Old publications



·         1. Selected Publications (chronological order)

·         2. Habilitation Thesis


1. Selected Publications



·         F. Argelaguet, F. Multon, A. Lécuyer, “A Methodology for Introducing Competitive Anxiety and Pressure in VR Sports Training”, Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (Frontiers in Virtual Environments), Vol 2, Num 10, 2015

·         F. Danieau, A. Lécuyer, P. Guillotel, J. Fleureau, N. Mollet, M. Christie, “A Kinesthetic Washout Filter for Force-Feedback Rendering”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol.8, no.1, pp.114-118,  2015

·         M. Achibet, G. Casiez, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal. “THING: Introducing a Tablet-based Interaction Technique for Controlling 3D Hand Models”, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), pp. 317-326, 2015

·         G. Bruder, F. Argelaguet, A.H. Olivier, A. Lécuyer, "Distance estimation in large immersive projection systems, revisited”, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Arles, France, pp. 27-32, 2015

·         F. Argelaguet, A.H. Olivier, G. Bruder, J. Pettre, A. Lécuyer, "Virtual proxemics: Locomotion in the presence of obstacles in large immersive projection environments," IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Arles, France, pp.75-80, 2015

·         M. Achibet, A. Girard, A. Talvas, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, "Elastic-Arm: Human-scale passive haptic feedback for augmenting interaction and perception in virtual environments", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Arles, France,  pp.63-68, 2015

·         J. Mercier-Ganady, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, “B-C-invisibility power: introducing optical camouflage based on mental activity in augmented reality”, ACM International Conference on Augmented Human (AH), pp. 97-100, 2015


·         D.A. Gómez Jáuregui, F. Argelaguet Sanz, A.H. Olivier, M. Marchal, F. Multon, A. Lécuyer, "Toward “Pseudo-Haptic Avatars”: Modifying the Visual Animation of Self-Avatar Can Simulate the Perception of Weight Lifting", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE VR 2014), pp.654-661, 2014

·         A. Talvas, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, “A Survey on Bimanual Haptic Interaction”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics,7(3), pp.285-300, 2014

·         F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer, “Toward Haptic Cinematography: Enhancing Movie Experience with Haptic Effects based on Cinematographic Camera Motions”, IEEE MultiMedia, 21(2), pp. 11-21, 2014

·         J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, E. Marchand , “Stereoscopic Rendering of Virtual Environments with Wide Field-of-Views up to 360◦”, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2014

·         J. Mercier-Ganady, F. Lotte, E. Loup-Escande, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, “The Mind-Mirror: See Your Brain in Action in Your Head Using EEG and Augmented Reality”, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2014

·         M. Achibet, M. Marchal, F. Argelaguet Sanz, A. Lécuyer, “The Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo-haptic manipulation of objects using grip force”, IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Mar 2014, Minneapolis, United States. pp.59-66, 2014 (BEST PAPER AWARD)

·         F. Argelaguet, T. Sato, T. Duval, Y. Kitamura, A. Lécuyer, “Collaborative Pseudo-Haptics: Two-User Stiffness Discrimination Based on Visual Feedback”, Eurohaptics, Versailles, France, 2014

·         N. Ouarti, A. Lécuyer, and A. Berthoz, "Haptic Motion: Improving Sensation of Self-Motion in Virtual Worlds with Force Feedback", IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2014

·         T. Hachisu, G. Cirio, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, H. Kajimoto, "Visual Vibrations to Simulate Taps on Different Materials", AsiaHaptics Conference, 2014

·         L. Webb, J. Legény, R. Leeb, A. Lécuyer, “Dual-Frequency SSVEP Stimulation Using a Stereoscopic Display”, Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz, Austria, 2014

·         F. Grani, F. Argelaguet, V. Gouranton, M. Badawi, R. Gaugne, S. Serafin and A. Lécuyer, “Audio-Visual Attractors for Capturing Attention to the Screens When Walking in CAVE Systems”, Sonic Interaction for Virtual Environments (SIVE), (poster) 2014

·         F. Grani, F. Argelaguet, V. Gouranton, M. Badawi, R. Gaugne, S. Serafin and A. Lécuyer, “Design and evaluation of Binaural auditory rendering for CAVEs”, Sonic Interaction for Virtual Environments (SIVE), (poster) 2014


·         F. Steinicke, Y. Visell, J. Campos, A. Lécuyer, (Eds), “Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Perception, Technology, Applications”, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-8431-9, 2013Springer/Amazon

·         A. Lécuyer, L. George, M. Marchal, "Toward Adaptive VR Simulators Combining Visual, Haptic, and Brain-Computer Interfaces", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (IEEE CG&A), 2013

·         F. Argelaguet, D.A. Gomez Jauregui, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, "Elastic Images: Perceiving Local Elasticity of Images through a Novel Pseudo-Haptic Deformation Effect", ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (ACM TAP), 2013

·         L. Terziman, M. Marchal, F. Multon, B. Arnaldi, A. Lécuyer,Personified and Multistate Camera Motions for First-Person Navigation in Desktop Virtual Reality”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG/Proceedings of IEEE VR 2013), Vol 19, Num 4, pp. 652-661, 2013draft pdf

·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, J.R. Cooperstock, “Vibrotactile Rendering of Splashing Fluids”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics (IEEE TOH), Vol 6, Num 1, pp. 117-122, 2013 – draft pdf

·         F. Danieau, A. Lécuyer, P. Guillotel, J. Fleureau, N. Mollet, and M. Christie., Enhancing audiovisual experience with haptic feedback: A survey on HAV(E)”, IEEE Transactions on Haptics (IEEE TOH), Vol 6, Num 2, pp. 193-205, 2013 – draft pdf

·         L. Bonnet, F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, Two Brains, One Game: Design and Evaluation of a Multi-User BCI Video Game Based on Motor Imagery”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Games (IEEE TCIAIG), Vol 5, Num 2, pp. 185-198, 2013 – draft pdf

·         J. Legeny, R. Viciana-Abad, A Lécuyer, "Towards Contextual SSVEP-based BCI controller: smart activation of stimuli and controls weighting", IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Games (IEEE TCIAIG), Vol 5, Num 2, pp. 111-116, 2013 – draft pdf

·         T. Regia-Corte, M. Marchal, G. Cirio, A. Lécuyer, Perceiving affordances in virtual reality: influence of person and environmental properties in perception of standing on virtual grounds”, Virtual Reality, Springer, Vol 17, Num 1, pp. 17-28, 2013 – draft pdf

·         A. Talvas, M. Marchal, G. Cirio, A. Lécuyer, "3D Interaction Techniques for Bimanual Haptics in Virtual Environments", in Multi-finger Haptics, I. Galiana and M. Ferre (Eds.) Springer, ISBN 978-1-4471-5203-3, 2013 – draft pdf

·         M. Marchal, G. Cirio, Y. Visell, F. Fontana, S. Serafin, J. Cooperstock, A. Lécuyer, "Multimodal Rendering of Walking over Virtual Grounds", in Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Perception, Technology, Applications, J. Campos, F. Steinicke, Y. Visell and A. Lécuyer (Eds), Part 2, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-8431-9, 2013 – draft pdf

·         J. Sreng and A. Lécuyer, "Simulating Contacts between Objects in Virtual Reality with Auditory, Visual, and Haptic Feedback", in Sonic Interaction Design, K. Franinović and S. Serafin (Eds), MIT Press, ISBN 9780262018685, 2013

·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, M. A. Otaduy, A. Lécuyer, Six-DoF Haptic Interaction with Fluids, Solids, and their Transitions”, World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2013 – draft pdf

·         J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, E. Marchand, Navigating in Virtual Environments with 360° Omnidirectional Rendering”, IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Orlando, US, 2013 – draft pdf

·         P. Gaucher, F. Argelaguet, J. Royan, A. Lécuyer, A novel 3D Carousel based on Pseudo-Haptic Feedback and Gestural Interaction for Virtual Showcasing”, IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Orlando, US, 2013 – draft pdf

·         Talvas, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, The God-Finger Method for Improving 3D Interaction with Virtual Objects through Simulation of Contact”, IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Orlando, US, 2013 (BEST TECHNOTE AWARD)draft pdf

·         J. Mercier-Ganady, E. Loup-Escandey, L. George, C. Busson, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, Can We Use a Brain-Computer Interface and Manipulate a Mouse at the Same Time?”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Singapore, 2013

·         F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer, "HapSeat: A Novel Approach to Simulate Motion in a Consumer Environment", ACM CHI Interactivity (Extended Abstract), Paris, France, 2013

·         F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer, "HapSeat: a novel approach to simulate motion in audiovisual experiences", ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, Anaheim, US, 2013 – draft pdf

·         A. Lécuyer,Natural Interactive Walking on Virtual Grounds”, ACM SIGCHI-Course, CHI course “Interactive Walking in Virtual Environments”, Paris France, 2013 – draft pdf


·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, T. Regia-Corte, R. Cozot, J. Royan, G. Breton, “Design and Application of Real-Time Visual Attention Model for the Exploration of 3D Virtual Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG), Vol. 18, Num. 3, pages 356-368, 2012 – draft pdf

·         G. Cirio, P. Van Gorp, M. Marchal, E. Chapoulie, A. Lécuyer, G. Drettakis, “Walking in a Cube: Novel Metaphors for Safely Navigating Large Virtual Environments in Restricted Real Workspaces”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG/Proceedings of IEEE VR 2012), Vol. 18, Num. 4, pages 546-554, 2012 – draft pdf

·         N. Brodu, F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, “Exploring two novel features for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces: Multifractal cumulants and predictive complexity”, Neurocomputing, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 87-94, 2012 – draft pdf

·         G. Millet, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Haliyo, S. Regnier, "Haptics and Graphic Analogies for the Understanding of Atomic Force Microscopy", International Journal on Human-Computer Studies, Vol 71, Num 5, pp. 608-626, 2012 – draft pdf

·         F. Lotte, J. Faller, C. Guger, Y. Renard, G. Pfurtscheller, A. Lécuyer, R. Leeb, Combining BCI with Virtual Reality: Towards New Applications and Improved BCI”, in Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging the Gap from Research to Real-World Applications, B.Z. Allison, S. Dunne, R. Leeb, J.R. Millán, A. Nijholt (Eds), Part 2, Pages 197-220, Springer, 2013 – draft pdf

·         C. Brunner, G. Andreoni, L. Bianchi, B. Blankertz, C. Breitwieser, S. Kanoh, C. A. Kothe, A. Lécuyer, S. Makeiget, J. Mellinger et al., “BCI Software Platforms, in Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging the Gap from Research to Real-World Applications, B.Z. Allison, S. Dunne, R. Leeb, J.R. Millán, A. Nijholt (Eds), Part 4, Pages 303-33, Springer, 2013 – draft pdf

·         F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, A. Cabec, P. Kerbiriou, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer, "A Framework for Enhancing Video Viewing Experience with Haptic Effects of Motion", Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (Haptics), 2012 – draft pdf

·         D.A. Gomez Jauregui, F. Argelaguet, A. Lécuyer, "Design and evaluation of 3D cursors and motion parallax for the exploration of desktop virtual environments", IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Costa Mesa, US, 2012 – draft pdf

·         L. Terziman, M. Marchal, F. Multon, B. Arnaldi, A. Lécuyer, “The King-Kong Effects: Improving Sensation of Walking in VR with Visual and Tactile Vibrations at each Step", IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Costa Mesa, US, 2012 – draft pdf

·         L. George, M. Marchal, L. Glondu, A. Lécuyer, "Combining Brain-Computer Interfaces and Haptics: Detecting Mental Workload to Adapt Haptic Assistance", Eurohaptics, Tampere, Finland, 2012 – (BEST PAPER AWARD) draft pdf

·         F. Argelaguet, D.A. Gomez Jauregui, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, "A Novel Approach for Pseudo-Haptic Textures Based on Curvature Information", Eurohaptics, Tampere, Finland, 2012 – draft pdf

·         A. Talvas, M. Marchal, C. Nicolas, G. Cirio, M. Emily, A. Lécuyer, "Novel Interactive Techniques for Bimanual Manipulation of 3D Objects with Two 3DoF Haptic Interfaces", Eurohaptics, Tampere, Finland, 2012 – draft pdf

·         J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, C. Riant, E. Marchand, "FlyVIZ: A Novel Display Device to Provide Humans with 360° Vision by Coupling Catadioptric Camera with HMD", ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Orlando, US, 2012 – draft pdf

·         F. Danieau, J. Fleureau, P. Guillotel, N. Mollet, M. Christie, A. Lécuyer, HapSeat: Producing Motion Sensation with Multiple Force-feedback Devices Embedded in a Seat", ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Orlando, US, 2012 – draft pdf

·         R. Santana, L. Bonnet, J. Legény, A. Lécuyer, "Introducing the Use of Model-Based Evolutionary Algorithms for EEG-Based Motor Imagery Classification", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Philadelphia, US, 2012 – draft pdf


·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, “Six Degrees-of-Freedom Haptic Interaction with Fluids”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG), Vol. 17, Issue 11, pages 1714 – 1727, 2011draft pdf

·         J. Legény, R. Viciana Abad, A. Lécuyer, “Navigating in virtual worlds using a self-paced SSVEP-based Brain-Computer Interface with integrated stimulation and real-time feedback”, Presence : Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Vol. 20, No. 6, pages 529–544, 2011draft pdf

·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, A. LeGentil, A. Lécuyer, “‘Tap, Squeeze and Stir’ the Virtual World: Touching the Different States of Matter Through 6DoF Haptic Interaction”, (short paper) IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Singapore, 2011 – draft pdf

·         J. Pettré, O. Siret, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, "Joyman: an immersive and entertaining interface for virtual locomotion", ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA Emerging Technologies (e-Tech), Hong-Kong, 2011 draft pdf

·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, "The Virtual Crepe Factory: 6DoF Haptic Interaction with Fluids", ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies (e-Tech), Hong-Kong, 2011 – draft pdf

·         A. Lécuyer, "Natural Interactive Walking on Virtual Grounds", Course on "Perceptually Inspired Methods for Naturally Navigating Virtual Worlds", ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Courses, Hong-Kong, 2011draft pdf

·         L. George, F. Lotte, R. Viciana Abad, A. Lécuyer, "Using Scalp Electrical Biosignals to Control an Object by Concentration and Relaxation Tasks : Design and Evaluation", IEEE EMBS International Conference on Neural Engineering, 2011 – draft pdf

·         L. George, L. Bonnet, A. Lécuyer, "Freeze the BCI until the user is ready: a pilot study of a BCI inhibitor", International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop, Graz, Austria, 2011 – draft pdf

·         Z. Gao, A. Lécuyer, S. Zhang, “Virtual Reality Toolkit for the Assembly of Nanotube-based Nano-electromechanical Systems”, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (CME), 2011 – draft pdf

·         M. Marchal, J. Pettre, A. Lécuyer, “Joyman: a Human-Scale Joystick for Navigating in Virtual Worlds”, IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Singapore, 2011 – draft pdf

·         J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, E. Marchand, “Design and Evaluation of Methods to Prevent Frame Cancellation in Real-Time Stereoscopic Rendering”, (short paper) IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Singapore, 2011 – draft pdf (BEST TECHNOTE HONORABLE MENTION)

·         L. Aguerreche, T. Duval, A. Lécuyer, "Evaluation of a Reconfigurable Tangible Device for Collaborative Manipulation of Objects in Virtual Reality", Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG), Warwick, UK, 2011 – draft pdf

·         L. Terziman, M. Marchal, F. Multon, B. Arnaldi, A. Lécuyer, Comparing Virtual Trajectories Made in Slalom Using Walking-In-Place and Joystick Techniques”, (short paper) Joint Virtual Reality Conference (Joint Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments-EuroVR Conference) (JVRC), 2011 – draft pdf

·         T. Hachesu, G. Cirio, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, H. Kajimoto, "Virtual Chromatic Percussions Simulated by Pseudo-Haptic and Vibrotactile Feedback", Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference (ACE), 2011 – draft pdf

·         A. Lécuyer, M. Marchal, A. Hamelin, D. Wolinski, F. Fontana, M. Civolani, S. Papetti, S. Serafin, Shoes-Your-Style”: Changing Sound of Footsteps to Create New Walking Experiences", CHI Italy, SMC Workshop, 2011 – draft pdf

·         A. Pusch, A. Lécuyer, "Pseudo-Haptics: From the Theoretical Foundations to Practical System Design Guidelines", International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), pp. 57-64, 2011 – draft pdf

·         N. Brodu, F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, “Comparative Study of Band-Power Extraction Techniques for Motor Imagery”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain, 2011 – draft pdf


·         A. Lécuyer, M. Congedo, E. Gentaz, O. Joly, S. Coquillart, “Influence of Visual Feedback on Passive Tactile Perception of Speed and Spacing of Rotating Gratings”, Eurohaptics, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2010 – draft pdf

·         S. Hillaire, G. Breton, N. Ouarti, R. Cozot, A. Lécuyer, Using a Visual Attention Model to Improve Gaze Tracking Systems in Interactive 3D Applications", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 29, Num. 6, pp. 1830-1841, 2010 – draft pdf

·         F. Lotte, A. Van Langhenhove, F. Lamarche, T. Ernest, Y. Renard, B. Arnaldi, A. Lécuyer, Exploring Large Virtual Environments by Thoughts Using a Brain-Computer Interface based on Motor Imagery and High-Level Commands", Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Vol 19, Num 1, 2010 – draft pdf

·         Y. Renard, F. Lotte, G. Gibert, M. Congedo, E. Maby, V. Delannoy, O. Bertrand, A. Lécuyer, OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Design, Test and Use Brain-Computer Interfaces in Real and Virtual Environments", Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Vol 19, Num 1, 2010 – draft pdf

·         T. Regia-Corte, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, "Can You Stand on Virtual Grounds? A Study on Postural Affordances in Virtual Reality", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Waltham, US, 2010 – draft pdf

·         M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, G. Cirio, L. Bonnet, T. Regia-Corte, M. Emily, “Walking Up and Down in Immersive Virtual Worlds: Novel Interaction Techniques Based on Visual Feedback”, IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Waltham, US, 2010 – draft pdf

·         L. George, A. Lécuyer, “An overview of research on “passive” brain-computer interfaces for implicit human-computer interaction”, International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Venice, Italy, 2010 – draft pdf

·         S. Mieda, T. Yamaguchi, K. Takashima, A Lécuyer, Y. Kitamura, “Comparison of Co-located and Remote Collaborative Work using a Stereoscopic Image on Path Steering Task”, International Conference on Artificial Tele-existence (ICAT), 2010 – draft pdf

·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, T. Regia-Corte, R. Cozot, J. Royan, G. Breton, “A Real-Time Visual Attention Model for Predicting Gaze Point During First-Person Exploration of Virtual Environments”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Hong-Kong, China, 2010 – draft pdf

·         L. Aguerreche, T. duval, A. Lécuyer, “Reconfigurable Tangible Devices for 3D Virtual Object Manipulation by Single or Multiple Users”, (short paper) ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Hong-Kong, China, 2010 – draft pdf

·         L. Hoyet, F. Multon, A. Lécuyer, T. Komura, “Can We Distinguish Biological Motions of Virtual Humans? Perceptual Study With Captured Motions of Weight Lifting”, (short paper) ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Hong-Kong, China, 2010 – draft pdf

·         L. Terziman, M. Marchal, M. Emily, F. Multon, B. Arnaldi, A. Lécuyer, “Shake-Your-Head: Revisiting Walking-In-Place for Desktop Virtual Reality”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Hong-Kong, China, 2010 – draft pdf

·         L. Turchet, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, S. Serafin, R. Nordhal, “Influence of auditory and visual feedback for perceiving walking over bumps”, (short paper) ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Hong-Kong, China, 2010 – draf pdf

·         L. Aguerreche, T. Duval, A. Lécuyer, Comparison of Three Interactive Techniques for Collaborative Manipulation of Objects in Virtual Reality”, Computer Graphics International (CGI), 2010 – draft pdf

·         F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, C. Guai, “Towards a Fully Interpretable EEG-based BCI System, International BCI Meeting, Singapore, 2010


·         A. Lécuyer, “Simulating Haptic Feedback using Vision: a Survey of Research and Applications of Pseudo-Haptic Feedback, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 39-53, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, B. Arnaldi, FuRIA: An Inverse Solution based Feature Extraction Algorithm using Fuzzy Set Theory for Brain-Computer Interfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IEEE TSP), Vol. 57, Num. 8, pp. 3253-3263, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         J.B. Sauvan, A. Lécuyer, F. Lotte, G. Casiez, A Performance Model of Selection Techniques for P300-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces”, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), 2009 - draft pdf version

·         J. Sreng, A. Lécuyer, C. Andriot, B. Arnaldi, Spatialized Haptic Rendering: Providing Impact Position Information in 6DOF Haptic Simulations Using Vibrations”, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Lafayette, US, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         L. Terziman, A. Lécuyer, S. Hillaire, J. Wiener, Can Camera Motions Improve the Perception of Traveled Distance in Virtual Environments?”, (short paper) IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Lafayette, US, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, T. Regia-Corte, and G. Breton, Gaze Prediction When Turning in Virtual Environments”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Yokohama, Japan, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         G. Cirio, M. Marchal, T. Regia-Corte, A. Lécuyer,The Magic Barrier Tape: a Novel Metaphor for Infinite Navigation in Virtual Worlds with a Restricted Walking Workspace”, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Yokohama, Japan, 2009 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, J. Fujisawa, H. Touyama, R. Ito, M. Hirose, A. Lécuyer, "Towards Ambulatory Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Pilot Study with P300 Signals", Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference (ACE), 2009 - draft pdf version

·         L. Aguerreche, T. Duval, A. Lécuyer, B. Arnaldi, 3-Hand Manipulation of Virtual Objects”, Joint Virtual Reality Conference (Joint Immersive Projection Technology Symposium, International Conference on Artificial Teleexistence, EuroVR Conference) (IPT-ICAT-EuroVR), 2009 - pdf soon

·         Z. Gao, A. Lécuyer, Path-Planning and Manipulation of Nanotubes Using Visual and Haptic Guidance”, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems (IEEE VECIMS), 2009 - draft pdf version


·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, R. Cozot, G. Casiez,Automatic, Real-Time Depth-Of-Field Blur Effect for First-Person Navigation in Virtual Environments”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (IEEE CG&A), Vol 28, Num 6, pp. 47-55, 2008 -editor website

·         A. Lécuyer, F. Lotte, R. Reilly, R. Leeb, M. Hirose, M. Slater, “Brain-Computer Interfaces, Virtual Reality, and Videogames, IEEE Computer, Vol 41, Num 10, pp. 66-72, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, C.H. Tan,"A Study of the Modification of the Speed and Size of the Cursor for Simulating Pseudo-Haptic Bumps and Holes", ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (ACM TAP), vol. 5, issue 3, article 14, 2008 -draft pdf version

·         M. Zhong, F. Lotte, M. Girolami, A. Lécuyer, “Classifying EEG for Brain Computer Interfaces Using Gaussian Process”, Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 354-359, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, R. Cozot, G. Casiez, "Using an Eye-Tracking System to Improve Camera Motions and Depth-of-Field Blur Effects in Virtual Environments", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Reno, US, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         Z. Gao, A. Lécuyer, A VR Simulator for Training and Prototyping of Telemanipulation of Nanotubes”, (short paper) ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Bordeaux, France, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         L. Bibin, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, A. Delbos, M. Bonnet, SAILOR: a 3D medical simulator of loco-regional anaesthesia based on desktop virtual reality and pseudo-haptic feedback”, (short paper) ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Bordeaux, France, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, H. Mouchère, A. Lécuyer, Pattern Rejection Strategies for the Design of Self-Paced EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2008 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, Y. Renard, A. Lécuyer, "Self-Paced Brain-Computer Interaction with Virtual Worlds: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study ‘Out of the Lab’", International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop and Training Course, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         J. Sreng , A. Lécuyer, and C. Andriot, "Using vibration patterns to provide impact position information in haptic manipulation of virtual objects", Proceedings of Eurohaptics, Madrid, Spain, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         G. Millet, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, D.S. Haliyo, and S. Régnier, "Improving Perception and Understanding of Nanoscale Phenomena Using Haptics and Visual Analogy", Proceedings of Eurohaptics, Madrid, Spain, 2008 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, B. Arnaldi, "FuRIA : un nouvel algorithme d'extraction de caractéristiques pour les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur utilisant modèles inverses et modèles flous", Traitement du Signal, Vol. 25, 2008 - draft pdf version  


·         F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, F. Lamarche, B. Arnaldi, "The Use of Fuzzy Inference Systems for Motor Imagery Classification", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering (IEEE TNSRE), vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 322-324, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         S. Hillaire, A. Lécuyer, R. Cozot, G. Casiez, "Depth-of-Field Blur Effects for First-Person Navigation in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Newport Beach, US, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         J. Sreng, F. Bergez, J. Legarrec, A. Lécuyer, C. Andriot, "Using an Event-Based Approach to Improve the Multimodal Rendering of 6DOF Virtual Contact", Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST), Newport Beach, US, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         A. Kadri, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Richir, “The Visual Appearance of User’s Avatar Can Influence the Manipulation of Both Real Devices and Virtual Objects”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Charlotte, US, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         L. Dominjon, J. Perret, A. Lécuyer, “Novel Devices and Novel Interaction Techniques for Human-Scale Haptics”, The Visual Computer, Vol. 23, Num. 3, March 2007 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, M. Congedo, A. Lécuyer, F. Lamarche, B. Arnaldi, "A Review of Classification Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces", Journal of Neural Engineering, 4, R1-R13, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         F. Lotte, A. Lécuyer, B. Arnaldi, "FuRIA: A novel feature extraction algorithm for brain-computer interfaces using inverse models and fuzzy region of interest", Proceedings of IEEE EMBS international Conference on Neural Engineering, Hawaii, 2007 - draft pdf version

·         A. Kadri, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Richir, "The Influence of Visual Appearance of User's Avatar on the Manipulation of Objects in virtual Environments", poster in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Charlotte, US, 2007 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, J.M. Henaff, S. Donikian, "Camera Motions Improve Sensation of Walking in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of  IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Washington, US, 2006 - draft pdf version

·         J. Sreng, A. Lécuyer, C. Mégard, C. Andriot, "Using Visual Cues of Contact to Improve Interactive Manipulation of Virtual Objects in Industrial Assembly/Maintenance Simulations", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (special issue after VIS'2006), 12(6), September/October, 2006 - draft pdf version

·         M. Congedo, A. Lécuyer, E. Gentaz, "The Influence of Spatial De-location on Perceptual Integration of Vision and Touch", Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press, Num. 3, Vol. 15, pp. 353-357, June 2006 - draft pdf version

·         M. Congedo, F. Lotte, and A. Lécuyer,Classification of movement intention by spatially filtered electromagnetic inverse solutions”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51, pp. 1971-1989, 2006 - draft pdf version

·         L. Dominjon, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Richir, "Haptic Hybrid Rotations: Overcoming Hardware Rotational Limitations of Force-Feedback Devices", Proceedings of  IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Washington, US, 2006 - draft pdf version

·         L. Dominjon, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Richir, "A Comparison of Three Techniques to Interact in Large Virtual Environments Using Haptic Devices with Limited Workspace", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4035, Hans-Peter Seidel, Tomoyuki Nishita and Qunsheng Peng (Eds), Springer Verlag, pp. 288-299, 2006 - draft draft pdf version.

·         T. Duval, A. Lécuyer, S. Thomas, "SkeweR: a 3D Interaction Technique for 2-User Collaborative Manipulation of Objects in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (IEEE 3DUI), Washington, US, 2006 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, J. Le Biller, M. Congedo, "A4: A Technique to Improve Perception of Contacts with Under-Actuated Haptic Devices in Virtual Reality", Proceedings of World Haptics Conference (joint Eurohaptics Conference and Haptics Symposium), Pisa, Italy, 2005 - draft pdf version

·         L. Dominjon, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, G. Andrade-Barroso, S. Richir, "The “Bubble” Technique: Interacting with Large Virtual Environments Using Haptic Devices with Limited Workspace ", Proceedings of World Haptics Conference (joint Eurohaptics Conference and Haptics Symposium), Pisa, Italy, 2005 - draft pdf version

·         L. Dominjon, A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, P. Richard, and S. Richir, "Influence of Control/Display Ratio on the Perception of Mass of Manipulated Objects in Virtual Environments", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Bonn, Germany, 2005 - draft pdf version

·         F. Crison, A. Lécuyer, D. Mellet-D’Huart, J.M. Burkhardt, G. Michel, and J.L. Dautin, "Virtual Technical Trainer: Learning How to Use Milling Machines with Multi-Sensory Feedback in Virtual Reality", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Bonn, Germany, 2005 - draft pdf version

·         C. Arrouet, M. Congedo, J.E. Marvie, F. Lamarche, A. Lécuyer, and B. Arnaldi, "Open-ViBE: a 3D Platform for Real-Time Neuroscience", Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 9, Num. 1, 2005 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, and L. Etienne, "Feeling Bumps and Holes without a Haptic Interface: the Perception of Pseudo-Haptic Textures", ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI), April 24-29, Vienna, Austria, 2004 - draft pdf version

·         A. Lécuyer, M. Vidal, O. Joly, C. Mégard and A. Berthoz, "Can Haptic Feedback Improve the Perception of Self-Motion in Virtual Reality?", 12th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (Haptics Symposium), March 27-28, Chicago, US, 2004 - draft pdf version

·         F. Crison, A. Lécuyer, A. Savary, D. Mellet-d’Huart, J.M. Burkhardt, and J.L. Dautin,"The Use of Haptic and Pseudo-Haptic Feedback for the Technical Training of Milling", Eurohaptics Conference (Eurohaptics), June 5-7, Munich, Germany, 2004 - draft pdf version

·         D. Mellet-d’Huart, G. Michel, J.M. Burkhardt, A. Lécuyer, J.L. Dautin, and F. Crison, "An Application to Training in the Field of Metal Machining as a Result of Research-Industry Collaboration", Virtual Reality Conference (VRIC), Laval, France, 2004 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, P. Mobuchon, C. Mégard, J. Perret, C. Andriot and J.P. Colinot, "HOMERE: a Multimodal System for Visually Impaired People to Explore Virtual Environments", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), Los-Angeles, US, 2003 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, C. Megard, J.M. Burkhardt, T. Lim, S. Coquillart, P. Coiffet and L. Graux, "The Effect of Haptic, Visual and Auditory Feedback on an Insertion Task on a 2-Screen Workbench", Immersive Projection Technology Symposium (IPT), Orlando, US, 2002 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, J.M. Burkhardt, S. Coquillart, and P. Coiffet, "Boundary of Illusion" : an Experiment of Sensory Integration with a Pseudo-Haptic System, IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), pages 115-122, Yokohama, Japan, 2001 - draft pdf version

·         A. Lécuyer, A. Kheddar, S. Coquillart, L. Graux, and P. Coiffet, "A Haptic Prototype for the Simulations of Aeronautics Mounting/Unmounting Operations", IEEE International Workshop on Robot-Human Interactive Communication (IEEE ROMAN), Bordeaux and Paris, France, 2001 - draft pdf version


·         A. Lécuyer, S. Coquillart, A. Kheddar, P. Richard and P. Coiffet, "Pseudo-Haptic Feedback : Can Isometric Input Devices Simulate Force Feedback?", IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality (IEEE VR), pages 83-90, New Brunswick, US, 2000 - draft pdf version


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2. Habilitation Thesis

Title : “Using Eyes, Hands, and Brain for 3D Interaction with Virtual Environments: A Perception-Based Approach”, University of Rennes 1, June 18th 2010


Summary : Far beyond science-fiction clichés, Virtual Reality (VR) technologies can be used in a wide range of applications including, for instance, industrial virtual prototyping, medical training or architectural project review. However, even after decades of research, the efficiency of current VR interfaces is still far below what it is possible to achieve with a classical computer mouse and a desktop computer. Our research activity has been entirely driven by the necessity to change this situation and improve 3D user interfaces and virtual reality systems. Our objective was to improve 3D interaction with virtual environments by making full use of available interfaces, e.g., visual, haptic and brain-computer interfaces. We intended to improve each component of this framework individually, but we also wanted to improve the subsequent combinations of these components. We have adopted a perception-based approach consisting in taking advantage from knowledge in human perception to improve both the design and the evaluation of our technologies. We have first studied the use of novel Brain-Computer Interfaces, which give an access to novel user's input and an incomparable way of interacting with 3D content "by thought". We have studied the combination of two output devices that are widely used in current virtual reality systems: visual and haptic interfaces. Our intention was to find an optimal integration of these two different types of interface by improving the current software and hardware multimodal architectures. Last, we have studied each sensory feedback separately, within a perception-based approach devoted to the improvement of both visual and haptic rendering of virtual environments. We have notably proposed a novel approach for visuo-haptic rendering that we called “Pseudo-Haptic Feedback” which uses vision to distort haptic perception.


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