I currently teach the following courses :

    Algorithmics and Proof (ENS Rennes, Mechatronics department)

    Courses on algorithms and proofs at ENS Rennes for students preparing the aggregation exam (Mechatronics, option SII). Introduction to complexity of algorithms, to complexity classes, generic approaches to solve problems, to find approximate solutions, introduction to proof systems. Preparation of teaching material, and exams. Groups of up to 5 students.

    JAVA & Algorithmics (Insa de Rennes)

    Teaching JAVA at INSA (Institut National de Sciences Appliquées) de Rennes. Introduction to JAVA language and to algorithmics for students in the first and second year of the engineering studies. Design and correction of exams (with other teachers). Groups of 30 students, practical works with another teacher. In 2014, teaching in the « international group» of students: group composed of at least 50% foreign students, mainly from Asia.

Full teaching curriculum

1995: Club Informatique Pénitentiaire : teaching computer science basis and office software applications to prisoners at remand center of Brest. Groups of 10 people. (6 hours/day during 2 months).

1996-1997: Scientifique du contingent at ESAT Rennes (12 months). Teaching computer architecture, operating systems, (DOS, Windows) at post baccalaureat level. Groups of 15 students. (30h courses, 10h practical work).

1997-2000: Validation of protocols. Teaching to students in 3rd year at DIIC engineering school at IFSIC Rennes (currently ISTIC). Contribution to lessons upgrade in 2000. Groups of 20 students. (10h courses each year - vacataire).

2004-2006 : Teaching UML to students in professional specialization at ENST Bretagne. Groups of 20 students. (12h classes each year - vacataire).

2005-2006: Contribution to the master module MAS “Models and Algorithms for Systems Supervision”. Supervision of a research project (equivalent to 5 h classes - vacataire).

2011: ISN Project: introduction to algorithmics for teachers preparing the ISN option in secondary school. Group of 6 teachers working on a programming topic (discovery of communities in a relation graph). (equiv. 6 h classes - vacataire)

2011-2015: Algorithmic courses at ENS Cachan antenne de Bretagne (now ENS Rennes) for students preparing the aggregation exam. Introduction to sorting algorithms, flows, graphs, automata… Preparation of teaching material. Groups of up to 10 students. Contribution to mock exams and lessons preparation in 2015. (10h classes each year - vacataire).

2011-2014: Teaching JAVA at INSA (Institut National de Sciences Appliquées) de Rennes. Introduction to JAVA language and to algorithmics for students in the first year of the engineering studies. Design and correction of exams (with other teachers). Groups of 30 students, practical works with another teacher. In 2014, teaching in the « international group» of students: group composed of at least 50% foreign students, mainly from Asia. (28h classes, 14h practical work each year- Vacataire).

2012 - 2015: Design and supervision of projects for students in the 3rd year of the engineering studies cycle at INSA de Rennes. Proposed topics : design of Web-Services to play chess, automatic integration of controllers in a space flight simulator. Groups of 4 students. These projects are focused on development of demonstrators with practical applications, that allow popularization of computer science. (equiv. 8 h classes each year – vacataire).

2014-2015: Initiation to research : research project (bibliography followed by personal work) on diagnosis in partially observable systems. Group of 3 students at the Master 1 level, 2h each week during 24 weeks. (Co-supervision 33%, equiv. 8h classes - Vacataire).

2015: Advanced java courses at INSA de Rennes. Algorithms and object oriented techniques in 2nd year of engineer cycle at INSA de Rennes. Contribution to design of lessons (20h classes – 20 h practical work - vacataire).