Preliminary Program
All the time slots are in Central European Time (CET)
Opening - Yervant Zorian (Synopsys) and Mehdi Tahoori (KIT)
8:45 - 10:15
Presentation Session 1 (3 presentations)
- Path Margin Analysis and Embedded In-Chip Monitoring for Failure Prediction and Reliability Optimization during the Silicon Lifecycle (Ramsay Allen and Stephen Crosher, Synopsys
- Enabling Silicon Life Cycle Management Means Looking Beyond Silicon (Shafique Muhammad and Mike Denley, Siemens EDA)
- Using Reconfigurable Scan Networks to Support Silicon Lifecycle Management (Natalia Lylina, Chih-Hao Wang and Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Uni Stuttgart)
Visionary Talk 1
- A cross-layer approach towards management of Silicon lifecycle (Subrat Mishra, IMEC)
Presentation Session 2
- Using SLM to address the challenge of security in connected vehicles. (Lee Harrison and Siraj Shaikh, Siemens EDA)
- EM-Aware Interconnect BIST (Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan, Sybille Hellebrand and Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Uni Stuttgart, Uni Paderborn)
- Silicon Lifecycle Management using Embedded Test & Repair (Grigor Tshagharyan, Synopsys)
Lunch Break
Visionary Talk 2
- Secure Silicon Lifecycle Management from Fab to Deployment (Mark Tehranipoor, UFL)
Presentation Session 3
- In-field debug of compute systems (Sankaran Menon, Rolf Kuehnis, Intel)
Panel Discussion
- "Challenges of the SLM ecosystem" (Organizer and Moderator: Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Uni Stuttgart)
Visionary Talk 3
- Ensuring Edge Security throughout Silicon Lifecycle (Adam Cron, Synopsys)
Closing Keynote
- Silent Data Corruptions in Large Scale Infrastructure (Harish Dattatraya Dixit, Facebook)
Closing Remarks - Yervant Zorian (Synopsys) and Mehdi Tahoori (KIT)
Title: "Challenges of the SLM ecosystem"
Organizer: Hans-Joachim Wunderlich
Abstract - Silicon lifecycle management covers a broad variety of aspects and goals which may complement each other but which can also be in conflict. Examples are runtime test and diagnosis versus security, data collection in the cloud versus privacy, BIST versus monitoring or on-chip infrastructure and reliability. Renowned experts mainly from industry will discuss various challenges of the different aspects of SLM:
Dan Alexandrescu, IROC Technologies
Jürgen Alt, Infineon
Sonny Banwari, Advantest
Artur Jutman, Testonica
Martino Quattrocchi or Antonio Scrofani, ST
Aileen Ryan, Siemens (Mentor)
Mark Tehranipoor, FICS