
Accelerating the Performance of Multi-Site Scientific applications through Coordinated Data management

Hermes is an associated team between the Myriads team from INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL).

Principal investigator (Inria): Shadi Ibrahim, Myriads team.
Principal investigators (partner): Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA


Visits, meetings


MAY 14th-17th: Suren Byna and Shadi Ibrahim met at CCGrid 2019

Sep 29th- Oct 4th: Suren Byna visited the STACK team at Inria.

Dec 2nd- 5th: Thomas Lambert visited the SDM Group at Berkeley.


There were no in-person visits in 2020 due to the COVID-19 world pandemic. Instead we have had several virtual meetings and exchanges in 2020: 1) a virtual meeting to discuss the agenda of Shadi's visit, which was planned in February 2020, and 2) a virtual meeting in July 2020. In addition, we had several exchanges as parts of Suren's and Shadi's involvements in PDSW workshop (PC meeting and virtual workshop), CCGrid 2020, HiPC 2020, and SC 2020.

© Shadi Ibrahim 2019