ANR Re-Trusting, REliable hardware for TRUSTworthy artificial INtelliGence. Collaboration with INL, LIP6,THALES. 2021-2025.
LeanAI, Dynamic Precision Training on the Edge, funded by labex CominLabs. Collaboration with LS2N, LIP. 2021-2024.
ANR AdequateDL, Approximating Deep Learning Accelerators. Collaboration with LIRMM, INL, CEA LIST. 2019-2022. I am the coordinator of this project.
ANR Rakes, Radio Killed an Electronic Star - Wireless Network on Chip for shared memory many-core architectures. Collaboration with TIMA, Lab-STICC. 2019-2023.
ANR Opticall2, on-chip OPTIcal interconnect for ALL to ALL communications. Collaboration with TIMA, Lab-STICC. 2019-2023.
Intel Hardware Accelerator Research Program, Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures and (Approximate) Compilers. Access to Intel Xeon+FPGA system (Broadwell + Arria10) platforms and tools via remote access to a centralized cluster installation. 2017-.
Sniffer, Non-Intrusive Surveillance of Mains Operated Equipment, Inria/DGA call on AI. 2020-2023.
Terra-Forma, An observatory for the Anthropocene,
TERRA FORMA des observatoires des systèmes socio-écologiques au coeur des transitions socio-techniques, PIA3 EQUIPEX+, 2022-2029.
Completed Research Projects
RAPID Flodam, Software Flow to Harden Multicore Architectures. Collaboration with Temento, Onera. 2017-2021.
Inria Project Lab ZEP, ZEro Power computing systems. Collaboration with Inria Socrate, Pacap, Corse, CEA LETI. 2017-2020.
SmartSense, An Open Platform for Smart Building Research, CPER, 2015-2020.
ANR ARTEFaCT, AppRoximaTivE Flexible Circuits and Computing for IoT. Collaboration with EPFL, CSEM, CEA LETI. 2016-2019.
H2020 ARGO, WCET-Aware Parallelization of Model-Based Applications for Heterogeneous Parallel Systems. Collaboration with KIT (GE), SCILAB enterprises (FR), UR1 (FR), EMMTRIX (GE), TEI (GR), Absint (GE), Fraunhofer (GE). 2016-2018.
CominLabs BBC, Wireless Interconnect Network on chip for Broadcast-Based parallel Computing. INRIA, Lab-STICC (Lorient, Brest). 2016-2019.
CominLabs 3DCORE, 3D Many-Core Architectures based on Optical Network on Chip. INRIA, FOTON, INL (Lyon). 2014-2017.
CominLabs BoWI Body-World Interaction: Towards an accurate gesture and body movement estimation using very-small and low-power wearable sensor nodes. IRISA, IETR, Lab-STICC (Lorient, Brest). 2012-2016.
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Initiatives Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life. Collaboration with about fifty academic and industrial partners such as EPFL, ETHZ, IMEC, KUL, UCL, CNRS, CEA LETI, VTT, TUM, Fraunhofer.
Images and Networks competitiveness cluster EMBRACE, EMBedded Radio ACcElerator. Collaboration with Digidia, PrimeGPS, 2014-2016.
FP7 ALMA Architecture Oriented Parallelization for High Performance Embedded Multicore Systems Using Scilab (2011-2014)
FP7 FLEXTILES Self-Adaptive Heterogeneous Manycore Based on Flexible Tiles (2011-2014)
ANR DEFIS Design of Fixed-Point Systems (2011-2014)
FUI 100GFLEX New Transmission Scheme with Multiband Optical-OFDM at Very-High Rates (up to 100 Gbits/s) (2010-2014)
ANR FAON, Frequency based Access Optical Network. Collaboration with Orange Labs, IRISA, FOTON, LAB-STICC, CEA LETI (2011-2014)
ANR GRECO Green Wireless Communicating Objects (2010-2013)
CPER PERECAP, Research and Experimental Platform on Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks. Collaboration several teams at the regional level, 2008-2013.
CPER MOB-ITS, Mobile and Interactive Information Access for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications. Collaboration with two other teams from IRISA, 2008-2013.
ITEA2 GEODES Global Energy Optimisation for Distributed Heerogeneous Embedded Systems (2008-2011)
NANO2012 S2S4HLS Source-to-Source Transformations for High-Level Synthesis
ANR OPEN-PEOPLE Open Power and Energy Optimization Platform and Estimator (2009-2011)
ANR CIFAER Communications Intra-véhicule flexible et architecture embarquée reconfigurable (2008-2010)
Images and Networks competitiveness cluster TRANSMEDI@ (2008-2010)
Images and Networks competitiveness cluster SPRING (2007-2009)
CAPTIV Consommation et Stratégies Coopératives pour les Transmissions entre Infrastructure et Véhicules (2006-2009)