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Directeur de rechercheHabilitéINRIA RennesCampus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France Tel : +33 2 99 84 75 90 Fax : +33 2 99 84 71 71 Email : loic <point> helouet <at> inria <point> fr    |
Research interests
I give the following courses:
- Algorithmic courses for students preparing aggregation at ENS Rennes.
- Algorithmic courses and JAVA programming for 1st/2nd year students at INSA de Rennes.
- mini-project supervision for 3rd year students at INSA de Rennes.
- Member of the CHSCT of INRIA (Health and Security Commission -- since 2019)
- Elected member of the INRIA Rennes center comitee (since 2016).
Former Duties
From 2009 to 2020, I was co-organizer of the 68NQRT seminar at Inia Rennes-IRISA. For more information on the seminar or to give a talk, please follow this link.
- From 2013 to 2015, I was Referent Chercheur for the INRIA Rennes center. If you are wondering what a "Referent Chercheur" is, you can follow this link. The Referents for INRIA Rennes are now Thierry Jeron and Jocelyne Erhel.
Recent Work (selection):
[1] P. Agrawal, L. Hélouët, Waiting Nets, in Petri Nets'22, 2022. [pdf][2] S. Akshay, B. Genest, L. Hélouët, S. Krishna, S. Roychowdhury, Resilience of Timed Systems, in FSTTCS, 2021. [pdf]
[3] L. Hélouët, N. Markey, R. Raha, Reachability games with relaxed energy constraints , Information & Computation, 2021. [pdf]
[4] S. Akshay, B. Genest, L. Hélouët, S. Mital, Timed Negotiations, in FOSSACS, 2020. [pdf]
[5] L. Hélouët, Z. Miklos, R. Singh, Reducing the Cost of Aggregation in Crowdsourcing . In ICWS'20, 2020. [pdf]
[6] B. Bérard, S. Haar, L. Hélouët, Hyper Partial Order Logic, in FSTTCS, 2018. [pdf]
Ongoing projects
I am currently involved in the following projects- ANR HEADWORK : responsible of a Workpackage
- ANR MAVERIQ : responsible of a Workpackage
Former projects
I was involved in the following projects- Equave : Associated team with IIT Bombay
- ANR Impro : ANR Project with LIP6, LSV, IRCCYN, LIM
- ALSTOM P22 : Industrial collaboration with Alstom Transport
Open Positions
- PhD proposal: Approximations for Peformance evaluation: Application to transport networks. [PDF]
- Master internship : Transient Analysis of Transport Networks [PDF]
I am the author of four tools :
- SOFAT is a toolbox for formal analysis, verification, classification and simulation of scenarios. It is available from this page
- DAXML is a distributed implementation of Distributed AXML, a formal language for the description, verification and implementation of data driven services. This software is available from this page.
- SIMSTORS is a simulation for stochastic timed systems equipped with regulation policies. It was used during the P22 collaboration with ALSTOM. More information available on this page
- MOCHY is a simulator for concurrency models (variants of stochastic nets) and their control policies. It was developped during the MOCHY ADT (2021-2022). More information available on this page