Past Research Projects

I led and/or participated in several projects listed below.

International collaborations

European projects

National collaborative projects

Bi-lateral collaborations with industrial partners

Inria technological actions

Inria project labs

International Collaborations

DALHIS Inria associate team with the data science and technology department at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on data analysis on large-scale heterogeneous infrastructures for Science (main collaborators: Deb Agarwal and Lavanya Ramakrishnan) – French PI.

SER-OS Inria associate team between PARIS project-team and  the SRT team headed by Stephen Scott at ORNL, USA (2009 – 2011) – French PI

DataCloud@Work Inria associate team between Kerdata, Myriads and UPB, Romania (2010-2012) – participant.

UNCONV Inria associate team between PARIS project team and Prof. Xu at ICT/CAS, Beijing, China (2008 – 2009) – participant.

PHENIX Inria associate team (2005-2006) with DiscoLab laboratory headed by Prof. Liviu Iftode at Rutgers University, USA –  French PI

PROCOPE project (2004-2005) with the University of Ulm, Germany on fault tolerant distributed shared memory systems (with Prof. Michael Schöttner) – French PI.

Arc en Ciel: Franco-israeli cooperation (January –December 2000), responsible of this cooperation on the design of efficient algorithms and operating system mechanisms for high performance computing on clusters with the team of Prof. Amnon Barak at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem French PI.

AFIRST: Franco-israeli cooperation (March 1992-March 1995),co-responsible for IRISA of this cooperation on distributed systems. Partners were BULL-IMAG, INRIA Rocquencourt and Hebrew University of Jerusalemparticipant in charge of the valorization

European Projects

Contrail FP7 project (2010-2014) on the design and implementation of  a software stack for cloud federations – Coordinator.

PaaSage FP7 project (2012-2016) on the design and implementation of a model-based cross cloud development and deployment platform – Inria PI

XtreemOS FP6 project (2006 -2010) on the design of a Grid distributed operating system – Scientific coordinator.

VEP-S EIT Digital activity on SLA-aware heterogeneous data centers (2014) – PI

RMAC EIT Digital activity on resource management across clouds (2012) – Inria PI

Boosting innovative software in cloud and service computing EIT Digital activity (2010-2011) – PI

SCALUS Marie Curie Training Network (2010-2013) on large scale storage – participant during the first year (contract moved with A. Lèbre (former Myriads’ member) when he was recruited as assistant-professor at IMT-Atlantique).

ESPRIT Best practice: Agent-isme (Assessment of GEN-Technology – Usability and Integration for SMEs) contract (May 97-January 98), responsible for INRIA of this project aiming at designing an electronic commerce environment on the Web well-suited for SME. Partners were Cadtron (Germany), Concepto (Switzerland), FTK (Germany), IHK-GFL (Germany), Klotz GmbH (Germany), Siemens-Nixdorf (Germany), SPIN (Germany), Syndesis (Greece) et Simulog (France). My contribution related to mobile computing. The goal was to allow access to electronic commerce applications from a portable computer connected to Internet via a wireless network – Inria PI

ESPRIT II: FASST (Fault tolerant Architecture with Stable Storage Technology) contract (February 91- September 94), co-responsible of the European project for INRIA. The objective was the design and implementation of a fault tolerant shared memory multiprocessor based on the stable storage technology. Partners were Polytechnics Institute of Madrid (Spain), Trinity College Dublin (Irland), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), August Systems (UK), BULL UK (UK), ETRA (Spain), Stollmann (Germany) – Inria co-PI

National Projects

SESAME ANR ASTRID project on developing new big-data-oriented approaches to deliver novel solutions for the management, analysis and visualization of multi-source satellite data streams for maritime traffic surveillance (WP leader) – participant until Jan. 2018.

ANR PIA2 MIHMES (2012-2017) aiming to produce scientific knowledge and methods for the management of endemic infectious animal diseases and veterinary public health risks – Inria PI.

ANR Cloud (2011-2012) aiming at extending an XtreemOS grid with resources dynamically provisioned from IaaS clouds – PI.

ANR COSINUS COOP (2009 – 2012), participant and responsible of the work for Inria Rennes, in collaboration with Inria Grenoble (coordinator), Inria Bordeaux, lRIT and EDF R&D. Study on the interactions between programming environments or runtimes and resource management systems for efficient execution of HPC applications. Experimentation with Vigne and XtreemOS Grid systems and SALOME platform for numerical simulation. 1 post-doc (18 months) and 1 research engineer (18 months) funded – Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique PI.

ANR ARPEGE EcoGrappe (2009 – 2012), participant and responsible of the work for INRIA Rennes, in collaboration with EDF R&D and Kerlabs, design and implementation of energy saving resource management policies in clusters running a single system image operating system such as Kerrighed. 1 PhD grant funded. Inria PI during the 2009-2011 period and then PI from Oct. 2011.

PRIAMM SAS Cube (May 2000 – April 2001), expert in cluster computing for the design of a light virtual reality system based on a cluster of PCs. Partners are centre Lavallois de Ressources Technologiques, Z-A, Barco-France and  SIAMES Inria project – participant.

Regional Projects

I was the PI of the following projects co-funded by the Brittany council.

ASYST project (2010-2014):

The objective of the ASYST project (Adaptation dynamique des fonctionnalités d’un SYSTème d’exploitation large échelle) funded by the Brittany council is to provide a view of a distributed operating system as an assembly of services following the service-oriented paradigm. The motivation is to facilitate dynamically adapting operating systems to cope with their constantly changing environments. This project funded 50% of a PhD grant: Djawida Dib. PI from May 2011 in replacement of F. André.

Astrolab project (December 95-June 97):

Project in cooperation with OST company for implementing an experimental platform for distributed systems based on PCs running Chorus micro-kernel and interconnected by an ATM network.

Collaboration with Industrial Partners


Participant in a cooperation with Alcatel and the REMAP Inria project-team (December 2000-June 2002). We studied the use of a recoverable DSM to support the execution of routing protocols on a cluster. Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique PI.


Gothic (November 87- March 1990), contribution to the design and implementation of a fault tolerant integrated distributed system. Participant.

GIE BULL-INRIA DyadeAstrolog project (September 96 – September 98), principal investigator and responsible of this project in cooperation with ISM Business Unit of Bull. The goal was to study the impact of Internet technologies on BULL ISM/OpenMaster network management platform. Inria PI.


DGA/DRET:  Aleth project (March 94-January 97), co-responsible and principal investigator of this project which aimed at studying high availability of scalable shared memory multiprocessor architectures. Inria co-PI.

DGA COCA (January 2003- November 2005) responsible and principal investigator of this project aiming at implemented a single system image operating system for high performance on clusters. Funding for two research engineers. Inria PI.

INDIC project (2014-2018) funded by DGA in the framework of the Pole of Excellence Cyber (PEC) on integrating security monitoring terms in cloud SLAs. Funded 3 PhD students. Inria PI.


CRECO EDF (December 2000-December 2003), responsible and principal investigator of this contract in cooperation with the modelling and information technologies department of the research and development division of Electricité de France (EDF).  A PhD and a PostDoc grants are funded by EDF. Large realistic applications provided by EDF will be experimented on top of Gobelins prototype based on  a cluster of PCs interconnected by Myrinet. Inria PI.

CRECO EDF (March 2004-September 2005), responsible and principal investigator of this contract in cooperation with EDF R&D and ORNL (USA). An INRIA industrial post-doc grant has been funded in this framework to integrate Kerrighed in the OSCAR open source software suite for HPC cluster management. Inria PI.

CRECO EDF (2004-2007) responsible and principal investigator of this contract in cooperation with the modelling and information technologies department of the research and development division of Electricité de France (EDF). A PhD grant is funded by EDF on application management in a Grid operating system. Inria PI.

CRECO EDF (2006-2008) responsible and principal investigator of this contract in cooperation with the modelling and information technologies department of the research and development division of Electricité de France (EDF). A PhD grant is funded by EDF on application deployment in dynamic grids. Inria PI.

CRECO EDF (2010-2013) responsible and principal investigator of this contract on the design of a resource management system for private clouds that provides support for different application SLAs while maximizing the resource utilization of the infrastructure. Stefania Costache’s PhD work was  funded through a CIFRE grant with EDF R&D. Inria PI.


Collaboration on security risk assessment in clouds (funded Pernelle Mensah’s PhD CIFRE grant and companion research contract). Inria PI.


Collaboration on dynamic resource management in distributed cyber-physical systems (funded Baptiste Goupille Lescar’s PhD CIFRE grant and companion research contract). Inria PI.

Inria Technological Development Actions (ADT)

Snooze (2011-2013) aiming at developing Snooze scalable autonomic energy-aware virtual machine management system for cloud data centers . PI.

XtreemOS Easy (2012-2014) aiming at  at developing a set of tools and environments to ease the installation, con guration, deployment, experimentation and use of the XtreemOS Grid operating system and at providing support to the XtreemOS open source community. It funded two junior engineers . PI.

DIFFUSE technological development action on the development of a distributed framework for cloud-based epidemic simulation environments (collaboration with INRA – follow-up to the Mihmes ANR PIA2 project). Participant.

GinFlow on the design and implementation of a decentralised adaptive workflow engine. Participant in charge of the valorization. 

SSI-OSCAR (2005 – 2007) which funded Jean Parpaillon,  developer, who worked on the integration of Kerrighed in the OSCAR open source Linux distribution for HPC clusters. PI.

Gobelins (2001 – 2002) which funded Viet Hoa Dinh, developer, who developed the first version of Kerrighed communication system. PI.


Inria Project Labs (IPL)

CityLab@Inria (Nov. 2015 – Nov. 2018) studying ICT solutions toward smart cities that promote both social and environmental sustainability. Myriads project-team PI.