Collaborative projects with public fundings
- Floating offshore wind turbine cable monitoring (Flow-Cam) funded by MarTERA (participation, 2020-2023)
- Detection of steel defects by enhanced monitoring and automated procedure for self-inspection and maintenance (DESDEMONA) funded by RFCS (participation, 2017–2020)
- Model driven physical systems operation (MODRIO) funded by ITEA2 (participation, 2012–2016)
- Soft defects diagnosis in wired networks (SODDA) funded by ANR (management, 2012–2015)
- Extended block-oriented nonlinear system identification (EBONSI) funded by ANR (coordination, 2011–2014)
- Modélisation du diagnostic et du pronostic (MODIPRO) funded by AsTech Paris (management, 2010–2012)
- On-board fault diagnosis for wired networks in automotive systems (0-DEFECT) funded by ANR (management, 2009–2012)
- Diagnostic de câbles électriques sécuritaires pour grandes infrastructures (INSCAN) funded by ANR (management, 2009–2012)
- Smart embedded electronic diagnosis system (SEEDS) funded by ANR (management, 2006-2009)
- Diagnostic de pile à combustible pour applications automobiles (DIAPASON) funded by ANR (participation, 2006–2009)
- Embedded systems design (ARTIST2) funded by FP6-IST (participation, 2004-2008)
- Réduction des emissions avec système pile à combustible et reformeur essence (RESPIRE)
funded by ADEME (participation, 2004-2007)
- European research network on system identification (ERNSI) funded by FP4-TMR (management, 1998-2003)
Other public fundings
- Vision-based vibration monitoring of civil structures. Z. Luo's PhD project funded by Inria (management, 2021-2024)
- Video-based vibration analysis for structural health monitoring in civil engineering, B. Xiong's PhD project funded by Bretagne Region and UGE (management, 2018-2021)
Public-industrial PhD projects (CIFRE)
- Problèmes inverses pour le diagnostic de câbles électriques à partir de mesures de réflectométrie, PhD student N. Berrabah, funded by ANRT-EDF (management, 2014-2017)
- Modélisation, surveillance et contrôle des niveaux de polluants résidant dans les groupes moto-propulseurs à faibles émissions, PhD student D. Di Penta, funded by ANRT-Renault (management, 2004-2007)
- Application à la suspension de véhicules routiers, PhD student A. Clavel, funded by ANRT-Renault (management, 1999-2002)
- Modélisation et diagnostic de pannes dans des organes de véhicules automobiles à basse consommation, PhD student O. Perrin, funded by ANRT-Renault (participation, 2000-2003)
Industrial fundings
- Extension of the Matlab System Identification Toolbox to nonlinear systems, Mathworks, (management, 2005-2010)
- Mud Logging analysis, Geoservices, (management, 2001-2003)
- Diagnostic de défauts de disjoncteurs, Schneider Electric, (management, 1999-2000)
- Diagnostic de défauts de générateurs de vapeur, EDF/DER/CCC, (management, 1997-1998)
- Diagnostic dans une centrale électrique, EDF/DER/SDM, (participation, 1996-1997)