Participants and Collaborators

I have been fortunate to work with many excellent students and Collaborators.

[ANR Funded] Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Engineers

Thomas Lambert, October 2018 - present. (In between October 2019 and July 2020, Thomas was also participating in KerStream and funded by Apollo Connect Talent).

Thomas's research focuses on resource management and scheduling for Big Data applications in heterogeneous environments.

Jad Darrous, January - August 2020 (In between January 2018 and September 2019, Jad was also participating in KerStream and funded by IPL Discovery project; Later, Jad was supported bt the ANR KerStream for 3 months, October - December 2019.

Jad's research focuses on dependable data processing in Clouds.

David Guyon, April 2020 - September 2020. (In between April 2019 and March 2020, David was also participating in KerStream and funded by Apollo Connect Talent).

David's research focuses on straggler mitigation for stream data processing in heterogeneous environments.

[ANR Funded] Research Visits

Twinkle Jain (PhD student at Northeastern university), May to July 2019 and from February to August 2020.

Topic on stragglers mitigation in big data systems. The visitS were funded by the ANR KerStream and the Apollo Connect Talent projects.

[Not Funded By ANR] Postdoctoral Researchers and PhD Students

Jad Darrous, Defended on Decemebr 2019, he is now a research engineer at Talend. Scalable and Efficient Data Management in Distributed Clouds: Service Provisioning and Data Processing. Co-advised with Christian Perez (Inria, LIP).

Orcun Yildiz, Defended on Decemebr 2017, he is now a postdoctoral Appointee at Argonne National Lab, USA.. Efficient Big Data Processing on Large-Scale Shared Platforms: Managing I/Os and Failure. Co-advised with Gabriel Antoniu (Inria, Irisa).

Tien-Dat Phan, Defended on November 2017, he is now Big Data Software Architect at Dassault Systemes. Energy-Efficient Straggler Mitigation for Big Data Applications on the Clouds. Co-advised with Luc Bouge (ENS Rennes, Irisa).

Yacine Taleb a PhD student funded by the European Training Network (ETN) BigStorage project and co-advised with Gabriel Antoniu (ENS Rennes, Irisa) and Toni Cortes (BSC) until April 2017.

Amelie Chi Zhou, a former post-Doctoral fellow funded by Inria and supervised by me. She is now at Shenzhen university in China.

[ANR Funded] Research Visits

Twinkle Jain (PhD student at Northeastern university), May to July 2019 and from February to August 2020.

Topic on stragglers mitigation in big data systems. The visits were funded by the ANR KerStream and the Apollo Connect Talent projects.

External Collaborators:

Prof. Hai Jin and Prof. Song Wu from Huazhong University of Science and technology in China.
In 2017, 2018 and 2019 thanks to the programme Jeunes Talents France-Chine, I have visited HUST three times (durations were between 10 and 14 days). In addition to advertising the PhD and Post-Doc positions. The visit was very fruitful as we have successfully resumed our collaborations after long interruption. We could identify relevant research topics to work on together - mainly related to stream data processing.

Guillaume Pallez and Christian Perez fom Inria.

Amelie Chi Zhou, a former post-Doctoral fellow funded by Inria and supervised by me. She is now at Shenzhen university in China.

Academic External Supporters:

Dr. Arnaud Legrand. CNRS research scientist at the LIG lab in Grenoble.
Prof. Gene Cooperman. Professor at the Northeastern University in United State.
Prof. María s. Pérez. Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain.
Dr. Bingsheng He. Associate professor at National University of Singapore (NUS) in singapore.

Case Studies:

RENATER. French Research and Education Network
Real-life workloads provided by RENATER to analyze data network stream

Syntactic benchmarks:

MapReduce PUMA benchmarks

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