[1] | D. Menard, D. Chillet, F. Charot, and O. Sentieys. Automatic Floating-point to Fixed-point Conversion for DSP Code Generation. In ACM International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems 2002 (CASES 2002), pages 270-276, Grenoble, October 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[2] | Daniel Menard and Olivier Sentieys. Automatic Evaluation of the Accuracy of Fixed-point Algorithms. In IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE-02), pages 529 - 535, Paris, March 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | Daniel Menard and Olivier Sentieys. A methodology for evaluating the precision of fixed-point systems. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP 2002, pages III-3152 - III-3155, Orlando, May 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | D. Menard, P. Quemerais, and O. Sentieys. Influence of fixed-point DSP architecture on computation accuracy. In XI European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2002) , Toulouse, September 2002. [ bib | .html | .pdf ] |
[5] | Raphaël David, Daniel Chillet, Sébastien Pillement, and Olivier Sentieys. A Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture for Low-Power Multimedia Terminals. In SOC Design Methodologies, pages 51-62. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | Raphaël David, Daniel Chillet, Sebastien Pillement, and Olivier Sentieys. A Compilation Framework for a Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture. In 12th IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2002, volume 2438 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Springer-Verlag, September 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | R. David, D. Chillet, S. Pillement, and O. Sentieys. A High-Performance dynamically reconfigurable embedded architecture. In Sophia Antipolis Conference on Microelectronics SAME'2002, 2002. [ bib ] |
[8] | Raphaël David, Daniel Chillet, Sebastien Pillement, and Olivier Sentieys. DART : A Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture dealing with Next Generation Telecommunications Constraints. In Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS'02, pages 156 - 163. IEEE CS Press, April 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[9] | Rapahël David, Daniel Chillet, Sebastien Pillement, and Olivier Sentieys. Mapping future generation mobile telecommunication applications on a dynamically reconfigurable architecture. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustic Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP 2002, pages IV-4194-IV-4197, May 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | Olivier Sentieys, Sebastien Pillement, and Daniel Chillet. Behavioral IP Specification and Integration Framework for High-Level Design Reuse. In IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED'2002, pages 388 - 393, March 2002. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[11] | S. Pillement, D. Chillet, and O. Sentieys. A Virtual Component for Motion Estimation Algorithm. In International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, ERSA'02, June 2002. [ bib ] |
[12] | D. Menard and O. Sentieys. Implantation d'algorithmes spécifiés en virgule flottante dans les dsp virgule fixe. In Symposium en Architectures Nouvelles de Machines, SYMPA'8, Avril 2002. [ bib ] |
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