Postdoctoral researcher position offer

Algorithms for dealing with polymorphism and variants in unassembled NGS data

In the context of the ANR Colib’read (Calling Biological information from raw reads), we propose a 18 months postdoctoral position.
It will be located in the Inria/Irisa genscale team, Rennes, France A major expertize domain of this team is development of methdos for the extraction of relevant biological information from raw non assembled NGS data, bearing in mind the objective to design scalable (both in term of time and memory) algorithms for processing the huge NGS datasets.

The aim of the project is to propose new methods to efficiently detect and exploit polymorphisms and variants while working with unassembled NGS data for which no reference genome is available.
A possible starting idea is to develop methods applied on assembly graphs.
The application domains will be the detection of haplotypes, the detection and characterization of repeats, the storage and exploitation of polymorphims between individuals or species.
In collaboration with Cedric Chauve,  applications in paleogenomic will also be planned.

We are looking for candidates with a strong background in algorithmic, development, computational biology and in particular with NGS data.

Contacts and application
Please send a CV and motivation letter:
* Claire Lemaitre:
* Pierre Peterlongo:

As soon as possible

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