Tomofumi Yuki

Contact Information:

Email: tomofumi.yuki(at)
Office Phone: 02 99 84 74 89

CV Publications Research Positions Projects Software Program Committees Other

I have left Inria (and academia as well) in July 2021. The Inria email will be invalid after September 2021. Please use my gmail address (replace the domain of my Inria address to gmail) to contact me.

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Colorado State University in 2012. I worked with Dr. Sanjay Rajopadhye during my Ph.D. as well as my Master's.

Research Interests:

My research interests are in parallel/high performance computing, compilers/programming models for parallel/HPC, and High-Level Synthesis.

The specific research direction that I am currently looking at is next generation IDEs or in other words, parallel programming environment. While automatic parallelization is an attractive approach for dealing with challenges arising from parallelism, full automation is not going to happen in the near future.

I believe that development environments plays an important role in defining programmer experience, and hence productivity.

Available Positions:

Currently, we do not have any open positions.



Program Committees:


I have strong opinions about many things. I share a few of them that may be useful for others, mainly regarding writing/presentation.