theory cm2 imports Main HOL.Rat "~~/src/HOL/Library/Code_Target_Nat" (* to hide 0, Succ rep. of nats *) begin (* Terms and types *) value "True" value "1" value "1::nat" value "2+5::nat" value "2+3::nat" value "[True,False]" value "x" value "[x,y,z]" value "[1,2,3]" value "[2::nat,6,10]" value "[(2::nat),6,10]" value "[x,y,z]" value "(x,y,z)" value "(x,x,x)" (* Exercise 1 *) (* append :: 'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list *) (* Exercice 2 *) (* Exercise 3 *) value "-56.188::rat" value "''toto''" (* Every data has a (hidden) constructor representation *) value "1::nat" value "2::nat" (* Integers are represented by couples of nat (x,y), where the integer value is x-y *) lemma "(Abs_Integ(1,4) + Abs_Integ(3,0)) = 0" sorry (* Exercise 4 *) (* Example 11 *) fun contains:: "'a => 'a list => bool" where "contains e [] = False" | "contains e (x#xs) = (if e=x then True else (contains e xs))" fun contains2:: "'a => 'a list => bool" where "contains2 e [] = False" | "contains2 e (x#xs) = (e=x \ (contains2 e xs))" (* Example 14 *) (* A function that is not sufficiently defined, i.e. incomplete or not total *) fun secondElt:: "'a list \ 'a" where "secondElt (x#(y#ys)) = y" thm "length_append" (* Exercise 5 *) thm "contains.simps" thm "nth.simps" find_theorems "rev" "length" find_theorems "contains" (* Example 21 *) lemma "append [1,2] [3,4] = [1,2,3,4]" apply (subst append.simps) apply (subst append.simps) apply (subst append.simps) apply auto done (* We can perform rewriting step by step...*) lemma "contains (2::nat) [1,2,3] = True" apply (subst contains.simps) apply (simp del:contains.simps) apply (subst contains.simps) apply (simp del:contains.simps) done lemma "contains y [x,y,z]" apply (subst contains.simps) apply (subst contains.simps) apply simp done lemma "contains y [x,y,z]" (* ... or we can print all the rewriting steps using 'simp_trace', but it is hard to read! *) using [[simp_trace=true]] apply auto done (* Exercise 6 *) lemma "contains u (append [u] v)" apply (subst append.simps) apply (subst contains.simps) apply simp done (* Exercice 7 *) lemma "contains v (append u [v])" apply (subst append.simps) apply (subst contains.simps) sorry (* Exercise 8 *) fun index:: "'a \ 'a list => nat" where "index y (x#xs) = (if x=y then 0 else 1+(index y xs))" value "index (2::nat) [1,2,3]" thm "List.nth.simps" value "List.nth [10::nat,20,30] 2" export_code contains index in Scala end