During my thesis and ATER, I participated in various classes. Here you can find some details about them.
INF1 - L1
Teaching for the Computer Science department of University of Rennes 1 under the supervision of Patrick Derbez.
Quelques corrections d’exercices :
- TD 8 : String et char[] - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 7 : Points cols - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 6 : Tableaux à deux dimensions - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 5 : Tableaux - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 4 : Boucles, conditions et tableaux - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 3 : Fonctions - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 2 : Conditions et boucles - Enoncé - Correction.
- TD 1 : Basiques - Enoncé - Correction.
Des corrections de contrôles :
- CC1.
Teaching for the Computer Science department of University of Rennes 1 under the supervision of Mickael Foursov.
Quelques corrections d’exercices :
- Exercice 1 : Parallelepiped.
- Exercice 2 : TestAverage.
- Exercice 3 : TestAnnulus.
- Exercice 4 : Circle,Rectangle,TestModularity.
- Exercices 5 et 6 : MaxEtMediane.
- Exercice 7 : SecondDegre.
- Exercices 8 et 9 : Digits.
- Exercice 10 : Fibonacci.
- Exercices 11 et 12 : Sequence.
- Exercice 13 : NumberOfWords.
- Exercices 14 et 15 : Tableaux.
- Exercice 16 : ComplexeV1.
- Exercice 17 : ComplexeV2.
Algo 2 - L3 RI
Teaching for the Computer Science and mathematics departments of ENS Rennes under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand. Here are the PDF of the sessions for the year 2018/2019 (in french).
Fundamental Algorithmic - L3
Teaching for the Computer Science department of University of Rennes 1 under the supervision of Sophie Pinchinat. Here are the PDF of the sessions for the year 2018/2019 (in french).
Graph algorithms - L3
Teaching for the École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Rennes (ESIR) under the supervision of David Pichardie. Here are the PDF of the sessions for the year 2017/2018 (in french).