
I have been involved in the following courses:

Winter 2017 Model-checking and security

This course was given to third year students of ENSIBS (master level). The objective was to present techniques for checking and testing the security of systems. I presented model-checking techniques with exercices in Promela and SPIN, fuzzing techniques and concolic testing with JPF and JDart.

2012--2014 Verification and test of embedded systems

I taught third year students of ESIR (master level). In 2012--2013 I lectured the exercises sessions, which were based on UPPAAL model-checker, and I supervised the students during a verification project. In 2013--2014, I was responsible for the entire course, which includes lectures on model-checking of real-time systems.

Fall 2011 Programming workshop

I taught and supervised master students in this programming project. Students learnt how to implement basic data structures and algorithms and how to apply software development methods. They implemented a web search engine in Java and studied its performances.

IT University of Copenhagen
2008--2009 Networks and system administration

I was teacher in this course for an exercise class to first year bachelor students. In a series of exercises on computer machines, students learnt how to administrate a UNIX system, how to set up local networks and routing techniques, and how to install network services like a DNS.

IUT de Nantes
2008--2009 Algorithms and computer programming

I taught an exercise class of algorithms and a practical class of C++ programming to first year bachelor students.

Université de Nantes
2006--2007 Software methods

I was teaching assistant in a practical class of Java programming to master students. On this course I also supervised students in a programming project.

Centrale Nantes