Benoit Combemale

Benoit Combemale

Full Professor of Software Engineering

University of Rennes

I am Full Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Rennes. I am evolving within the Department of Computer Science ( ISTIC), and within the research team DiverSE, joint to the CNRS Research Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems (IRISA) and Inria. I am also adjunct researcher in the SM@RT team of the CNRS Research Institute in Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT), Scientific Advisor at TwiinIT and Editor-in-Chief of the Springer-Nature journal about Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). More information in my complete bio.

     ISTIC    IRISA    Inria    DiverSE research team


  • Model-Driven Engineering
  • Software Language Engineering
  • Domain-Specific Languages
  • Software-Product Lines
  • Software Validation & Verification
  • Resilience Engineering
  • ICT for Sustainability



(ISTIC M2 IL, ESIR 2 and ESIR 3)

I teach software engineering in the engineering school ESIR and the Computer Science Department of the University of Rennes (UR), and frequently give invited lectures and complete courses in various universities and engineering schools worldwide. More specifically, I teach in the following areas:

  • Object-Oriented Modeling and Programming
  • Validation and Verification (V&V), Software testing
  • Model-Driven Engineering (MDE)
  • Software Language Engineering (SLE)
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering
  • Sustainable Digitalization


My research activities lie in Software and Systems Engineering, focusing on agility and safety within the development of software-intensive systems. In our group, we develop techniques, frameworks, and environments to facilitate the creation, integration, and automated processing of software languages. The main application domains include sustainability systems, cyber-physical systems, Internet of things, embedded systems, smart technologies, and scientific computing.

In particular, we contribute to the following fields:

  • Model-Driven (software and systems) Engineering
  • Software Language Engineering, Domain Specific (Modeling) Languages, Generative approaches
  • Software variability, and Product Line Engineering
  • Dynamically adaptive systems
  • Software Validation & Verification, Software testing, Modeling & Simulation
  • Resilience Engineering, and DevOps
  • Software Engineering for Scientific Computing
  • Sustainable Digitalization, and ICT for Sustainability
  • Software Development Process & Business Process Management
The GEMOC Initiative    Globalization of DSLs

Want to hack languages yourself? I have open positions and I am always looking for talented and motivated persons who want to join us for an internship, a PhD, a Post-doc, or a research visit. Feel free to contact me.


Since 2009, I have very much enjoyed collaborating with (and learned from) the following PhD and MSc students.

Chiara Relevat "DSL Specialization" , since Oct, 2023. Grant from DGA and Britanny region. Co-supervisor: G. Leguernic.
Lina Bilal "Model-Based DevOps" , since Oct, 2023. ANF/DFG Project MBDO. Co-supervisor: J.-M. Jézéquel.
Philemon Houdaille "Polyglot program testing" , since Oct, 2023. Co-supervisors: D. Khelladi, and G. Mussbacher.
Ewen Brune "Testing framework for scientific computing" , since Oct, 2023. Co-supervisors: D. Leroy and and A. Blouin.
Bastien Sauvat "Rust-based Language Servers" , Aug 15, 2023. ENS. Co-supervisors D. Khelladi and P. Houdaille.
Philemon Houdaille "Testing Polyglot Applications" , Aug 15, 2023. ENS. Co-supervisor D. Khelladi.
Arthur Allain "Usability functions for low-code language workbenches" , Aug 15, 2023. ENS. Co-supervisors A. Blouin and T. Giraudet.
Jean-Baptiste Doderlein "Language Models" , Aug 15, 2022. University of Rennes 1. Co-supervisor M. Acher and D. Khelladi.
Romain Briend "Polyglot Programming" , Aug 15, 2022. University of Rennes 1. Co-supervisor D. Khelladi.
Philemon Houdaille "Polyglot Live Programming" , Aug 15, 2021. University of Rennes 1. Co-supervisor D. Khelladi.
Romain Lefeuvre "Smart DevOps" , since Sep, 2023. Co-supervisors: Q. Perez and J. Galasso-Carbonnel.
Anne Bumiller "Beyond Risk Scores: Context-Aware Adaptive Authentication" , Nov 9, 2023. Co-supervisors: O. Barais and S. Challita.
Gwendal Jouneaux "Self-Adaptive Languages" , since Jan, 2020. Co-supervisors: O. Barais and G. Mussbacher.
Gwendal Jouneaux "Self-Adaptable Virtual Machines" , since Sep, 2019. University of Rennes 1.
Emmanuel Chebbi , since Oct, 2019. Grant from DGA and Britanny region. Co-supervisors: G. Leguernic and S. Ebersold.
June Sallou "On Scientific Integrity and Flexibility of Scientific Software in Environmental Sciences: Towards a Systematic Approach to Support Decision-Making." , Feb 23, 2022. Co-supervisors J. Bourcier and J.-R. de Dreuzy.
Théo Giraudet "Collaborative Platform for Heterogeneous Modeling" , since Oct, 2022. Co-supervisors: A. Blouin and Obeo.
Pierre Jeanjean "IDE as Code : Reifying Language Protocols as First-Class Citizens" , Apr 29, 2022. Co-advisor: O. Barais..
Pierre Jeanjean "Towards unpredictable languages" , Oct 1, 2018. INPT ENSEEIHT, in collaboration with KTH. Co-supervisor B. Baudry and N. Harrand (paper).
Fabien Coulon "Towards flexible Integrated Development Environment" , Mar 3, 2022. Project Kaulua, CIFRE grant with Obeo.
Dorian Leroy "Behavioral Typing for the Dynamic Analysis of Executable DSLs" , Mar 25, 2022. Funded by the Austrian Tetrabox project. Co-supervision with Manuel Wimmer and Erwan Bousse at TU Wien.
Manuel Leduc "On modularity and performances of external domain-specific language implementations" , Dec 12, 2019. Grant from the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber. Co-advisor: O. Barais and G. Leguernic (thesis).
Marcelino Rodriguez Cancio "Contributions on Approximate Computing Techniques and How to Measure Them" , Dec 19, 2017. Project Clarity. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (thesis).
Thomas Degueule "Composition and Interoperability for External Domain-Specific Language Engineering" , Dec 12, 2016. Project ITEA2 project MERgE. Co-supervisor O. Barais and A. Blouin (thesis).
David Méndez Acuña "Leveraging Software Product Lines Engineering in the Construction of Domain Specific Languages" , Dec 16, 2016. Projects Marie Curie ITN Relate and Thales-Inria Collaboration VaryMDE. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (thesis).
Erwan Bousse "Execution Trace Management to Support Dynamic V&V for Executable DSMLs" , Dec 3, 2015. French Government Grant. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (thesis).
Erwan Bousse "Requirements management led by formal verification" , Aug 1, 2012. University of Rennes 1 and INSA Rennes, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe (MERCE). Co-supervisor B. Baudry and D. Mentré (MoDeVVa'12 paper).
Jonathan Marchand "Formal and tool-supported operator for multi-formalism modelling" , Aug 1, 2011. University of Rennes 1 and ENS Cachan. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (MiSE'12 paper).
Emmanuelle Rouillé "Variability management and automation of software development processes" , Apr 16, 2014. CIFRE at Sodifrance. Co-supervisor O. Barais and J.-M. Jézéquel (thesis).
Clément Guy "Typing facilities for language engineering" , Dec 10, 2013. French Government Grant. Co-supervisor S. Derrien and J.-M. Jézéquel (thesis).
André Fonseca "Coping with Modular Modelling in fUML" , Jul 1, 2010. University of Rennes 1. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (report).
Darlam Bender "PLC programs modeling and formal verification using MDE and Ladder Diagrams" , Aug 1, 2008. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Co-supervisor B. Baudry (ECMFA'08 paper).




2013-2016: FP7 FET (Benoit Baudry coordinates the whole project).


See the list of all my publications on Google Scholar, DBLP, or my CV. You can also access all the preprints from HAL.


Here is a list of my presentations (invited talks, seminars and keynotes). Most of the recent slide decks are available from my SlideShare account.


I am involving into the following software projects:

In the past, I involved in:

  • Kermeta, an executable metamodeling language
  • Kompren, a generic approach for model slicing
  • Topcased simulation tools
  • COQ4MDE, a formal metamodeling framework based on COQ


(all services)

