[May 2015] Two ICIP papers accepted

The two following papers have been accepted for presentation in ICIP 2015in Quebec City.

Authors:  T. Maugey,  P. Frossard, C. Guillemot
Title: Guided Inpainting with cluster-based auxiliary information
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new guided inpainting algorithm based on the exemplar-based approach in order to effectively fill in holes in image synthesis applications. Guided inpainting techniques can be very useful in settings where one has access to the ground truth information like most multiview coding applications. We propose a new auxiliary information based on patch clustering, which is used to refine the candidate exemplar set in the inpainting. For that pur- pose, a new recursive clustering method based on locally linear em- bedding (LLE) is introduced. We then design the guided inpainting solution based on LLE with clustered patches, which contrains the reconstruction to operate in one patch cluster only. The index of the appropriate cluster considered as auxiliary information. Exper- imental results show that our clustering algorithm provides clusters that are well suited to the inpainting problem. They also show that the auxiliary information enables to significantly improve the qual- ity of the inpainted image for a small coding cost. This work is the first study to show that effective inpainting can be performed when the auxiliary information is properly adapted to the characteristics of both the hole and the known texture.

Authors:  A. Roumy, T. Maugey
Title: Universal lossless coding with random user access: the cost of interactivity
Abstract: We consider the problem of video compression with free viewpoint interactivity. It is well believed that allowing the user to choose its view will incur some loss in terms of com- pression efficiency. Here we derive the complete rate-storage region for universal lossless coding under the constraint of choosing the view at the receiver. Moreover we show a coun- terintuitive result: freely choosing its view at the receiver incurs a loss in terms of storage only and not in the trans- mission rate. The gain of the optimal scheme with respect to interactive schemes proposed so far is derived and a practical scheme that achieves this gain is proposed.