
  1. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, L. Besnard, and P. Le Guernic. Modular Translation Validation of a Full-sized Synchronous Compiler using Off-the-shelf Verification Tools. In Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR'15). Springer, 2015 (Under review). [PDF]

  2. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, and L. Besnard. Formal Verification of Synchronous Data-flow Program Transformations Toward Certified Compilers. In Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS'13). Special Issue on Synchronous Programming, Springer, 2013. [PDF]


  3. V.C. Ngo, A. Legay, and J. Quilbeuf. Statistical Model Checking for SystemC Models. In Proceedings of 17th High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE'16). IEEE, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 2016. [PDF]

  4. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, L. Besnard, and P. Le Guernic. Modular Translation Validation of a Full-sized Synchronous Compiler using Off-the-shelf Verification Tools. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES'15), Invited Presentation. ACM, St. Goar, Germany, June 2015. [PDF]

  5. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, and T. Gautier. Translation Validation for Synchronous Data-flow Specification in the SIGNAL Compiler. In Proceedings of 35th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems (FORTE-DisCoTec'15), IFIP, Grenoble, France, June 2015. [PDF]

  6. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, and P. Le Guernic. Translation Validation for Clock Transformations in a Synchronous Compiler. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE-ETAPS'15), Springer, London, UK, April 2015. [PDF]

  7. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, and T. Gautier. Precise Deadlock Detection for Polychronous Data-flow Specifications. In Proceedings of the Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference (ESLsyn-DAC'14), IEEE, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2014. [PDF]

  8. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, and L. Besnard. Formal Verification of Automatically Generated C-code from Polychronous Data-flow Equations. Accepted at IEEE International High-Level Design, Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT'12), IEEE, California, USA, November 2012. [PDF]

  9. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, and L. Besnard. Formal Verification of Compiler Transformations on Polychronous Equations. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM'12), Springer, Pisa, Italy, June 2012. [PDF]

  10. C. Ene, Y. Lakhnech, and V.C. Ngo. Formal Indistinguishability Extended to the Random Oracle Model. In Proceedings of 14th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS'09), Springer, Saint-Malo, France, September 2009 (main author). [PDF]

  11. C. Ene, Y. Lakhnech, and V.C. Ngo. Formal Indistinguishability Extended to the ROM. In Proceedings of Workshop on Formal and Computational Cryptography (FCC'09), New York, USA, July 2009 (main author). [PDF]

    Technical Reports

  12. V.C. Ngo and A. Legay. Dependability Analysis of Embedded Control Systems Using SystemC and Statistical Model Checking. In HAL - INRIA, Technical Report RR-8762, July 2015. [PDF]

  13. V.C. Ngo, A. Legay, and J. Quilbeuf. Dynamic Verification of SystemC Specification with Statistical Model Checking. In HAL - INRIA, Technical Report RR-8644, October 2014. [PDF]

  14. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, and P. Le Guernic. Evaluating SDVG Translation Validation: from Signal to C. In HAL - INRIA, Technical Report RR-8508, March 2014. [PDF]

  15. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, and P. Le Guernic. Formal Verification of Transformations on Abstract Clocks in Synchronous Compilers. In HAL - INRIA, Technical Report RR-8064, September 2012. [PDF]

  16. V.C. Ngo, J-P. Talpin, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, and L. Besnard. Formal Verification of Synchronous Data-flow Compilers. In HAL - INRIA, Technical Report RR-7921, April 2012. [PDF]


  17. V.C. Ngo. Formal Verification of a Synchronous Data-flow Compiler: from Signal to C. Supervisor: Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jury: Sandrine Blazy, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Laure Gonnord, Abdoulaye Gamatie, and Dumitru Potop-Butucaru. In Ph.D Thesis in Computer Science, INRIA, University of Rennes, France, July 2014. [PDF][Cover Page][Rapport de Soutenance]

  18. V.C. Ngo. Automated Verification of Asymmetric Encryption. Supervisors: Cristian Ene and Yasine Lakhnech. In M.Sc Thesis in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, IMAG-VERIMAG, University of Grenoble, France, June 2008. [PDF]

  19. V.C. Ngo. Theory and Implementation of Distributed Firewall on Linux Environment (in Vietnamese). In Engineer Thesis in Computer Engineerings, Center for Talent Training, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam, July 2005. [Microsoft Word]