Albert Benveniste

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address Albert Benveniste 
IRISA / INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu 
35042 RENNES Cédex, France
phone +33 (0) 2 99 84 72 35 (direct) 
+33 (0) 2 99 84 71 00 (switchboard)
Fax +33 (0) 2 99 84 71 71
home page
member of groups formerly: Signals, systems, and algorithms (acronym: Sigma2)
  currently: System Synthesis and Supervision, Scenarios (acronym: S4) 
currently: Statistical Inference for Structural Health Monitoring (acronym: Sisthem)
head of group Distributed and Iterative Algorithms in Management and Signal Processing for Telecommunications (acronym: DistribCom) 

Research areas
Major industrial cooperations
Main publications
curriculum vitae (gzipped PostScript file, 1999)

Albert Benveniste was born in 1949, he graduated in 1971 from Ecole des Mines de Paris. He performed his These d'Etat in Mathematics, probability theory, in 1975. From 1976 to 1979 he was associate professor in mathematics at Universite de Rennes I. From 1979 to now he has been Directeur de Recherche at INRIA.

His interests include: system identification and change detection in signal processing and control (until 1995), vibration mechanics, reactive and real-time systems design in computer science, and network and service management in telecommunications. He has coauthored with M. Metivier and P. Priouret the book "Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations", and has been an editor, jointly with Michèle Basseville of the collective monograph "Detection of abrupt changes in signals and systems". He has been co-inventor, jointly with Paul Le Guernic, of the synchronous language Signal for reactive systems design in computer science; he is now a recognized contributor to the topic of formal methods for heterogeneous distributed reactive systems in computer engineering. Since 1996, he has been active in distributed algorithms for network and service management in telecommunications, where he has contributed to distributed fault diagnosis.

In 1980 Albert Benveniste was co-winner of the IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control Best Transaction Paper Award fo his paper on blind deconvolution in data communications. In 1990 he received the CNRS silver medal and in 1991 he has been elected IEEE fellow.

From 1986 to 1990 he was vice-chairman of the IFAC committee on Theory and was chairman of this committee for 1991-1993. He has been or is Associate Editor (at Large) for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Associate Editor for Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, and Int. J. of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems. He is currently member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE. From 1994 to 1996 he has been Directeur Scientifique (Senior Chief Scientist) at Inria. From 1997 to 2001, he has been chairman of the "software chapter" of the RNRT funding programme of the french ministeries for research and telecommunications, for telecommunications (Reseau National de la Recherche en Telecommunications). Since 1997, he has been responsible for INRIA of the joint Alcatel-INRIA research programme. He is member of the advisory board of T-Source, a venture capitalist specialist in seed capital for the telecommunications sector.

Research Areas

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Control science and signal processing

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Vibration mechanics

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Computer science

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Current major industrial cooperations

Vibration mechanics

Embedded systems software design


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Main Publications


[BMP90] A. Benveniste, M. Métivier, and P. Priouret : Adaptive algorithms and stochastic approximations. Springer Verlag, Applications of Mathematics, vol. 22, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1990 (also available in French, Masson 1987).

[BB85] Detection of Abrupt Changes in Signals and Dynamical Systems, edited by Michèle Basseville and Albert Benveniste. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol.77, Springer-Verlag, Dec. 1985.

Articles in control

[MBaBeG02b]  L. Mevel, A. Benveniste, M. Basseville, M. Goursat: `Blind subspace-based eigenstructure
    identification under nonstationary excitation using moving sensors'. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,
    vol.SP-50, no 1, Jan. 2002, pp.41-48.

[BAB2000]M. Basseville, M. Abdelghani, A. Benveniste: `Subspace-based fault detection algorithms for
vibration monitoring'. Automatica, vol.36, no 1, Jan. 2000, pp.101-109.

[DJB97]B. Delyon, A. Juditsky, A. Benveniste. ``On the relationship between identification and local tests.'' Irisa Res. Rep. 1104, May 1997.

[LBN96]B.C. Levy, A. Benveniste, and R. Nikoukhah. ``High-level primitives for recursive maximum likelihood estimation.'' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.  AC-41(8): 1125-1145, 1996.

[S&al95]J. Sjöberg, Q. Zhang, L. Ljung, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, P-Y. Glorennec, H. Hjalmärsson, and A. Juditsky. ``Nonlinear black-box modelling in system identification: a unified overview''. Automatica, 31, 1995.

[J&al95]A. Juditsky, H. Hjalmärsson, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, L. Ljung, J. Sjöberg, and Q. Zhang. ``Nonlinear black-box modelling in system identification: mathematical foundations''. Automatica,31, 1995.

[ZBB94] Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste: ``Early warning of slight changes in systems and plants
    with application to condition based maintenance''. Automatica, Special Issue on Statistical Methods in Signal
    Processing and Control, vol.30, no 1, Jan. 1994, pp.95-114.

[BNW94] A. Benveniste, R. Nikoukhah, and A.S. Willsky. ``Multiscale system theory.'' IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, CAS-41(1): 2-15, 1994.

[ZB92] Q. Zhang, and A. Benveniste: ``Wavelet networks''. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, NN-3(6), 889-898, 1992.

[BBW92a] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, and A.S. Willsky. ``Multiscale autoregressive processes, part I: Schur-Levinson parametrizations.'' IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., ASSP-40(8): 1915-1934, 1992.

[BBW92b] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, and A.S. Willsky. ``Multiscale autoregressive processes, part II: lattice
  structures for whitening and modelling.'' IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., ASSP-40(8): :1935-1954, 1992.

[BB&al92] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, K.C. Chou, S.A. Golden, R. Nikoukhah, and A.S. Willsky. ``Modeling and estimation of multiresolution stochastic processes.'' IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, IT-38(2): 766-784, 1992.

[BBM87] A. Benveniste, M. Basseville, and G. Moustakides: ``The asymptotic local approach to change detection and model validation''. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.AC-32, no 7, July 1987, pp.583-592.

[BBMR87a] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, G. Moustakides, and A. Rougée: ``Detection and diagnosis of changes in the eigenstructure of nonstationary multivariable systems''. Automatica, vol.23, no 4, July 1987, pp.479-489.

[BBMR87b] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, G. Moustakides, and A. Rougée: ``Optimal sensor location for detecting changes in dynamical behavior''. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol.AC 32, no 12, Dec. 1987, pp.1067-1075.

[BF85] A. Benveniste and JJ. Fuchs. ``Single sample modal identification of a nonstationay stochastic process.'' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-30: 66-74, 1985.

Articles in vibration mechanics

[MBaBe03]  Laurent Mevel, Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste. Fast in-flight detection of flutter onset - A statistical approach. IRISA Res. Rep. 1541, Oct. 2003. Published in AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 27(4), Aug. 2004.

[MBaBeG02a]  L. Mevel, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, M. Goursat: `Merging sensor data from multiple measurement setups for nonstationary subspace-based modal analysis'. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249(4), Jan. 2002, pp.719-741.

[MBaBeG02b]  L. Mevel, A. Benveniste, M. Basseville, M. Goursat: `Blind subspace-based eigenstructure
    identification under nonstationary excitation using moving sensors'. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,
    vol.SP-50, no 1, Jan. 2002, 41-48.

[MGBaBe02]  L. Mevel, M. Goursat, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste. ``Steelquake modes and modeshapes identification from multiple sensor pools''. Proceedings of IMAC-XX, International Modal Analysis Conference, Kissimmee, Feb 2002.

[BaBeGHMvdA2001] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, M. Goursat, L. Hermans, L. Mevel, H. Van der Auweraer:
    ``Output-only subspace-based structural identification: from theory to industrial testing practice''. ASME
    Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Special Issue on Identification of Mechanical
    Systems, vol.123, no 4, Dec. 2001, 668-676.

[MeHvdA99]  L. Mevel, L. Hermans, H. Van der Auweraer: ``Application of a subspace-based fault detection method to industrial structures''. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Special Section on Model-based structural identification and monitoring using in-operation data, vol.13, no 6, Nov. 1999, 823-838.

[A&al99] M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, E. Balmès, L. Hermans, and H. van der Auweraer. ``Assessment of subspace fault detection algorithms on a realistic simulator-based example.'' Proceedings of IMAC-XVII, International Modal Analysis Conference, Kissimmee, Feb 1999.

[M&al99] L. Mevel, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, M. Abdelghani, , L. Hermans, and H. van der Auweraer.
``Application of a subspace-based fault detection method to industrial structures.'' Proceedings of IMAC-XVII, International Modal Analysis Conference, Kissimmee, Feb 1999.

[A&al98a] M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, L. Hermans, and H.van der Auweraer. ``A subspace-based fault detection algorithm with application to in-operation monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures.'' Proceedings of IMAC-XVI, International Modal Analysis Conference, Santa Barbara, Feb. 1998.

[A&al98b] M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste. ``Modal model validation for vibrating structures under non-stationary operating conditions.'' Proceedings of IMAC-XVI, International Modal Analysis Conference, Santa Barbara, Feb. 1998.

[ABB97] M. Abdelghani, M. Basseville, and A. Benveniste. ``In-operation damage monitoring and diagnostics of vibrating structures, with applications to offshore structures and rotating machinery.'' Proceedings of IMAC-XV, International Modal Analysis Conference, San Diego, Feb 1997.

[B&al93] M. Basseville, A. Benveniste, B. Gach-Devauchelle, M. Goursat, D. Bonnecase, P. Dorey, M.
    Prevosto, and M. Olagnon: ``Damage monitoring in vibration mechanics: issues in diagnostics and predictive
    maintenance''. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.7, no 5, Sept. 1993, 401-423.

[P&al91] M. Prevosto, M. Olagnon, A. Benveniste, M. Basseville, and G. Le Vey. ``State space formulation: a solution to modal parameter estimation.'' J. of sound and vibrations, 148(2): 329-342, 1991.

Articles in Computer Science

[BCCCSV2004] A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, L. Carloni, P. Caspi, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. ``Heterogeneous Reactive Systems Modeling: Capturing Causality and the Correctness of Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures (LTTA)''. Proc. of EMSOFT'2004, G. Buttazzo and S. Edwards, Eds., Sept. 27-29, 2004.

[PBCB2004] D. Potop-Butucaru, B. Caillaud, A. Benveniste. ``Concurrency in Synchronous Systems''. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2004, 2004. See also INRIA Research Report, No 5110, February 2004.

[BCCSV2003]  A. Benveniste, L. Carloni, P. Caspi, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. ``Heterogeneous Reactive Systems Modeling and Correct-by-Construction Deployment''. Proc. of EMSOFT'2003, R. Alur and I. Lee Eds., Oct. 2003. Extended version available as IRISA Res. Rep.

[ProcIEEE_2003] Albert Benveniste, Paul Caspi, Stephen Edwards, Nicolas Halbwachs, Paul Le Guernic, and Robert de Simone. ``The Synchronous Languages Twelve Years Later''. Proc. of the IEEE, 91(1), special issue on Embedded Systems, 64-83, Jan 2003.

[BC&al2002]  A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, P. Le Guernic, H. Marchand, J-P. Talpin, and S. Tripakis. ``A Protocol for Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures''.  In Proc. of 2002 Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'02, J. Sifakis and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Eds, LNCS vol 2491, 252--265, Springer Verlag.

[B2002]   A. Benveniste. Non-massive, non-high performance, distributed computing: selected issues. Plenary address at Euro-Par'2002, Parallel Processing, 8th Int. Euro-Par Conference, Paderborn Germany, August 2002. In
Proc. of the Euro-Par'2002, Parallel Processing, B. Monien and R. Feldmann Eds., LNCS vol. 2400, 29--48, Springer Verlag, 2002.

[B2001]   A. Benveniste. Some synchronization issues when designing embedded systems from components.  In Proc. of 2001 Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'01, T. Henzinger and C. Hirsch, Eds, LNCS vol 2211, 32--49, Springer Verlag, 2001.

[CTJBJ2001]  B. Caillaud, J-P. Talpin, J-M. Jézéquel, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. ``BDL: a semantics backbone for UML dynamic diagrams'', draft, sept. 2001.

[BCLg2000] A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud and P. Le Guernic. ``Compositionality in dataflow synchronous languages: specification & distributed code generation.'' Information and Computation, 163, 125-171 (2000).

[TBCLg99] J.P. Talpin, A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud and P. Le Guernic. ``Hierarchic Normal Forms for desynchronization'', Irisa Research Report No 1288, also Inria Research Report No 3822, december 1999.

[BCLg99b]A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud and P. Le Guernic. ``From synchrony to asynchrony.'' In J.C.M. Baeten and S. Mauw, editors, CONCUR'99, Concurrency Theory, 10th International Conference, vol. 1664 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  162-177. Springer V.,  1999.

[Sacres98]A. Benveniste. ``Safety critical embedded systems: the SACRES approach.'' In Formal techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems, FTRTFT'98 school, Lyngby, Denmark, Sept 1998.

[B98] A. Benveniste. ``Compositional and uniform modelling of hybrid systems.'' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-43(4):579-584, April1998.

[BCLgH93] A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, P. Le Guernic, and N. Halbwachs. ``Dataflow synchronous languages.'' In ``A decade of concurrency'', de Bakker et de Roever Eds., LNCS  vol. 803,  1-46. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993.

[BLgSS92] A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, Y. Sorel, and M. Sorine. ``A denotational theory of reactive synchronous systems.'' Information and Computation,  99(2): 192-230, 1992.

[BLgJ91] A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, and C. Jacquemot. ``Programming with events and relations: the Signal language and its semantics.'' Science of Computer Programming,  16:103-149, 1991.

[Lg&al91] P. Le Guernic, T. Gautier, M. Le Borgne, and C. Le Maire. ``Programming real-time applications with Signal.'' Proc. of the IEEE, 79(9):1321-1336, special section ``Another look at Real-time programming'', 1991.

[BB91] A. Benveniste and G. Berry. ``The synchronous approach to reactive and real-time systems.'' Proc. of the IEEE, 79(9), special section ``Another look at Real-time programming'', 1991.

[BLg90] A. Benveniste and P. Le Guernic. ``Hybrid dynamical systems theory and the Signal language.'' IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control,  AC-35(5): 535-546, 1990.

[LgBBG86] P. Le Guernic, A. Benveniste, P. Bournai, and T. Gautier. ``Signal, a data-flow oriented language for signal processing.'' IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., ASSP-34: 362-374, 1986.

Articles in Telecommunications

 [HaaBFJ2005] A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, and C. Jard. ``Fault diagnosis for  distributed asynchronous dynamically reconfigured discrete event systems''. In Proc. of the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague. July 2005.

 [AbbBe2005] S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. ``Branching cells as local states for event structures and nets: probabilistic applications.'' in Proc. of  2005 Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS'05, April 2005, Edinburgh. To appear in LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2005.

[Abbes2004] S. Abbes. ``Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems. Limit theorems and applications to statistical parameter estimation.'' PhD Thesis. University of Rennes I, IRISA. October 2004.

[Concur2003]   A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, and C. Jard. ``Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems''. Plenary address at CONCUR'2003, Proceedings of CONCUR'2003.
Informal presentation published in Proc. of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Dec. 2003.
Final and improved version published in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 15(1), 33-84, Mar. 2005.
Extended version available as Irisa Research Report 1636, July 2004 and INRIA Research Report 4842 V2, July 2004.

[BFH2003]  A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, and S. Haar. ``Markov nets: probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems''. Previous version published as Irisa Research Report 1415, Sept. 2001; replaced by Irisa Research Report 1538, may 2003. Also IEEE Tans. on Automatic Control, 48(11), 1936-1950, Nov. 2003.

[BFHJ2003-a]  A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, and S. Haar. ``Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach''.  IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 48(5), 714-727, May 2003.

[FBJ2001]  E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. ``Distributed Diagnosis for Large Discrete Event Dynamic Systems''. In Proc of the IFAC world congress, July 2002.

[B&al2001-a]  A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, and S. Haar. ``Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach''. Irisa Research Report 1456, may 2002.

[F&al2000]  Eric Fabre, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard, Laurie Ricker, and Mark Smith. ``Distributed State Reconstruction for Discrete Event Systems.'' Proc. of the 2000 IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC), Sydney, Dec. 2000.

[A&al98] A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, and C. Jard. ``Fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems : an approach by Partially Stochastic Petri Nets.'' Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, special issue on hybrid systems, , 8(2):203--231, June 1998.

[BLFLg95] A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, and P. Le Guernic. ``A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems.'' Theoretical Computer Science,  152:171-217, 1995.

[BG84] A. Benveniste and M. Goursat. ``Blind equalizers''. IEEE Trans. onCommunications, COM-32: 871-883, 1984.

[BGR80] A. Benveniste, M. Goursat, and G. Ruget: ``Robust identification of a nonminimum phase system: blind adjustment of a linear equalizer in data communications.''  IEEE Trans. on Automat. Control, AC-25: 385-399, 1980 (IEEE-AC Transactions 1980 best paper award).

Albert Benveniste

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