Keynotes, Invited Talks, Seminars (a selection)


    • Infection dynamics in a metapopulation of cattle herds: models and their execution in large-scale computing infrastructure (with Pauline Ezanno),  Rencontres INRA-Inria, Pont Royal en Provence, Oct. 3rd, 2016.
    • ConPaaS Generic Service for Automated Application Deployment in Distributed Clouds,  Inria Industry Meeting on Smart City & Mobility Innovations: Towards environmental and social sustainability, San Francisco, USA, May 11, 2015.
    • Security of Information Systems hosted in Clouds: SLA Definition and Enforcement in a Dynamic Environment,  SEC 2 workshop on security in clouds, co-located with Compas 2015, Lille, France, Jun. 30, 2015.
    • Contrail: Interoperability and Dependability in a Cloud Federation, first workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC), Sophia- Antipolis, France, Jun.  2014.
    • Contrail: Toward a Trusted Cloud Market Place, EIT ICT Labs Symposium on Future Cloud Computing, Rennes, France, Jun. 2014.
    • Contrail: Toward a Trusted Cloud Market Place, Inria Scientific Days, Lille, France, Jun. 2014.
    • Snooze: A Scalable Energy-Efficient IaaS Cloud Management System, Next-GWiN 2014 workshop, Rennes, France, Oct. 2014.
    • Checkpointing as a Service in Heterogeneous Clouds, second workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC), Chicago, USA, Nov. 2014.
    • Myriads activities on cloud computing, invited talk, EIT ICT Labs meeting on future clouds, Rennes, France, November 2013.
    • Myriads research activities on cloud computing, invited talk, CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy in December 2013.
    • Elastic Services on top of Cloud Federations: Contrail Approach, invited talk, Google, Mountain View, Apr. 23, 2012.
    • Elastic Services on top of Cloud Federations: Contrail Approach, seminar, ORNL and Tennessee Technical University, Mar. 2012.
    • Clouds in San Francisco Bay Area, invited talk, CLASS conference, Bled, Slovenia, Oct. 24, 2012.
    • Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services: The Contrail European Project Approach, Advanced Computing for Science department seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA,  Nov. 2011.
    • Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services: Contrail Approach, invited talk, 5th international workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC), co-located with HPDC 2011, San Jose, USA, Jun. 2011.
    •  Building Large Scale Dynamic Computing Infrastructures over Clouds, seminar, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA, May 2011.
    • From Grids to Federated Clouds: Virtualization of Large-scale Distributed Computing Infrastructures, workshop organized for the third anniversary of the INRIA – Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs joint laboratory, Rocquencourt, France, in Jan. 2011
    • Service Oriented Infrastructures: from Grids to Clouds & XtreemOS Perspective, KIC-Ouest Infrastructures et Services seminar, Bruz, France, March 4, 2011.
    • XtreemOS : des grilles aux nuages informatiques,  InTech seminar on virtualization and cloud computing,  Inria Grenoble – Rhône Alpes, Mar. 25, 2010.
    • XtreemOS: an Open Source Distributed Operating System Approaching Cloud Computing, workshop on X-HPC: Experimenting with XtreemOS to provide HPC services organized by CNR, Pisa, Italy Jun. 15, 2010.
    • XtreemOS: from Grids to Clouds, third workshop of the Joint INRIA-NCSA Laboratory for Petascale Computing, Bordeaux, France, Jun. 23, 2010.
    • XtreemOS European Project: Achievements & Perspectives, invited talk,   workshop on Clusters, Clouds and Grids for Computational Science, (CCGSC), Flat Rock, USA, Sep. 2010.
    • From XtreemOS Grids to Contrail Clouds, Des grilles aux clouds, nouveaux problèmes, nouvelles solutions Day, organized by France Grilles at ENS Lyon, Dec. 13 2010.
    •  Protocols and services for reliable execution of distributed applications in large scale dynamic grids, second workshop of the Joint INRIA- NCSA Laboratory for Petascale Computing, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Dec.  2009.
    •  XtreemOS Distributed Operating System: from Grids to Clouds, seminar, ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA, Mar. 2009.
    • Virtualization in XtreemOS Distributed Operating System: Requirements & Opportunities,  invited talk, HPCVirt 2009 workshop co- located with EuroSys 2009, Nuremberg, Germany, Mar. 2009.
    • Beyond Grid middleware: XtreemOS Vision, keynote, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CC-Grid 2008), Lyon, France, May 2008.
    • System software for peta/exascale machines,  SOS12 workshop, Waldhaus, Switzerland, Mar. 2008.
    • XtreemOS: a Linux-based Operating System for Large Scale Dynamic Grids,  first Usenix workshop on large-scale computing (LaSCo’08), Boston, USA, Jun. 2008.
    • Clouds: A New Playground for XtreemOS Grid Operating System, invited talk, international workshop on Clusters and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing (CCGSC), Flat Rock, USA, Sep.  2008.
    • XtreemOS: a Linux-based Grid Operating System Providing Native Virtual Organization Support, first International Workshop on Global Computing, Sibiu, Romania, Apr. 2007.
    • XtreemOS: an Operating System for Next Generation Grids, 10th anniversary of IrisaTech club, Rennes, France, Jun. 2007.
    • XtreemOS: a Grid Operating System providing a native Support to Virtual Organizations,  NorduGrid Conference, invited talk, Copenhaguen, Danemark, Sep. 2007.
    • XtreemOS: a Grid OS based on Linux, Grid Operating Systems Community BOF session at SC’07, Reno, USA, November 2007.
    • XtreemOS Integrated Project in the Powering the Grid Session,  public launch event  of the new IST Grid projects during the European Grid Technology Days, Sep. 2006.
    • Toward Grid-aware Operating Systems, seminar, ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA, April 2006.
    • Cluster Single System Image Operating Systems: a State of the Art,   Rencontre Mondiale du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), Dijon, Jul. 2005.
    • A Grid OS for High Performance Computing on Cluster Federations, CoreGrid workshop on Network-Centric Operating Systems,  Brussels, Mar. 2005.
    • Kerrighed : un système à image unique pour le calcul haute performance sur grappes Linux,  ADIS meeting, DGA, Arcueil, Sep.  2005.
    • Etude comparative des systèmes à image unique (SSI) sur grappes Linux, CINES, Montpellier, Mar. 2005.
    • Kerrighed: a Genuine Single System Image Cluster Operating System based on Linux, seminar, Computer Science Department, Deakin University, Australia, Apr. 2004.
    • Overview of Paris project-team Activities in Checkpoint Recovery,  Checkpoint recovery working group meeting at the  Global Grid Forum meeting, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2004.
    • The Kerrighed SSI Operating System,  France-Korea workshop, Rennes, France, Jul. 2004.
    • Kerrighed : a Linux based Operating system to Ease Cluster Programming, seminar, Computer Science department,  University of Ulm, Germany, Nov. 2003.
    • Design and Implementation of a Single System Image Operating System for High Performance Computing on Clusters,  7th Workshop on Distributed Computing (SOS7), Durango, Colorado, USA, Mar. 2003.
    • Kerrighed: a Single System Image Operating System for High Performance Computing on Clusters,  seminar, Computer Science Department, University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Ireland, Feb. 2003.
    • Gobelins : Un OS pour la gestion globale et dynamique des ressources dans une grappe de PC à l’image d’un SMPjournée du GDR grappes de calculateurs, Mar.  2001.
    • Gestion des ressources pour le calcul haute performance dans les grappes : états des lieux et perspectives11th Forum ORAP,  Clamart, Mar.  27 2001.
    • Etat des lieux sur la gestion des ressources pour le calcul haute performance dans les grappes, journée thème émergent sur les clusters organisée par l’ASF, Besançon Oct. 2 2001.
    • Gobelins: an Efficient Single System Image OS for a Cluster based on a Low Level Distributed Shared Memory,  invited talk, WC3 workshop, co-located with ACM ICS, Sorrento, Italy, June 17, 2001.
    • Conception de systèmes d’exploitation pour les grappes de calculateursDiMod workshop,  Paris, Jun.  7, 2001.
    • Gobelins: un multiprocesseur virtuel à haute disponibilité sur une grappe de PC,  EDF R&D, Clamart, May 3, 2001.
    • Gobelins : un multiprocesseur virtuel sur un cluster de PCs, rencontre IRISATech on “Linux : état des lieux et perspectives”, June 16, 2000.
    •  Gobelins: a distributed system for high performance computing on DSM based clusters, seminar, Rutgers University, December 1999.