Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) systems constitute the mathematical model supporting physical modeling languages such as Modelica, VHDL-AMS, or Simscape. Unlike ODEs, they exhibit subtle issues because of their implicit latent equations and related dierentiation index. Multi-mode DAE (mDAE) systems are much harder to deal with, not only because of their mode-dependent dynamics, but essentially because of the events and resets occurring at mode transitions. Unfortunately, the large literature devoted to the numerical analysis of DAEs does not cover the multi-mode case. It typically says nothing about mode changes. This lack of foundations cause numerous diculties to the existing modeling tools. Some models are well handled, others are not, with no clear boundary between the two classes. In this paper we develop a comprehensive mathematical approach to the structural analysis of mDAE systems which properly extends the usual analysis of DAE systems. We dene a constructive semantics based on nonstandard analysis and show how to produce execution schemes in a systematic way.
pdf (HSCC 2017 paper) and pdf (extended report)