February 26, 1990: PhD in Computer Science at the University of Rennes I.
Interprétations fonctorielles des processus.
Panel: Laurent Kott, Jean-Claude Raoult, Serge Yoccoz, Gérard Berry, Philippe Darondeau, Max Dauchet.
April 29, 1999: Habilitation à diriger des recherches at the University of Rennes I.
Automates réversibles et réseaux de Petri, dualité et
représentation : le problème de la synthèse.
Panel: Jean-Claude Raoult, Manfred Droste, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Manuel Silva, Philippe Darondeau, Brigitte Rozoy.
Selected publications
- E. Badouel, L. Uli Schlachter.
Incremental Process Discovery using Petri Nat Synthesis.
Fundamenta Informaticae 154(1): 1-13, 2017.
- E. Badouel, L. Hélouët, G.-E. Kouamou, C. Morvan, R. Nsaibirni.
Active Workspaces; Distributed Collaborative Systems based on Guarded Attribute Grammars.
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 15(3):6-34, 2015.
- E. Badouel, R. Tchougong, C. Nkuimi-Jugnia, B. Fotsing.
Attribute grammars as tree transducers over cyclic representations of infinite trees and their descriptional composition.
Theoretical Computer Science, 480:1-25, 2013.
- E. Badouel. On the \(\alpha\)-reconstructibility of Workflow Nets. ICATPN: 128-145, 2012.
- J.-B. Raclet, E. Badouel, A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, A. Legay, R. Passerone. A Modal Interface Theory for Component-based Design.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 108(1):119-149, 2011.
- E. Badouel, A. Bouillard, Ph. Darondeau, J. Komenda. Residuation of tropical series: Rationality issues.
CDC-ECE: 3855-3861, 2011.
- E. Badouel, M. Tchoupé Tchendji. Merging Hierarchically-Structured Documents in Workflow Systems.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
203(5):3-24, 2008.
- E. Badouel, M. Bednarczyk, A. Borzyskowski, B. Caillaud, Ph. Darondeau. Concurrent Secrets.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 17(4):425-446, 2007.
- E. Badouel, J. Chenou, G. Guillou. An axiomatization of the token game based on Petri algebras.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 76:1-30, 2006.
- E. Badouel, J. Chenou, G. Guillou. Petri Algebras. ICALP: 742-754, 2005.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau. The synthesis of Petri nets from path-automatic specifications.
Information and Computation, 193(2): 117-135, 2004.
- E. Badouel, B. Caillaud, Ph. Darondeau. Distributing Finite Automata Through Petri Net Synthesis.
Formal Aspects of Computing, 13(6): 447-470, 2002.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau, J.-C. Raoult. Context-Free Event Domains are Recognizable.
Information and Computation, 149: 134-172, 1999.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau. Theory of Regions, Third Advance Course on Petri Nets, Springer LNCS vol. 1491, 529-586, 1998.
- E. Badouel, L. Bernardinello, Ph. Darondeau. The synthesis problem for elementary net system is NP-Complete.
Theoretical Computer Science, 186(1-2): 107-134, 1997.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau. Trace nets and process automata. Acta Informatica, 32: 647-679, 1995.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau. Dualities between Nets and Automata Induced by Schizophrenic Objects.
Category Theory and Computer Science: 24-43, 1995.
- E. Badouel, L. Bernardinello, Ph. Darondeau. Polynomial Algorithms for the Synthesis of Bounded Nets.
TAPSOFT: 364-378, 1995.
- E. Badouel, Ph. Darondeau. On guarded recursion. Theoretical Computer Science, 82: 403-408, 1991.
Supervised Thesis
1995--1997 | Vincent Schmitt. Repésentation finies de comportements concurrents. University of Rennes I. |
2003--2005 | Jules Chenou. Petri Algebras. University of Yaoundé I. |
2005--2007 | Jean-Baptiste Raclet. Quotient de spécifications pour la réutilisation de composants. University of Rennes I. |
2006--2009 | Maurice Tchoupé Tchendji. Une approche grammaticale pour la fusion des réplicats partiels d'un document structuré : application à l'édition collaborative asynchrone.. University of Yaoundé I and University of Rennes I. |
2006--2010 | Bernard Fotsing Talla. Les grammaires attribuées pour la conception et l'assemblage de langages dédiés. University of Yaoundé I and University of Rennes I. |
2008--2012 | Rodrigue Tchougong Ngongang. Attribute grammars as tree transducers and their descriptional composition. University of Yaoundé I and University of Rennes I. |
2010--2014 | Mohamadou Lamine Diouf. Opacité des artefacts d'un système workflow. University of Rennes I and University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. |
2014--2018 | Robert Fondze Jr Nsaibirni. A Guarded Attribute Grammar Based Model for User Centered, Distributed, and Collaborative Case Management - Case of the Disease Surveillance Process. University of Yaoundé I. |

E. Badouel, S. Boucheron, A. Dicky, A. Petit, M. Santha, P. Weil, M. Zeitoun
Problèmes d'informatique fondamentale
Voyages au pays de l'informatique fondamentale au gré de problèmes de concours
Springer, SCOPOS, Vol. 13 (2001)
Book Flyer

E. Badouel, L. Bernardinello, Ph. Darondeau.
Petri Net Synthesis
Springer, EATCS Series (2015)
Book Flyer
List of publications:
Design adapted from Minimalistic Design