Coral.OkEnv: denotation of an environment of relations as a set of substitutions
Require Import Infrastructure.
Require Import Env.
Require Import SubstEnv.
Require Import Rel.
Require Import Transp.
Require Import RelStable.
Require Import EquivarianceFacts.
ok_env E is the set of substitutions that are accepted by the
environment of relations E. This is Definition 4.4 of the ICFP'20
Inductive ok_env: env (rel (env term) term) → env term → Prop :=
| ok_envNil: ok_env nil nil
| ok_envCons: ∀ E e x (R: rel (env term) term) v,
(get x e = None ∨ get x e = Some v) →
ok_env E e →
in_rel R e v →
ok_env (x ¬ R ++ E) (x ¬ v ++ e)
| ok_envLeq: ∀ E e e',
ok_env E e →
leq_env e e' →
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e'
| ok_envNil: ok_env nil nil
| ok_envCons: ∀ E e x (R: rel (env term) term) v,
(get x e = None ∨ get x e = Some v) →
ok_env E e →
in_rel R e v →
ok_env (x ¬ R ++ E) (x ¬ v ++ e)
| ok_envLeq: ∀ E e e',
ok_env E e →
leq_env e e' →
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e'
Lemma ok_env_leq_env (E: env (rel (env term) term)) (e e': env term):
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
leq_env e e' →
ok_env E e'.
intros. eapply ok_envLeq; eauto.
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
leq_env e e' →
ok_env E e'.
intros. eapply ok_envLeq; eauto.
ok_env is covariant for env_rel_incl
Lemma ok_env_env_rel_incl E E' e:
env_rel_incl E E' →
ok_env E e →
ok_env E' e.
intros Hincl Hok.
revert E' Hincl.
induction Hok; intros.
- destruct E'; simpl in Hincl; try contradiction.
apply ok_envNil.
- destruct E' as [| [y R']]; simpl in Hincl; try contradiction.
destruct Hincl as [Heq [HinclR HinclE]]. subst.
apply ok_envCons; auto.
- eapply ok_envLeq; eauto.
Add Parametric Morphism: ok_env
with signature env_rel_equiv ==> eq ==> iff
as ok_env_morphism_equiv.
intros E1 E2 HE e.
split; [| symmetry in HE];
intro H; eapply ok_env_env_rel_incl; eauto using env_rel_incl_refl_equiv.
env_rel_incl E E' →
ok_env E e →
ok_env E' e.
intros Hincl Hok.
revert E' Hincl.
induction Hok; intros.
- destruct E'; simpl in Hincl; try contradiction.
apply ok_envNil.
- destruct E' as [| [y R']]; simpl in Hincl; try contradiction.
destruct Hincl as [Heq [HinclR HinclE]]. subst.
apply ok_envCons; auto.
- eapply ok_envLeq; eauto.
Add Parametric Morphism: ok_env
with signature env_rel_equiv ==> eq ==> iff
as ok_env_morphism_equiv.
intros E1 E2 HE e.
split; [| symmetry in HE];
intro H; eapply ok_env_env_rel_incl; eauto using env_rel_incl_refl_equiv.
Lemma ok_env_get_None (e: env term) (E: env (rel (env term) term)) x:
ok_env E e →
get x e = None → get x E = None.
intro H. revert x. induction H; intros y Hy.
- auto.
- destruct (y == x); subst.
+ rewrite get_update_this in Hy. discriminate.
+ rewrite get_update_other; auto.
rewrite get_update_other in Hy; auto.
- eapply leq_env_get_None in Hy; eauto.
ok_env E e →
get x e = None → get x E = None.
intro H. revert x. induction H; intros y Hy.
- auto.
- destruct (y == x); subst.
+ rewrite get_update_this in Hy. discriminate.
+ rewrite get_update_other; auto.
rewrite get_update_other in Hy; auto.
- eapply leq_env_get_None in Hy; eauto.
Assume that E contains only stable relations and that e
contains only good values. If ok_env E e, then e and get x e are
related by get x E. This is Lemma 4.6 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma ok_env_get (e: env term) (E: env (rel (env term) term)) :
all_env stable_rel E →
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
∀ x v R,
get x e = Some v →
get x E = Some R →
in_rel R e v.
intros Hwf Hgood H. induction H; intros y vy r Hv HR.
- simpl in HR. discriminate.
- assert (stable_rel r) by (eapply all_env_get; eauto).
destruct (y == x); subst.
+ rewrite get_update_this in Hv. inversion Hv; subst. clear Hv.
rewrite get_update_this in HR. inversion HR; subst. clear HR.
eapply Hwf; eauto using leq_env_update.
destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
+ rewrite get_update_other in Hv; auto.
rewrite get_update_other in HR; auto.
apply H2 with (e := e); auto.
× { eapply IHok_env; eauto.
- inversion Hwf; subst; auto.
- simpl in Hgood. tauto.
× destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
- assert (stable_rel r) by (eapply all_env_get; eauto).
assert (get y e = Some vy).
{ case_eq (get y e); intros; auto.
- eapply H0 in H3; eauto. congruence.
- eapply ok_env_get_None in H3; eauto. congruence.
all_env stable_rel E →
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
∀ x v R,
get x e = Some v →
get x E = Some R →
in_rel R e v.
intros Hwf Hgood H. induction H; intros y vy r Hv HR.
- simpl in HR. discriminate.
- assert (stable_rel r) by (eapply all_env_get; eauto).
destruct (y == x); subst.
+ rewrite get_update_this in Hv. inversion Hv; subst. clear Hv.
rewrite get_update_this in HR. inversion HR; subst. clear HR.
eapply Hwf; eauto using leq_env_update.
destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
+ rewrite get_update_other in Hv; auto.
rewrite get_update_other in HR; auto.
apply H2 with (e := e); auto.
× { eapply IHok_env; eauto.
- inversion Hwf; subst; auto.
- simpl in Hgood. tauto.
× destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
- assert (stable_rel r) by (eapply all_env_get; eauto).
assert (get y e = Some vy).
{ case_eq (get y e); intros; auto.
- eapply H0 in H3; eauto. congruence.
- eapply ok_env_get_None in H3; eauto. congruence.
ok_env is preserved by the addition of a new binding.
Lemma ok_env_update E e x v R:
ok_env E e →
get x e = None →
in_rel R e v →
ok_env (x ¬ R ++ E) (x ¬ v ++ e).
intros. constructor; auto.
ok_env E e →
get x e = None →
in_rel R e v →
ok_env (x ¬ R ++ E) (x ¬ v ++ e).
intros. constructor; auto.
The substutions in ok_env E have domains that are larger than
E's domain. This is Lemma 4.5 of the ICFP'20 paper.
Lemma ok_env_dom E e:
ok_env E e →
dom E [<=] dom e.
intro H. induction H; simpl.
- fsetdec.
- fsetdec.
- apply leq_env_dom in H0. fsetdec.
ok_env E e →
dom E [<=] dom e.
intro H. induction H; simpl.
- fsetdec.
- fsetdec.
- apply leq_env_dom in H0. fsetdec.
Lemma ok_env_remove_all x E e:
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
ok_env (remove_all x E) e.
intros Hgood H. induction H; simpl.
- constructor.
- simpl in Hgood. destruct Hgood as [Hvgood Hgood].
destruct (x0 == x); subst; auto.
+ apply ok_envLeq with (e := e); auto.
simpl_env. destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
+ constructor; auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
all_env good_value e →
ok_env E e →
ok_env (remove_all x E) e.
intros Hgood H. induction H; simpl.
- constructor.
- simpl in Hgood. destruct Hgood as [Hvgood Hgood].
destruct (x0 == x); subst; auto.
+ apply ok_envLeq with (e := e); auto.
simpl_env. destruct H; auto using leq_env_update, leq_env_update2.
+ constructor; auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
Equivariance for ok_env.
Lemma ok_env_equivariant x y E e:
ok_env E e ↔ ok_env (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_env_term x y e).
revert E e.
assert (∀ E e, ok_env E e → ok_env (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_env_term x y e)).
{ intros E e H.
induction H; simpl.
- constructor.
- rewrite (get_transp_env_term_None_equivariant x y) in H.
rewrite (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in H.
assert (in_rel (transp_rel x y R) (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y v)).
{ simpl.
rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
rewrite transp_term_involution.
constructor; auto.
- apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in H0.
apply (all_env_term_equivariant good_value good_value_equivariant x y) in H1.
econstructor; eauto.
intros E e. split; intro H'; auto.
apply H in H'.
rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H'.
rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H'.
ok_env E e ↔ ok_env (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_env_term x y e).
revert E e.
assert (∀ E e, ok_env E e → ok_env (transp_env_rel x y E) (transp_env_term x y e)).
{ intros E e H.
induction H; simpl.
- constructor.
- rewrite (get_transp_env_term_None_equivariant x y) in H.
rewrite (get_transp_env_term_Some_equivariant x y) in H.
assert (in_rel (transp_rel x y R) (transp_env_term x y e) (transp_term x y v)).
{ simpl.
rewrite transp_env_term_involution.
rewrite transp_term_involution.
constructor; auto.
- apply (leq_env_equivariant x y) in H0.
apply (all_env_term_equivariant good_value good_value_equivariant x y) in H1.
econstructor; eauto.
intros E e. split; intro H'; auto.
apply H in H'.
rewrite transp_env_rel_involution in H'.
rewrite transp_env_term_involution in H'.