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Jobs offer: poste 18 mois Ingénieur – Inria

Dans le cadre du projet Colib’read (, l’équipe Irisa/Inria Genscale ( recrute un(e) ingénieur(e) de développement pour une durée de 18 mois. Poste à pourvoir dès que possible. Profil du poste – Assurer le développement d’outils issus du projet de … Continuer la lecture

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2 postes CJS (Contrat Jeune Scientifique Inra-Inria) co-encadrés par l’équipe GenScale.

Cliquez ! – –  

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discoSnp: the new name of read2SNPs

read2SNPs name changed. The new name is now discoSnp. Its new web page is here.

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Postdoctoral researcher position offer

Title: Algorithms for dealing with polymorphism and variants in unassembled NGS data Description: In the context of the ANR Colib’read (Calling Biological information from raw reads), we propose a 18 months postdoctoral position. It will be located in the … Continuer la lecture

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read2SNPs is on galaxy !

Some news about what you may find on the read2snps page:   read2SNPs can be used on the genouest galaxy server A GenOuest account is needed read2SNPs can be integrated  in any galaxy instance using the GenOuest tool shed Create … Continuer la lecture

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Talk at EPGV Colloque

Talk about minia, kissnp and new attempt for phasing haplotypes during the EPGV colloque. Here are the slides.  

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Colibread web site

The colibread web site is know working:

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ANR Colib’read funded

We are happy to announce that the Colib’read project, which aim at continuing the Alcovna work was founded by the ANR. This project will bring together biologists and computer science engineers and researchers mainly from Montpellier (MAB team), Lyon (Bamboo … Continuer la lecture

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Compareads presented at Recomb-CG

Our new tool called Compareads was presented this week (16/10/2012) by Nicolas Maillet at Recomb-CG. This tool compares quantitatively raw metagenomic unassembled datasets.

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Le bilan Jobim 2012 par bioinfo-fr

Many thanks to the team who summed up the Jobim 2012 manifestation. See the post (french)

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