
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, also
   known as the X11 Licence.  A copy of this license is in the README
   file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.

   Based on code written by:
     Brian Aydemir
     Arthur Charg\'eraud *)

Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Max.
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.

Require Import Coq.FSets.FSets.
Require Import Metalib.CoqListFacts.
Require Import Metalib.FSetExtra.
Require Import Metalib.FSetWeakNotin.
Require Import Metalib.LibTactics.

Require Import Lia.

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Defining atoms

Atoms are structureless objects such that we can always generate one fresh from a finite collection. Equality on atoms is eq and decidable. We use Coq's module system to make abstract the implementation of atoms.

Module Type ATOM <: UsualDecidableType.

  Parameter atom : Set.
  Definition t := atom.

  Parameter eq_dec : x y : atom, {x = y} + {x y}.

  Parameter atom_fresh_for_list :
     (xs : list t), {x : atom | ¬ List.In x xs}.

  Parameter fresh : list atom atom.

  Parameter fresh_not_in : l, ¬ In (fresh l) l.

  Parameter nat_of : atom nat.

  Hint Resolve eq_dec : core.

  Include HasUsualEq <+ UsualIsEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig.


The implementation of the above interface is hidden for documentation purposes.

Module Atom : ATOM.

End Atom.

We make atom, fresh, fresh_not_in and atom_fresh_for_list available without qualification.

Notation atom := Atom.atom.
Notation fresh := Atom.fresh.
Notation fresh_not_in := Atom.fresh_not_in.
Notation atom_fresh_for_list := Atom.atom_fresh_for_list.

(* Automatically unfold Atom.eq *)
Global Arguments Atom.eq /.

It is trivial to declare an instance of EqDec for atom.

Instance EqDec_atom : @EqDec atom eq eq_equivalence.
Proof. exact Atom.eq_dec. Defined.

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Finite sets of atoms

We use our implementation of atoms to obtain an implementation of finite sets of atoms. We give the resulting type an intuitive name, as well as import names of set operations for use within this library. In order to avoid polluting Coq's namespace, we do not use Module Export.

Module Import AtomSetImpl : FSetExtra.WSfun Atom :=
  FSetExtra.Make Atom.

Notation atoms :=

The AtomSetDecide module provides the fsetdec tactic for solving facts about finite sets of atoms.
The AtomSetNotin module provides the destruct_notin and solve_notin for reasoning about non-membership in finite sets of atoms, as well as a variety of lemmas about non-membership.
Given the fsetdec tactic, we typically do not need to refer to specific lemmas about finite sets. However, instantiating functors from the FSets library makes a number of setoid rewrites available. These rewrites are crucial to developments since they allow us to replace a set with an extensionally equal set (see the Equal relation on finite sets) in propositions about finite sets.

Module AtomSetFacts := FSetFacts.WFacts_fun Atom AtomSetImpl.
Module AtomSetProperties := FSetProperties.WProperties_fun Atom AtomSetImpl.

Export AtomSetFacts.

(* ********************************************************************** *)


For any given finite set of atoms, we can generate an atom fresh for it.

Lemma atom_fresh : L : atoms, { x : atom | ¬ In x L }.
  intros L. destruct (atom_fresh_for_list (elements L)) as [a H].
   a. intros J. contradiction H.
  rewrite <- CoqListFacts.InA_iff_In. auto using elements_1.

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Tactic support for picking fresh atoms

gather_atoms_with F returns the union of all the finite sets F x where x is a variable from the context such that F x type checks.

Ltac gather_atoms_with F :=
  let apply_arg x :=
    match type of F with
      | _ _ _ _constr:(@F _ _ x)
      | _ _ _constr:(@F _ x)
      | _ _constr:(@F x)
    end in
  let rec gather V :=
    match goal with
      | H : _ |- _
        let FH := apply_arg H in
        match V with
          | context [FH] ⇒ fail 1
          | _gather (union FH V)
      | _V
    end in
  let L := gather empty in eval simpl in L.

beautify_fset V assumes that V is built as a union of finite sets and returns the same set cleaned up: empty sets are removed and items are laid out in a nicely parenthesized way.

Ltac beautify_fset V :=
  let rec go Acc E :=
     match E with
     | union ?E1 ?E2let Acc2 := go Acc E2 in go Acc2 E1
     | emptyAcc
     | ?E1match Acc with
                | emptyE1
                | _constr:(union E1 Acc)
  in go empty V.

The tactic pick fresh Y for L takes a finite set of atoms L and a fresh name Y, and adds to the context an atom with name Y and a proof that ¬ In Y L, i.e., that Y is fresh for L. The tactic will fail if Y is already declared in the context.
The variant pick fresh Y is similar, except that Y is fresh for "all atoms in the context." This version depends on the tactic gather_atoms, which is responsible for returning the set of "all atoms in the context." By default, it returns the empty set, but users are free (and expected) to redefine it.

Ltac gather_atoms :=

Tactic Notation "pick" "fresh" ident(Y) "for" constr(L) :=
  let Fr := fresh "Fr" in
  let L := beautify_fset L in
  (destruct (atom_fresh L) as [Y Fr]).

Tactic Notation "pick" "fresh" ident(Y) :=
  let L := gather_atoms in
  pick fresh Y for L.

Ltac pick_fresh y :=
  pick fresh y.

Example: We can redefine gather_atoms to return all the "obvious" atoms in the context using the gather_atoms_with thus giving us a "useful" version of the "pick fresh" tactic.

Ltac gather_atoms ::=
  let A := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atomsx) in
  let B := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atomsingleton x) in
  constr:(union A B).

Lemma example_pick_fresh_use : (x y z : atom) (L1 L2 L3: atoms), True.
  intros x y z L1 L2 L3.
  pick fresh k.

At this point in the proof, we have a new atom k and a hypothesis Fr that k is fresh for x, y, z, L1, L2, and L3.
