****** BOOK, PROCEEDINGS ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_Book.bib 4 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:30 2017

[Gotlieb, 2015]
Arnaud Gotlieb. Constraint-Based Testing: An Emerging Trend in Software Testing, volume 99 of Advances in Computers, chapter Chap.2, pages 76–101. Elsevier, 2015.

[Gotlieb and Shroff, 2014]
Arnaud Gotlieb and Gautam Shroff, editors. Proceedings of the Software Engineering In Practice (ICSE-SEIP'14 Track), Hyderabad, June 1-7, 2014. IEEE, Jun. 2014.

[Gotlieb and Chen, 2013]
Arnaud Gotlieb and Zhenyu Chen, editors. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'13), Nanjing, China, July 29-30, 2013. IEEE, Aug. 2013.

[Blanc et al., 2007]
B. Blanc, A. Gotlieb, and C. Michel. Constraints in software testing, verification and analysis. In Frédéric Benhamou, Narendra Jussien, and Barry O'Sullivan, editors, Trends in Constraint Programming, part 7, pages 333–368. ISTE, London, UK, May 2007.

****** ACADEMIC JOURNALS ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_RI.bib 23 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:30 2017

[Gotlieb and Marijan, 2017]
Arnaud Gotlieb and Dusica Marijan. Using global constraints to automate regression testing. AI Magazine, 38(1), 2017.

[Mossige et al., 2017]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Deploying constraint programming for testing abb textquoteright s painting robots. AI Magazine (Column on AI in Industry), 39(2), 2017.

[Wang et al., 2017]
Shuai Wang, Shaukat Ali, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Marius Liaaen. Automated product line test case selection: industrial case study and controlled experiment. Software and System Modeling, 16(2):417–441, 2017.

[Bagnara et al., 2016]
Roberto Bagnara, Matthieu Carlier, Roberta Gori, and Arnaud Gotlieb. Exploiting binary floating-point representations for constraint propagation. INFORMS Journal of Computing (JoC), 28(1):31–46, 2016.

[Hervieu et al., 2016]
Aymeric Hervieu, Dusica Marijan, Arnaud Gotlieb, and benoit baudry. Practical minimization of pairwise-covering test configurations using constraint programming. Information and Software Technology, 71:129–146, 2016.

[Wang et al., 2016]
Shuai Wang, Shaukat Ali, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Marius Liaeen. A systematic test case selection methodology for product lines: Results and insights from an industrial case study. Empirical Software Engineering, 21(4):1586–1622, 2016.

[Delahaye et al., 2015]
M. Delahaye, B. Botella, and A. Gotlieb. Infeasible path generalization in dynamic symbolic execution. Information and Software Technology, 58:403–418, Feb 2015.

[Di Alesio et al., 2015]
S. Di Alesio, S. Nejati, L. Briand, and A. Gotlieb. Combining genetic algorithms and constraint programming to support stress testing of task deadlines. ACM Trans. On Soft. Engineering and Methodologies (TOSEM), 25, 12 2015. Accepted for publication Apr. 7th, 2015.

[Mossige et al., 2015]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Testing robot controllers using constraint programming and continuous integration. Information and Software Technology, 57:Jan., 2015.

[Sen et al., 2015]
Sagar Sen, Dusica Marijan, and Arnaud Gotlieb. Certus: Glimpses of a centre for research-based innovation in software verification and validation. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, pages 1–25, 03/2015 2015.

[Tse et al., 2015]
T.H. Tse, Arnaud Gotlieb, and zhenyu chen. Focus section on quality software. Software, Practice and Experience, 45:873–874, 07/2015 2015.

[Wang et al., 2015]
S. Wang, S. Ali, and A. Gotlieb. Cost-effective test suite minimization in product lines using search techniques. Journal of Systems and Software, 2015. In Press - avail. on line 27 Aug. 2014.

[Wang et al., 2014]
Shuai Wang, Shaukat Ali, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Marius Liaaen. A systematic test case selection methodology for product lines: results and insights from an industrial case study. Empirical Software Engineering, pages 1–37, 2014. (DOI)

[Carlier et al., 2013]
M. Carlier, C. Dubois, and A. Gotlieb. Focaltest: A constraint programming approach for property-based testing. In Cordeiro Virvou Shishkov (Eds.), editor, Revised Selected Papers, ICSOFT 2010, Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010., pages 140–155. Springer, CCIS, Vol. 170, 2013.

[Gotlieb, 2012]
A. Gotlieb. Tcas software verification using constraint programming. Knowledge Engineering Review, 27(3):343–360, Sep. 2012.

[Lazaar et al., 2012]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. A cp framework for testing cp. CONSTRAINTS Journal, 17(2):123–147, 2012.

[Gotlieb and Petit, 2010]
A. Gotlieb and M. Petit. An uniform random test data generator for path testing. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(12):2618–2626, Dec. 2010.

[Charreteur et al., 2009]
F. Charreteur, B. Botella, and A. Gotlieb. Modelling dynamic memory management in constraint-based testing. Journal of Systems and Software, 82(11):1755–1766, Nov. 2009. Special Issue: TAIC-PART 2007 and MUTATION 2007. (PDF, 472683 bytes)

[Gotlieb et al., 2007]
A. Gotlieb, T. Denmat, and B. Botella. Goal-oriented test data generation for pointer programs. Information and Soft. Technol., 49(9-10):1030–1044, Sep. 2007. (PostScript, 28 pages, 364841 bytes) (PDF, 384902 bytes)

[Botella et al., 2006]
B. Botella, A. Gotlieb, and C. Michel. Symbolic execution of floating-point computations. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR), 16(2):pp 97–121, June 2006. (PostScript, 41 pages, 601488 bytes) (PDF, 430223 bytes)

[Botella et al., 2002]
B. Botella, A. Gotlieb, C. Michel, M. Rueher, and P. Taillibert. Utilisation des contraintes pour la génération automatique de cas de test structurels. In Technique et sciences informatiques, volume 21–9 of TSI, pages 1163–1187. Hermes – Lavoisier, 2002. (PostScript, 25 pages, 275930 bytes) (PDF, 178499 bytes)

[Lhomme et al., 1998]
O. Lhomme, A. Gotlieb, and M. Rueher. Dynamic optimization of interval narrowing algorithms. Journal of Logic Programming, 37:164–182, 1998.

[Gotlieb et al., 1996]
A. Gotlieb, F. Calvet, and M. Rueher. Génération automatique de cas de test : une approche programmation logique par contraintes. In Actes des journées Génie Logiciels GL'96 publiés dans Génie Logiciel, pages 135–140, Paris, France, Nov. 1996. EC2.

****** INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_CI.bib 56 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:30 2017

[Gotlieb et al., 2017]
Arnaud Gotlieb, Marine Louarn, Mari Nyg r ard, Tomas Ruiz-Lopez, Sagar Sen, and Roberta Gori. Constraint-based verification of a mobile app game designed for nudging people to attend cancer screening. In Proc. of Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-17), San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2017.

[Marijan et al., 2017]
Dusica Marijan, Arnaud Gotlieb, Marius Liaaen, Sagar Sen, and Carlo Ieva. Titan: Test suite optimization for highly configurable software. In Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'17), Tokyo, Japan, Apr. 2017.

[Mossige et al., 2017]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, Helge Spieker, Hein Meling, and Mats Carlsson. Time-aware test case execution scheduling for cyber-physical systems. In Proc. of Principles of Constraint Programming (CP'17), Aug. 2017.

[Plazar et al., 2017]
Quentin Plazar, Mathieu Acher, Sebastien Bardin, and Arnaud Gotlieb. Efficient and complete fd-solving for extended array constraints. In Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), Melbourne, Australia., Aug. 2017.

[Spieker et al., 2017]
Helge Spieker, Arnaud Gotlieb, Dusica Marijan, and Morten Mossige. Reinforcement learning for automatic test case prioritization and selection in continuous integration. In Proc. of 26th Int. Symp. on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'17), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Jul. 2017.

[Gotlieb et al., 2016a]
A. Gotlieb, M. Carlsson, M. Liaeen, D. Marijan, and A. Petillon. Automated regression testing using constraint programming. In Proc. of Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI'16), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Feb. 2016.

[Gotlieb et al., 2016b]
Arnaud Gotlieb, Mats Carlsson, Dusica Marijan, and Alexandre Petillon. A new approach to feature-based test suite reduction in software product line testing. In ICSOFT-EA 2016, 11th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, Awarded Best Paper. INSTICC Press, Jul. 2016.

[Mossige et al., 2016]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Generating tests for robotized painting using constraint programming. In Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) - Sister Conference Best Paper Track, New York City, Jul. 2016.

[Bécan et al., 2015]
G. Bécan, R. Behjati, A. Gotlieb, and M. Acher. Synthesis of attributed feature models from product descriptions. In Proc. of the 19th Int. Conf. on Software Product Line (SPLC'15), Nashville, TN, USA, pages 1–10, Jul. 2015.

[Gotlieb et al., 2015]
A. Gotlieb, D. Marijan, and S. Sen. Towards more relational feature models. In Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA'15), Colmar, Alsace, France, pages 381–386, Jul. 2015.

[Di Alesio et al., 2014]
Stefano Di Alesio, Arnaud Gotlieb, Shiva Nejati, and Lionel Briand. Worst-case scheduling of software tasks: A constraint optimization model to support performance testing. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'14) - Application track, Lyon, France, Sep. 2014.

[Gotlieb and Marijan, 2014]
A. Gotlieb and D. Marijan. Flower: Optimal test suite reduction as a network maximum flow. In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Soft. Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'14), San Jos�, CA, USA, Jul. 2014.

[Mossige et al., 2014a]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Testing robotized paint system using constraint programming: An industrial case study. In The 26th IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS'14) - Application track, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 2014.

[Mossige et al., 2014b]
Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Hein Meling. Using cp in automatic test generation for abb robotics' paint control system. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'14) - Application track, Awarded best application paper, Lyon, France, Sep. 2014.

[Wang et al., 2014a]
S. Wang, S. Ali, and A. Gotlieb. Random-weighted search-based multi-objective optimization revisited. In Int. Symp. on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE'14), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014.

[Wang et al., 2014b]
S. Wang, D. Buchmann, S. Ali, A. Gotlieb, D. Pradhan, and M. Liaaen. Multi-objective test prioritization in software product line testing: An industrial case study. In Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'14), Florence, Italy, 2014.

[Abdallah et al., 2013]
R. Abdallah, A. Gotlieb, L. Helouet, and C. Jard. Scenario realizability with constraint optimization. In Proc. of Fundamental Aspects of Soft. Eng. (FASE'13), Roma, Italy, Mar. 2013.

[Bagnara et al., 2013]
R. Bagnara, M. Carlier, R. Gori, and A. Gotlieb. Symbolic path-oriented test data generation for floating-point programs. In Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'13), Luxembourg, Mar. 2013.

[Di Alesio et al., 2013]
Stefano Di Alesio, Shiva Nejati, Lionel Briand, and Arnaud Gotlieb. Stress testing of task deadlines: A constraint programming approach. In Int. Symposium on Soft. Reliability and Engineering (ISSRE'13), Research track, Pasadena, CA, USA, Nov. 2013.

[Marijan et al., 2013a]
D. Marijan, A. Gotlieb, A. Hervieu, and S. Sen. Practical pairwise testing for software product lines. In Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'13), Industrial track, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 2013.

[Marijan et al., 2013b]
Dusica Marijan, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Sagar Sen. Test case prioritization for continuous regression testing: An industrial case study. In 29th Int. Conf. on Soft. Maintenance (ICSM'13), Industry Track, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sep. 2013.

[Sen and Gotlieb, 2013]
S. Sen and A. Gotlieb. Testing a data-intensive system with generated data interactions: The norwegian customs and excise case study. In 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE'13), Valencia, Spain, Jun. 2013.

[Wang et al., 2013a]
S. Wang, S. Ali, and A. Gotlieb. Minimizing test suites in software product lines using weight-based genetic algorithms. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'13), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jul. 2013.

[Wang et al., 2013b]
S. Wang, A. Gotlieb, S. Ali, and M. Liaeen. Automated test case selection using feature model: An industrial case study. In ACM/IEEE 16th Int. Conf. on Model Driven Eng. Languages and Systems (MODELS'13), Awarded best application paper, Miami, FL, USA, Sep. 2013.

[Bardin and Gotlieb, 2012]
S. Bardin and A. Gotlieb. Fdcc: a combined approach for solving constraints over finite domains and arrays. In Proc. of Constraint Programming, Artifical Intelligence, Operational Research (CPAIOR'12), May. 2012.

[Behjati et al., 2012]
Razieh Behjati, Shiva Nejati, Tao Yue, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Lionel Briand. Model-based automated and guided configuration of embedded software systems. In Proc. of Europ. Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA'12), Lyngby, Danemark, Jul. 2012.

[Carlier et al., 2012a]
M. Carlier, C. Dubois, and A. Gotlieb. A certified constraint solver over finite domains. In Proc. of 18th Int. Symp. on Formal Methods (FM'2012), Aug. 2012.

[Carlier et al., 2012b]
M. Carlier, C. Dubois, and A. Gotlieb. A first step in the design of a formally verified constraint-based testing tool: Focaltest. In Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Test&Proofs (TAP'12), May. 2012.

[Delahaye et al., 2012]
M. Delahaye, L. Briand, A. Gotlieb, and M. Petit. Mutil: Mutation-based statistical test inputs generation for automatic fault localization. In Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Software Security and Reliability (SERE'12), Jun. 2012.

[Carlier and Gotlieb, 2011]
M. Carlier and A. Gotlieb. Filtering by ulp maximum. In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'11), Nov. 2011. Short paper, 4 pages.

[Hervieu et al., 2011]
A. Hervieu, B. Baudry, and A. Gotlieb. Pacogen: Automatic generation of pairwise test configurations from feature models. In Proc. of the 22nd IEEE Int. Symp. on Softw. Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'11), Hiroshima, Japan, Nov. 2011.

[Lazaar et al., 2011]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. A framework for the automatic correction of constraint programs. In 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST'11), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2011.

[Carlier et al., 2010]
M. Carlier, C. Dubois, and A. Gotlieb. Constraint reasonning in focaltest. In 5th Int. Conf. on Software and Data Technologies, (ICSOFT'10), Athens, Greece, Jul. 2010.

[Charreteur and Gotlieb, 2010]
F. Charreteur and A. Gotlieb. Constraint-based test input generation for java bytecode. In Proc. of the 21st IEEE Int. Symp. on Softw. Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'10), San Jose, CA, USA, Nov. 2010.

[Delahaye et al., 2010]
M. Delahaye, B. Botella, and A. Gotlieb. Explanation-based generalization of infeasible path. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST'10), Paris, France, Apr. 2010. (PostScript, 10 pages, 618371 bytes) (PDF, 221230 bytes)

[Lazaar et al., 2010a]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. Fault localization in constraint programs. In 22th Int. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'2010), Arras, France, Oct. 2010.

[Lazaar et al., 2010b]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. On testing constraint programs. In 16th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP'2010), St Andrews, Scotland, Sept. 2010.

[Gotlieb, 2009]
A. Gotlieb. Euclide: A constraint-based testing platform for critical c programs. In 2th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST'09), Denver, CO, Apr. 2009. (PostScript, 10 pages, 1366091 bytes) (PDF, 139952 bytes)

[Gotlieb and Petit, 2009]
A. Gotlieb and M. Petit. Towards a theory for testing non-terminating programs. In 33nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'09), Seattle, USA, Jul. 2009. 6 pages. (PostScript, 6 pages, 256312 bytes) (PDF, 108917 bytes)

[Gotlieb and Petit, 2008]
A. Gotlieb and M. Petit. Constraint reasonning in path-oriented random testing. In 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'08), Turku, Finland, Jul. 2008. Short paper, 4 pages. (PostScript, 4 pages, 71078 bytes) (PDF, 69740 bytes)

[Charreteur et al., 2007]
F. Charreteur, B. Botella, and A. Gotlieb. Modelling dynamic memory management in constraint-based testing. In TAIC-PART (Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference), Windsor, UK, Sep. 2007. (PostScript, 6152496 bytes) (PDF, 526178 bytes)

[Denmat et al., 2007a]
T. Denmat, A. Gotlieb, and M. Ducasse. An abstract interpretation based combinator for modeling while loops in constraint programming. In Proceedings of Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP'07), Springer Verlag, LNCS 4741, pages 241–255, Providence, USA, Sep. 2007. (PostScript, 16 pages, 266696 bytes) (PDF, 176059 bytes)

[Denmat et al., 2007b]
T. Denmat, A. Gotlieb, and M. Ducasse. Improving constraint-based testing with dynamic linear relaxations. In 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE' 2007), Trollh�ttan, Sweden, Nov. 2007. (PostScript, 10 pages, 209818 bytes) (PDF, 156273 bytes)

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2007a]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. Boosting probabilistic choice operators. In Proceedings of Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming, Springer Verlag, LNCS 4741, pages 559–573, Providence, USA, September 2007. (PostScript, 2005163 bytes) (PDF, 221946 bytes)

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2007b]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. Uniform selection of feasible paths as a stochastic constraint problem. In Proceedings of International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'07), IEEE, Portland, USA, October 2007. (PostScript, 2823893 bytes) (PDF, 89149 bytes)

[Gotlieb and Bernard, 2006]
A. Gotlieb and P. Bernard. A semi-empirical model of test quality in symmetric testing: Application to testing java card apis. In Sixth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'06), Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. (PostScript, 8 pages, 1144299 bytes) (PDF, 163456 bytes)

[Gotlieb et al., 2006]
A. Gotlieb, B. Botella, and M. Watel. Inka: Ten years after the first ideas. In 19th Int. Conf. on Soft. and Systems Eng. and their Applications (ICSSEA'06), Paris, France, Dec. 2006. (PostScript, 4655495 bytes) (PDF, 146441 bytes)

[Gouraud and Gotlieb, 2006]
S.D. Gouraud and A. Gotlieb. Using chrs to generate test cases for the jcvm. In Eighth International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, PADL 06, Charleston, South Carolina, January 2006. LNCS 3819. (PostScript, 15 pages, 400010 bytes) (PDF, 151743 bytes)

[Gotlieb et al., 2005a]
A. Gotlieb, T. Denmat, and B. Botella. Constraint-based test data generation in the presence of stack-directed pointers. In 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'05), Long Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 2005. 4 pages.

[Gotlieb et al., 2005b]
A. Gotlieb, T. Denmat, and B. Botella. Goal-oriented test data generation for programs with pointer variables. In 29th IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'05), pages 449–454, Edinburh, Scotland, July 2005. 6 pages. (PostScript, 6 pages, 117959 bytes) (PDF, 118173 bytes)

[Gotlieb, 2003]
A. Gotlieb. Exploiting symmetries to test programs. In IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability and Enginering (ISSRE), Denver, CO, USA, November 2003. (PostScript, 10 pages, 163723 bytes) (PDF, 153082 bytes)

[Gotlieb and Botella, 2003]
A. Gotlieb and B. Botella. Automated metamorphic testing. In 27th IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'03), Dallas, TX, USA, November 2003. (PostScript, 7 pages, 144396 bytes) (PDF, 139784 bytes)

[Gotlieb, 2001]
A. Gotlieb. Inka: An automatic software test data generator. In Proceedings of DAta Systems In Aerospace (DASIA 2001), Eurospace, The Association of European Space Industry, Nice, France, May 2001. (PostScript, 1131959 bytes) (PDF, 44913 bytes)

[Gotlieb et al., 2000]
A. Gotlieb, B. Botella, and M. Rueher. A clp framework for computing structural test data. In Proceedings of Computational Logic (CL'2000), LNAI 1891, pages 399–413, London, UK, July 2000. (PostScript, 15 pages, 225107 bytes) (PDF, 2394103 bytes)

[Gotlieb et al., 1998]
A. Gotlieb, B. Botella, and M. Rueher. Automatic test data generation using constraint solving techniques. In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Soft. Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'98), pages 53–62, 1998. (PostScript, 10 pages, 154783 bytes) (PDF, 210013 bytes)

[Lhomme et al., 1996]
O. Lhomme, A. Gotlieb, M. Rueher, and P. Taillibert. Boosting the interval narrowing algorithm. In Proc. of the Joint Int. Conf. and Symp. on Logic Programming (JICSLP'96), pages 378–392, Bonn, Germany, Sep. 1996. MIT Press.

****** INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_WI.bib 11 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:30 2017

[Gotlieb et al., 2013]
A. Gotlieb, T. Denmat, and N. Lazaar. Constraint-based reachability. In Electronic Publication in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) – Invited presentation of Infinity workshop 2012, Paris, Aug. 2012, volume DOI:10.4204/EPTCS.107.4, Source: arXiv, Feb. 2013.

[Di Alesio et al., 2012]
Stefano Di Alesio, Arnaud Gotlieb, Shiva Nejati, and Lionel Briand. Testing deadline misses for real-time systems using constraint optimization techniques. In 4th Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis (CSTVA'12), co-located with ICST'12, Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2012.

[Gotlieb et al., 2012]
A. Gotlieb, A. Hervieu, and B. Baudry. Minimum pairwise coverage using constraint programming techniques. In 4th Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis (CSTVA'12), co-located with ICST'12, Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2012. short paper, 2 pages.

[Lazaar et al., 2012]
N. Lazaar, N. Arribi, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. Dfa-based formulation for constraint negation. In ModRef'12: 11th Int. Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation, workshop of Int. Conf. on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2012), Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 2012.

[Shuai Wang and Briand, 2012]
Marius Liaaen Shuai Wang, Arnaud Gotlieb and Lionel Briand. Automatic selection of test execution plans from a video conferencing system product line modelling. In VARY'12: VARiability for You, workshop of the MODELS Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, Oct. 2012.

[Gotlieb et al., 2010]
A. Gotlieb, M. Leconte, and B. Marre. Constraint solving on modular integers. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef'10), co-located with CP'10, St Andrews, Scotland, Sept. 2010.

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2009]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. Distinguish dynamic basic blocks by structural statistical testing. In Proc. of the 12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, Toulouse, France, May 2009.

[Blanc et al., 2006]
B. Blanc, F. Bouquet, A. Gotlieb, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron, B. Legeard, B. Marre, C. Michel, and M. Rueher. The v3f project. In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis (CSTVA'06), Nantes, France, Sep. 2006.

[Gotlieb and Petit, 2006]
A. Gotlieb and M. Petit. Path-oriented random testing. In 1st ACM Int. Workshop on Random Testing (RT'06), Portland, Maine, July 2006.

[Denmat et al., 2005]
T. Denmat, A. Gotlieb, and M. Ducassé. Proving or disproving likely invariants with constraint reasoning. In Proc.of the 15th Workshop on Logic-Based Methods in Programming Environments (WLPE'05), Sitges, SPAIN, Oct. 2005. satelite event of International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'2005). (PostScript, 15 pages, 187888 bytes) (PDF, 222489 bytes)

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2004]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. An ongoing work on statistical structural testing via probabilistic concurrent constraint programming. In SIVOES-MODEVA workshop – satelite event of Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'04), Saint-Malo, France, November 2004.

****** NATIONAL CONFERENCES ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_CN.bib 6 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:31 2017

[Hervieu et al., 2011]
A. Hervieu, B. Baudry, and A. Gotlieb. Pacogen: Automatic generation of pairwise test configurations from feature models. In Journées des Lignes de Produits Logiciels (JLdP'11), Paris, Oct. 2011.

[Bardin et al., 2009]
S. Bardin, B. Botella, F. Dadeau, F. Charreteur, A. Gotlieb, B. Marre, C. Michel, M. Rueher, and N. Williams. Constraint-based software testing. In 1eres journées nationales du GDR-GPL, groupe de travail MTVV, Toulouse, France, Jan. 2009.

[Lazaar et al., 2009]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. Vers une théorie du test des programmes à contraintes. In Cinquièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'09), Amiens, France, Juin 2009.

[Charreteur and Gotlieb, 2008]
F. Charreteur and A. Gotlieb. Raisonnement à contraintes pour le test de bytecode java. In Quatrièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'08), pages 11–20, Nantes, France, Juin 2008. (PDF, 222008 bytes)

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2006]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. Raisonner et filtrer avec un choix probabiliste partiellement connu. In Secondes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'06), Nimes, France, Juin 2006.

[Gouraud and A., 2005]
S.D. Gouraud and Gotlieb A. Utilisation des chrs pour générer des cas de test fonctionnel pour la machine virtuelle java card. In Premières Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'05), Lens, France, juin 2005.

****** POSTERS ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_Posters.bib 3 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:31 2017

[Gotlieb, 2010]
A Gotlieb. Euclide. In 2emes journées nationales du GDR-GPL, groupe de travail MTVV, Pau, France, Jan. 2010. won the best poster prize.

[Lazaar et al., 2008]
N. Lazaar, A. Gotlieb, and Y. Lebbah. Towards constraint-based local search for automatic test data generation. In Poster in the 1th International Workshop on Search-based Test Data Generation, co-located with ICST 2008, Lillehammer, Norway, Apr. 2008. (PDF, 2572148 bytes)

[Petit and Gotlieb, 2004]
M. Petit and A. Gotlieb. Probabilistic choice operators as global constraints : application to statistical software testing. In Poster presentation in ICLP'04, number 3132 in Springer LNCS, pages 471–472, 2004.

****** OTHERS ****** ////// Bibliography generated from AG_publis_Others.bib 2 references, last updated Wed Sep 27 15:28:31 2017

[Gotlieb, 2011]
A. Gotlieb. Contributions to Constraint-Based Testing. Habilitation thesis, University of Rennes, Dec. 2011.

[Gotlieb, 2000]
A. Gotlieb. Utilisation de la Programmation Logique par Contraintes pour la génération automatique de données de test. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Jan 2000.