Outreach Activities

Dissemination of scientific information to the general public (a selection)

MOOC & Small Private Online Course (SPOC)


        • Invited talk on Le droit à l’effacement des données des objets connectés : défis pour les concepteurs de systèmes at the Inria Alumni session on Protection des données : mythes et réalités, Paris, March 14, 2018.
        • Participation in a research-journalist exchange by the Association of Scientific Journalists of the Press Information (AJSPI) in 2014.

In January 2014, I hosted Sophie Caulier, a free lance scientific journalist, during a week in Myriads team. She published an article on our activities entitled “Pendant les ventes de clouds, la R&D continue ! ” in “L’informaticien” in Sep. 2014. I was hosted during a week in Mar. 2014 by Guillaume Mézières, editor-in-chief of the weekly program “Le Labo des Savoirs” on Radio Prun (Nantes). I prepared a chronicle on multilingualism broadcasted in April 2014.

        • Interview on my research activities on energy efficiency for the magazine “Sciences Ouest” (April 2013)
        • Participation in the “1000 chercheurs parlent d’avenir” operation in which the artist Pierre Maraval realized the portrait of 1000 researchers from all scientific domains in France (October 2010)

Each researcher provided a short sentence about their vision of the future. Portraits and sentences were displayed on the Panthéon monument in Paris in fall 2010 and published in a book.

        • Invited by Carine Bécard to a chronicle of her program entitled “Femmes d’influence”, broadcasted on France Info national radio on October 28, 2007.
        • Invited researcher (sponsor) at the 22nd edition of the OSCARS d’Ille et Vilaine, which awards companies according to economic criteria (mastering of science and technology, sustainable development, social innovation, international development, economic growth) of exemplary companies in Ille-et-Vilaine, France (February 2008)

This sponsorship aims at bringing together companies and the world of research. In September 2008, I accompanied the five laureates on their study tour in Russia.

Dissemination of scientific information to high school students

    • Volunteer in CHICHE programme since 2021. This programme is aimed at high school school classes in general and technological education.
    • Participation in the “à la découverte de la recherche” operation of the academy of Rennes by giving a presentation in scientific classes in two high schools: lycée Sévigné in Cesson Sévigné (April 2010) and lycée Jean Macé in Rennes (March 2011).
    • Host of high school students preparing a scientific baccalauréat degree for brief internships in my team in 2009 and 2010.
    • Participation in the Shadowing Day Operation organized by the European Commission in 2007.

My role was to accompany high-school girls of a science class for the visit of the exhibition and demonstration space at the forum organized in Lille on December 10-11, 2007 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Inria. I also led a debate between women researchers and high school students.

    • Participation in a panel at the conference “Science et technologie : un futur pour les filles et les garçons !” (Science and technology: a future for girls and boys!) organized by the “Femmes et Sciences” association in Paris on November 24, 2007. I testified of my career for an audience of students in their last two years in high school.
    • Participation in the “Rencontres” movie, shot by Inria’s scientific information and communication department for the “Sciences en fête” event organized in October 2000. The main target for this movie was high school students.

Dissemination of scientific information to PhD students

    • Initiator and co-organizer of two sessions for PhD students from IRISA and Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research centre in 2021.

The topics addressed were about preparing a post-doc and the final PhD year. These meetings (organized in visio-conference due to the sanitary conditions) were thought to be highly interactive with testimonies from young researchers who were or are currently in the Inria centre and/or IRISA.

    • Speaker at the PhD student Days organized by Société Informatique Française (SIF), December 2, 2020.

Dissemination of Experience


    • Participation in the CRA-W early and mid career mentoring workshop held in Washington DC on November 19-20, 2016. This workshop, which is part of a mentoring program in USA, is organized by the Computing Research Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRAW) whose mission is to increase the success and participation of women in computing research and education at all levels.

Together with AJ Brush I organized a panel on “Growing Research/Surviving First 2 Years” and together with Lori Pollock I organized a panel on “Networking and Finding Advocates”. I also did 1-1 mentoring for junior computer scientists (postdocs, assistant-professors, junior scientists and junior R&D engineers).

To set up the mentoring program at IRISA/Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research centre, I worked in close collaboration with the local human resource service and was helped1 by Anne Siegel and Nicolas Markey (who now run the program). The first round of the mentoring program started in Spring 2018 at IRISA/Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research centre.

International and European Collaborations

      • Presentation at Inria Management School, Sèvres, March 22, 2018.

European Project Management

      • Panelist at the Best practices to catalyze EU and industry collaborative research projects (digital) workshop organized by KTH, Sweden, October 27th, 2020.
      • Participation in the annual retreat of the administrative and financial department of Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research centre to present feedback on the XtreemOS European project management, Saint Malo, June 3, 2010.
      • Participation in a panel discussion on international collaborations at the Internet of Services 2008 collaboration meeting organized by the European Commission’s D3 unit on Service and Software.
      • Presentation of an invited presentation entitled “XtreemOS: an Operating System for Next Generation Grids” at the tenth anniversary of the IrisaTech club, Rennes, France, June 2007.
      • Presentation of my experience of preparing the XtreemOS European integrated project proposal at the Inria newcomers’ seminar, Roissy, November 2006.
      • Presentation of my experience of preparing the XtreemOS European project proposal at a day on the European Framework Program in FP7 in Brittany, organized by the NOE regional network and Brittany council, Rennes, November 2006.
      • Presentation of an invited talk entitled “XtreemOS: Powering the Grid” at the public launch of the new IST Grid projects event, in the framework of the European Grid Technology Days, Brussels, September 2006.

Management of Open Source Communities

      • Organization (with Oscar Sanchez) of a panel on open source software in projects funded by the European Commission at the Internet of Services 2008 collaboration meeting organized by EU D3 unit “Service and Software”.
      • Tutorials entitled “Kerrighed: a case study of development and valorisation of software in a research environment” and “Kerrighed: an SSI operating system for clusters”, at the development and ValOrisation of the Software in Research Environment (ENVOL) school organized by CNRS / PLUME, Annecy, France, October 2008.
      • Presentation of an invited tutorial entitled Single System Cluster Image Operating Systems: a State of the Art, Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), Dijon, July 2005.
      • Kerrighed/SSI-OSCAR : retour d’expérience d’un projet open source, Days for Inria engineers working on software development and experimental platforms (SED), Rennes, April 2005.
      • Co-organization with Jean-Yves Berthou (EDF R&D) a day on Linux clusters (200 particpants), Clamart, May 2003.
      • Presentation of an invited talk entitled “Experience with Kerrighed free software”, Free Software Workshop (FSR ’03), Soissons, December 2003.
      • Organization of the IRISA Tech club meeting on “Linux: état des lieux et perspectives” and presentation of a talk entitled “Gobelins: a virtual multiprocessor on a cluster of PCs”, Rennes, France, June 2000.
      • Inria representative in the “Open-source contribution policy” working group for preparing the Open Government Partnership (OGP) summit held in Paris in December 2016.