O. Sentieys.
Analyse et synthèse d’architectures en traitement du signal et
d’images : vers la conception d’architectures hétérogènes.
Université de Rennes I - ENSSAT, February 1993.
O. Sentieys.
Méthodologies de conception de circuits et systèmes enfouis :
application dans le domaine des télécommunications.
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Université de Rennes I - ENSSAT,
January 1999.
J.P. Diguet, D. Chillet and O. Sentieys.
A Framework for High-Level Estimations of Signal Processing
Journal of VLSI Systems for Signal, Image and Video Technology,
Volume 25, Number 3, July 2000.
H. Dubois, D. Chillet, J.L. Philippe and O. Sentieys.
Teaching Hardware/Software System Codesign using High-Level CAD tools : a case study in image synthesis.
IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 43, Number 3, August 2000.
D. Chillet, J.P. Diguet, J.L. Philippe, and O. Sentieys.
Méthodologie de conception des unités mémoires appliquée au
traitement du signal temps réel.
Revue Technique et Science Informatique, Volume 16, 1997.
J.P. Diguet, O. Sentieys, J.L. Philippe, and E. Martin.
Mesures probabilistes de l’adéquation algorithme architecture.
Revue Traitement du Signal, Volume 14, 1997.
D. Chillet, J.L. Philippe, O. Sentieys, and H. Dubois.
Conception des unités mémoire pour des applications de traitement
du signal temps réel.
Revue Traitement du Signal, Volume 14, 1997.
J.L. Philippe, O. Sentieys, E. Martin, and H. Dubois.
Adéquation d’un algorithme à une architecture, application à la
transformée de fourier.
Revue Traitement du signal, 13(4):335–350, December
E. Martin, O. Sentieys, and J.L. Philippe.
Synthèse architecturale de cœur de processeurs de traitement du
Revue Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 13(2), 1994.
O. Sentieys, E. Martin, H. Dubois, J.L. Philippe, and M. Corazza.
Application de l’outil espion pour l’analyse des architectures
multiprocesseurs au filtrage de kalman 2-d rapide.
Revue Traitement du Signal, 10(1), 1993.
P. Lutzler, O. Faraldi, P. Cosquer, M. Billon and O. Sentieys.
Chute du sujet agé : prototype de bracelet détecteur.
Revue de gérontologie, 2000.
Book Chapters
O. Sentieys, D. Chillet, J.P. Diguet, and J.L. Philippe.
Memory module selection for high level synthesis.
In IEEE Press, VLSI Signal Processing IX, 1996.
M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, C. Carriere, G. Durrieu, T. Gauthier, M. Israel,
P. Le Guernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, and
O. Sentieys.
Framework and multi-formalism: The asar project.
In Electronic Design Automation Framework, Edited by F.J.Ramming
and F.R.Wagner, Chapman Hall, volume 4, pages 91–90, 1995.
J.P. Diguet, O. Sentieys, J.L. Philippe, and E. Martin.
Probabilistic resource estimation for pipeline architecture.
In IEEE Press, VLSI Signal Processing VIII, 1995.
J.L. Philippe, O. Sentieys, J.P. Diguet, and E. Martin.
From digital signal processing specifications to layout, pages
In New techniques in Logic and Architectural Synthesis, Chapman Hall, G. Saucier and A. Mignotte, 1995.
J.P. Diguet, O. Sentieys, E. Martin, and J.L. Philippe.
How to specify an algorithm in vlsi architectural synthesis ? a vocal
coding application.
In IEEE Press, VLSI Signal Processing VII, 1994.
O. Sentieys, E. Martin, and J.L. Philippe.
VLSI architectural synthesis for an acoustic echo cancelation
In IEEE Press, VLSI Signal Processing VI,
edited by L. Eggermont and Ed Deprettere, 1993.
O. Sentieys, M.Billon, H.L’Her, and M.Valette.
Système d’apprentissage au tir, équipement pour fusil, cible et
procédé correspondant.
Brevet numéro 96.06779, Université de Rennes 1, 1996.
O. Sentieys, M.Billon, H.L’Her, and M.Valette.
Dispositif et procédé de détermination d’informations
physiologiques, et utilisation correspondante.
Brevet numéro 97-14113, Université de Rennes 1, 1997.
O. Sentieys, M.Billon, P. Cosquer, H.L’Her, and M.Valette.
Système de téléalarme intelligente.
Brevet numéro 00-05822, Université de Rennes 1, 2000.
International Conferences
[21]R. David, D. Chillet, S. Pillement, O. Sentieys,
A Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture for Low-Power Multimedia
in 11th IFIP Int. Conference on VLSI and System On Chip,
December 2001.
[22]S. Pillement, O. Sentieys, D. Chillet, E. Casseau,
P. Coussy, E.Martin, G. Savaton, S. Roux,
Design and synthesis of behavioral level virtual components,
in 11th IFIP Int. Conference on VLSI and System On Chip,
December 2001.
J.G. Cousin, M. Denoual, D. Saillé, O. Sentieys.
Fast ASIP synthesis and power estimation for DSP applications.
In IEEE Symposium on signal processing systems SIPS’2000 , Lafayette, LA, pp 591-600, 2000.
M.Denoual, D.Saillé, J.G.Cousin and O.Sentieys.
Fast Power Estimation at the Architectural Level.
In International Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS’2000, Montpellier, pp 88-93, 21-24 November, 2000.
J-G. Cousin, O. Sentieys and D. Chillet.
Multi-algorithm ASIP Synthesis and Power Estimation for DSP Applications.
In IEEE International Symposium on circuits and
systems ISCAS’2000, Geneva, SW, may 28 - 31, 2000.
M. Denoual, D. Saillé and O. Sentieys.
PowerCheck : an Architectural-Level Power Estimation,
Workshop on Multi-Architecture Low-Power Design (MALOPD),
Moscou, September, 1999.
O. J. Dedou, D. Chillet, and O. Sentieys.
Behavioral Synthesis of Aynchronous Systems: a Methodology.
In IEEE International Symposium on circuits and
systems ISCAS’99, Orlando, USA, may 30 - june 2 1999.
D. Chillet, O. Sentieys, and M. Corazza.
Memory unit design for real time dsp applications.
In IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI GLSV’99, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA, March 1999.
J-G. Cousin, D. Chillet, and O. Sentieys.
ASIP Design and Power Estimation for DSP Applications.
In Sophia Antipolis Conference on Microelectronics. SAME’98,
October 1998.
O.J. Dedou, D. Chillet, and O. Sentieys.
Asynchronous Timing Model for High Level Synthesis for DSP
In European Signal Processing IX: Theories and applications,
volume 1, pages 475–478. EUSIPCO-98, September 1998.
B. Meziane, M. Billon, O. Sentieys, and M. Corazza.
Performance of an ambulatory system in function-parameter analysis
and sleep characterization.
In 14th congress on sleep research, also in Journal of sleep
research Vol 7, sup 2, Madrid, Septembre 1998.
B. Meziane, M. Billon, O. Sentieys, and M. Corazza.
Heart rate and respiratory regulation during normal sleep:
investigation by spectral analysis and comparison with EEG recordings.
In VIII Mediterranean conference on medical and biological
engineering and computing medicon’98, Cyprus, June 1998.
S.J. Piestrak, F. Pedron, and O. Sentieys.
VLSI implementation ans complexity comparison of residue generators
modulo 3.
In European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO-98, Rhodos, Greece,
Septembre 1998.
J.Ph. Diguet, O. Sentieys, D. Chillet, and J.L. Philippe.
VLSI high level synthesis of fast exact least mean square
In ICASSP’97, 34th IEEE International Conference on Acoustic
Speech, and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, April 1997.
S. Gailhard, O. Sentieys, N. Julien, and E. Martin.
Area/time/power space exploration in module selection for dsp high
level synthesis.
In PATMOS’97, Louvain la Neuve, September 1997.
J.L. Philippe, D. Chillet, O. Sentieys, and J.P. Diguet.
Memory aspects in signal processing and hls tool : Some results.
In European Signal Processing Conference, Trieste, Itaky,
September 1996.
O. Sentieys, D. Chillet, J.P. Diguet, and J.L. Philippe.
Memory module selection for high level synthesis.
In IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, San Fransisco, USA,
30 octobre - 1 novembre 1996.
O. Sentieys, J.P. Diguet, J.L. Philippe, and E. Martin.
Hardware module selection for real time pipeline architectures using
probabilistic cost estimation.
In IEEE ASIC conference, Rochester, USA, September 1996.
J.P. Diguet, O. Sentieys, J.L. Philippe, and E. Martin.
Probabilistic resource estimation for pipeline architecture.
In T.Nishitani and K.Parhi, editors, IEEE Workshop on VLSI
Signal Processing, volume IEEE Press, pages 217–226, Osaka, Japon, November
O. Sentieys, J.P. Diguet, and J.L. Philippe.
Gaut : a high level synthesis tool dedicated to real time processing
In University booth, EURO DAC, Brighton, September 1995.
P. Aubry, M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, C. Carriere, G. Durrieu, T. Gauthier,
M. Israel, P. Le Guernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau,
F. Rousseau, and O. Sentieys.
Framework and multi-formalism: the asar project.
In 4eme international IFIP conference on Electronic Design
Automation Frameworks, Gramado, Bresil, November 1994.
M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, C. Carriere, G. Durrieu, T. Gauthier, M. Israel,
P. Le Guernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, and
O. Sentieys.
Towards a multi-formalism framework for architectural synthesis: the
asra project.
In 3eme international Workshop on hardware - software Codesign
Code/Cashe’94, Grenoble, 1994.
J.P. Diguet, O. Sentieys, E. Martin, and J.L. Philippe.
How to specify an algorithm in VLSI architectural synthesis ? a vocal
coding application.
In IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, La Jolla,
Californie, October 1994.
J.L. Philippe, E. Martin, and O. Sentieys.
Adequacy architecture algorithm, an experiment in signal processing
by using fpga.
In VHDL Forum Spring’94, Tremezzo, Italy, 1994.
J.L. Philippe, O. Sentieys, J.P. Diguet, and E. Martin.
High level synthesis and layout issues: some results in digital
signal processing.
In IFIP Workshop on logic and architecture synthesis, Grenoble,
December 1994.
E. Martin, O. Sentieys, and J.L. Philippe.
Adaptative filtering algorithms in acoustic echo cancellation :
architecture complexity evaluation.
In Third international Workshop on Acoustic Echo Control,
Plestin les grèves, September 1993.
E. Martin, O. Sentieys, H. Dubois, and J.L. Philippe.
Gaut: an architectural synthesis tool for dedicated signal
In IEEE/ACM European Design Automation Conference EURO-DAC’93, pages 20–24, Hambourg, September
J.L. Philippe, E. Martin, and O. Sentieys.
Prototyping DSP using VHDL and CAD architectural tool.
In Spring’93, Insbruck, Austria, March 1993.
O. Sentieys, E. Martin, and J.L. Philippe.
VLSI architectural synthesis for an acoustic echo cancelation
In IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, Veldhoven,
Hollande, October 1993.
O. Sentieys, H. Dubois, J.L. Philippe, and E. Martin.
A methodology approach to configure architectures applied to an mimd
transputer based machine for image and signal processing.
In COST 229 Workshop on parallel computing, March 1992.