[1] | Zhenhua Wang, Thach Ngoc Dinh, Qinghua Zhang, Tarek Raissi, and Yi Shen. Fast interval estimation for discrete-time linear systems: An L1 optimization method. Automatica, August 2021. In press. [ http ] |
[2] | Bernard Delyon and Qinghua Zhang. On the Optimality of the Kitanidis Filter for State Estimation Rejecting Unknown Inputs. Automatica, 132:article no.109793, July 2021. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[3] | Subhamoy Sen, Neha Aswal, Qinghua Zhang, and Laurent Mevel. Structural health monitoring with non-linear sensor measurements robust to unknown non-stationary input forcing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152:107472, May 2021. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[4] | Qinghua Zhang. Dynamic System Fault Diagnosis under Sparseness Assumption. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, page 10, April 2021. [ .pdf | HAL | Google Scholar | IEEE-TSP ] |
[5] | Wentao Tang, Zhenhua Wang, Qinghua Zhang, and Yi Shen. Set-membership estimation for linear time-varying descriptor systems. Automatica, May 2020. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[6] | Qinghua Zhang, Lennart Ljung, and Rik Pintelon. On Local LTI Model Coherence for LPV Interpolation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, page 6, October 2019. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[7] | Qinghua Zhang and Liangquan Zhang. Stability Analysis of the Kalman Predictor. International Journal of Control, pages 1-16, July 2019. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[8] | Qinghua Zhang. Adaptive Kalman Filter for Actuator Fault Diagnosis. Automatica, 93:333-342, July 2018. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[9] | Qinghua Zhang and Lennart Ljung. From Structurally Independent Local LTI Models to LPV Model. Automatica, 84:232-235, August 2017. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[10] | Qinghua Zhang. On Stability of the Kalman Filter for Discrete Time Output Error Systems. Systems and Control Letters, 107:84-91, July 2017. [ DOI | http | .pdf ] |
[11] | Boyi Ni and Qinghua Zhang. Stability of the Kalman filter for continuous time output error systems. Systems & Control Letters, 94:172-180, August 2016. [ http ] |
[12] | Michael Döhler, Laurent Mevel, and Qinghua Zhang. Fault detection, isolation and quantification from Gaussian residuals with application to structural damage diagnosis. Annual Reviews in Control, 42:244-256, 2016. [ http ] |
[13] | Florent Loete, Qinghua Zhang, and Michel Sorine. Experimental validation of the inverse scattering method for distributed characteristic impedance estimation. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 63(6):2532-2538, 2015. [ http ] |
[14] | Liangquan Zhang and Qinghua Zhang. Observability conservation by output feedback and observability Gramian bounds. Automatica, 60:38-42, 2015. [ http ] |
[15] | Jiandong Wang and Qinghua Zhang. Identification of FIR systems based on quantized output measurements: a quadratic programming-based method. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(5):1439-1444, 2014. [ http ] |
[16] | Lei Fang, Jiandong Wang, and Qinghua Zhang. Identification of extended Hammerstein systems with hysteresis-type input nonlinearities described by Preisach model. Nonlinear Dynamics, 79(2):1257-1273, 2014. [ http ] |
[17] | Qinghua Zhang and Michèle Basseville. Statistical detection and isolation of additive faults in linear time-varying systems. Automatica, 50(10):2527-2538, 2014. [ http ] |
[18] | J. Wang and Q. Zhang. Detection of asymmetric control valve stiction from oscillatory data using an extended hammerstein system identification method. Journal of Process Control, 24:1-12, 2014. [ http ] |
[19] | Qinghua Zhang and Huaibin Tang. Diagnosis of inhomogeneous insulation degradation in electric cables by distributed shunt conductance estimation. Control Engineering Practice, 21(9):1195-1203, 2013. [ http ] |
[20] | Qinghua Zhang. Nonlinear system identification with an integrable continuous time nonlinear ARX model. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 46(6-7):691-710, 2012. [ http ] |
[21] | Alexandre Vidal, Qinghua Zhang, Claire Médigue, Stéphane Fabre, and Frédérique Clément. DynPeak: An algorithm for pulse detection and frequency analysis in hormonal time series. PLoS ONE, 7(7):1-16, 2012. [ http ] |
[22] | Xiuliang Li, Qinghua Zhang, and Hongye Su. An adaptive observer for joint estimation of states and parameters in both state and output equations. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 25(9):765-854, September 2011. [ http ] |
[23] | Huaibin Tang and Qinghua Zhang. An efficient inverse scattering algorithm and its application to lossy electric transmission line synthesis. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 24:77-90, 2011. [ http ] |
[24] | Qinghua Zhang, Michel Sorine, and Mehdi Admane. Inverse scattering for soft fault diagnosis in electric transmission lines. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 59(1):141-148, 2011. [ .pdf | HAL | Google Scholar | IEEE-TAP ] |
[25] | Huaibin Tang and Qinghua Zhang. An inverse scattering approach to soft fault diagnosis in lossy electric transmission lines. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 59(10):3730-3737, 2011. [ http ] |
[26] | Chunyun Yan, Jiandong Wang, and Qinghua Zhang. Subspace identification methods for Hammerstein systems: Rank constraint and dimension problem. International Journal of Control, 2010. [ http ] |
[27] | Stefano Perabò and Qinghua Zhang. Adaptive observers for linear stochastic time-variant systems with disturbances. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 23(6):547-607, 2009. [ DOI | http ] |
[28] | Gerasimos Rigatos and Qinghua Zhang. Fuzzy model validation using the local statistical approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 160(7):882-904, 2009. [ DOI | http ] |
[29] | Jiandong Wang, Qinghua Zhang, and Lennart Ljung. Revisiting Hammerstein system identification through the two-stage algorithm for bilinear parameter estimation. Automatica, 45(11):2627-2633, 2009. [ DOI | http ] |
[30] | Qinghua Zhang. Actuator fault diagnosis with robustness to sensor distortion. Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2008(1):1-7, 2008. Special Issue on Robustness Issues in Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control. [ DOI | http ] |
[31] | Qinghua Zhang and Gildas Besançon. An adaptive observer for sensor fault estimation in a class of uniformly observable nonlinear systems. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 4(1):37 - 43, 2008. Special Issue on Observers for Nonlinear Systems. [ DOI | http ] |
[32] | Qinghua Zhang, Nicolas Fréchin, Nicolas Guézé, and Patrice Jaulneau. Data line change detection with application to Mud Logging data processing. Signal Processing, 87:2188-2196, 2007. [ DOI | http ] |
[33] | Damiano Di Penta, Karim Bencherif, Michel Sorine, and Qinghua Zhang. A reduced fuel cell stack model for control and fault diagnosis. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 3(4):384-388, 2006. [ DOI | http ] |
[34] | Q. Zhang, A. Illanes Manriquez, C. Médigue, Y. Papelier, and M. Sorine. An algorithm for robust and efficient location of T-wave ends in electrocardiograms. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 53(12):2544-2552, 2006. [ DOI | http ] |
[35] | Aiping Xu and Qinghua Zhang. Nonlinear system fault diagnosis based on adaptive estimation. Automatica, 40(7):1181-1193, 2004. [ DOI | http ] |
[36] | Aiping Xu and Qinghua Zhang. Residual generation for fault diagnosis in linear time-varying systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(5):767-772, 2004. [ DOI | http ] |
[37] | Qinghua Zhang. Adaptive observer for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) linear time varying systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47(3):525-529, 2002. [ .pdf | HAL | Google Scholar | IEEE-TAC ] |
[38] | Qinghua Zhang. A new residual generation and evaluation method for detection and isolation of faults in nonlinear systems. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 14:759-773, 2000. [ DOI | http ] |
[39] | Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste. Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear dynamic systems: A combined input-output and local approach. Automatica, 34(11):1359-1373, 1998. [ DOI | http ] |
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[41] | T. Kugarajah and Q. Zhang. Multi-dimensional wavelet frames. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 6(6):1552-1556, November 1995. [ DOI | http ] |
[42] | A. Juditsky, H. Hjalmarsson, A. Benveniste, B. Deylon, L. Ljung, J. Sjöberg, and Q. Zhang. Nonlinear black-box models in system identification: Mathematical foundations. Automatica, 31(12):1725-1750, 1995. [ DOI | http ] |
[43] | J. Sjöberg, Q. Zhang, L. Ljung, A. Benveniste, B. Deylon, P-Y. Glorennec, H. Hjalmarsson, and A. Juditsky. Non-linear black-box modeling in system identification: a unified overview. Automatica, 31(12):1691-1724, 1995. [ DOI | http ] |
[44] | Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste. Early warning of slight changes in systems. Automatica, 30(1):95-113, 1994. Special Issue on Statistical Methods in Signal Processing and Control. [ DOI | http ] |
[45] | Q. Zhang and A. Benveniste. Wavelet networks. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 3(6):889-898, November 1992. [ DOI | http ] |
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