Coral.Rsem: definition and results about the collecting relational semantics

Author: Benoît Montagu
Copyright © Inria 2020 CeCILL-B License
Synopsis: Definition and results about the collecting relational semantics.

Require Import Infrastructure.
Require Import Env.
Require Import SubstEnv.
Require Import Rel.
Require Import RelExtra.
Require Import OkEnv.
Require Import EvalFacts.
Require Import RelGood.
Require Import RelStable.
Require Import Transp.
Require Import SupportFacts.
Require Import EquivarianceFacts.
Require Import OkEnv.
Require Import RelWf.

Auxiliary definition ok_env_rel and related results


Definition ok_env_rel E (R: rel (env term) term) : Prop :=
   e v, in_rel R e v
         all_env good_value e
         ok_env E e.

Add Parametric Morphism: ok_env_rel
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> RelEquiv ==> iff
      as ok_env_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros E1 E2 HE R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H e v Hev Hgood.
  - rewrite <- HR in Hev. rewrite <- HE. eauto.
  - rewrite HR in Hev. rewrite HE. eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_equivariant x y E R:
  ok_env_rel E R ok_env_rel (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_rel x y R).
  revert E R.
  assert ( E R, ok_env_rel E R ok_env_rel (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_rel x y R)).
  { intros E R H e v Hev Hgood.
    simpl in Hev.
    apply (ok_env_equivariant x y).
    rewrite transp_env_rel_involution.
    apply (H _ _ Hev).
    apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  intros E R. split; intro; auto.
  apply H in H0.
  rewrite transp_rel_involution in H0.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H0.

Properties on ok_env_rel and the relational combinators

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelGather E:
  uniq E
  ok_env_rel E (RelGather E).
  intros Huniq. env induction E.
  - intros e v Hev Hgood.
    apply ok_envLeq with (e := nil).
    + constructor.
    + apply leq_env_nil_l.
    + simpl. trivial.
  - assert (ok_env_rel E (RelGather E)).
    { apply IHE. solve_uniq. }
    intros e v Hev Hgood.
    assert (in_rel (RelGather E) e v).
    { destruct Hev as [HEgood [Hgood' Hev]].
      split; [| split]; auto.
      intros y R HR.
      destruct (y == x); subst.
      - exfalso. apply get_in_dom in HR. solve_uniq.
      - destruct (Hev y R) as [v' [Hv' HR']].
        + rewrite get_update_other; auto.
        + v'. split; auto.
    apply H in H0; auto.
    destruct Hev as [_ [_ Hev]].
    destruct (Hev x a) as [v' [Hv' HR']]; auto using get_update_this. clear Hev.
    case_eq (get x E); intros.
    + exfalso. apply get_in_dom in H1. solve_uniq.
    + apply ok_envLeq with (e := x ¬ v' ++ e).
      × constructor; auto.
      × apply leq_env_update3; auto.
      × simpl. split; auto. eapply all_env_get; eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelBot E:
  ok_env_rel E RelBot.
  intros ? ? [].

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelInter E R1 R2:
  (ok_env_rel E R1 ok_env_rel E R2)
  ok_env_rel E (RelInter R1 R2).
  intros [H|H] e v [H1 H2] Hgood; eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelUnion E R1 R2:
  ok_env_rel E R1
  ok_env_rel E R2
  ok_env_rel E (RelUnion R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2 e v [H|H] Hgood; eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelCompose E R1 R2:
  ok_env_rel E R1
  ok_env_rel E (RelCompose R1 R2).
  intros H1 e v [v' [H1v H2v]] Hgood. eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelPairR E R1 R2:
  (ok_env_rel E R1 ok_env_rel E R2)
  ok_env_rel E (RelPairR R1 R2).
  intros [H1|H2] e v H Hgood;
    destruct v; simpl in H; try contradiction; destruct H;

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelSumR E R1 R2:
  ok_env_rel E R1
  ok_env_rel E R2
  ok_env_rel E (RelSumR R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2 e v H Hgood.
  destruct v; simpl in H; try contradiction; eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelRemove E R1 R2 x:
  ok_env_rel E R2
  ok_env_rel E (RelRemove R1 R2 x).
  intros H2 e v [v' [H2' H1']] Hgood. eauto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelClose E S R:
  ( x, x `notin` S ok_env_rel E (R x))
  ok_env_rel E (RelClose S R).
  intros H e v [x [Hx Hev]] Hgood.
  apply (H x Hx _ _ Hev); auto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_lambda_rel E S x R:
  x `notin` S
  dom E [<=] S
  supported_env_rel S E
  ok_env_rel E R
  ( y, y `notin` S ok_env_rel E ((lambda_rel x R) y)).
  intros HxS HES HS HR y Hy e v Hev Hgood.
  apply (ok_env_rel_equivariant y x) in HR.
  apply HR in Hev.
  specialize (Hev Hgood).
  rewrite (transp_env_rel_fresh_eq S) in Hev; auto.

Lemma ok_env_rel_RelLet E x R1 R2:
  x `notin` dom E
  well_supported_env E
  ok_env_rel E R1
  ok_env_rel E (RelLet (dom E) x R1 R2).
  intros Hx HE HR1.
  apply ok_env_rel_RelClose.
  intros y Hy.
  apply (ok_env_rel_lambda_rel E (dom E)); auto.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite <- RelRemove_rewrite.
    apply ok_env_rel_RelRemove. assumption.

Lemma ok_env_rel_APP E R1 R2:
  ok_env_rel E R2
  ok_env_rel E (APP R1 R2).
  intros H2 e v [e' [v1 [v2 [Hleq [HR1 [HR2 Heval]]]]]] Hgood.

Auxiliary definition eval_rel and related results


Definition eval_rel t R: Prop :=
   e v, in_rel R e v
         all_env good_value e
         eval (subst_env e t) v.

Add Parametric Morphism: eval_rel
    with signature eq ==> RelEquiv ==> iff
      as eval_rel_morphism_equiv.
  intros t R1 R2 HR.
  split; intros H e v Hev Hgood.
  - rewrite <- HR in Hev. auto.
  - rewrite HR in Hev. auto.

Properties on eval_rel and the relational combinators

Lemma eval_rel_equivariant x y t R:
  eval_rel t R eval_rel (transp_term x y t) (transp_rel x y R).
  revert t R.
  assert ( t R, eval_rel t R eval_rel (transp_term x y t) (transp_rel x y R)).
  { intros t R H; simpl in ×.
    unfold eval_rel in ×.
    intros e v Hev Hgood.
    apply (in_rel_equivariant x y) in Hev.
    rewrite transp_rel_involution in Hev.
    apply (all_env_term_equivariant good_value good_value_equivariant x y) in Hgood.
    apply <- (eval_equivariant x y).
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_term_involution.
    apply H; assumption.
  intros t R; split; intro H'; auto.
  apply H in H'.
  rewrite transp_term_involution in H'.
  rewrite transp_rel_involution in H'.

Lemma eval_rel_RelSelf t:
  eval_rel t (RelSelf t).
  intros e v H Hgood. simpl in H. destruct H as [Heq [Hfv [Hdgood Hvgood]]].
  rewrite Heq. auto.

Lemma eval_rel_RelInter t R1 R2:
  (eval_rel t R1 eval_rel t R2)
  eval_rel t (RelInter R1 R2).
  intros [H|H] e v [H1 H2]; eauto.

Lemma eval_rel_Let x t1 t2 R1 R2 S:
  x `notin` S
  good_rel R1
  supported_rel S R1
  fv t2 [<=] add x S
  good_rel R2
  eval_rel t1 R1
  eval_rel t2 R2
  eval_rel (Let t1 (close x t2)) (RelLet S x R1 R2).
  intros Hx Hgood1 Hsupp1 Hfv2 Hgood2 H1 H2 e v [y [Hy [v' [e' [[Heq H1'] H2']]]]] Hgood.
  assert (fv v' [<=] empty) as Hfv' by eauto.
  rewrite eval_subst_env_iff; auto. v'. split.
  - apply (in_rel_equivariant y x) in H1'.
    rewrite (Hsupp1 y x) in H1'; auto.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H1'.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x v') in H1';
      [| rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec | rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec ].
  - rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x (close x t2));
      [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
    rewrite close_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
    rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v'); auto.
    rewrite <- subst_env_open; auto.
    rewrite (subst_intro y); [| rewrite fv_close; fsetdec].
    rewrite open_close.
    replace (subst_env e (subst v' y (transp_term y x t2))) with (subst_env (y ¬ v' ++ e) (transp_term y x t2))
      by reflexivity.
    apply (eval_equivariant y x).
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_env_term_app.
    rewrite transp_env_term_one.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisL.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x v'); [| fsetdec | fsetdec].
    rewrite transp_term_involution.
    apply H2 in H2'. apply H2'.
    simpl. split; eauto.

Lemma eval_rel_App t1 t2 R1 R2:
  stable_rel R1
  good_rel R1
  good_rel R2
  eval_rel t1 R1
  eval_rel t2 R2
  eval_rel (App t1 t2) (APP R1 R2).
  intros Hstable1 Hgood1 Hgood2 H1 H2 e v [e' [v1 [v2 [Hleq [H1' [H2' Heval]]]]]] Hgood.
  apply eval_iff in Heval.
  destruct Heval as [t1' [t2' [Heval1 [Heval2 Heval3]]]].
  apply eval_of_value in Heval1; eauto. subst v1.
  apply eval_of_value in Heval2; eauto. subst t2'.
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.
   (subst_env e t1'), (subst_env e v2).
  split; [| split].
  - rewrite <- subst_env_Lam.
    apply H1; auto.
    rewrite subst_env_closed; [| eauto].
    eapply Hstable1; eauto.
  - apply H2; auto.
    rewrite subst_env_closed; [| eauto].
  - rewrite <- subst_env_open; [| eauto].
    rewrite subst_env_closed; auto.
    rewrite fv_open_upper.
    assert (fv (Lam t1') [<=] empty) as Hfv1 by eauto. simpl in Hfv1.
    assert (fv v2 [<=] empty) as Hfv2 by eauto.

Lemma eval_rel_Unit:
  eval_rel Unit RelUnitR.
  intros e v H Hgood.
  destruct v; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_Pair t1 t2 R1 R2:
  eval_rel t1 R1
  eval_rel t2 R2
  eval_rel (Pair t1 t2) (RelPairR R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2 e v H Hgood.
  destruct v; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  destruct H as [H1' H2'].
  apply H1 in H1'. specialize (H1' Hgood).
  apply H2 in H2'. specialize (H2' Hgood).
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_Fst t R:
  eval_rel t R
  eval_rel (Fst t) (RelCompose R (RelPairL RelEqVal RelTopVal)).
  intros H e v [v' [H1' H2']] Hgood.
  destruct v'; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  destruct H2' as [[Heq _] _].
  subst v.
  apply H in H1'. specialize (H1' Hgood).
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_Snd t R:
  eval_rel t R
  eval_rel (Snd t) (RelCompose R (RelPairL RelTopVal RelEqVal)).
  intros H e v [v' [H1' H2']] Hgood.
  destruct v'; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  destruct H2' as [_ [Heq _]].
  subst v.
  apply H in H1'. specialize (H1' Hgood).
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_InjL t R:
  eval_rel t R
  eval_rel (InjL t) (RelSumR R RelBot).
  intros H e v H' Hgood.
  destruct v; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  apply H in H'. specialize (H' Hgood).
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_InjR t R:
  eval_rel t R
  eval_rel (InjR t) (RelSumR RelBot R).
  intros H e v H' Hgood.
  destruct v; simpl in *; try contradiction.
  apply H in H'. specialize (H' Hgood).
  apply eval_subst_env_iff; auto.

Lemma eval_rel_Match t x1 t1 x2 t2 R R1 R2 S:
  x1 `notin` S
  x2 `notin` S
  good_rel R
  supported_rel S R
  fv t1 [<=] add x1 S
  fv t2 [<=] add x2 S
  good_rel R1
  good_rel R2
  eval_rel t R
  eval_rel t1 R1
  eval_rel t2 R2
  eval_rel (Match t (close x1 t1) (close x2 t2))
              (RelLet S x1 (RelCompose R (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)) R1)
              (RelLet S x2 (RelCompose R (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)) R2)).
  intros Hx1 Hx2 Hgood Hsupp Hfv1 Hfv2 Hgood1 Hgood2 H H1 H2 e v.
  intros [ [y [Hy [v1' [e' [[Heq [v' [H' H'']]] H1']]]]]
| [y [Hy [v2' [e' [[Heq [v' [H' H'']]] H2']]]]] ] Hgood'; subst.
  - assert (fv v' [<=] empty) as Hfv' by eauto.
    destruct v'; simpl in H''; try contradiction. destruct H'' as [Heq H'']. subst v1'.
    rewrite eval_subst_env_iff; auto. left. v'. split.
    + apply (in_rel_equivariant y x1) in H'.
      rewrite (Hsupp y x1) in H'; auto.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H'.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x1) in H';
        [| rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec | rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec ].
    + rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x1 (close x1 t1));
        [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
      rewrite close_equivariant.
      rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
      rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v'); auto.
      rewrite <- subst_env_open; auto.
      rewrite (subst_intro y); [| rewrite fv_close; fsetdec].
      rewrite open_close.
      replace (subst_env e (subst v' y (transp_term y x1 t1))) with (subst_env (y ¬ v' ++ e) (transp_term y x1 t1))
        by reflexivity.
      apply (eval_equivariant y x1).
      rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
      rewrite transp_env_term_app.
      rewrite transp_env_term_one.
      rewrite transp_atom_thisL.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x1 v'); [| fsetdec | fsetdec].
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
      apply H1 in H1'. apply H1'.
      simpl. split.
      × apply good_value_InjL_inv. eauto.
      × apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - assert (fv v' [<=] empty) as Hfv' by eauto.
    destruct v'; simpl in H''; try contradiction. destruct H'' as [Heq H'']. subst v2'.
    rewrite eval_subst_env_iff; auto. right. v'. split.
    + apply (in_rel_equivariant y x2) in H'.
      rewrite (Hsupp y x2) in H'; auto.
      rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H'.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x2) in H';
        [| rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec | rewrite Hfv'; fsetdec ].
    + rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x2 (close x2 t2));
        [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
      rewrite close_equivariant.
      rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
      rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v'); auto.
      rewrite <- subst_env_open; auto.
      rewrite (subst_intro y); [| rewrite fv_close; fsetdec].
      rewrite open_close.
      replace (subst_env e (subst v' y (transp_term y x2 t2))) with (subst_env (y ¬ v' ++ e) (transp_term y x2 t2))
        by reflexivity.
      apply (eval_equivariant y x2).
      rewrite subst_env_equivariant.
      rewrite transp_env_term_app.
      rewrite transp_env_term_one.
      rewrite transp_atom_thisL.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x2 v'); [| fsetdec | fsetdec].
      rewrite transp_term_involution.
      apply H2 in H2'. apply H2'.
      simpl. split.
      × apply good_value_InjR_inv. eauto.
      × apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.

Collecting relational semantics


The collecting semantics. This is Definition of Section 2.2 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Definition CollectingSem (inputs: env term Prop) (t: term) : rel (env term) term :=
  Rel _ _ (fun e veval (subst_env e t) v
                    inputs e
                    all_env good_value e).

Collecting semantics, specialized on the set of substitutions induced by an environment of relations using ok_env.
Definition Rsem E t : rel (env term) term :=
  CollectingSem (ok_env E) t.

Add Parametric Morphism: Rsem
    with signature env_rel_equiv ==> eq ==> RelEquiv
      as Rsem_morphism_equiv.
  intros E1 E2 HE t. intros e v.
  split; (intros [Heval [Hok Hgood]]; split; [| split]); auto.
  - rewrite <- HE. assumption.
  - rewrite HE. assumption.

Add Parametric Morphism: Rsem
    with signature env_rel_incl ==> eq ==> RelIncl
      as Rsem_morphism_incl.
  intros E1 E2 HE t. intros e v.
  intros [Heval [Hok Hgood]]; split; [| split]; auto.
  eauto using ok_env_env_rel_incl.

Basic results

Lemma Collecting_steps inputs t1 t2:
  steps t1 t2
  RelIncl (CollectingSem inputs t2) (CollectingSem inputs t1).
  intros Hsteps.
  intros e v; intros [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  split; [| split]; auto.
  destruct Heval as [Hsteps2 Hval]. split; auto.
  rewrite <- Hsteps2.
  apply steps_subst_env; auto.

Lemma Rsem_steps E t1 t2:
  steps t1 t2
  RelIncl (Rsem E t2) (Rsem E t1).
  apply Collecting_steps.

Lemma Rsem_good E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  good_rel (Rsem E t).
  intros Hlc Hfv e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  split; auto.
  apply eval_good_value in Heval; auto.
  - apply subst_env_lc; auto.
  - apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
    apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.

Lemma Rsem_stable E t:
  fv t [<=] dom E
  stable_rel (Rsem E t).
  intros Hfv e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]] e' Hgood' Hleq.
  split; [| split]; auto.
  - erewrite <- subst_env_leq_env; eauto.
    apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  - eapply ok_envLeq; eauto.

Lemma Rsem_equivariant x y E t:
  RelEquiv (transp_rel x y (Rsem E t)) (Rsem (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_term x y t)).
  intros e v; split; intros [HEval [Hstrong Hgood]]; (split; [| split]); auto.
  - apply (eval_equivariant x y) in HEval.
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant in HEval.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in HEval.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in HEval.
  - apply (ok_env_equivariant x y) in Hstrong.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hstrong.
  - apply (all_env_term_equivariant _ good_value_equivariant x y) in Hgood.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hgood.
  - apply (eval_equivariant x y) in HEval.
    rewrite subst_env_equivariant in HEval.
    rewrite transp_term_involution in HEval.
  - apply (ok_env_equivariant x y) in Hstrong.
    rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in Hstrong.
  - apply (all_env_term_equivariant _ good_value_equivariant x y) in Hgood.

Lemma Rsem_supported_rel S E t:
  supported_env_rel S E
  supported_rel (S `union` fv t) (Rsem E t).
  intros HS x y Hx Hy.
  rewrite Rsem_equivariant.
  rewrite (HS x y); auto.
  rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.

Lemma Rsem_wf_rel S E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  supported_env_rel S E
  wf_rel (S `union` fv t) (Rsem E t).
  split; [| split];
    auto using Rsem_good, Rsem_stable, Rsem_supported_rel.

Lemma Rsem_ok_env_rel E t:
  ok_env_rel E (Rsem E t).
  intros e v H Hgood. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. assumption.

Lemma Rsem_dom E t e v:
  in_rel (Rsem E t) e v
  dom E [<=] dom e.
  intro H. apply ok_env_dom. simpl in H. tauto.

Lemma Rsem_eval_rel E t:
  eval_rel t (Rsem E t).
  intros e v H Hgood. destruct H as [? [? ?]]. assumption.

Assume that the free variables of t are in the domain of E. Then, any relation R is below Rsem E t iff R satisfies good_rel and ok_env_rel E and eval_rel t. This lemma gives a strategy for proving completeness.
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_iff R E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  (RelIncl R (Rsem E t)) (good_rel R ok_env_rel E R eval_rel t R).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  split; intro H; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel, Rsem_eval_rel.
  - split; [| split]; intros e v Hev; apply H in Hev; destruct Hev as [Heval [Hok Hgood]]; auto.
    split; [assumption |].
    apply eval_good_value in Heval; auto.
    + apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    + apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  - destruct H as [Hgood [Hstrong Heval]].
    intros e v Hev.
    split; [| split].
    + apply Heval; eauto.
    + eapply Hstrong; eauto.
    + eauto.

Properties of RelSelf and RelGather

The intersection of RelSelf and RelGather is always complete. This is Lemma 4.12 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Self_Gather E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  uniq E
  RelIncl (RelInter (RelSelf t) (RelGather E)) (Rsem E t).
  intros Hlc Hfv Huniq.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; auto.
  split; [ | split ].
  - auto with good_rel.
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelInter. right. apply ok_env_rel_RelGather; auto.
  - apply eval_rel_RelInter. left. apply eval_rel_RelSelf.

RelGather is always sound. This is Lemma 4.11 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_RelGather E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  all_env stable_rel E
  RelIncl (Rsem E t) (RelGather E).
  intros Hlc Hfv Hstable.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  simpl. split; [| split]; auto.
  - apply (eval_good_value (subst_env e t)); auto.
    + apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    + apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  - intros x R H. case_eq (get x e); intros.
    + t0. split; auto. eapply ok_env_get; eauto.
    + exfalso. eapply ok_env_get_None in H0; eauto. congruence.

RelSelf is always sound for extended values. This is Lemma 4.10 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_RelSelf E t:
  lc t
  is_extended_value t
  fv t [<=] dom E
  RelIncl (Rsem E t) (RelSelf t).
  intros Hlc Hval Hfv.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  simpl. split; [| split; [| split]]; auto.
  - apply eval_of_value; auto.
    apply subst_env_is_value_iff; auto.
    apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  - apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  - apply eval_good_value in Heval; auto.
    + apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    + apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.

About the rule for variables

The "standard" rule for variables is sound.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Var_get E x R:
  wf_env_rel E
  get x E = Some R
  RelIncl (Rsem E (Var x)) R.
  intros Hwf Hx.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  case_eq (get x e); intros.
  - assert (good_value t) as Hvgood.
    { eapply all_env_get; eauto. }
    rewrite (subst_env_Var_Some e x t) in Heval; auto.
    apply eval_of_value in Heval; subst; auto.
    eapply ok_env_get; eauto.
  - exfalso. eapply ok_env_get_None in H; eauto. congruence.

The "Self" rule is sound for variables.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Var_self E x:
  x `in` dom E
  RelIncl (Rsem E (Var x)) (RelSelf (Var x)).
  intros Hx.
  apply Rsem_RelIncl_RelSelf; simpl; auto. fsetdec.

The combination of the "Self" rule and the "Gather" rule is sound for variables.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Var E x:
  wf_env_rel E
  x `in` dom E
  RelIncl (Rsem E (Var x))
          (RelInter (RelSelf (Var x)) (RelGather E)).
  intros Hwf Hx.
  apply RelInter_glb.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_Var_self; eauto using get_in_dom.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_RelGather; auto.
    simpl. fsetdec.

About the rule for let-bindings

Completeness for let-bindings. This is Lemma 4.9 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Let E x t1 t2:
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t1 [<=] dom E
  fv t2 [<=] add x (dom E)
  x `notin` dom E
  wf_env_rel E
    (RelLet (dom E) x (Rsem E t1) (Rsem (x ¬ Rsem E t1 ++ E) t2))
    (Rsem E (Let t1 (close x t2))).
  intros Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv1 Hfv2 Hx Hwf.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - rewrite <- (open_close t2 x) in Hlc2.
    eapply lc_Let_exists; eauto.
  - simpl. rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.
  - apply RelLet_good; auto using Rsem_good.
    apply (supported_rel_subset (dom E `union` fv t1)); [ fsetdec |].
    apply Rsem_supported_rel; auto.
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelLet; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_Let; auto using Rsem_good, Rsem_eval_rel.
    apply (supported_rel_subset (dom E `union` fv t1)); [ fsetdec |].
    apply Rsem_supported_rel; auto.

Lemma dep_conj (P1 P2: Prop):
  P1 (P1 P2) P1 P2.

Lemma notin_included_empty x S:
  S [<=] empty
  x `notin` S.
  intro. fsetdec.
Hint Resolve notin_included_empty : core.

Soundness for let-bindings. This is Lemma 4.8 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Let E x t1 t2:
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t1 [<=] dom E
  fv t2 [<=] add x (dom E)
  x `notin` dom E
  wf_env_rel E
    (Rsem E (Let t1 (close x t2)))
    (RelLet (dom E) x (Rsem E t1) (Rsem (x ¬ Rsem E t1 ++ E) t2)).
  intros Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv1 Hfv2 Hx Hwf.
  intros e v H.
  assert (good_value v) as Hgood2.
  { apply Rsem_good in H.
    - tauto.
    - auto with lngen.
    - simpl. rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.
  assert (fv v [<=] empty) as Hfv_v by auto.
  pick fresh y for (singleton x `union` fv t1 `union` fv t2 `union` dom e `union` dom E).
  rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x (close x t2)) in H;
    [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
  rewrite close_equivariant in H.
  rewrite transp_atom_thisR in H.
  destruct H as [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  rewrite eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v1 [Heval1 Heval2]].
  assert (good_value v1) as Hgood1.
  { apply eval_good_value in Heval1; auto.
    - apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    - apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
  assert (fv v1 [<=] empty) as Hfv_v1 by auto.
  rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v1) in Heval2; auto.
  rewrite <- subst_env_open in Heval2; auto.
  rewrite <- subst_spec in Heval2.
  replace (subst_env e (subst v1 y (transp_term y x t2)))
    with (subst_env (y ¬ v1 ++ e) (transp_term y x t2)) in Heval2 by reflexivity.
  apply (in_rel_equivariant y x).
  rewrite RelLet_rel_equivariant.
  repeat rewrite Rsem_equivariant.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_app.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_one.
  rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
  rewrite transp_atoms_fresh_eq; auto.
  assert (env_rel_equiv
            ([(y, transp_rel y x (Rsem E t1))] ++ transp_env_rel y x E)
            ([(y, (Rsem E (transp_term y x t1)))] ++ E)) as Heq.
  { simpl; split; [| split]; auto.
    - rewrite Rsem_equivariant. rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
    - rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto. reflexivity.
  rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
  rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
  rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x t1); [ | eauto | eauto ].
  rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x v); [ | eauto | eauto ].
  pick fresh z for (singleton x `union` singleton y `union` fv t1 `union` dom e `union` dom E).
   z. split; auto.
  unfold lambda_rel. unfold transp_rel. unfold in_rel at 1. rewrite <- RelRemove_rewrite.
  rewrite transp_env_term_trans; auto.
  rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z y v); [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
  apply dep_conj; [| intro HRsem1 ].
  - split; [| split]; auto.
    + apply (eval_equivariant z x) in Heval1.
      rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval1.
      rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; auto.
      rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
    + apply (ok_env_equivariant z x) in Hok.
      rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
    + apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - split; [| split].
    + apply (eval_equivariant z x) in Heval2.
      rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval2.
      rewrite transp_env_term_app in Heval2.
      rewrite transp_env_term_one in Heval2.
      rewrite transp_atom_other in Heval2; auto.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x v1) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x v) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
      rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x t2) in Heval2; auto.
      rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x t2); auto.
      rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x (subst (Var y) x t2)) in Heval2; auto.
      × rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr. fsetdec.
      × rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
    + apply ok_env_update; auto.
      × apply (ok_env_equivariant z x) in Hok.
        rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
      × rewrite <- (transp_atom_other z x y); auto.
        rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
        case_eq (get y e); intros; simpl; auto.
        exfalso. apply get_in_dom in H. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
    + simpl; split; auto.
      apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.

About the rule for functions

Soundness of the "Self" rule for functions.
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Lam_self E x t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] add x (dom E)
  RelIncl (Rsem E (Lam (close x t))) (RelSelf (Lam (close x t))).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  apply Rsem_RelIncl_RelSelf; simpl; auto with lngen.
  rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.

Lemma conj_recombine (A B C: Prop) :
  A B C (A B) C.

Soundness of the "Lam" rule for functions
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Lam_RelLam R E x t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] add x (dom E)
  x `notin` dom E
  wf_rel (dom E) R
  wf_env_rel E
    (Rsem E (Lam (close x t)))
    (RelLam (dom E) x R (Rsem (x ¬ R ++ E) t)).
  intros Hlc Hfv Hx [HgoodR [HstableR HsuppR]] Hwf.
  intros e v H.
  assert (all_env good_value e good_value v) as [Hegood Hvgood].
  { apply Rsem_good in H; auto.
    - auto with lngen.
    - simpl. rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.
  assert (fv v [<=] empty) as Hfv_v by auto.
  split; [| split; [| split]]; eauto using Rsem_dom.
  intros e' Hleq v1 HRv1 v2 Heval2.
  assert (all_env good_value e' good_value v1) as [He'good Hv1good] by auto.
  assert (fv v1 [<=] empty) as Hfv_v1 by auto.
  assert (good_value v2) as Hgood2.
  { apply eval_good_value in Heval2; auto.
    simpl. fsetdec.
  pick fresh y for (singleton x `union` fv t `union` dom e' `union` dom E).
  rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x (close x t)) in H;
    [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
  rewrite close_equivariant in H.
  rewrite transp_atom_thisR in H.
  rewrite transp_term_freshL_is_subst in H; auto.
  destruct H as [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  rewrite eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  apply (in_rel_equivariant y x).
  rewrite RelClose_rel_equivariant.
  rewrite transp_atoms_fresh_eq; auto.
  rewrite lambda_rel_equivariant.
  rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
  cut (in_rel
         (RelClose (dom E)
                   (lambda_rel y
                               (RelCompose (RelPush R y v1) (Rsem ([(y, R)] ++ E) (transp_term y x t)))))
         (transp_env_term y x e') (transp_term y x v2)).
  - intros [z [Hz [e'' [[Heq H1] H2]]]]. subst.
     z. split; auto.
    unfold lambda_rel.
    rewrite RelCompose_RelPush_equivariant.
    rewrite (HsuppR y x); auto.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
    rewrite RelCompose_RelPush_transp_term; auto.
    rewrite Rsem_equivariant.
    assert (env_rel_equiv (transp_env_rel y x ([(x, R)] ++ E)) ([(y, R)] ++ E)) as Heq.
    { rewrite transp_env_rel_app. rewrite transp_env_rel_one.
      rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
      simpl; split; [| split] ; auto.
      rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto. reflexivity.
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
    unfold transp_rel. unfold in_rel at 1.
     (y ¬ v1 ++ (transp_env_term z y (transp_env_term y x e'))).
    split; [ split |]; auto.
  - rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x v2); [ | eauto | eauto ].
    rewrite transp_term_freshL_is_subst; auto.
    pick fresh z for (singleton x `union` singleton y `union` dom e' `union` dom E).
     z. split; auto.
    unfold lambda_rel. unfold transp_rel. unfold in_rel at 1.
     (y ¬ v1 ++ (transp_env_term z y (transp_env_term y x e'))).
    applyconj_recombine. split; [ reflexivity |].
    rewrite transp_env_term_trans; auto.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z y v2); [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
    apply dep_conj; [| intro HRsem1 ].
    + apply (in_rel_equivariant z x) in HRv1.
      rewrite (HsuppR z x) in HRv1; auto.
      rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in HRv1; auto.
    + rewrite subst_env_Lam in Heval.
      erewrite subst_env_leq_env in Heval; eauto;
        [| apply ok_env_dom in Hok; rewrite fv_close; rewrite fv_subst_upper; simpl;
           rewrite Hfv; rewrite Hok; clear; fsetdec ].
      apply eval_iff in Heval2.
      destruct Heval2 as [t0 [v1' [Heval'0 [Heval'1 Heval2]]]].
      apply eval_of_value in Heval'0; auto. subst v.
      inversion Heval; subst. clear Heval.
      apply eval_of_value in Heval'1; auto. subst v1'.
      rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e' v1) in Heval2; auto.
      rewrite <- subst_env_open in Heval2; auto.
      rewrite <- subst_spec in Heval2.
      replace (subst_env e' (subst v1 y (subst (Var y) x t)))
        with (subst_env (y ¬ v1 ++ e') (subst (Var y) x t))
        in Heval2 by reflexivity.
      split; [| split].
      × apply (eval_equivariant z x) in Heval2.
        rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval2.
        rewrite transp_env_term_app in Heval2.
        rewrite transp_env_term_one in Heval2.
        rewrite transp_atom_other in Heval2; auto.
        rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x v1) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
        rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x v2) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
        { rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x (subst (Var y) x t)) in Heval2; auto.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr. fsetdec.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × { apply ok_env_update; auto.
          - apply (ok_env_leq_env _ e e') in Hok; eauto.
            apply (ok_env_equivariant z x) in Hok.
            rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
          - rewrite <- (transp_atom_other z x y); auto.
            rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
            case_eq (get y e'); intros; simpl; auto.
            exfalso. apply get_in_dom in H. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × simpl; split; auto.
        apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.

Soundness for functions
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_RelLam R E x t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] add x (dom E)
  x `notin` dom E
  wf_rel (dom E) R
  wf_env_rel E
    (Rsem E (Lam (close x t)))
       (RelLam (dom E) x R (Rsem (x ¬ R ++ E) t))
       (RelInter (RelSelf (Lam (close x t))) (RelGather E))
  intros Hlc Hfv Hx HwfR Hwf.
  apply RelInter_glb; [| apply RelInter_glb].
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_Lam_RelLam; auto.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_Lam_self; auto.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_RelGather; auto with lngen.
    simpl. rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.

About the rule for applications

Completeness for applications
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_App E t1 t2:
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t1 [<=] dom E
  fv t2 [<=] dom E
    (APP (Rsem E t1) (Rsem E t2))
    (Rsem E (App t1 t2)).
  intros Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv1 Hfv2.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - apply good_rel_APP; auto using Rsem_good.
  - apply ok_env_rel_APP; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_App; auto using Rsem_eval_rel, Rsem_good, Rsem_stable.

Soundness for applications
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_App E t1 t2:
    (Rsem E (App t1 t2))
    (APP (Rsem E t1) (Rsem E t2)).
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [t0 [v2 [Heval1 [Heval2 Heval3]]]].
   e, (Lam t0), v2. split; [| split; [| split]].
  - reflexivity.
  - split; [| split]; auto.
  - split; [| split]; auto.
  - apply eval_iff.
     t0, v2. split; [| split]; auto.
    + apply eval_refl. simpl. trivial.
    + apply eval_refl. eapply eval_is_value; eauto.

About the rule for unit

Completeness for unit
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Unit E:
  uniq E
    (RelInter RelUnitR (RelGather E))
    (Rsem E Unit).
  intros Huniq.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - auto with good_rel.
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelInter. right. apply ok_env_rel_RelGather; auto.
  - apply eval_rel_RelInter. left. apply eval_rel_Unit.

Soundness of the "Unit" rule
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Unit_UnitR E:
  RelIncl (Rsem E Unit) RelUnitR.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto. subst.
  simpl. assumption.

Soundness for unit
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Unit E:
  all_env stable_rel E
    (Rsem E Unit)
    (RelInter RelUnitR (RelGather E)).
  intro Hstable.
  apply RelInter_glb.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_Unit_UnitR.
  - apply Rsem_RelIncl_RelGather; auto.
    simpl. fsetdec.

About the rule for pairs

Completeness for pairs
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Pair E t1 t2:
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t1 [<=] dom E
  fv t2 [<=] dom E
    (RelPairR (Rsem E t1) (Rsem E t2))
    (Rsem E (Pair t1 t2)).
  intros Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv1 Hfv2.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - apply good_rel_RelPairR; auto using Rsem_good.
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelPairR; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_Pair; auto using Rsem_eval_rel, Rsem_good, Rsem_stable.

Soundness for pairs
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Pair E t1 t2:
    (Rsem E (Pair t1 t2))
    (RelPairR (Rsem E t1) (Rsem E t2)).
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v1 [v2 [Heval1 [Heval2 Heq]]]]. subst.
  - split; [| split]; auto.
  - split; [| split]; auto.

About the rule for the first pair projection

Completeness for the first pair projection
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Fst E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelPairL RelEqVal RelTopVal))
    (Rsem E (Fst t)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - auto using Rsem_good with good_rel .
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelCompose; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_Fst; auto using Rsem_eval_rel.

Soundness for the first pair projection
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Fst E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (Rsem E (Fst t))
    (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelPairL RelEqVal RelTopVal)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v2 Heval].
   (Pair v v2). split.
  - split; [| split]; auto.
  - apply eval_good_value in Heval; auto.
    + split.
      × simpl. eauto using good_value_Pair_inv_L.
      × simpl. eauto using good_value_Pair_inv_L, good_value_Pair_inv_R.
    + apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    + apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.

About the rule for the second pair projection

Completeness for the second pair projection
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Snd E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelPairL RelTopVal RelEqVal))
    (Rsem E (Snd t)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - auto using Rsem_good with good_rel .
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelCompose; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_Snd; auto using Rsem_eval_rel.

Soundness for the second pair projection
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Snd E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (Rsem E (Snd t))
    (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelPairL RelTopVal RelEqVal)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v1 Heval].
   (Pair v1 v). split.
  - split; [| split]; auto.
  - apply eval_good_value in Heval; auto.
    + split.
      × simpl. eauto using good_value_Pair_inv_L, good_value_Pair_inv_R.
      × simpl. eauto using good_value_Pair_inv_R.
    + apply subst_env_lc; auto.
    + apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
      apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.

About the rule for the first sum injection

Completeness for the first sum injection
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_InjL E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (RelSumR (Rsem E t) RelBot)
    (Rsem E (InjL t)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - auto using Rsem_good with good_rel .
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelSumR; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel, ok_env_rel_RelBot.
  - apply eval_rel_InjL; auto using Rsem_eval_rel.

Soundness for the first sum injection
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_InjL E t:
    (Rsem E (InjL t))
    (RelSumR (Rsem E t) RelBot).
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v1 [Heval Heq]]. subst.
  split; auto.

About the rule for the second sum injection

Completeness for the second sum injection
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_InjR E t:
  lc t
  fv t [<=] dom E
    (RelSumR RelBot (Rsem E t))
    (Rsem E (InjR t)).
  intros Hlc Hfv.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - auto.
  - simpl. fsetdec.
  - auto using Rsem_good with good_rel .
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelSumR; auto using Rsem_ok_env_rel, ok_env_rel_RelBot.
  - apply eval_rel_InjR; auto using Rsem_eval_rel.

Soundness for the second sum injection
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_InjR E t:
    (Rsem E (InjR t))
    (RelSumR RelBot (Rsem E t)).
  intros e v [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  apply eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [v2 [Heval Heq]]. subst.
  split; auto.

About the rule for sum destruction

Completeness for for sum destruction
Lemma RelIncl_Rsem_Match E t x1 t1 x2 t2:
  lc t
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t [<=] dom E
  fv t1 [<=] add x1 (dom E)
  fv t2 [<=] add x2 (dom E)
  x1 `notin` dom E
  x2 `notin` dom E
  wf_env_rel E
       (RelLet (dom E) x1 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)) (Rsem (x1 ¬ (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)) ++ E) t1))
       (RelLet (dom E) x2 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)) (Rsem (x2 ¬ (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)) ++ E) t2))
    (Rsem E (Match t (close x1 t1) (close x2 t2))).
  intros Hlc Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv Hfv1 Hfv2 Hx1 Hx2 Hwf.
  apply RelIncl_Rsem_iff; [ | | split; [| split] ].
  - rewrite <- (open_close t1 x1) in Hlc1.
    rewrite <- (open_close t2 x2) in Hlc2.
    eapply lc_Match_exists; eauto.
  - simpl. repeat rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.
  - apply good_rel_RelUnion; apply RelLet_good; auto using Rsem_good with good_rel.
    + apply RelCompose_supported_rel; auto with supported_rel.
      apply (supported_rel_subset (dom E `union` fv t)); auto using Rsem_supported_rel.
    + apply RelCompose_supported_rel; auto with supported_rel.
      apply (supported_rel_subset (dom E `union` fv t)); [ fsetdec |].
      auto using Rsem_supported_rel.
  - apply ok_env_rel_RelUnion;
      auto using ok_env_rel_RelLet, ok_env_rel_RelCompose, Rsem_ok_env_rel.
  - apply eval_rel_Match; auto using Rsem_good, Rsem_eval_rel.
    apply (supported_rel_subset (dom E `union` fv t)); [ fsetdec |].
    auto using Rsem_supported_rel.

Soundness for for sum destruction
Lemma Rsem_RelIncl_Match E t x1 t1 x2 t2:
  lc t
  lc t1
  lc t2
  fv t [<=] dom E
  fv t1 [<=] add x1 (dom E)
  fv t2 [<=] add x2 (dom E)
  x1 `notin` dom E
  x2 `notin` dom E
  wf_env_rel E
    (Rsem E (Match t (close x1 t1) (close x2 t2)))
       (RelLet (dom E) x1 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)) (Rsem (x1 ¬ (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)) ++ E) t1))
       (RelLet (dom E) x2 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)) (Rsem (x2 ¬ (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)) ++ E) t2))
  intros Hlc Hlc1 Hlc2 Hfv Hfv1 Hfv2 Hx1 Hx2 Hwf.
  intros e v H.
  assert (good_value v) as Hgood2.
  { apply Rsem_good in H.
    - tauto.
    - auto with lngen.
    - simpl. repeat rewrite fv_close. fsetdec.
  assert (fv v [<=] empty) as Hfv_v by auto.
  pick fresh y for (singleton x1 `union` singleton x2 `union` fv t `union` fv t1 `union` fv t2 `union` dom e `union` dom E).
  rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x1 (close x1 t1)) in H;
    [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
  rewrite <- (transp_term_fresh_eq y x2 (close x2 t2)) in H;
    [ | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec | rewrite fv_close; fsetdec ].
  repeat rewrite close_equivariant in H.
  repeat rewrite transp_atom_thisR in H.
  destruct H as [Heval [Hok Hgood]].
  rewrite eval_subst_env_iff in Heval; auto.
  destruct Heval as [Heval | Heval]; [left | right].
  - destruct Heval as [v0 [Heval1 Heval2]].
    assert (good_value v0) as Hgood0.
    { apply eval_good_value in Heval1; auto using good_value_InjL_inv.
      - apply subst_env_lc; auto.
      - apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
        apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
    assert (fv v0 [<=] empty) as Hfv_v0 by auto.
    rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v0) in Heval2; auto.
    rewrite <- subst_env_open in Heval2; auto.
    rewrite <- subst_spec in Heval2.
    replace (subst_env e (subst v0 y (transp_term y x1 t1)))
      with (subst_env (y ¬ v0 ++ e) (transp_term y x1 t1)) in Heval2 by reflexivity.
    apply (in_rel_equivariant y x1).
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.
    rewrite RelLet_rel_equivariant.
    rewrite Rsem_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_env_rel_app.
    rewrite transp_env_rel_one.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
    rewrite transp_atoms_fresh_eq; auto.
    assert (env_rel_equiv
              ([(y, transp_rel y x1 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)))] ++ transp_env_rel y x1 E)
              ([(y, (RelCompose (Rsem E (transp_term y x1 t)) (RelSumL RelEqVal RelBot)))] ++ E)) as Heq.
    { simpl; split; [| split]; auto.
      - rewrite RelCompose_rel_equivariant.
        rewrite Rsem_equivariant. rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
        rewrite RelSumL_vrel_equivariant.
        rewrite RelBot_vrel_equivariant.
        rewrite RelEqVal_vrel_equivariant.
      - rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto. reflexivity.
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
    rewrite RelCompose_rel_equivariant.
    rewrite Rsem_equivariant. rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
    rewrite RelSumL_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite RelBot_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite RelEqVal_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x1 t); [ | eauto | eauto ].
    assert ( in_rel (Rsem E t) (transp_env_term y x1 e) (InjL v0) ) as HRsem.
    { split; [| split].
      - apply (eval_equivariant y x1) in Heval1.
        rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval1.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
      - apply (ok_env_equivariant y x1) in Hok.
        rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
      - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
    pick fresh z for (singleton x1 `union` singleton y `union` fv t `union` dom e `union` dom E).
     z. split; auto.
    unfold lambda_rel. unfold transp_rel. unfold in_rel at 1. rewrite <- RelRemove_rewrite.
    rewrite transp_env_term_trans; auto.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z y v); [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
    apply dep_conj; [| intro HRsem1 ].
    + (InjL v0). split.
      × apply (in_rel_equivariant z y) in HRsem.
        rewrite transp_env_term_trans in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite Rsem_equivariant in HRsem.
        rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
      × simpl. auto.
    + split; [| split].
      × { apply (eval_equivariant z x1) in Heval2.
          rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_env_term_app in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_env_term_one in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_atom_other in Heval2; auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x1 v0) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x1 v) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
          rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x1 t1) in Heval2; auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x1 t1); auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x1 (subst (Var y) x1 t1)) in Heval2; auto.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr. fsetdec.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × { apply ok_env_update; auto.
          - apply (ok_env_equivariant z x1) in Hok.
            rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
          - rewrite <- (transp_atom_other z x1 y); auto.
            rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
            case_eq (get y e); intros; simpl; auto.
            exfalso. apply get_in_dom in H. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × simpl; split; auto.
        apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - destruct Heval as [v0 [Heval1 Heval2]].
    assert (good_value v0) as Hgood0.
    { apply eval_good_value in Heval1; auto using good_value_InjR_inv.
      - apply subst_env_lc; auto.
      - apply subst_env_closed_fv; auto.
        apply ok_env_dom in Hok. fsetdec.
    assert (fv v0 [<=] empty) as Hfv_v0 by auto.
    rewrite <- (subst_env_closed e v0) in Heval2; auto.
    rewrite <- subst_env_open in Heval2; auto.
    rewrite <- subst_spec in Heval2.
    replace (subst_env e (subst v0 y (transp_term y x2 t2)))
      with (subst_env (y ¬ v0 ++ e) (transp_term y x2 t2)) in Heval2 by reflexivity.
    apply (in_rel_equivariant y x2).
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.
    rewrite RelLet_rel_equivariant.
    rewrite Rsem_equivariant.
    rewrite transp_env_rel_app.
    rewrite transp_env_rel_one.
    rewrite transp_atom_thisR.
    rewrite transp_atoms_fresh_eq; auto.
    assert (env_rel_equiv
              ([(y, transp_rel y x2 (RelCompose (Rsem E t) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)))] ++ transp_env_rel y x2 E)
              ([(y, (RelCompose (Rsem E (transp_term y x2 t)) (RelSumL RelBot RelEqVal)))] ++ E)) as Heq.
    { simpl; split; [| split]; auto.
      - rewrite RelCompose_rel_equivariant.
        rewrite Rsem_equivariant. rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
        rewrite RelSumL_vrel_equivariant.
        rewrite RelBot_vrel_equivariant.
        rewrite RelEqVal_vrel_equivariant.
      - rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto. reflexivity.
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
    rewrite RelCompose_rel_equivariant.
    rewrite Rsem_equivariant. rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq; auto.
    rewrite RelSumL_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite RelBot_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite RelEqVal_vrel_equivariant.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq y x2 t); [ | eauto | eauto ].
    assert ( in_rel (Rsem E t) (transp_env_term y x2 e) (InjR v0) ) as HRsem.
    { split; [| split].
      - apply (eval_equivariant y x2) in Heval1.
        rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval1.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Heval1; [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
      - apply (ok_env_equivariant y x2) in Hok.
        rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
      - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
    pick fresh z for (singleton x2 `union` singleton y `union` fv t `union` dom e `union` dom E).
     z. split; auto.
    unfold lambda_rel. unfold transp_rel. unfold in_rel at 1. rewrite <- RelRemove_rewrite.
    rewrite transp_env_term_trans; auto.
    rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z y v); [ auto | eauto | eauto ].
    apply dep_conj; [| intro HRsem1 ].
    + (InjR v0). split.
      × apply (in_rel_equivariant z y) in HRsem.
        rewrite transp_env_term_trans in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite Rsem_equivariant in HRsem.
        rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
        rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in HRsem; auto.
      × simpl. auto.
    + split; [| split].
      × { apply (eval_equivariant z x2) in Heval2.
          rewrite subst_env_equivariant in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_env_term_app in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_env_term_one in Heval2.
          rewrite transp_atom_other in Heval2; auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x2 v0) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x2 v) in Heval2; [ | eauto | eauto ].
          rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x2 t2) in Heval2; auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_freshL_is_subst y x2 t2); auto.
          rewrite (transp_term_fresh_eq z x2 (subst (Var y) x2 t2)) in Heval2; auto.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr. fsetdec.
          - rewrite fv_subst_upper. simpl. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × { apply ok_env_update; auto.
          - apply (ok_env_equivariant z x2) in Hok.
            rewrite transp_env_rel_fresh_eq in Hok; auto.
          - rewrite <- (transp_atom_other z x2 y); auto.
            rewrite <- get_transp_env_term_equivariant.
            case_eq (get y e); intros; simpl; auto.
            exfalso. apply get_in_dom in H. clear Fr0. fsetdec.
      × simpl; split; auto.
        apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.

Hint Resolve Rsem_good: good_rel.
Hint Resolve Rsem_stable: stable_rel.

Additional results: creation of an environment of relations from a substitution

Creates an environment of relations from an environment of values. The resulting environment of relations satisfies ok_env.
Fixpoint self_env (e: env term) : env (rel (env term) term) :=
  match e with
  | nilnil
  | (x, v) :: xs
     Rel _ _ (fun e' v'
                ( x vx, get x xs = Some vx get x e' = Some vx)
                 all_env good_value e'
                 v' = v))
      :: self_env xs

Under suitable conditions, ok_env (self_env e) contains e.
Lemma self_env_ok_env e:
  uniq e
  all_env good_value e
  ok_env (self_env e) e.
  intros Huniq Hgood.
  env induction e; unfold self_env; simpl.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + left. apply get_notin_dom. solve_uniq.
    + apply IHe; auto.
      × solve_uniq.
      × simpl in Hgood. tauto.
    + simpl. simpl in Hgood. tauto.

self_env e is an environment of stable relations.
Lemma self_env_stable e:
  all_env stable_rel (self_env e).
  env induction e; simpl; auto.
  split; auto.
  intros e v Hev e' Hgood' Hleq. simpl in ×.
  destruct Hev as [Hev [Hgood Heq]]. auto.

self_env e is an environment of good relations.
Lemma self_env_good e:
  all_env good_value e
  all_env good_rel (self_env e).
  intro Hgood. env induction e; simpl in *; auto.
  destruct Hgood as [Hvgood Hegood].
  split; auto.
  intros e v Hev. simpl in Hev.
  destruct Hev as [Hev [Hgood' Heq]]. subst.
  split; auto.

The domain of the environment of relations self_env e is the same as the domain of the substitution e.
Lemma self_env_dom e:
  dom (self_env e) [=] dom e.
  env induction e; simpl; auto.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHe. reflexivity.

The environment of relations self_env e is well supported.
Lemma self_env_supported e:
  all_env good_value e
  well_supported_env (self_env e).
  intro Hgood.
  env induction e; simpl in *; auto.
  destruct Hgood as [Hvgood Hegood].
  split; auto.
  intros z1 z2 Hz1 Hz2 e v. simpl.
  split; intros [H1 [H2 H3]]; (split; [| split]); subst; auto.
  - intros y vy Hy.
    assert (y `in` dom xs).
    { apply get_in_dom in Hy. assumption. }
    assert (fv vy [<=] empty) as Hfv.
    { eapply all_env_get in Hy; eauto. }
    apply H1 in Hy.
    apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant z1 z2) in Hy.
    rewrite transp_env_term_involution in Hy.
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Hy; auto.
    rewrite self_env_dom in Hz1.
    rewrite self_env_dom in Hz2.
    rewrite transp_atom_other in Hy; auto; fsetdec.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant in H2; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - apply good_value_equivariant in Hvgood.
    assert (fv v [<=] empty) as Hfv by auto.
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.
  - intros y vy Hy.
    assert (y `in` dom xs).
    { apply get_in_dom in Hy. assumption. }
    assert (fv vy [<=] empty) as Hfv.
    { eapply all_env_get in Hy; eauto. }
    apply H1 in Hy.
    apply (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant z1 z2) in Hy.
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq in Hy; auto.
    rewrite self_env_dom in Hz1.
    rewrite self_env_dom in Hz2.
    rewrite transp_atom_other in Hy; auto; fsetdec.
  - apply all_env_term_equivariant; auto using good_value_equivariant.
  - assert (fv a [<=] empty) as Hfv by auto.
    rewrite transp_term_fresh_eq; auto.

The environment of relations self_env e is wellformed.
Lemma self_env_wf e:
  all_env good_value e
  wf_env_rel (self_env e).
  split; [| split];
    auto using self_env_supported, self_env_stable, self_env_good.

The environment of relations self_env e has no duplicate bindings.
Lemma self_env_uniq e:
  uniq e
  uniq (self_env e).
  intro Huniq.
  env induction e; simpl; auto.
  - apply IHe. solve_uniq.
  - rewrite self_env_dom. solve_uniq.