1 Publications in journals
[J1] An approximation for a multiclass ./M/1/FIFO queue embedded in a closed queueing network, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pages 31-40, 1986; with R. Marie.
[J2] On weak lumpability in Markov chains, Journal of Applied Probability 26, pp. 446-457, 1989; with B. Sericola. WeakInit, J2, 1992
[J3] Sojourn times in Finite Markov processes, Journal of Applied Probability 26, pages 744-756, 1989; with B. Sericola.
[J4] Semi-explicit formulas for the M/M/1 Multiclass Queue, Journal of the Theoretical Computer Science Institute (Gliwice), Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, pages 7-18, 1990; with R. Marie.
[J5] A finite characterization of weak lumpable Markov processes. Part I: the discrete time case, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 38, pages 195-204, 1991; with B. Sericola. WeakDiscrete, J5, 1991
[J6] Interval availability analysis using operational periods, Performance Evaluation Vol. 14, No. 3, pages 257-272, 1992; with B. Sericola.
[J7] A finite characterization of weak lumpable Markov processes. Part II: the continuous time case, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 45, pages 115-125, 1993; with B. Sericola. WeakCont, J7, 1993
[J8] Sojourn times in semi-Markov reward processes. Application to fault-tolerant systems modelling, Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 41, 1993; with B. Sericola. WeakAbs, J10, 1994
[J9] Transient analysis of the M/M/1 queue, Advances in Applied Probability 25, pages 702-713, 1993; with P. Leguesdron, J. Pellaumail and B. Sericola. MM1, J9, 1993
[J10] Exact aggregation of absorbing Markov processes using the quasi-stationary distribution, Journal of Applied Probability 31, No. 3, pp. 626-634, 1994; with J. Ledoux and B. Sericola.
[J11] Interval Availability Analysis Using Denumerable Markov Processes. Application to Multiprocessor Subject to Breakdowns and Repairs, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 44, No. 2, pages 286-291, 1995; with B. Sericola.
[J12] A counting model for software reliability analysis, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 17, No. 4, pages 289-297, 1997; with J. Ledoux.
[J13] Simple formulas for counting processes in reliability models, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 29, pages 1018-1038, 1997; with J. Ledoux.
[J14] FluidSim: a Tool to Simulate Fluid Models of High-Speed Networks, J. Incera, R. Marie, D. Ros and G. Rubino; Performance Evaluation, Vol. 44, No. 1-4, pp. 25-49, April 2001.
[J15] A Model of the Leaky Bucket ATM Generic Flow Control Mechanism: A Case Study on Solving Large Cyclic Models, J. Carrasco, S. Mahevas, G. Rubino and V. Suñé; IEE Communications, Vol. 148, No. 3, p. 188-196, June 2001. LargeMk, J15, 2001
[J16] Bound computation of dependability and performability measures, S. Mahevas and G. Rubino, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 50, No. 5, p. 399-413, June 2001. Bounds_J16_2001
[J17] An algorithm to compute the all-terminal reliability measure, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and M. Urquhart, in OpSearch (Operational Research Society of India), 38(6): 567-579, 2001.
[J18] MTTF Estimation using Importance Sampling on Markov Models, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 8(4): 312-341, 2002.
[J19] A study of real-time packet video quality using Random Neural Networks, S. Mohamed and G. Rubino, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 12(12): 1071-1083, December 2002. PSQA_J19_2002
[J20] Transient Probability Functions. A Sample Path Approach, M.L. Green, A. Krinik, C. Mortensen, G. Rubino and R.J. Swift, in Journal of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. AC: 127-136, 2003.
[J21] Performance evaluation of real-time speech through a packet network: a Random Neural Networks-based Approach, S. Mohamed, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in Performance Evaluation, 57(2):141-162, 2004. PSQA_J21_2004
[J22] A GRASP algorithm with tree-based local search for designing a survivable Wide Area Network backbone, H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, in Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 4(1), April 2004.
[J23] Finding Steiner trees with degree-1 terminal nodes, H. Cancela, F. Robledo et G. Rubino, IEICE Transactions 1(9): 258-262, 2004.
[J24] A GRASP algorithm with RNN-based local search for designing a WAN access network, H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 18 (1), 59-65, December 2004.
[J25] Dual Processes to Solve Single Server Systems, A. Krinik, G. Rubino, D. Marcus, R.J. Swift, H. Kasfy and H. Lam, in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 135(1), 2005.
[J26] Controlling Multimedia QoS in the Future Home Network Using the PSQA Metric, J.-M. Bonnin, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in The Computer Journal, 49(2): 137-155, 2006.
[J27] Performance Analysis of a Header Compression Protocol: The ROHC Unidirectional Mode, A. Couvreur, L.-M. Le Ny, A.C. Minaburo, G. Rubino, B. Sericola and L. Toutain, in Telecommunication Systems 31(1): 85-98, 2006.
[J28] Quality assessment of interactive voice applications, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, MartÍn Varela, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Rosa M. M. Leão and Gerardo Rubino, in Computer Networks 52(6): 1179-1192, 2008.
[J29] A robust P2P streaming architecture and its application to a high quality live-video service, H. Cancela, F. Robledo Amoza, P. RodrÍguez-Bocca, G. Rubino and A. Sabiguero, in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30: 219-224, 2008.
[J30] Automatic Quality of Experience Measuring on Video Delivering Networks, D. De Vera, P. RodrÍguez -Bocca and G. Rubino, in SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 79-82, September 2008, associated with a demonstration in Sigmetrics’08 awarded with the Best Demonstration Prize.
[J31] Solving the Steiner two-node-survivable network problem, H.Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, in Int. J. Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2010.
[J32] Levenberg-Marquardt Training Algorithms for Random Neural Networks, S. Basterrech, S. Mohammed, G. Rubino and M. Soliman, in The Computer Journal, Vol. 54, N. 1, 125-135, 2011.
[J33] Approximate Zero-Variance Importance Sampling for Static Network Reliability Estimation, Pierre L’Écuyer, Gerardo Rubino, Samira Saggadi, Bruno Tuffin, in IEEE Transactions on Reliability 60(3): 590-604, 2011.
[J34] A study of artificial speech quality assessors of VoIP calls subject to limited bursty packet losses, S. Jelassi, and G. Rubino, in EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Special issue on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), vol. 2011:9, 2011.
[J35] VoIP Quality of Experience: a survey of assessment approaches and open issues, S. Jelassi, G. Rubino, H. Melvin, H. Youssef, G. Pujolle, in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 14, No. 2, pages 491-513, 2012.
[J36] A new simulation method based on the RVR principle for the rare event network reliability problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri and G. Rubino, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 196, pages 111-136, 2012. RVR-J36-2012
[J37] Static network reliability estimation via generalized splitting, Z. Botev, P. L’Écuyer, G. Rubino, R. Simard, and B. Tuffin, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 25, Issue 1, pages 56-71, 2013. Generel-split-J37-2013
[J38] Monte Carlo estimation of diameter-constrained network reliability conditioned by pathsets and cutsets, H. Cancela, F. Robledo, G. Rubino and P. Sartor, Computer Communications, Vol. 36, No. 6, pages 611-620, 2013.
[J39] On computing the 2-diameter-constrained K-reliability of networks, E. Canale, H. Cancela, F. Robledo, G. Rubino and P. Sartor, International Transactions on Opera-tions Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, pages 49-58, 2013.
[J40] A splitting algorithm for network reliability estimation, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in IIE Transactions, Vol. 45, No. 2, pages 177-189, 2013.
[J41] Real-Time Estimation of Speech Quality through the Internet Using Echo State Networks, S. Basterrech and G. Rubino, in Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, Vol. 1, No. 3, pages 183-188, 2013.
[J42] Efficient estimation of distance-dependent metrics in edge-failing networks, H. Cancela, F. Robledo, G. Rubino and P. Sartor, in International Transactions in Operational Research, vol. 21, no. 2, pages 199-213, March 2014.
[J43] Balanced and Approximate Zero-Variance Recursive Estimators for the Static Communication Network Reliability Problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri, G. Ru-bino and B. Tuffin, in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 25, issue 1, 19 pages, January 2015.
[J44] Random Neural Network Model for Supervised Learning Problems, S. Basterrech and G. Rubino, in Neural Network World Journal, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 457-499, 2015.
[J45] Relay-based multipoint content delivery for wireless users in an information-centric network, P. A. Frangoudis, G. C. Polyzos, G. Rubino, in Computer Networks, vol. 105, pp. 207-223, 2016.
[J46] Capacitated m Ring Star Problem under Diameter Constrained Reliability, G. Baya, A. Mauttone, F. Robledo, P. Romero and G. Rubino, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 23-30, 2016.
[J47] Conditional Monte Carlo with Intermediate Estimations for simulation of Markovian systems, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 321, pp. 3-21, 2016.
[J48] Blocking Evaluation and Wavelength Dimensioning of Dynamic WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion, N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 9, issue 8, pp. 625-634, 2017.
[J49] Echo State Queueing Networks: a combination of Reservoir Computing and Random Neural Networks, S. Basterrech and G. Rubino, in Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2017.
[J50] A Window-Based, Server-Assisted P2P Network for VoD Services with QoE Guarantees, N. Torres-Cruz, M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez and Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, in Mobile Information Systems, Vol. 2017, Article ID 2084684, 18 pages, 2017.
[J51] A method for joint routing, wavelength dimensioning and fault tolerance for any set of simultaneous failures on dynamic WDM optical networks, N. Jara, R. Vallejos and G. Rubino, in Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 30-40, 2017.
[J52] Factorization and Exact Evaluation of the Source-Terminal Diameter Constrained Reliability, E. Canale, P. Romero and G. Rubino, in Networks, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 283-291, 2017.
[J53] Performance Analysis of Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks, E. Romo Montiel, M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino, H. Molina-Lozano, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, in Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 1-49, December 2017.
[J54] A perception-oriented Markov model of loss incidents observed over VoIP networks, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in Computer Communications, Vol. 128, pp. 80-94, 2018.
[J55] An Efficient Resource Allocation Scheme for VoD Services over Window-based P2P Networks, N. Torres-Cruz, M. Rivero-Angeles, G. Rubino, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, in Multimedia Tools And Applications, Springer, Holanda. pp. 1-19, June 2018
[J56] Estimating the number of contending IoT devices in 5G networks: revealing the invisible, M. Bouzouita, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, G. Rubino, N. Zangar, in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, August 2018
[J57] On the Marshall-Olkin Copula Model for Network Reliability Under Dependent Failures, O. Matus, E. Moreno, J. Barrera, G. Rubino in Transactions on Reliability, IEExplore Early Access, 2018.
2 Book chapters
[Ch1] On the existence and uniqueness of the homogeneous network, in Mathematical Computer Performance and Reliability, pages 123-138, edited by G. Iazeolla, P. J. Courtois and A. Hordijk, North Holland, 1984; with R. Marie.
[Ch2] An algorithm to detect token loss and to regenerate lost tokens, in Parallel Processing and Applications, pages 457-466, edited by E. Chiricozzi and A. D’Amico, North-Holland, 1988; with M. Raynal.
[Ch3] Successive operational periods as dependability measures, in Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Vol. 4, pages 239-254, edited by A. Avizienis and J. C. Laprie, Springer-Verlag, 1991; with B. Sericola.
[Ch4] Les réseaux locaux, chapitre des Techniques pour l’ingénieur, Collection Encyclopédique, 1997; with L. Toutain.
[Ch5] Network reliability evaluation, Chapter 11 in State-of-the art in performance modeling and simulation, K. Bagchi and J. Walrand editors, Gordon and Breach Books, 1998.
[Ch6] Mutual synergies between Web caches, in Internet Applications, Springer-Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 1749, extended version of [C26]), 1999; with A. Mokhtar.
[Ch7] FluidSim: a Tool to Simulate Fluid Models of High-Speed Networks, LNCS (Lectures Notes in Computer Science) 1786, Springer-Verlag, 2000; extended version of [C27]; with J. Incera, R. Marie and D. Ros.
[Ch8] Routages dans le réseau Internet, chapitre des Techniques pour l’ingénieur, Collection Encyclopédique, 2000; with L. Toutain.
[Ch9] Connections Between Birth-Death Processes, A. Krinik, C. Mortensen and G. Rubino, in Recent Advances in Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis, pages 127-136, Marcel Dekker, 2003. BDP, Ch9, 2003
[Ch10] The FABRIC project, P. Van der Stok, J. Boomgaardt, H. Burklin, G. Cecchetti, J.-D. Decotignie, H. De Meer, G. Fohler, J. Lukkien et G. Rubino, in Software Architecture, Springer-Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 3047, pages 272-278 (extended version of [C2]), 2004.
[Ch11] Evaluating the utility of media-dependent FEC in VoIP flows, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in Quality of Service in the Emerging Internet Panorama, Springer-Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 3266, (extended version of [C47]), 2004. FEC, Ch11, 2004
[Ch12] Quantifying the Quality of Audio and Video Transmissions over the Internet: The PSQA Approach, G. Rubino, in Design and Operations of Communication Networks: A Review of Wired and Wireless Modelling and Management Challenges, edited by J. Barria, Imperial College Press, 2005.
[Ch13] Evaluating Users’ Satisfaction in Packet Networks Using Random Neural Networks, G. Rubino, P. Tirilly and M. Varela, in Springer-Verlag LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 4132 (extended version of [IT6]), 2006.
[Ch14] Bounding the Mean Cumulated Reward up to Absorption, A.P. Couto da Silva and G. Rubino, in Markov Anniversary Meeting, edited by A. Langville and W. Stewart, pages 169-188, Boson Books, 2006.
[Ch15] Les techniques de Monte Carlo, chapitre des Techniques de l’ingénieur, Collection Encyclopédique, No. AF 600, 2007; with B. Tuffin.
[Ch16] Introduction to Rare event Simulation, G. Rubino and B. Tu n, Chapter 1 in Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo, edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Wiley, March 2009, pages 1-13. SBN: 978-0-470-77269-0.
[Ch17] Robustness Properties and Confidence Interval Reliability Issues, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Chapter 4 in Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo, edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Wiley, March 2009, pages 63-84. SBN: 978-0-470-77269-0.
[Ch18] Markovian Models for Dependability Analysis, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Chapter 6 in Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo, pages 125-143, edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Wiley, March 2009. SBN: 978-0-470-77269-0.
[Ch19] Rare events analysis by Monte Carlo techniques in static models, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri and G. Rubino, Chapter 7 in Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo, pages 145-170, edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Wiley, March 2009. SBN: 978-0-470-77269-0.
[Ch20] Packet Scheduling Principles and Algorithms for Downlink, K. Singh, G. Rubino and C. Viho, Chapter 5 in Handbook of HSDPA/HSUPA Technology, pages 173-204, edited by Borko Furht and Syed Ahson, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.
[Ch21] Analysis and Improvements of Path-Based Methods for Monte Carlo Reliability Evaluation of Static Models, Chapter 3 in Simulation Methods for Reliability and Availability of Complex Systems, edited by J. Faulin, A. A. Juan, S. Martorell and E. Ramirez-Marquez, Springer-Verlag, pages 65-84, 2010. Path-based, Ch21, 2010
[Ch22] Automatic QoE assessment, G. Rubino, in Quality of Experience: From User Perception to Instrumental Metrics, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, M. Fiedler, S. Möller and P. Reichl, Eds., Dagstulh Reports, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2013.
[Ch23] An Experimental Analysis of Reservoir Parameters of the Echo State Queueing Network Model, S. Basterrech, V. Snasel and G. Rubino, chapter in Innovations in Bio-inspired Computing and Applications, P. K. Abraham and V. Snasel Editors, Vol.237, pages 13-22, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
[Ch24] Sojourn Times in Dependability Modeling, G. Rubino and B. Sericola, chapter in Principles of Performance and Reliability Modeling and Evaluation, Lance Fiondella and Antonio Puliafito Editors, Springer International, pp. 169-195, 2016. ForKT, Ch24, 2015
3 Books, edited books, special issues
[B1] Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools, edited by M. Calzarossa, R. Marie, B. Plateau and G. Rubino, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1245, Springer, 1997.
[B2] Performability Modelling: Techniques and Tools, book edited by B. R. Haverkort, R. Marie, G. Rubino and K. S. Trivedi, Wiley, 2001.
[B3] Special issue of International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 13, No. 5, Blackwell Publishing, with selected papers from the 7th International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2005), edited by H. Cancela, P. Helo, G. Rubino and M. Urquhart, 2006.
[B4] Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo, book edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Wiley, March 2009. Co-author of 4 among the 11 chapters of the book. SBN: 978-0-470-77269-0.
[B5] Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) on “Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo”, edited by G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, 2009. Given a weak number of good quality selected papers, the papers finally appeared in the standard issues of TOMACS.
[B6] Special issue of Performance Evaluation, Vol. 67, No. 9, with selected papers from QEST’08, the Fifth International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, edited by Susanna Donatelli, Prakash Panangaden and Gerardo Rubino, 2010.
[B7] Markov Chains and Dependability Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2014, with B. Sericola.
4 Publications in conferences
[C1] La file d’attente M/M/1 FIFO multiclasse (The multiclass M/M/1 queue, text in French), in VII Congrès de mathématiciens d’expression latine (6th Conference of Latin Mathematicians), Coimbra, Portugal, September 1985.
[C2] An algorithm to detect token loss and to regenerate lost tokens, in International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applications, L’Aquila, Italie, September 1987 (see also [Ch2]); with M. Raynal.
[C3] Direct Approaches to the 2-Terminal Reliability Problem, in 3th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Izmir, Turquie, October 31 to November 2nd, 1988; with R. Marie.
[C4] Successive operational periods as dependability measures, in International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, Santa Barbara, USA, August 23-25, 1989; with B. Sericola.
[C5] Distribution of operational times in fault-tolerant systems modeled by semi-Markov processes, in 12th International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Prague, Tchecoslovaquia, September 1989; with B. Sericola. Op Per in Semi-Mk, C5, 1989
[C6] Desarrollos recientes en la evaluación de parámetros de confiabilidad de redes de comunicación (Recent developments in the evaluation of the reliability of communication networks, text in Spanish), in V Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de investigación operativa (5th Latin-Iberic-Americain Conference in Operations Research), Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 1990.
[C7] Interval availability analysis using operational periods, in First International Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communications Systems, University of Twente, Hollande, February 1991 (see also [J6]); with B. Sericola.
[C8] Parallel estimation of 2-terminal network reliability by a crude Monte Carlo technique, in 6th International Symposium on Computer and Information Systems, Antalya, Turquie, November 1991; with M. El Khadiri and R. Marie.
[C9] Reliability evaluation of communication networks, in International Conference on Safety, Security and Reliability of Computers (SAFECOMP’92), Z•urich, Suisse, October 28-30, 1992; with M. El Khadiri.
[C10] Optimization in Communication Network Design (text in Spanish), in XIII CILAMCE (13th Iberic-latino-american Conference in Computer Science Techniques in Engineering), Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 23-25,1992; with H. Cancela and M. Urquhart.
[C11] Interval Availability Distribution Computation, in FTCS’23 (23th Annual Inter-national Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing), pages 48-55, Toulouse, France, June 1993; with B. Sericola.
[C12] Reliability Metrics in Communication Networks, in ICIL’93 (International Con-ference on Industrial Logistics), Univ. of Southampton, UK, and Irisa, Rennes, France, July 1993.
[C13] A Counting Model for Software Reliability Analysis, in 2nd IASTED International Conference on Reliability, Quality Control and Risk Assessment, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1993; with J. Ledoux.
[C14] Construcción de modelos para la evaluación de la seguridad de funcionamiento (Building Dependability Models, text in Spanish), in VII Congreso Latino- bero-americano de investigación operativa (7th Latin-Iberic-Americain Conference in Operations Research), Santiago, Chili, July 1994; with H. Cancela.
[C15] HEIDI : una herramienta de ayuda para la evaluación y el diseño de redes (HEIDI: a tool for network evaluation and design, text in Spanish), in VIII CLAIO: Congreso Latino-Ibero-Americano de Investigacion Operativa (VIII CLAIO: Latin-Iberic-Americain Conference in Operations Research), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1995; with H. Cancela, L. Petingi et M. Urquhart.
[C16] Evaluation and design of communication networks, in ICIL’95: International Conference on Industrial Logistics, Univ. of Southampton, UK, and Naval Monterrey School, USA, Ouro Preto, Brazil, December 1995; with H. Cancela et M. Urquhart.
[C17] Accelerating the standard Monte Carlo evaluation of highly reliable binary systems, in 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Salzburg, Austria, July 1996; with M. El Khadiri.
[C18] Fast Monte Carlo methods for evaluating highly dependable Markovian systems, in 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Salzburg, Austria, July 1996; with H. Cancela and B. Tuffin.
[C19] Bounding asymptotic dependability and performance measures, in Proceedings of IEEE International Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA, September 1996; with S. Mahevas.
[C20] Static network performability analysis, in 3rd Int. Workshop on Performability Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems, Chicago, USA, September 1996.
[C21] A survey of Monte Carlo techniques in operations research, in ICIL’97: International Conference on Industrial Logistics, Chico, Californie, USA, June 1997.
[C22] Transient Characteristics of an M/M/1 System Applied to Statistical Multiplexing on an ATM Link, in 15th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC’15), Washington D.C., June 1997; with F. Guillemin, B. Sericola and A. Simonian.
[C23] A New Approach to Vulnerability Evaluation of Communication Networks, in 15th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC’15), Washington D.C., June 1997; with S. Bulteau.
[C24] Predicting dependability properties on-line, in SRDS’97: 16th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, pages 53-59, Durham, USA, October 1997.
[C25] A dynamic delayed acknowledgement mechanism to improve TCP performance for asymmetric links, in ISCC’98: 3rd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Athens, Greece, June 29-July 2, 1998; with H. Affifi et O. Elloumi.
[C26] Mutual synergies between Web caches, in Internet Applications (5th International Computer Science Conference, ICSC’99), pages 439-446, Hong Kong, December 13-15, 1999; with A. Mokhtar.
[C27] FluidSim: a Tool to Simulate Fluid Models of High-Speed Networks, in proceedings of International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools’2000), Chicago, USA; with J. Incera, R. Marie and D. Ros.
[C28] On the application of accelerating simulation methods in network analysis, J. Incera and G. Rubino, in PDPTA’2000: the 2000 Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, USA, June 2000.
[C29] A Time Reduction Technique for Network Reliability Analysis, M. El Khadiri and G. Rubino, in MCQMC’00: 4th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Hong Kong, China, December 2000.
[C30] Real-time Video Quality Assessment in Packet Networks: an Inter-subjective Neural Network Model, H. Affifi, F. Cervantes, S. Mohammed and G. Rubino, in PDPTA’2001: the 2001 Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, USA, June 2001.
[C31] Fluid simulation of TCP flows, J. Incera y G. Rubino, in MMB 2001: the 11th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems, pages 57-72, Aachen, Germany, September 2001.
[C32] A QoS Routing Algorithm to Support Different Classes of Service, J.-M. Bonnin, J. Feng and G. Rubino, in ICII’2001 International Conference on Infotech / Infonet, Pekin, China, October 2001.
[C33] MTTF estimation using importance sampling on Markov models, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL’01), Okinawa, Japan, July 9-12, 2001.
[C34] Evaluation of the Maximal Level Reached by a Queue over a Finite Period, G. Rubino, in The IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks (DSN 2002), pages 735-744, Washington D.C., USA, June 2002.
[C35] Evaluation of packet video quality in real-time using RNN, S. Mohamed and G. Rubino, special session in Random Neural Networks of ICANN 2002 (International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks), Madrid, Spain, August 2002.
[C36] Modeling nodes of communication networks at the bit and packet levels, G. Rubino, dans 17th International Symposium On Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), UCF, Orlando, USA, October 2002.
[C37] On the usual paradigm in queuing theory applied to the analysis of communication systems, G. Rubino, dans 4th Biennial International Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas, NIU, DeKalb, Illinois, USA, October 2002.
[C38] Transient probabilities of classical queuing systems using dual processes, A. Krinik et G. Rubino, in 5th International Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Discrete Distributions, Athens, Greece, June 2002.
[C39] The BSS priority queue, L. Murray, G. Rubino et M. Urquhart, dans la 28ème Conférence latinoamericaine d’informatique (CLEI), Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2002.
[C40] The Bounded Sequential Searching (BSS) Priority Queue in Discrete Event Simulation, L. Murray, G. Rubino et M. Urquhart, in 11th Latin-Iberian American Congress of Operations Research (CLAIO), Concepcion, Chili, October 2002.
[C41] A GRASP algorithm for designing a Wide Area Network backbone, H.Cancela, F. Robledo et G. Rubino, International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Evry, Paris, October 2003.
[C42] Network design with node connectivity constraints, H.Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference 2003 (LANC), La Paz, Bolivia, October 2003.
[C43] A method for quantitative evaluation of audio quality over packet networks and its comparison with existing techniques, S. Mohamed, G. Rubino et M. Varela, in Proceedings of the Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks workshop (MESAQIN’04), Prague, June 2004.
[C44] Pathset-based conditioning for transient simulation of highly dependable systems, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and M. Urquhart, in 5th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Juan les Pins, France, June 2004.
[C45] A new approach for the prediction of end-to-end performance of multimedia streams, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’04), pages 110-119, Enschede, The Netherlands, September 2004.
[C46] Bit-level and packet-level, or Pollaczec-Khintchine formulae revisited, J. Incera and G. Rubino, dans Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’04), pages 82-89, Enschede, Pays-Bas, September 2004. BLM-PLM, C46, 2004
[C47] Evaluating the utility of media-dependent FEC in VoIP flows, G. Rubino et M. Varela, dans Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services (QofIS’04), pages 31-43, Barcelona, September 2004.
[C48] Bounded Relative Efficiency in Rare Event Simulation, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in SAINT 2005, pages 272-275, Trento, Italy, February 2005.
[C49] Designing low-cost access network topologies, H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, in International Network Optimization Conference (INOC 2005), Coimbra, Portugal, March 2005.
[C50] Wireless VoIP at Home: Are We There Yet?, Jean-Marie Bonnin, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in Proceedings of the Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks workshop (MESAQIN’05), Praha, June 2005.
[C51] A tool for analyzing audio and video advertising in real time, S. Barbato, G. Rubino and A. Scarone, in Proceedings of the Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks workshop (MESAQIN’05), Praha, June 2005.
[C52] Computing Bounds of the Expected Cumulated Reward up to Absorption, Ana Couto de Silva and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Performability Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS’05), Torino, September 2005.
[C53] Sensitivity analysis of network reliability using Monte Carlo, G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC’05), pages 491-498, Orlando, US, December 2005.
[C54] New measures of robustness in rare event simulation, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC’05), pages 519-527, Orlando, US, December 2005.
[C55] An Efficient Simulation Method for K-Network Reliability Problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM’06), Bamberg, Germany, October 2006.
[C56] A new way of thinking utility in pricing mechanisms: A Neural Network approach, Y. Hayel, G. Rubino, B. Tuffin and M. Varela, in Proceedings of XIII CLAIO (Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa), Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2006.
[C57] A New Approach for Traffic Prediction Exploiting Short-term and Long-term Dependencies, S. Mohamed and G. Rubino, in 2nd International Computer Engineering Conference: Engineering the Information Society (ICENCO’06), Cairo, Egypt, December 2006.
[C58] Modeling Quality of Experience in Multi-source Video Streaming, H. Cancela, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in 4th Euro-FGI Workshop on “New Trends in Modelling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements”, EuroNGI, Ghent, Belgium, May 31 – June 1, 2007.
[C59] Refinements of a path-based efficient algorithm for network reliability estimation in the rare event case, H. Cancela, P. L’Ecuyer, M. Lee, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Probability and Statistics in Science and Technology 2007, Porto, Portugal, August 2007.
[C60] Coupling QoE with Dependability Through Models with Failures, A.P. Couto da Silva, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 8th Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS-8), CTIT, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 2007.
[C61] Video Quality Assurance in Multi-Source Streaming Techniques, H. Cancela, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference (LANC 2007), pages 83-93, Best Paper Award, ACM Digital Library, San Jose, Costa Rica, October 2007.
[C62] Multi-Source Video Streaming Suite, P. Rodríguez-Bocca, G. Rubino and L. Stabile, in 7th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM 2007), pages 119-130, IEEE CS Press, San Jose, USA, November 2007.
[C63] QoE Monitoring Platform for Video Delivery Networks, D. De Vera, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in 7th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM 2007), 131-142, IEEE CS Press, San Jose, USA, November 2007.
[C64] A robust P2P streaming architecture and its application to a high quality live-video service, H. Cancela, F. Robledo Amoza, P. Rodríguez-Bocca, G. Rubino and A. Sabiguero, in Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS’07), Puerto Varas, Chile, November 2007.
[C65] Perceptual quality in P2P multi-source video streaming policies, H. Cancela,, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM’07), pages 2780-2785, IEEE CS Press, Washington D.C., USA, November 2007.
[C66] Refinements of a path-based efficient algorithm for network reliability estimation in the rare event case, P.T. De Boer, P. L’Ecuyer, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 403-411, IEEE Press, Washington D.C., USA, December 2007.
[C67] Optimal Quality of Experience Design for a P2P Multi-source Video Streaming, A.P. Couto da Silva, P. Rodríguez-Bocca and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’08), pages 22-26, IEEE Press, Beijing, China, May 2008.
[C68] Multimedia transmission in a managed P2P network: making sense?, A. Ksentini, Y. Lazou, G. Rubino, K. Singh, G. Straub and L. Xu, in NEM Summit 2008, St Malo, France, October 2008.
[C69] Splitting in Source-Terminal Network Reliability Estimation, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM’08), Rennes, France, September 2008.
[C70] Combining Path-Based Methods, RQMC and Zero-Variance Approximations in Static Model Analysis, H. Cancela, P. L’Ecuyer, M. Lee, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC’08), Montreal, Canada, July 2008.
[C71] A GRASP algorithm using RNN for solving dynamics in a P2P live video streaming network, M. Martínez, A. Morón, F. Robledo, P. Rodríguez-Bocca, H. Cancela, G. Rubino, in 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’08), pages 447-452, Barcelona, Spain, September 2008.
[C72] Improving perceived streaming-video quality in High Speed Downlink Packet Access, J. Orozco, D. Ros, G. Rubino and K. Singh, in IEEE Globecom 2008, pages 5149-5154, New Orleans, USA, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
[C73] Single-Sided Real-Time PESQ Score Estimation, S. Basterrech, G. Rubino and M. Varela, in Mesaqin’09 (Measurement of Speech, Audio and Video Transmission Quality in Telecommunication Networks), Praha, Czech Republic, June 2009.
[C74] On the power of a queuing system, G. Rubino, in INFORMS APS 2009 Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, July 2009.
[C75] A COP for Cooperation in a P2P Streaming Protocol, M.E. Bertinat, D. De Vera, D. Padula, F. Robledo Amoza, P. Rodríguez-Bocca, P. Romero and G. Rubino, in Int. Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT’09), pages 1-7, San Petersbourg, Russia, October 2009.
[C76] GoalBit: The First Free and Open Source Peer-to-Peer Streaming Network, M.E. Bertinat, D. De Vera, D. Padula, F. Robledo Amoza, P. Rodr guez-Bocca, P. Romero and G. Rubino, Best paper in 5th IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference (LANC 2009), pages 45-59, Pelotas, Brazil, September 2009.
[C77] A Recursive Variance Reduction Technique with Bounded relative Error for Communication Network Reliability Estimation, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in 6th St Petersbourg Workshop in Computer Simulation, St Petersburg, Russia, June-July 2009.
[C78] Priority-Based Scheme for File Distribution in Peer-to-Peer Networks, M. Rivero and G. Rubino, in IEEE ICC 2010 – General Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications, Capetown, South-Africa, May 2010.
[C79] Combination of Conditional Monte Carlo and Approximate Zero-Variance Importance Sampling for Network Reliability Estimation, H. Cancela, P. L’Écuyer, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pages 1263-1274, IEEE Press, 2010.
[C80] Recursive variance reduction estimators for the static communication network reliability problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in 8th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM 2010), June 2010.
[C81] A novel impairment framework for speech quality assessment under frequency bandwidth changeover, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in ETSI Workshop on QoS / QoE / User Experience, September 21-22, 2010.
[C82] Quality of Experience estimation using frame loss pattern and video encoding characteristics in DVB-H Networks, G. Rubino and K. Singh, in Proceedings of the 18th International Packet Video Workshop (PV2010), Hong Kong, December 13-14, 2010.
[C83] A comparison study of automatic speech quality assessors sensitive to packet loss burstiness, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, pages 415-420, 2011.
[C84] Fluid Limits Applied to Peer to Peer Network Analysis, Laura Aspirot, Ernesto Mordecki and Gerardo Rubino, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’11) pages 13-20, IEEE Press, Aachen, Germany, 2011.
[C85] Initializing echo state networks with topographic maps, S. Basterrech, C. Fyfe, and G. Rubino, in Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Morphological Computation (ICMC 2011), Venice, Italy, September 2011.
[C86] Self-organized maps and scale invariant maps in echo state networks, S. Basterrech, C. Fyfe and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2011), pages 94-99, Cordoba, Spain, November 2011.
[C87] On Kleinrock’s power metric for queuing systems, G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Networks, PMCET, Maui, USA, DOI 10.1109/ICCCN.2011.6006104, IEEExplore, August 2011.
[C88] Quality of Experience estimation for adaptive HTTP/TCP video streaming using H.264/AVC, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, G. Rubino, and K. Singh, in Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, pages 127-131, IEEExplore, January 2012. PSQA-HTTP-C88-2012
[C89] Fluid Limit for a Repairman Problem with Phase Type Time Distribution, L. Aspirot, E. Mordecki and G. Rubino, in Proc. XII Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Viña del Mar, Chile, March 2012.
[C90] On Conditional Monte Carlo in Rare Event Probability Estimation, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM’12), Trondheim, Norway, 2012.
[C91] A Monte Carlo sampling plan for estimating diameter-dependent network parameters, H. Cancela, F. Robledo, G. Rubino and P. Sartor, in Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE 4th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM’12), pages 129-134, St Petersbourg, Russia, October 2012.
[C92] A Case Study of Listening Quality of Temporally Interrupted VoIP Service, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBE-COM’12), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 3-7, 2012.
[C93] Window-based streaming Video-on-Demand transmission on BitTorrent-like Peer-to-Peer networks, L. Martínez, I. Olguín, M. Rivero-Ángeles and G. Rubino, in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’13), IEEExplore, Las Vegas, January 2013.
[C94] Echo State Queueing Network: A new reservoir computing learning tool, S. Basterrech and G. Rubino, in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’13), IEEExplore, pages 118-123, Las Vegas, January 2013.
[C95] Modeling of Network Delay Variation in Packet Voice Communications on Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’13), Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013.
[C96] Priority scheme for window-based video-on-demand transmission on BitTorrent-like Peer-to-Peer networks, E. B. Esquivel, M. Rivero-Ángeles and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’13), Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013.
[C97] Connections Analysis of Voice Traffic over MANETs and their Impact on Delay Variation, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of 18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2013), Split, Croatia, July 7-10, 2013.
[C98] Perceptually Sensitive Markovian Model of Packet Loss Processes during VoIP Conversations, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC’13), Cagliari, Italy, July 1-5, 2013.
[C99] Fluid Limit for the Machine Repairman Model with Phase-Type Distributions, L. Aspirot, E. Mordecki and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’13), pages 139-154, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2013.
[C100] Using metaheuristics for planning resilient and cost-effective multilayer net-works, E. Canale, C. Risso, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE 5th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM’13), Al-maty, Kazakhstan, September 2013.
[C101] On the robustness of Fishman’s bound-based method for the network reliability problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in 10th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (Resim’14), Amsterdam, Pays Bas, August 2014.
[C102] PTPv2-based network load estimation and its application to QoE monitoring for Over-the-Top services, P. Frangoudis, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, A. Ksentini, G. Rubino, T. Etame and B. Clement, in Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on In-formation, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, pages 176-181, Chania, Greece, juillet 2014.
[C103] Content dissemination in wireless networks exploiting relaying and information-centric architectures, P. Frangoudis, G. C. Polyzos and G. Rubino, in International Workshop on Quality, Reliability, and Security, Rhodes Island, Greece, pp. 169-173, August 2014.
[C104] Quality-driven optimal SLA selection for enterprise cloud communications, P. Frangoudis and G. Rubino, in IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICCW 2014), Sidney, Australia, June 2014.
[C105] Residual energy-based transmission schemes for event reporting wireless sensor networks, C. A. Guzmán-Medina, M. E. Rivero- Ángeles and G. Rubino, in 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS 2014), pages 95-99, Barcelona, Spain, August 2014.
[C106] Experimental Analysis of a Hybrid Reservoir Computing Technique, S. Basterrech, G. Rubino and V. Snasel, in 15th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2015), Seoul, Korea, November 2015.
[C107] Sensitivity Analysis of Echo State Networks for Forecasting Pseudo-Periodic Time Series, S. Basterrech, G. Rubino and V. Snasel, in Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SOCPAR 2015), Fukuoka, Japan, November 2015.
[C108] On the Robustness of Fishman’s Bound-based Method for the Network Reliability Problem, H. Cancela, M. El Khadiri, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, in Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2015), Huntington Beach, California, USA, December 2015.
[C109] Power and effectiveness in queueing systems, G. Rubino, in 12th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2015), Madrid, Spain, August 2015.
[C110] Multiple Access Class Barring factors Algorithm for M2M communications in LTE-Advanced Networks, M. Bouzouita, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, N. Zangar, G. Rubino and S. Tabbane, in 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’15), Best Paper Award, Cancun, Mexico, November 2015.
[C111] Control Theory-based Interface Selection Mechanism in Fixed-Mobile Converged Network, Y. Li, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, P. Bertin and G. Rubino, in 16th Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2015), Budapest, Hongrie, July 2015.
[C112] YouSOS: A victim-centered management solution of rescue operations, S. Jelassi and G. Rubino, in 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2015), pp. 232-239, Rennes, France, December 2015.
[C113] Recursive Variance Recursion Method in Stochastic Monotone Binary Systems, E. Canale, H. Cancela, J. Piccini, F. Robledo, P. Romero, G. Rubino and P. Sartor, in Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE 7th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM’15), Munich, Allemagne, October 2015.
[C114] A control theoretic strategy for intelligent interface selection in heterogeneous network environments, Y. Li, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, P. Bertin and G. Rubino, in 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2016), Las Vegas, USA, January 2016.
[C115] Applying nonlinear optimal control strategy for the access management of MTC devices, M. Bouzouita, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, N. Zangar, G. Rubino and S. Tabbane, in 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2016), Las Vegas, USA, January 2016.
[C116] Blocking evaluation of dynamic WDM networks without wavelength conversion, N. Jara, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos, in IEEE Networks and Optical Communications (NOC’16), June 2016.
[C117] Factorization Theory in Diameter Constrained Reliability, E. Canale, P. Romero and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE 7th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM’16), Halmstad, Sweeden, September 2016.
[C118] Network Utility Problem and Easy Reliability Polynomials, E. Canale, P. Romero, G. Rubino and X. Warnes, in Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE 7th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM’16), Halmstad, Sweeden, September 2016.
[C119] Highly Reliable Stochastic Flow Network Reliability Estimation, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the XLII Latin-American Conference in Computer Science (CLEI’16), Valparaíso, Chile, October 2016.
[C120] Hierarchical clustering for an efficient controllers’ placement in software defined networks, Reliabilities in Telecommunication Networks, J.-M. Sanner, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, M.Ouzzif and G. Rubino, in Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS’16), Porto, Portugal, October 2016.
[C121] Dynamic Adaptive Access Barring Scheme For Heavily Congested M2M Networks, M. Bouzouita, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, N. Zangar, G. Rubino, and S. Tabbane, in Pro-ceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MsWim’16), Best Paper Award, Malta, November 2016.
[C122] Calibrating a Dependent Failure Model for Computing Reliabilities in Telecommunication Networks, J. Barrera, O. Matus, E. Moreno and G. Rubino in Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC’16), Arlington, Virginia, USA, December 2016.
[C123] Approximate Zero-Variance Importance Sampling For Static Network Reliability Estimation With Node Failures And Application To Rail Systems, P. Dersin, A. Rai, G. Rubino, B. Tuffin and R. C. Valenzuela, in Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC’16), Arlington, Virginia, USA, December 2016.
[C124] Alternate Paths for Multiple Fault Tolerance on Dynamic WDM Optical Networks, N. Jara, G. Rubino and R. Vallejos, in IEEE Proceedings (IEEExplore) of HPSR 2017: 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Campinas, Brazil, IEEE, June 2017.
[C125] Transmission Probability Strategies for Cluster-based Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks, M. Rivero-Ángeles and G. Rubino, in IEEE CyberC 2017: International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Nanjing, China, October 2017.
[C126] An evolutionary controllers’ placement algorithm for reliable SDN networks, J.-M. Sanner, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, M.Ouzzif and G. Rubino, in 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM’17), Tokyo, Japan, November 2017.
[C127] Optimal Transmission Thresholds for QoS Guarantees in WSNs, E. R. Montiel, M. Rivero-Ángeles, G. Rubino, H. Molina-Lozano, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, in 21st ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’18), 29 Oct.-2 Nov. 2018, Montreal, Canada.
[C128] The Multi-Level Creation Process in Flow Network Reliability Estimation, H. Cancela, L. Murray and G. Rubino, in 13th International Conference in Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2018), Rennes, France, July 2018.
[C129] Efficient Monte Carlo estimation of network reliability metrics with the standard estimator, G. Rubino, in Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM’18), Stockholm, Sweeden, August 2018. Essentially, same content as in [IT42].
[C130] A versatile Markov chain model for the performance analysis of CCN caching systems, H. Ben Ammar, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, G. Rubino, and S. Ait Chellouche, in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
5 Invited / plenary / keynote talks
[IT1] The Evaluation of Network Reliability Metrics, invited talk in International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems (MASCOTS’93), San Diego, USA, January 1993.
[IT2] The FABRIC project, P. Van der Stok, J. Boomgaardt, H. Burklin, G. Cecchetti, J.-D. Decotignie, H. De Meer, G. Fohler, J. Lukkien et G. Rubino, invited in First European workshop in Software Architecture, see also [Ch10], pages 272-278, 2004.
[IT3] Quelques problèmes dans la modélisation de l’Internet, G. Rubino, plenary lecture in 12ème Congrès annuel de la Societé Mathématique Tunisienne (SMT’04), Monastir, Tunisie, March 2004.
[IT4] Performance evaluation using PSQA: Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in 14th Brazilian Computer Society Conference (SBC’04), Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, August 2004.
[IT5] PSQA: a technology for automatically assessing the perceptual quality of a multimedia communication over the Internet, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in 2nd workshop on New Paradigms in Interaction Design, organized by the Telecommunications Research Center of Vienna, and the Austrian Computer Science Society, Vienna, November 2005.
[IT6] Evaluating Users’ Satisfaction in Packet Networks Using Random Neural Networks, G. Rubino, P. Tirilly and M. Varela, invited in 14th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, (ICANN’06), pp. 303-312, see also [Ch13], September 2006, Athens, Greece. ICANN-IT6-2006
[IT7] Performance and dependability modeling of multimedia communications using the PSQA technology, G. Rubino, keynote talk in XIII CLAIO (Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa), Montevideo, Uruguay, November 2006.
[IT8] Transient analysis of basic Markovian queues, G. Rubino, invited talk in 3rd Regional Meeting in Probability and Mathematical Statistics (ERPEM’06), Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2006.
[IT9] Future video streaming systems over the Internet: the case of P2P-based architectures (invited), G. Rubino, in Future Internet Workshop (FIW 2007), Seoul, Republic of Korea, July 2007.
[IT10] A new queuing paradigm, G. Rubino, invited talk in 4rd Regional Meeting in Probability and Mathematical Statistics (ERPEM’07), San Luis, Uruguay, November 2007.
[IT11] Transient analysis of Markovian queues, plenary lecture at the 8th International Conference on Operations Research, La Havana, Cuba, February 2008.
[IT12] Automatic measuring of QoE with the PSQA approach, keynote speaker in the 18th ITC Specialist Seminar on Quality of Experience, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden, May 2008.
[IT13] From Quality of Service to Quality of Experience with PSQA, G. Rubino, in From Quality of Service to Quality of Experience, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, M. Fiedler, K. Kilkki, and P. Reichl, Eds., no. 09192. Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2009.
[IT14] From QoS to QoE with PSQA, G. Rubino, invited talk in Quality of Experience Workshop, in 21st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 21), Paris, France, September 2009.
[IT15] From QoS to QoE, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in Virtual Educa 2009 Conference, University of Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico, September 2009.
[IT16] From QoS-based control to QoE-based control, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in IEEE/IFIP 6th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS), Punta del Este, Uruguay, October 2009.
[IT17] The power of a queuing system, G. Rubino, invited talk at the American Mathematical Society Sectional Meeting, University of Riverside, CA, USA, November 2009.
[IT18] QoE and pricing in communication networks, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in 11th JOLATE (Latin American Meeting on Economic Theory), San Luis Potosí, México. September 2010.
[IT19] On modeling and analyzing P2P networks, invited talk at the AMS Sectional Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, October 9{10, 2010.
[IT20] Utility functions in Internet design problems and QoE measuring, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in COST Action IS0605: Econ@Tel, 7th Meeting, Rennes, May 2011.
[IT21] The Single Server Restart Queueing Model, A. Krinik and G. Rubino, invited talk in AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, USA, January 4{7, 2012.
[IT22] Quality of Monte Carlo rare event analyzers, G. Rubino, invited speaker in CIMPA School – New trends in Mathematical Statistics, Punta del Este, Uruguay, December 2012.
[IT23] Quality of Monte Carlo rare event analyzers, G. Rubino, invited talk at the AMS Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, USA, January 9{12, 2013.
[IT24] Automatic QoE assessment, G. Rubino, invited speaker in Quality of Experience: From User Perception to Instrumental Metrics, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, M. Fiedler, S. Möller and P. Reichl, Eds., Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, May 2013.
[IT25] Some fluid models in performance and dependability analysis, G. Rubino, invited speaker in INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference (APS) 2013, Costa Rica, July 2013.
[IT26] Automatic measuring of perceptual quality on the Internet, G. Rubino, invited in the Distinguished Lecture Series, Postech, Pohang, Korea, May 14, 2013.
[IT27] Techniques for rare event analysis and applications, G. Rubino, invited speaker in UQAW 14 (Advances in Uncertainty Quantification Methods, Algorithms and Applications), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 2014.
[IT28] Automatic measuring of perceptual quality on the Internet, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in First International Congress on Telematics, Computing and Communications (CITELC 2014), Mexico DF, Mexique, August, 2014.
[IT29] Automatic measuring of perceptual quality, a major QoE component of video-and audio-based services, G. Rubino, plenary speaker in Soft Computing Methods for the Design, Deployment, and Reliability of Networks and Network Applications (SOFT-NET 2015), Paris, France, July 2015.
[IT30] Statistical Learning and Queueing Models: an Hybrid Approach for Performance Evaluation, G. Rubino, plenary speaker in 15th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2015), Seoul, Korea, November 2015.
[IT31] Risk and loss, prediction and analysis: probabilistic approaches, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in 2nd Int. Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management, Rennes, France, December 2015.
[IT32] Effectiveness: a new metric in performance evaluation, G. Rubino, keynote speaker in IEEE Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Mascots’16), London, UK, September 2016.
[IT33] Static models, recursive estimators and the zero-variance approach, G. Rubino, invited speaker in UQAW 16 (Advances in Uncertainty Quantification Methods, Algorithms and Applications), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 2016.
[IT34] A G-Network as a Reservoir Computing Model, invited talk in First G-Networks Workshop, Nice, France, January 2017.
[IT35] New results on the transient analysis of some fundamental queuing systems, keynote in ACMPT 2017: Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications, Moscow, Russia, Editors: V. Rykov, N. D. Singpurwalla, A. M. Zubkov, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), October 2017.
[IT36] On the derivation of closed-form expressions of the solutions to (possibly infinite) some simple linear systems of ODEs, invited speaker in CDEDS 2017: Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Suzhou, China, September 2017.
[IT37] Rare events in simulation: issues and techniques, plenary speaker in IMA 2017: The 6thWorld Congress of the Microsimulation Association, Torino, Italy, June 2017.
[IT38] Machine Learning Developments around the PSQA Project, plenary speaker in the workshop by invitation on Machine Learning in Communication Systems, organized by the German DFG Collaborate Research Center 1053 “MAKI”: Multi-Mechanism Adaptation for the Future Internet, Darmstadt, Germany, March 23, 2018.
[IT39] Machine Learning Developments around the PSQA Project, plenary speaker in the TMA Experts Summit by invitation, as part of IEEE Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA’18), Vienna, Austria, June 2018.
[IT40] Duality concepts and applications in difference and differential linear systems, A. Krinik and G. Rubino, invited talk in The American Mathematical Society (AMS) Fall Western Sectional Meeting, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, October 2018.
[IT41] Performance evaluation targeting Quality of Experience, keynote speaker in The 15th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW’18), Paris, France, October 2018.
[IT42] Efficient Monte Carlo estimation of network reliability metrics with the standard estimator, invited talk in INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA, November 2018. Essentially, same talk as [C129].
6 Tutorials
[T1] Network reliability, G. Rubino, tutorial in International Conference on Modeling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation (TOOLS’95), Vienna, Austria, May 1995.
[T2] Simulation of fluid models, G. Rubino, tutorial in MMB 2001: the 11th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems, Aachen, Germany, September 2001.
[T3] A Random Neural Network Tutorial, G. Rubino, tutorial in First International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’04), Enschede, Pays-Bas, Septembre 2004.
[T4] Random Neural Networks and Applications in Networking, G. Rubino, tutorial in Latin America Networking Conference 2005, Cali, Colombia, Octobre 2005.
[T5] G-Networks and Applications, G. Rubino, tutorial in Mathematics and New Generation Networks (MIRNUGEN 2007), CIMPA (Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees) School, La Pedrera, Uruguay, Mars 2007.
[T6] An Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods and Rare Event Simulation, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, tutorial in 6th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’09), Budapest, Hungary, September 2009.
[T7] Evaluating dependability metrics of critical systems: Monte Carlo techniques for rare event analysis, G. Rubino, tutorial in The Third International Conference on Dependability (DEPEND 2010), Venezia, Italy, July 18-25 2010.
[T8] Rare event analysis in reliability: how to accurately evaluate their probabilities through simulation and through bounding techniques, G. Rubino, tutorial in The 2011 International Applied Reliability Symposium Asia Pacific, Singapour, October 2011.
[T9] From QoS to QoE through perceptual quality, G. Rubino, tutorial in 9th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST’12), with S. Jelassi and K. Singh, London, September 2012.
[T10] Discrete Event Simulation: generalities and the particular case of rare event analysis, G. Rubino, tutorial in 3rd International Cybernetics Summer School (CSS 2014), Ostrava, Czech Republic, June 2014.
[T11] Dependability Analysis through Monte Carlo Methods: The Case of Rare Events, G. Rubino, tutorial in The 12th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT’17), Venezia, Italy, April 2017.
[T12] Introduction to rare event analysis using Monte Carlo, G. Rubino, tutorial in 13th International Conference in Monte Carlo & Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2018), Rennes, France, July 2018.