Building a Hybrid Systems Modeler on
Synchronous Languages Principles

Albert Benveniste, Timothy Bourke, Benoît Caillaud, Jean-Louis Colaço, Cédric Pasteur and Marc Pouzet

Hybrid systems modeling languages that mix discrete and continuous time signals and systems are widely used to develop Cyber-Physical systems where control software interacts with physical devices. Compilers play a central role, statically checking source models, generating intermediate representations for testing and verification, and producing sequential code for simulation and execution on target platforms.
This paper presents a novel approach to the design and implementation of a hybrid systems language, built on synchronous language principles and their proven compilation techniques. The result is a hybrid systems modeling language in which synchronous programming constructs can be mixed with Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and zero-crossing events, and a runtime that delegates their approximation to an off-the-shelf numerical solver.
We propose an ideal semantics based on non standard analysis, which defines the execution of a hybrid model as an infinite sequence of infinitesimally small time steps. It is used to specify and prove correct three essential compilation steps: (1) a type system that guarantees that a continuous-time signal is never used where a discrete-time one is expected and conversely; (2) a type system that ensures the absence of combinatorial loops; (3) the generation of statically scheduled code for efficient execution.
Our approach has been evaluated in two implementations: the academic language Zélus, which extends a language reminiscent of Lustre with ODEs and zero-crossing events, and the industrial prototype Scade Hybrid, a conservative extension of Scade 6.
