in Handbook on Nonlinear Filtering,
Dan Crişan and Boris Rozovskii, editors, pp. 598-631,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.
- Pierre L'Ecuyer, François Le Gland, Pascal Lezaud
and Bruno Tuffin,
Splitting techniques,
in Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo Methods,
Gerardo Rubino and Bruno Tuffin, editors, pp. 39-61,
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2009
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A sequential particle algorithm that keeps
the particle system alive,
in Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Theory and Safety Critical
Henk Blom and John Lygeros, editors,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 337,
pp. 351-389, Springer, Berlin, 2006
- François Le Gland and Bo Wang,
Asymptotic normality in partially observed diffusions
with small noise: Application to FDI,
in Workhop on Stochastic Theory and Control,
in honor of Tyrone Duncan's 60th anniversary,
University of Kansas, October 18-20, 2001,
Boženna Pasik-Duncan, editor,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 280,
pp. 267-282, Springer, Berlin, 2002
- Christian Musso, Nadia Oudjane and François Le Gland,
Improving regularized particle filters,
in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice,
Arnaud Doucet, Nando De Freitas and Neil Gordon, editors,
Statistics for Engineering and Information Science,
pp. 247-271, Springer, New York, 2001
- Frédéric Cérou, François Le Gland
and Nigel J. Newton,
Stochastic particle methods for linear tangent
filtering equations,
in Optimal Control and PDE's - Innovations and Applications,
in honor of Alain Bensoussan's 60th anniversary,
José-Luis Menaldi, Edmundo Rofman and Agnès Sulem,
editors, pp. 231-240, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001.
- Matthew James and François Le Gland,
Numerical approximation for nonlinear filtering
and finite-time observers,
in US-French Workshop on Applied Stochastic Analysis,
Rutgers University, April 29-May 2, 1991,
Iannis Karatzas and Daniel L. Ocone, editors,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 177,
pp. 159-175, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992
- Patrick Florchinger and François Le Gland,
Particle approximation for first-order
in US-French Workshop on Applied Stochastic Analysis,
Rutgers University, April 29-May 2, 1991,
Iannis Karatzas and Daniel L. Ocone, editors,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 177,
pp. 121-133, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992
- François Le Gland,
Splitting-up approximation for SPDE's
and SDE's with application to nonlinear filtering,
in IFIP WG 7-1 International Conference on Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations and Their Applications,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, May 6-8, 1991,
Boris L. Rozovskii and Richard B. Sowers, editors,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 176,
pp. 177-187, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992
- Matthew James and François Le Gland,
Consistent parameter estimation for partially
observed diffusions with small noise,
in Workshop on Applied Stochastic Analysis,
Imperial College, London, April 5-7, 1989,
Mark H. A. Davis and Robert J. Elliott, editors,
Stochastics Monographs 5,
pp. 561-568, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1991.
- Patrick Florchinger and François Le Gland,
Time-discretization of the Zakai equation
for diffusion processes observed in correlated noise,
in 9th International Conference on
Analysis and Optimization of Systems,
Antibes, June 12-15, 1990,
Alain Bensoussan and Jacques-Louis Lions, editors,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 144,
pp. 228-237, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1990
- Fabien Campillo, François Le Gland and Étienne Pardoux,
Approximation of a stochastic ergodic control
in New Trends in Nonlinear Control Theory,
Nantes, June 13-17, 1988,
Jacques Descusse, Michel Fliess, Alberto Isidori and Daniel Leborgne,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 122,
pp. 379-395, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1989
- François Le Gland,
Nonlinear filtering equation and a problem of
parametric estimation,
in Stochastic Systems:
The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification,
Les Arcs, June 22-July 5, 1988,
Michel Hazewinkel and Jan C. Willems,
NATO ASI Series. Sub-Series C: Mathematical & Physical Sciences,
pp. 613-620, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1981
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Audrey Cuillery and François Le Gland,
Particle filters with auxiliary Markov transition.
Application to crossover and to multitarget tracking,
Proceedings of the
24th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Rustenburg, ZA, November 1-4, 2021
- Audrey Cuillery and François Le Gland,
Track-before-detect on radar image observation
with an adaptive auxiliary particle filter,
Proceedings of the
22nd International Conference on Information Fusion,
Ottawa, July 2-5, 2019
- Kersane Zoubert-Ousseni, Christophe Villien and François Le Gland,
Post-processing optimization of piecewise indoor
trajectories based on IMU and RSS measurements,
Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor
Navigation, Sapporo, September 18-21, 2017
- Kersane Zoubert-Ousseni, Christophe Villien and François Le Gland,
Comparison of post-processing algorithms for indoor
navigation trajectories,
Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor
Navigation, Alcalá de Henares, October 4-7, 2016
- Paul Bui Quang, Christian Musso and François Le Gland,
The Kalman Laplace filter: a new
deterministic algorithm for nonlinear Bayesian filtering,
Proceedings of the
18th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Washington DC, July 6-9, 2015
- Damien Jacquemart, François Le Gland and Jérôme
A combined importance splitting and sampling
algorithm for rare event estimation,
Proceedings of the
2013 Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington DC, December 8-11, 2013
- Anindya Goswami
and François Le Gland,
Marginalization for rare event simulation in
switching diffusions,
Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering
Dehradun, October 24-25, 2013.
- Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste and François Le Gland,
Filtres particulaires en contexte track-before-detect
en présence de fluctuations d'amplitude de type Swerling 1
et 3, [in French]
Actes du
25ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal
et des Images, Brest, September 3-6, 2013.
- Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste and François Le Gland,
Exploiting amplitude spatial coherence for
multi-target particle filter in track-before-detect,
Proceedings of the
16th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Istanbul, July 10-13, 2013, pp 319-326
- Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste and François Le Gland,
A particle filter for target arrival detection
and tracking in track-before-detect,
Proceedings of the
7th Sensor Data Fusion Workshop,
Bonn, September 4-6, 2012
- Paul Bui Quang, Christian Musso and François Le Gland,
Multidimensional Laplace formulas for
nonlinear Bayesian estimation,
Proceedings of the
20th European Signal Processing Conference,
Bucharest, August 27-31, 2012
- Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste and François Le Gland,
Optimized instrumental density for particle filter
in track-before-detect,
Proceedings of the
9th IET Data Fusion & Target Tracking Conference,
London, May 16-17, 2012
- Mélanie Bocquel, Alexandre Lepoutre, Olivier Rabaste
and François Le Gland,
Optimisation d'un filtre particulaire en
contexte track-before-detect (TBD), [in French]
Actes du
23ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal
et des Images, Bordeaux, September 5-8, 2011.
- Mathieu Chouchane, Sébastien Paris, François Le Gland,
Christian Musso and Dinh-Tuan Pham,
On the probability distribution of a moving target.
Asymptotic and non-asymptotic results, Proceedings of the
14th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Chicago, July 5-8, 2011, pp. 94-101
- Christian Musso, Paul Bui Quang and François Le Gland,
Introducing the Laplace approximation in particle
filtering, Proceedings of the
14th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Chicago, July 5-8, 2011, pp. 290-297
- Paul Bui Quang, Christian Musso and François Le Gland,
An insight into the issue of dimensionality in
particle filtering, Proceedings of the
13th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Edinburgh, July 27-29, 2010
- Nordine El Baraka and François Le Gland,
Bayesian terrain-aided inertial navigation using
an airborne laser scanner, Proceedings of the
2010 ION International Technical Meeting,
San Diego, January 25-27, 2010
- Damien Kubrak, François Le Gland, Liyun He and Yann Oster,
Multi-sensor fusion for localization:
concept and simulation results, Proceedings of the
2009 ION Conference on Global Navigation Satellite Systems,
Savannah, September 22-25, 2009
- Élise Arnaud and François Le Gland,
SMC with adaptive resampling: large sample
asymptotics, Proceedings of the
2009 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing,
Cardiff, August 31-September 3, 2009, pp. 481-484
- Pierre Blanchart, Liyun He and François Le Gland,
Information fusion for indoor
localization, Proceedings of the
12th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Seattle, July 6-9, 2009, pp. 2083-2090
- Vu-Duc Tran,
Monbet and François Le Gland,
Filtre de Kalman d'ensemble et filtres
particulaires pour le modèle de Lorenz, [in French]
Actes de la
Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs STIC (MajecSTIC'06),
Lorient, November 22-24, 2006.
- Frédéric Cérou, Pierre Del Moral,
François Le Gland, Arnaud Guyader, Pascal Lezaud
and Hélène Topart,
Some recent improvements to importance
Proceedings of the
6th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation,
Bamberg, October 9-10, 2006.
- Julien Guillet and François Le Gland,
Using noisy georeferenced information sources for
navigation and tracking,
Proceedings of the
IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing - Classical,
Unscented and Particle Filtering Methods, Cambridge,
September 13-15, 2006
- Qinghua Zhang, Fabien Campillo, Frédéric Cérou
and François Le Gland,
Nonlinear system fault detection and isolation
based on bootstrap particle filters,
Proceedings of the joint
44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and
8th European Control Conference,
Seville, December 12-15, 2005, pp. 3821-3826
- Frédéric Cérou, Pierre Del Moral,
François Le Gland and Pascal Lezaud,
Limit theorems for the multilevel splitting algorithm
in the simulation of rare events,
Proceedings of the
2005 Winter Simulation Conference,
Orlando, December 4-7, 2005, pp. 682-691
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A sequential particle algorithm that keeps
the particle system alive,
Proceedings of the
13th European Signal Processing Conference,
Antalya, September 4-8, 2005
- Natacha Caylus, Arnaud Guyader, François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
Application du filtrage particulaire à
l'inférence statistique des HMM, [in French]
Actes des
XXXVIèmes Journées de Statistique (SFDS'04),
Montpellier, May 24-28, 2004.
- Natacha Caylus, Arnaud Guyader and François Le Gland,
Particle filters for partially observed Markov
Proceedings of the
2003 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing,
Saint Louis, September 29-October 1, 2003, pp. 553-556
- François Le Gland,
Filtrage particulaire, [in French]
Actes du
19ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal
et des Images, Paris, September 8-10, 2003, Volume II,
pp. 1-8
- Arnaud Guyader, François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A particle implementation of the recursive MLE
for partially observed diffusions,
Proceedings of the
13th IFAC / IFORS Symposium on System Identification,
Rotterdam, August 27-29, 2003, pp. 1305-1310
- Frédéric Cérou and François Le Gland,
Efficient particle methods for residual generation
in partially observed SDE's,
Proceedings of the
39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Sydney, December 12-15, 2000, pp. 1200-1205
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
Stability and approximation of nonlinear filters
using the Hilbert metric, and application to particle filters,
Proceedings of the
39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Sydney, December 12-15, 2000, pp. 1585-1590
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Fault detection in HMM's:
A local asymptotic approach,
Proceedings of the
39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Sydney, December 12-15, 2000, pp. 4686-4690
- Yurii Kutoyants, François Le Gland and Rivo Rakotozafy,
Identification d'un système
non-linéaire partiellement observé par la méthode
de la distance minimale, [in French]
Actes du 5ème Colloque Africain sur la Recherche
en Informatique, Antananarivo, October 12-13, 2000.
- François Le Gland,
Stability and approximation of nonlinear
filters: an information theoretic approach,
Proceedings of the
38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Phoenix, December 7-10, 1999, pp. 1889-1894
- Vikram Krishnamurthy and François Le Gland,
State and parameter estimation
from boundary-crossings,
Proceedings of the
37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Tampa, December 16-18, 1998, pp. 3954-3959
- François Le Gland, Christian Musso and Nadia Oudjane,
An analysis of regularized interacting
particle methods in nonlinear filtering,
Preprints of the
3rd IEEE European Workshop on Computer-Intensive
Methods in Control and Signal Processing,
Jiri Rojícek, Markéta Valeckova, Miroslav Kárný
and Kevin Warwick, editors,
Prague, September 7-9, 1998, pp. 167-174.
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Small noise asymptotics of nonlinear filters
with nonobservable limiting deterministic system,
Proceedings of the
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, December 10-12, 1997, pp. 1663-1668
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Nonlinear filtering with continuous time
perfect observations and noninformative quadratic variation,
Proceedings of the
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, December 10-12, 1997, pp. 1645-1650
- Damiano Brigo and François Le Gland,
A finite dimensional filter with
exponential conditional density,
Proceedings of the
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, December 10-12, 1997, pp. 1643-1644
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Recursive identification in hidden
Markov models,
Proceedings of the
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, December 10-12, 1997, pp. 3468-3473
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Exponential forgetting and geometric
ergodicity in hidden Markov models,
Proceedings of the
36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Diego, December 10-12, 1997, pp. 537-542
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Asymptotic properties of the MLE in HMM's
Proceedings of the
4th European Control Conference,
Brussels, July 1-4, 1997, paper FRA-F6
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Small noise asymptotics of the Bayesian
estimator in nonidentifiable nonlinear regressions,
Proceedings of the
2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
Porto, September 11-13, 1996, pp. 257-261.
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
The exponential projection filter
and the selection of the exponential family,
Proceedings of the
2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
Porto, September 11-13, 1996, pp. 251-256.
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Recursive identification of HMM's
with observations in a finite set,
Proceedings of the
34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
New Orleans, December 13-15, 1995, pp. 216-221
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
A differential geometric approach
to nonlinear filtering: the projection filter,
Proceedings of the
34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
New Orleans, December 13-15, 1995, pp. 4006-4011
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Nonlinear filtering with perfect
discrete time observations,
Proceedings of the
34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
New Orleans, December 13-15, 1995, pp. 4012-4017
- Gilbert Damy, Marc Joannides, François Le Gland,
Marc Prévosto and Rivo Rakotozafy,
Integrated short term navigation
of a towed underwater body,
Proceedings of
Brest, September 13-15, 1994, volume III, pp. 577-582
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Position estimation of a towed
underwater body,
Proceedings of the
32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
San Antonio, December 15-17, 1993, pp. 1548-1552
- Fabien Campillo and François Le Gland,
Threshold selection in the GLR test
for change detection in partially observed diffusion processes,
Proceedings of the
2nd European Control Conference,
Groningen, June 28-July 1, 1993, pp. 134-138.
- Matthew James, Vikram Krishnamurthy and François Le Gland,
Time discretization of continuous-time filters
for HMM parameter estimation,
Proceedings of the
31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Tucson, December 16-18, 1992, pp. 3305-3310
- Fabien Campillo and François Le Gland,
Likelihood-based statistics
for partially observed diffusion processes,
Proceedings of the
1st European Control Conference,
Grenoble, July 2-5, 1991, pp. 2290-2295.
- François Le Gland,
Time discretization of nonlinear filtering
Proceedings of the
28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Tampa, December 13-15, 1989, pp. 2601-2606
- Fabien Campillo and François Le Gland,
Application du filtrage non-linéaire
en trajectographie passive,
[in French] Actes du
12ème Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images,
Juan les Pins, June 12-16, 1989, pp. 197-200
- Antoine Gondel and François Le Gland,
Systematic numerical experiments in nonlinear
filtering, with automatic FORTRAN code
Proceedings of the
25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Athens, December 10-12, 1986, pp. 638-642
- François Le Gland,
Monte Carlo methods in nonlinear filtering
and importance sampling,
Proceedings of the
23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Las Vegas, December 12-14, 1984, pp. 31-32
Research Reports
- Jaroslav Krystul, François Le Gland and Pascal Lezaud,
Sampling per mode for rare event simulation
in switching diffusions,
RR-7499, INRIA, December 2010
[abstract |
- François Le Gland,
Monbet and Vu-Duc Tran,
Large sample asymptotics for the ensemble Kalman
RR-7014, INRIA, August 2009
[abstract |
- Frédéric Cérou, Pierre Del Moral,
François Le Gland and Pascal Lezaud,
Genetic genealogical model in rare event
RR-5878, INRIA, April 2006—also available
as PI-1797, IRISA, April 2006
[abstract |
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A sequential particle algorithm that keeps
the particle system alive,
RR-5826, INRIA, February 2006—also available
as PI-1783, IRISA, February 2006
[abstract |
- Johann Fichou, François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Particle-based methods for parameter estimation
and tracking: Numerical experiments,
PI-1604, IRISA, February 2004
[abstract |
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
A robustification approach to stability
and to uniform particle approximation of nonlinear filters:
the example of pseudo-mixing signals,
RR-4431, INRIA, March 2002—also available
as PI-1451, IRISA, March 2002
[abstract |
- François Le Gland and Nadia Oudjane,
Stability and uniform approximation
of nonlinear filters using the Hilbert metric, and application
to particle filters,
RR-4215, INRIA, June 2001—also available
as PI-1404, IRISA, June 2001
[abstract |
- Marc Joannides and François Le Gland,
Small noise asymptotics of the Bayesian estimator
in nonidentifiable models,
RR-3675, INRIA, May 1999—also available
as PI-1247, IRISA, April 1999
[abstract |
- François Le Gland and Laurent Mevel,
Geometric ergodicity in hidden Markov
RR-2991, INRIA, September 1996—also available
as PI-1028, IRISA, July 1996
[abstract |
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
On the relationship between assumed density
filters and projection filters,
TI 7-96-18,
Tinbergen Institute,
Amsterdam, February 1996
- Zhiqiang Cai, François Le Gland and Huilong Zhang,
An adaptive local grid refinement method
for nonlinear filtering,
RR-2679, INRIA, October 1995—also available
as PI-954, IRISA, October 1995
[abstract |
- Damiano Brigo, Bernard Hanzon and François Le Gland,
A differential geometric approach
to nonlinear filtering: the projection filter,
RR-2598, INRIA, June 1995—also available
as PI-914, IRISA, June 1995
[abstract |
- Fabien Campillo, Frédéric Cérou,
François Le Gland and Rivo Rakotozafy,
Particle and cell approximations
for nonlinear filtering,
RR-2567, INRIA, June 1995
[abstract |
- Fabien Campillo, Hervé Bernier, Frédéric Cérou,
François Le Gland and Rivo Rakotozafy,
Parallélisme de données et filtrage
non linéaire. Analyse de performance,
[in French] RT-167, INRIA, November 1994
[abstract |
- Yurii Kutoyants, François Le Gland and Rivo Rakotozafy,
Identification d'un système
non-linéaire partiellement observé
par la méthode de la distance minimale,
[in French] RR-2125, INRIA, December 1993
[abstract |
- Fabien Campillo, François Le Gland and Yurii Kutoyants,
Asymptotics of the GLRT for the disorder
problem in diffusion processes,
RR-1735, INRIA, July 1992
[abstract |
- Patrick Florchinger and François Le Gland,
Particle approximation for first-order
SPDE's, RR-1502, INRIA, September 1991
[abstract |
- Matthew James and François Le Gland,
Consistent parameter estimation for partially
observed diffusions with small noise, RR-1223, INRIA, May 1990
[abstract |
- Patrick Florchinger and François Le Gland,
Time-discretization of the Zakai equation
for diffusion processes observed in correlated noise,
RR-1222, INRIA, May 1990
[abstract |
- Fabien Campillo and François Le Gland,
MLE for partially observed diffusions:
Direct maximization vs. the EM algorithm,
RR-884, INRIA, August 1988
[abstract |
Supervised PhD Theses
- Kersane Zoubert-Ousseni (jointly with Christophe Villien),
Algorithmes de géolocalisation à
l'intérieur d'un bâtiment
en temps différé,
[in French]
Université de Rennes 1,
April 10, 2018.
- Alexandre Lepoutre (jointly with Olivier Rabaste),
Détection et pistage en contexte
Track-Before-Detect par filtrage particulaire,
[in English]
Université de Rennes 1,
October 5, 2016.
- Damien Jacquemart (jointly with Jérôme Morio),
Contributions aux méthodes de branchement
multi-niveaux pour les évènements rares, et applications
au trafic aérien,
[in English]
Institut Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
December 8, 2014.
- Paul Bui Quang (jointly with Christian Musso),
Approximation particulaire et méthode
de Laplace pour le filtrage bayésien,
[in English]
Institut Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
July 1, 2013.
- Rudy Pastel (jointly with Jérôme Morio),
Estimation de probabilités
d'évènements rares et de quantiles extrêmes.
Applications dans le domaine aérospatial,
[in English]
Institut Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
February 14, 2012.
- Adrien Ickowicz
(supervisor Jean-Pierre Le Cadre),
Méthodes d'estimation statistique pour le
suivi de cibles à l'aide d'un réseau de capteurs,
[in French]
Université de Rennes 1,
May 6, 2010
[résumé /
abstract |
file 1607 kb].
- Francis Céleste (supervisor Jean-Pierre Le Cadre),
Cartes incertaines et planification optimale pour
la localisation d'un engin autonome,
[in French]
Université de Rennes 1,
February 10, 2010
[résumé /
abstract |
file 2949 kb].
- Vu-Duc Tran (jointly with
Assimilation de données : les
propriétés asymptotiques du filtre de Kalman
[in French]
Université de Bretagne Sud,
June 29, 2009
[résumé /
abstract |
file 3566 kb].
- Nadia Oudjane (jointly with Christian Musso),
Stabilité et approximation particulaire
en filtrage non-linéaire. Application au pistage,
[in French]
Institut Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
December 18, 2000
[abstract |
gzipped PostScript
file 1024 kb |
file 2104 kb].
- Laurent Mevel,
Statistique asymptotique pour
les modèles de Markov cachés, [in French]
Institut Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1,
November 17, 1997
[abstract |
gzipped PostScript file
1752 kb].
- Marc Joannides,
intégrée d'un engin sous-marin remorqué. Filtrage
non-linéaire des systèmes avec contraintes et/ou
mesures parfaites, [partly in French]
Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique,
Université de Provence, Marseilles, March 27, 1997
[gzipped PostScript file
600 kb],
see also the errata sheet,
updated February 12, 1998.
- Damiano Brigo
(supervisors Bernard Hanzon and Jan van Schuppen),
Filtering by projection
on the manifold of exponential densities,
Department of Economics and Econometrics, Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, October 29, 1996
[gzipped PostScript file 584 kb].
- Rivo Rakotozafy,
Estimateur de la distance minimale. Approximation
particulaire pour le filtrage non-linéaire,
[in French]
Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique,
Université de Provence, Marseilles, October 26, 1993.
- Huilong Zhang (supervisor Étienne Pardoux),
Développement en temps petit de la solution
de l'équation de Zakai, et résolution numérique
par maillage adaptatif,
[in French]
Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique,
Université de Provence, Marseilles, March 9, 1992.
Lecture Notes
- Filtre de Kalman et modèles
de Markov cachés, [in French]
DEA STIR, Université de Rennes 1, Academic Year 2002-03
[gzipped PostScript file 192 kb].
- Numerical methods in nonlinear
filtering, Department of Mathematics, USC,
Academic Year 1992-93.
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