Short Bio

I am a computer scientist that discovered the world of life sciences and genomics around 1995.

Since then, my passion for this domain remains undimmed and I still marvel for the wealth of structures and mechanisms that occur in living organisms and can now be observed at the intimate level of molecules. Above all is their capacity for adapting themselves in the most unlikely environments.

After having leaded the Inria project Aïda, which was dedicated to the analysis of sequences of all kinds,  I founded in 2000 Symbiose, which was an Inria project entirely dedicated to bioinformatics. Since then, Symbiose has given birth to a bioinformatics resource center, Genouest, and two new projects, Dyliss and Genscale. I joined Genscale in the fall of 2018.

Bioinformaticians should remain modest in their possible contribution to the field but I am convinced that they have to be associated very early to the research question to be solved in biology: the future of this science will depend of increased automation, systematic knowledge formalization and careful modeling. This is the only way to get an explicit view of the huge space of alternative hypotheses explaining the observations, to help the scientist to choose among them and to increase their predictive power.

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