Current projects:
ANR Headwork (2016-2022)
The Headwork ANR (Human-Centric Data-oriented WORKflows,) was accepted in 2016. Partners: IRISA (DRUID), ENS ULM (VALDA), Inria \sumo, INRIA Lille (LINKs), MNHN, Foule Factory. The objective of this project is to develop techniques to facilite development, deployment, and monitring of crowd-base participative applications. This requires handling complex workflows with multiple participants, incertainty in data collections, incentives, skills of contributors, ... To overcome these challenges, Headwork will define rich workflows with multiple participants, data and knowledge models to capture various kind of crowd applications with complex data acquisition tasks and human specificities. We will also address methods for deploying, verifying, optimizing, but also monitoring and adapting crowd- based workflow executions at run time.ANR Maveriq (2020-2025)
The Maveriq ANR (Methods of Analysis for Verification of Quantitative properties) was accepted in 2020. Partners: Inria (SUMO), LMF, IRIF (Université de Paris - CNRS), LACL (Université Paris Est Créteil), VERIMAG (Université Grenoble Alpes - CNRS) The objective of this project is to unify methods for the quantitative verification of timed, stochastic and/or hybrid systems.
Past Projects
National projects
Partners : IRCCyN (Nantes), IRISA (ENS Rennes), INRIA Rennes, LIP6 (Paris), LSV (Cachan), LIAFA (Paris), and LIF (Marseille).
The partners for this ANR were IRCCyN (Nantes), IRISA (ENS Rennes), INRIA Rennes, LaBRI (Bordeaux), LAMSADE (Paris), and LSV (Cachan).
Create Activdoc (2008-2011): Regional grant from région Bretagne. Support for the ANR docflow (see above)
Partners : LSR/IMAG and VERIMAG on formal modeling of security policies for networks and telecommunication systems.
European projects
Industrial Cooperations
International Collaborations
- EQUAVE associated team : an INRIA associated team on efficient verification of timed and concurrent models
- DISTOL associated team : an INRIA associated team on formal study of distributed systems, time, stochastic issues and logics
- DST associated team : an INRIA associated team on distributed supervision and time