Dissemination and Exploitation of Results (Publications)

Press, Invited talks, Courses amd Posters

[Inria emergences] 2019 (Press): Un intergiciel post-Hadoop pour gerer les flux de donnees.

[ICPP19Poster] Enabling data processing under Erasure Coding in Fog (Poster)
Jad Darrous, Shadi Ibrahim
The 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019)

[Talk] 2018: Dual-Paradigm Stream Processing. Conference talk at ICPP 2018, Eugene, Oregon, USA.

[Invited talk] 2018: Scalable Big Data Management on clouds and HPC systems. Invited talk at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

[Panel] 2017: Panelist in the 'Big Data and Analytics' panel at NSS-ICA3PP-CIT 2017.

[Invited talk] 2017: Big Data Processing in the Cloud: Hadoop and Beyond. Invited talk at RESCOM 2017 Summer school

[Invited talk] 2017: Scalable Big Data Management on clouds and HPC systems. Invited talk at CGCL – Huazhong University of Science and Technology, November 2017.

[Invited talk] 2017: Scalable Big Data Management on clouds and HPC systems. Invited talk at ShenZhen University, November 2017.

Journal Papers

[TPDS19Journal] Cost-Aware Partitioning for Efficient Large Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Datacenters
Amelie Chi Zhou, Bingkun Shen, Yao Xiao, Shadi Ibrahim, Bingsheng He
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS 2019)

[TBD19Journal] Shadow: Exploiting the Power of Choice for Efficient Shuffling in MapReduce
Sijie Wu, Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Shadi Ibrahim
IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD)

[TOMPECS19Journal] A New Framework for Evaluating Straggler Detection Mechanisms in MapReduce
Tien-Dat Phan, Guillaume Pallez, Shadi Ibrahim, Padma Raghavan
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems
The traces are publicly available here.

[FGCS18Journal] Improving the effectiveness of burst buffers for big data processing in HPC systems with Eley
Orcun Yildiz*, Amelie Chi Zhou^, Shadi Ibrahim
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)

Conference Papers

[CIKM20] Rethinking Operators Placement of Stream Data Application in the Edge. (Short Paper)
Thomas Lambert, David Guyon, Shadi Ibrahim
29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020)

[Mascotst19] Is it time to revisit Erasure Coding in Data-intensive clusters?
Jad Darrous, Shadi Ibrahim, Christian Perez
2019 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation (Mascots2019)
The traces are publicly available here

[ICPP19] Incorporating Probabilistic Optimizations for Resource Provisioning of Data Processing Workflows
Amelie Chi Zhou, Yao Xiao, Bingsheng He, Shadi Ibrahim, Reynold Cheng
The 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019)

[ICCCN19] On the Importance of container images placement for service provisioning in the Edges
Jad Darrous, Thomas Lambert, Shadi Ibrahim
The 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2019)
The source code is publicly available here.

[ICDCS19] When FPGA-accelerator meets Stream Data Processing in the Edge
Song Wu, Die Hu, Shadi Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Jiang Xiao and Fei Chen, Haikun Liu
The 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019)

[IPDPS19] NCQ-Aware I/O Scheduling for Conventional Solid State Drives
Hao Fan Song Wu, Shadi Ibrahim, Ximing Chen, Hai Jin, and Jiang Xiao
The 2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2019)

[ICPP18] Energy-Efficient Speculative Execution using Advanced Reservation for Heterogeneous Clusters
Amelie Chi Zhou, Tien-Dat Phan, Shadi Ibrahim, Bingsheng He
The 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2018)

[ICPP18] Dual-Paradigm Stream Processing
Song Wu, Zhiyi Liu, Shadi Ibrahim, Lin Gu, Hai Jin, and Fei Chen
The 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2018)

[ICDCS18] TurboStream: Towards Low-Latency Data Stream Processing
Song Wu, Mi Liu, Shadi Ibrahim, Hai Jin, Lin Gu, Fei Chen and Zhiyi Liu
The 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2018)

[SCA18] On the Performance of Spark on HPC Systems: Towards a Complete Picture (Best Paper Candidate)
Orcun Yildiz, Shadi Ibrahim
Asian Conference on Supercomputing Frontiers (SCA 2018)

[CCGrid18] Nitro: Network-Aware Virtual Machine Image Management in Geo-Distributed Clouds
Jad Darrous*, Shadi Ibrahim, Amelie Chi Zhou^, Christian Perez
The 2018 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid (CCGrid 2018)

[Cluster17] Eley: On the Effectiveness of Burst Buffers for Big Data Processing in HPC systems (Short Paper)
Orcun Yildiz, Amelie Chi Zhou, Shadi Ibrahim
The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE Cluster 2017)

[Euro-Par17] Energy-Driven Straggler Mitigation in MapReduce
Tien-Dat Phan, Shadi Ibrahim, Amelie Chi Zhou, Guillaume Aupy, Gabriel Antoniu
The 23rd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2017)

[ICDCS17] On Achieving Efficient Data Transfer for Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Datacenters
Amelie Chi Zhou, Shadi Ibrahim, Bingsheng He
The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017) (Applications and Experiences Track).

[ICDCS17] Characterizing Performance and Energy-efficiency of The RAMCloud Storage System
Yacine Taleb, Shadi Ibrahim, Gabriel Antoniu, Toni Cortes
The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017) (Applications and Experiences Track)

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