Contact information

  • e-mail
  • Skype lmevel
  • Address Inria, centre Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
  • Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex - France
  • Tel. +33 (0)2 99 84 73 25
  • Fax +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71

Research Topics

I am working on identification and detection of partially hidden stochastic systems.

I concentrate on

  • structural health monitoring monitoring and detection for vibration mechanics
  • modeling and rejection of environmental effects
  • modal validation and uncertainty estimations

I was in particular coordinator of the french national project CONSTRUCTIF within ACI Securite et Informatique, which is the foundation of proposal for the joint Inria/IFFSTAR team starting July 2012

Some publications

can be found here sorted by category. The full list, sorted by type, is available here.

Background and Position

I received a Ph.D degree in applied mathematics in 1997 under the supervision of Francois Le Gland. I spent two years as a Postdoctoral Associate at LMS, International, Leuven during the Eureka SINOPSYS project and also as a postdoc at CNR, Padova, Italy.

I obtained my habilitation in 2008 (check the video here)

Since 2000, I am with Inria, now senior research (directeur de recherche) scientist at INRIA, centre Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique. I am the team leader of the I4S project. This a joint team between Inria and IFSTTAR.


We got the prize of Excellence 2011 within the FP7 IRIS project for my collaboration with BAM, Germany.

The PhD of Michael Döhler was awarded the 1st prize of the University of Rennes Fundation in 2011. He also got the Young Researcher Prize for Bretagne Region in 2013.

One article on my collaboration with SVS, here

Our article on damage quantification was nominated among the top 4 best theoretical papers at the IFAC SafeProcess conference in September 2015.

Not a prize, but the team has been selected for organizing EWSHM conference in 2014 in Nantes.


  • COSMAD : Toolbox for Operational modal analysis of mechanical structure
  • Services for special partners : EADS/CNES, SNECMA